. SUER-RIGHT" QUAU F? - I PAN-READY CUT-UP FRYER aWSTSKsTiw ocunperTh fillet “SUPCR-RIGHT" SLICED BEEF LIVER LB. 29< "JUPER-BIGHT" CANADIAN Style BACON 1 TO UL /A. WHOLI Ik. O^C 1H TO 4-LB. HAtf PIICI Lk. /3C (NO CHUNK Lk. 49C CENTER SLICES vs 49c END SLICES v: 19c 4-Ot. n>«. lit 45c PKG SUNNYBROOK Grade "A" LABGE EGGS 2 CARTONS OF 12 tic K(l TWIN-PACKED GOLD LOAF CAKE ^ 49e JAN( MIMI REAOf-TC-S-RVE BLACKBERRY PIES aw 4 k 2 -••• 35c JANC PARKER SLICED WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 15-CENTS OFF LABEL—HEARTY & VIGOROUS OUR OWN 4AAC. IAR TEA BAGS—. 100 % 80c FAMOUS QUALITY MILD AND MELLOW EICHT O'CLOCK mtk COFFEE “• / J‘ MWf i lU'b is 4 a^PSFRUIT r.VT/ YELLOW ONIONS mmx CHANGES YSfg? TT59 c 5 ft 29c 8 ft 65c Large, Snowhite Cauliflower.... head 33c •ON* brand thrifty CUT GREEN BEANS ADR BRAND BID VAMII PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 CANNON SHEETS |2.29 "AT $2.29 43c 2 ilb. PEANUTS to 9 MBO 20,. AIP BRAND CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 2 & 45c's? 43c A4f BRAND FROZIN CUT GREEN BEANS AAR FROZIN BABY SRICN LI MAS...2 AY 45c 2 29c MARVEL BRAND CHOCOLATE, VANILLA OR STRAWBERRY HALF GAL. CARTON p!r> b A NN PAGE 23AT0 14 OZ. BOTTLES COLGATE HOUSEK .*fc I wuatock-2 ."Vi 47* I ajax LIQUID CLEANER. '££■ 69c VEL LIQUID DETERGENT. 63c BAGGIES “".s'" j c 23c FLORIENT s«as \ > 5?i i A-Jax Laundry Detergent•». m. 81c Super Suds Detergent_2 47c Fab Laundry Detergent_’£^*81 c Record Highs In Insurance Facts Reported By the end of 1964. an estimal <■<1 119 million Americans won' prott-i ted liy some f irm of liealih insurance against the costs of ill health, the Health Institute re potted today in a review of the past year. This figure represents 7S per cent of the C.S. civilian popula tion. the Institute said, and is an Increase of 3.7 million persons over the number protected in 1963. Benefits paid to insured jier sons Iasi year were estimated at hilli m or some $»*• million more ilian in 1963. These bene fits were paid hy over I.mhi in urn organ/ations inclining 9(13 insman.e c impanies. 77 Blue Cress anns as well as the exterior walls. The interior is unfinished except for the insulating tile iviling and asphalt tile floor This .ilari fits three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a work area. >ne complete hath and in additional toilet into 1.173 square » of l;v r.» area. This is well within the limits ■ ' b\ the Farmers Home Administration for construction The centrally - located heating unit ma> b«‘ nt the spare heating variety may use insulated ducts in the att . The tear en trance o[><-ns directly into the work area A carport may lie added in-hind the house if desir ed. BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:00 SHOW STARTS 6:30 Bessemer City - Kings Mountain DRIVE-IN THEATRE ALWAYS S1.00 A CARLOAD 1HURS -FRI.-SA1.—3 Big Hite — No. 1 — "IRMA LA DOUCE" — No. 2 — "THE APACHE" — No. :< — "SOME LIKE IT HOT" ON SAT. MOVIES RUN IN REVERSE ORDER SUN. MOD. TUES-WED. — No. I — "SEND ME NO FLOWERS" — No. 2 — "YELLOWSTONE KELLY" ftv \V«'t> MOVIES RUN IN REVERSE ORDER Fnt»»e Wi“k All In Color \ A A Fl i biiiifl rimli iV«iU f\rtAri RCOIIiSlWEftMIIf FATE IS THE HUNTER ; mkeu ■•iiiKi swwmyi inskik SUN.MON.-TUES. um u» Iht MUitl UMINaUhiiifllflLMS ClIHfVfM. m* SAT. 2 BIG HITS cJckmU tti« most immu i mao jfce d evei \ ,«3»$feluctr. Garner ■ Andrews r\MELVVN Douglas WATCH FOR 1. "633 Squadron" 2. "Wild 6 Wonderful" 3. "Of Human Bondage" Cheerfully Refreshing Y SEE tkt CHEEK I TiSTE IkeCHEER! V EH JOT Ike CHEER! fjj.. -