Free Wheeling Dpcorrhcr is a gay month ami a dark, diama1 month. And both sldos of thir* coin s|>oll danger on strpeis aid highways. The danger in festivity comes from ii>o many people who (or got they are going to have to drive after an offire party or a social event w here alcoh->!ic bov erages flow freely. The results are a predictable upswing in traffic mishaps and resulting injuries, death and pro perty damage. Last Deeemocr is a ease in point 111 died in w reck*. That'* not so gay' Specifically. studies by the* IV l>;irtm«*ni of Motor Vehicles into th<* causes ill wrecks, show that “had l»oen drinking" is a strong contributing factor That tradi tional "one for the road” is about the most deadly Yule gift anyone can offer a motorist. It would hr kinder to offer a round of Hus sian RouJette. In addition to party problems in Dfremltfr, highways &rr most likely to Ik- treacherous. Reduced speed bri'.ima a cardinal rule. The traffic exjterts sa\ drive at a rate at which >.ui are absolute ly sun* you ran within a low foot. I|ei\» arr some of tnrir suitsf' lions to keep from making win tor driving blunders: BRAKES I lav o thorn wptili/ i*»l. You need balanced braking for slippery going. And. tho> add. that the l>esi thing to do in slippery iinvim: wimUht is to drive in such a way that you use brakes very little. Winter time braking is trieky business poll easy Ml’KKLER. Olorless fumes from a faulty muffler or tail pipe can kill you. Drive with a v\ inflow partly opi*n. Nev»*r start *!■ ■«!■ 'I PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th. Closed Christmas Day... Open Saturday —H— ' 1 PARTS OF YOUR CHOICP I Lay’s Cloverleaf “Hock Off’ SMOKED HAMS (Whole or Full Half J No Cantor | Slicoa | I j Removed ^|Ji L__ 53c Whole or Full Half FRESH HAMS 10-14 Lb. Arc. Sin Lb. 49c Talmadge Farms Real COUNTRY HAM 10-14 Lb. Arc. Sise Lb. S9c South Carolina Grade *A* Large Palmetto Farm 2 - 89c ram must >•» W-D Cn-O-Vk n likirf Fmh POM MUST “49c Pi*ky Pit WKdc H«f (50 litre SAUSAGE 1LI. PKG. 59c RtWy N CmIi TURKEY ROLL “ 99c U. S. Cwrl. Inspected Credo “A** Turkey LEGS.29c U. S. Gw>. Inspected Crade "A” (Bone In) THIGHS - ‘ 39« U. S. Gov’t. Inspected Credo “A” Boneless Turkey e U.M THIGHS IU. S. Gov’t. Imported d BREAST 49* U. S. Gov’t. Imported Credo "A” Turkey « U. U. S. Gov’t. Inspected Credo "i WINGS U. S. Gov’t. Imported backs Credo “A" Turkey U. 79* Y 29c Credo NA” Turkey — “■ 19c W-D IFRE5:1 GROUND BEEF 3-Lb. S1 1A 5-Lb. SI CC I. 19 K.DO i k'rnif | ' :»t* Whit* and CiUw hytr Thrifty-MaM Taaiata TOWELS29c CATS* ~ 25c PEACHES Limit S Can* At Thk M«« 5**1 SAUCE 2'^39e JUICY FLORIDA (20-lb. bag $1.59) ORANGES 5; SUFCRRRAND VmMi, OmcoIaN, ftnwborty. 39c 8-65c al. FaacK Pascal Celery 2 »*- 29c M— Afpl». F—ch, Ckwiy, Cumit w Sw—t Fatato FMT PIES S ™ 7»c M—a Mh ’•“•W ICE CREAM...*49c ZIPPER SKIN TAMCMMiS 2- 29c your car i*i a closed garage t'« no! even a good idea Jo wait in a closed car with the engine run ning. \VIMiSlilKLD Live wiper tiladcs. propei arm tension nnd a working stci are wintertime nm-ts (’hwk them. Lit;|ITS. Headlights, tailiights. brake lights and directional sig nals should work A OK And thev must Ik- kept clean. TIRKS. Tires should ha\e e«i ough goery of surfaces, fjive it a cbance, roll to a stop, don't slide and maybe miss an intersection. CHAINS Reinforc'd tire chains are l>c i for severe winter condi tions Tests by winter driving experts prove that when the go ing is ion i. the lx-st an«wcr is ivutloivcd tire chains. Get a set a- J be prepared to use them if he w -ather is really had. The vehicles a gency also adds •his: Wi’.tei •>! summer. use v nr seat lielt- If you don’t have them, get them. i hat's just plain sense When there is dai-ger of sluling. there is danger of hitting something solid And this is where seat '•cits pa> off. They will hold you and your passengers fiimly. in stead < >1 hurling you into the windshield or worse, out onto that col«i hard pavement. Sl'DPKN I'll AWT: In traf fic anger is only one letter short of danger. .SHOR T SHOTS In Toledo. Ohio, a driver wa> charged by police with swiping away at 'trail compact cars with a fly swatter us lie drove along the highway Custom cars are nothing new. In is****, anyone with a little rtv* tianical aptitude could buy "Dykes No. 1 Outfit.” a do-it yourself automobile kit which •ame < mplete with engine, trans mission. wheels, steering device ind radiat i everything but the body The kit was popular up to the introduction of mass produc tion techniques in automobile manufactut ing And m Washington, an auto mobile writer walked up to a driver in a parked car to ask . him a question, only t<> find out that the "driver" was an inflated j balloon. The balloon was the brainchild ol an inventor, who , claimed it would prevent auto ihefts, i'osi $1.*, FILLERS Ironic The editor of a Toledo, Ohio, weekly picked up a copy of a pre-election edition ana found his newspaper endorsed his opponent for the state legislature. Feed Complaints When a sign appeared on the San Quentin bulletin board, the prison newspaper had a few comments. The sign: "Consuming stolen food from the mess will not be deelt with lightly.” The comments in the newspaper: “We always thought the department of corrections bought their food from legitimate dealers.” On the Go A Swallowfteld, England, nan, hired a 40-car train to nove his far m—livestock, machinery, etc.—about 190 miles to Launceston. Becognlsed When a Kansas City Mo., 22-year-old went down to the courtboase with his future bride to get a marriage license, he was recognised as panted on anted robbery charges and arrested. C. E. WARUCK INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance Protection # Business # Auto # Heme Died 739-3SU lMUh^hgL