VOL 76 No. 2 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain.N. C., Thursday, January 14, 1965 Seventy Sixth Year | 14 tt:;) PRICE TEN CENT' United Fund Hits New $21,500 High CHAIRMAN — J. Ollie Harris has ban named chairman of the 1965 rural heart fund for Cleveland County. The drive begins February 1. Harris Named To Heart Post J. Ollie Harris. Kings Moun tain mortician and Cleveland County coroner for is yea is. itas biam named chairman of the 1985 rural heart fund for Cleveland County. Announcement was made hy Mrs. Fields Yeung of Shelby, publicity chali ran fur the 1965 dr.ve for fund; to begin Kebru ary 1. Mr. Harris has announced 2.1 chairmen who will assist in the month-long effort. The county chairmei. anil divisional officers will meet with the chairman Jan uary 22 for a Kick off dinner at Governors Inn in Shelby. Mrs. F. S. M->rrison is King" Mountain chairman f >r the heart fund mailmen np|Hiinicu n> Harris are: A. C. Brackett. Jr.. Casar; Pa! Mauney. New House; Mrs. Robert W'arlick. St. Peters church; Mix Davis. Mclralf: Mrs. Charles Beam. Kakers Corner: Mrs. Woodrow Bowen. Mulls Chapel; Mrs. Jean Elliott, Falls ton; Mrs. Tom A. Baltimore. Bal timore; Mrs. Wvatt Stanley. Polkvillc: Mrs. Nelson Putnam. Wa .>; Mrs. Ralph Spangler, Lawndale; Mrs. Ted West m are land. Elizabeth: Wray Green. Karl; Mrs Frank Harmon. Slort cy Point; James C. Jenkins. Pat terson Springs: W. M. Lovelace. Mooreshoru; Mrs. I.atnar Hern don. Rclhuare; Mrs. Lewis Mor gan. Grover: Mr. ami Mrs. Fred \V. Jones. Beaver Dam church; Mrs. Robert Hamrick. Boiling Springs; II. K. Dixon. Archdale: Mrs. R ibert Buckner, N > 1 Township; and Willard Boyles. Oak Grove. A graduate of Gupton - Jones College of Embalming. Harris has been active in the Red ('toss, the Lions dug, the polio drives, among other civic and county af fairs He is past president of the N. C. Slate B >ard if Embalming and a former deacon of Kings Mountain Baptist church and former trustee of Gardner Webb college. Mrs. Harris is the former Abhy Jane Wall of Shelby. The Har rises are parents of two children. Ollie Harris, Jr. of Pasadena. Texas, and Mrs. Don Hambright of Grover. They have three grandchildren. "Heart Month", officially pr > claimed by Congress last year, begins February 1 and ends Feb ruary gs. "Heart Month is the shortest month of the year." Har ris said, “but Kings Mountain will Is* a busy place indeed dnr ing February In this all-import ant county • wide crusade for Cleveland County hearts '* "The Heart Fund is not a mat ter of life and death” Harris said this week. "The Heart Fund is a matter of life." he suggested. More than half of the persons now living in Cleveland county will die of heart and blood vessel disease unless something hap pens in the meantime, the Cleve land County Fund leader pointed out. "Something will happen, be cause that is what the Heart Continued On Pvyt •• Nine Agendes Beneficiaries On Area Gifts Kin 's Mountain ar«*a citizens have mi a recnid in United Fund pledges for 1965, according to re port this week from the fin incial drive chairman Charles H. M.itin e>. Mr. M a u n r y acknowledges! pledges ami cash gifts totaling $21,500. Goal of the campaign was $25,000. Chairman Mauney expressed himself as “highly pleased” with j results of i he campaign f >r funds for nine causes. He said persons may still contribute by mailing their cheeks to him in care of Mauney Hosiery Mills. The United Fund is a campaign in which most charity and serv ice organizations pool their fund raising drives into one major drive, thereby centralizing their resources for rr >ney which serves the h«-st interests of the citizens of the community. If the fund is reached, the need of many indi vidual drives is eliminated and many worthwhile organizations which would not be capable of condui ;ing their own drives are ihlc to receive monies to contin ue their work. Kings Mountain's 19ti5 United Fund had a goal of $23,119.6') and was conducted around the theme, "Fair Share Campaign." Citizens were asked to make a "fair share" contribution of one hour's pay jn-r month or six icntlis of one-percent of annual income. Nine local funds will benefit from United Fund receipts. They are the Red Cross. Boy Scouts, CompaetDavidson bands. Girl Sc uts. Mauney Memorial library. Kings Mountain high school band. Kings Mountain Rescue Squad and two siiecial funds for indigent heart and cancer patients. Chairman Mauney stated ap preciation to the many volunteer workers for their efforts in mak ing the current drive successful. Stinnett Bites Held Monday Funeral ser\ Ices were held Monday afternoon at 4 p.m. for Rue! Lester Stinnett. 49. of 101 K. Dover Avenue. Bessemer City. Stinnett was dead on arrival at Rutherford Hospital about 11 p.m. Saturday following an auto mobile acvident on U. S. 74. three miles east of Lake Lure. Stinnett was the son of Mrs. Belle Knight Stinnett and the late Samuel Stinnett. He is also survived by his wife. Mrs. Annie i Sue Wright Stinnett; three daughters. Miss Peggy Stinnett and Miss Judy Stinnett, both of the home, and Mrs. Bobby Joyce Carswell of Bessemer City; four brothers. (Jordon Stinnett of Gaffney. S. C.. and R. Gay. Quay It., and Kugene Stinnett, all of Bi ssenier City; a sister, Mrs. Dave Dover of Bessemer City; and two grandchildren. Bates Stadium Fund Solicitor Bill Hates, head football otacit, will serve as ehairman for lacul t.v solicitations for the John (lamhle Football Stadium fund, it was ann >unccd Wednesday by Charles Noisier, vice-chairman of the fund raising committee. <»oal of the fund-raising com i mittee is $X0.000. with cash and pledges reported to date at $30. “NS. No new reports were received in the past week. However, J. Wilson Crawford, co-chairman with J. Ollie Harris of the industrial solicitation com mittee, reiterated his prediction that area industry “will meet and likely exiced" the $40,000 mini mum sought from this group. RE-ELECTED — Coil F. Mem nsy has been re-elected presi dent ol Lake Montcnia Club. Int. lor the coining year. Montonia Club Taps Mauney Carl F. .Mauney was rc-elei -ted president ol Lake .Monton.a Clu . Inc. (or 1985 OH at the annual 'stockholder's meeting Tucsdav night. i Re-elected to a sec jnd term a* vice-president was James Wil son. Jr. ol Gastonia. Jessie Put nam of Bessemer Ci!> was elec: ed secretary-treasurer succeeding F. A Whitesiile. Jr. of Gastonia and Rohet i Crockett of Gastonia was elected assistant sc. ret .. \ treasurer succeed in .; lion 1 Bridges of Kings Mountain. Two new director* were elect ed. including Pat Tignor of Kin.’s M iuntain. succeeding Hob Suitei Kings Mountain, and Neal Cat son of Gastonia. Hold-over dim-tors are Thom as L. Trott. Kings Mountain. Ralph Elliott. Shelby. Lee Spen cer and Henry Grier, both of Gastonia. In his annual president's re port Mi. Ma;;ne\ cited growth of the club during 19<H. He n ted tiiat the July It it pi-nic was at tended by -t ore membet s a:iJ guests than any previous outing in the club's history; that dire tors had ordered 12 metal chait for the pavillion a tea. a securitj light had been installed at th< entrance gate and the lake wo lowered 1«> feet to allow for eon struetion of several piers and to help retard the grass anti watei lilies that are getting out -f hounds. Several new members were welcomed during th* year and five transfers of stock and properties were made. Total available funds, includ ing two savings accounts, at Dr ccmrer 31 totaled $1.91ti.91. Mr. Mauney reported. One saving' account at $1,000 was opened during the year LUTHERAN SERVICE Tlie annual congregational meeting will be held during the 11 o'clock morning worship service Sunday at St M it thew's Lutheran church. Rev. Charles Easley has announced, j Annual reports will In* given. Mayor Glee Bri Iges Expects To Seek Sixth Term In May Mi's. Grantham's f uneral Rites To Be ihursday Funeral J to ; 1 Mrs. G.tlic Henley - , :j ,m. ;i]_ widow of | VV alter A. <J; an: hum. w ill ho holt Thursday ;n I j m. fj >sn Now I Garden f-'ri*---fi< cnurch of Guil , foul Cullos". Tho IhjM\ will remain at liar «■- Fu m i .1 i ■ until 11:30 fliu - in nt v : when it will i- <i ; i Gu.lford Colli 40 and a ill it: -• a’< .»m 2 until i , ,>.m. nt tho , ii . : h. 1: or. AI I ivu and D. A' i L. Pressly will of fi -late. i Mrs. *1; until: r; died Tuesday j light at St: lb i:i tho King' Moun tain hospital. I A nat:\ • ■ flu iford C-dlege i Mi:- Gtantham v, as the daughter I of tho late Mr. and Mrs. David J Henley. She had made her h me | with her - n hero s.n .o the death . if her husband in 1949. For [ natty years she taught > bool in .Wayne. Chatham anti Guilford • Counties. Survivi;-.; are two sms. W. j Gurney Grantham of Kings Mountain and David W Giant I ham of Greensboro; four grand children and 11 gieal-grandciill | dren. Foots !cads Blood Dhirtrs Foote Mineral C'lmp-my led ndusti ial donut s at Monday s - 'it of tho Rod Ci"ss bloodmo hilo. The Km. s Mountain pic n fur nished Jb donors f the 11! a ho visited the fourth bloodbank at tito Armory. S nd fggest «t.> 1 nor was Mattney Hosiery Com pany with 13. Sadie Mills was third with 12. Carolina Throw ing Ci rpany followed c-la.-ely with 11 and Mu grace plant of Massachu -tt' Mohair Plush <i mpat.y was t fth with in. Mount a earned their 4alien pins and Trov Lee Wright Invarro these. ■nd member of the exclusive six gallon club. Other member is Yates Harbisoti. Joining the four-gallon club were Herman Cash -and -I >e;>h K. Wilson '1 s. .1 uan't 1 Steffy be a me a member of the three gallon club and Joe Wyte joined the two gallon club. New one-gallon dub T.embcis are Don Sellers. Shu ford peeh . 1- rnest Maples and t le u . e Sellc s. | Mayor To Recommend Fire Truck Gift; Outside Service Under Fire Mayor Glee A. Brides will recommend to the lioard of < im missioners at Thursday's regular January meeting that the cit> give to the newly-organiwd Be’h ■ Ichein fire department its vonei a tie 1931 American LaKt an.v fire wagon. Mayor Bridges exhibited a t.ft of correspondence from R. Ken noth Scott, chief. Concuirently. the Mayoi add ed tiiat whether or n it the com mission decides to make the jilt, the city must shortly contemplate It suspending fire-fighting pro tection to citizens outside ti-,. iity limits, anti 2> purchasing a new modern firso truck. Mayor Bridges exhibited a raft of correspondence with the North Carolina Kite Insurance Rating Bureau, dating from April 196-1. urging the replacement f the American La Fiance truck, use of the 193s Ford numper as a re serve unit, and suspension of service to citizens outside the city limits. Engineer Scott wrote. “Actual ly with or without the calls to the outside, two pumper coin panics would be indicated by the population. II mover, with the answering of outside calls, if there is any appreciable increase in the population insult1 or the population of then ''a served. the number of coropan.es would go to three. In o:her words, in using the fnr.rula for your town with its 1 Shirt populaiion. ,t shows that you an* just slightly undri two companies but in the area where two would h<* ne.'*ssar\'. With the outside population adihl, you are .»v t-.v<> but within the area where we e insider two as necessary anti a;ler tiiis >■ up somewhat, it would go up into the upper put of the art i be tween two and three and then throe iouipaie.es would i>e ashed for.” 'Hie city's rati ig determines fire instil a.i ■ rat. s Kings Moun tain is currently in \K Class »>. A less favorable rating would mean that I he insurance rate throughout Kings Mountain would increase. May r I!rid res s tid he <lot s not antipate the eiy ean buy anoth er modern fir * truk i.efore the end of thelis. :il year. “While the 1*131 equipment is down graded by the rating bu- i rent as ,,f qu» stionable fire-fight ing value to Kings Mountain, it would be ot considerable benefit to the new P.einlehem depart meiitti»e Mayor coinrnented. OH OLD jca - William P. (Bill) Saunders returned to his former position in state gov ernment this week as he was appointed by Governor Dan Moore tc be acting director of the Department ol Conserva tion and Development. Saunders Again C & D Director William P. «Hill * Saunders. Of Ml S. Hobei • o. s tuth well of Kings Mountain and a onetime Kings Mountain citizen himself, has returned to his for ■v.*i . ... t with The i\oiHi »*a■ olii'.i Department <>; Conser vation and Development. Mr Saunders was sworn as .i ting direct >r of the department api»o.;umeni in (Governor Dan K. Moore. Mr. Saundeis served as direc tor of sexcial years during .he i :i sti ii on of Governor Lu tiler H. Hodges Governor Moore sai.l Mr. Saun ders, as acting direct >r. would j serve Hi rough the upcoming Gen er..l As-.,embl) session nr until a suncssor was appointed. Mr Saunders 1 \cs at Southern i ’tries. Hay Agency Geis Scroll Mrs. Helen Huy h.is been pn settled an engrossed scroll on Th« Arthur Hay Agency’s 50 years of representation of the C'ontinenial Insurance Compa nies group. Presentation was made In Fred Cotton. ftcldman for the company, who said in part: •'Our organization has grown and prospered during your period of • MK-iation and we wish to a< knowledge your contribution to tins sunvss. “We thank you for jour loyal ty and sineerolj trust that join splendid representation of this company will continue for ntanj j oars to come. "Our entire agenej force coun trywide and Canada now num . *r; nearly -Id.000. Of these thousands ha\e represented us lor twenty-five, thirtj-five, fifty, and more years. “Without the strong support of all C ontinental Insurance agents. «.u: companies could never have attained the position wo' hold to daj in tin- insurance industry." Phi* Hay Agency is Kings Mountain's oldest, having been founded h\ Miss Hay’s grand lather, Lewis Cordon I lav. in The agency was subse quently acquired hj her uncle. P. I!. Hay. and her fatln r. the late Arthur Hay. purchased the agen cy in 1914. Two To Attend LBI Inaugural At least two Kings Mountain itl/ens expect to attend thi inauguration of President Lyn don B. Johnson in Washington. D. C.. next week. Thtej % 11* Mrs. Carl Maxes md Mrs. Madge Arrowood Several other citi/ems have in dicated they ma> attend the •eremoiues. John H. Moss is Rumored Opponent Mayo: (1\ i A B i<l ;t*s arknow 1< dgrd Wcdni's l:i. :ic expects to seek a sixth term a- :ho city's chief adtninistrutoi, lied- in;; only to the extent of an ".ts far as I know Indicative of 'ho rtKtotnar} hi onnial scrap lor . it;. Mail jhim titais arc continuing rumors that John Henry Mov, the baseball impressario and onetime city ommis-ioner, will also s«-ek the mayoral post. \lso mentioned intermittentl> die og the past two \ears as a possible mayoral candidate is Kay \V. Cline. Ward 1 <imms sinner, now completing his Ms and term. He had no opposition in 196.1. Meet ion <lay. on May 1.1. is within a day of being four months distant. Terms of the five ejty eommis sioners expin in .May. Ot'ier ommis-ion* is are Eugene <a» for’h Ward 2. 1 I Ellison. Ward 1. Nonna i Kite Ward 1. and J. Klmei Kliea. Ward 5. In the Kim s Mountain school district, citizens will fill one board of education scat. Mrs. Lena W. Mctiill is com pleting her first six year term. Mayor Bridges served four con s«*cut:ve terms. 1953 61. lost P. Maj II Kell) !>iV.then did a comeback in 1963. lie i-o ni m e n t e <1 Wednesday that tin* city lt.es some unfinish ed business in process, principal ly its committment on a modern sewa.ee dis{M>s.il system to ser\e t!te western portion of the city. Mr. Moss was a eity eommis sioner 1917 19. repress- ding \\ a 1 I. He is ptesident of the Western Caroli-ias Baseball league. School Officials To Hickory Meeting Kings Mountain school offi cials will attend a seminar call I'd by the State Siijs-, intendent ol Public Instiu lion for Thursday afternoon at Lcnoir-Rhyne c -i lege. Federal and state ofjic als will discuss the etti- of .s’,t.on 6, ■ >f the federal • rights bill, rrijuirin; non dis •imination in use of fede: il funds by 1 >cal b, i.rrds of ed rent ion. Attending will lie James K. Herndon .1. . board chairman, Supei■:::•« • -lent I’ N. If.unc-and J. R. D:i\ ■>. attorney for the board of edu \«t >n. SPEAKER—Ccnaros-man Basil L. Wbitcnei will be guest speaker at Thursday night's Kiwanis club meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman's club. Kiwanis Tc Hear Congressman I’niied Suites < ’< •nt'i'e.-sman H .1 1- Whitener. a membei of C . !<•■■- since lf.'xi. will address Kings Mountain Kr.va.nans at their Tnursdaj night meeting at i>: 15 p m. at the Woman's dub. Whii ner. who repi.-sents the loth Congressional District in the House of Representatives, is a native of Gaston County, amt was etlui -lied at Lowell high s hool. Rutherford «-ollege. the I’niversitj of South Cai >lina and Duke Law School. He servant in the l . S. Navy during World War II as a gjn ■ ng ofi. er and was for several ler.T.s solicitor of tlie 1 Itli Sol. i-itotial Dis'riot He was elected to the 1'. S. Congress in l?*5Ci He .s father of four children, a Methodist and a Kiw.ouan. ~ — Kin's M untain lawyer and Kiwanian J. K. Davis will pro ••■in Congressman Wliilener. "Community" Tag Sales Brisk Sale of Kiri’s Mountain auto d ense lags neared the TOO-mark iVednesdnx. Sam Weii ehairman of the loiis dull eonimitlee in charge •! the prnjiTt. made the refiort ind called attention to the fact he Lions consider the tags 'it mmuniiy" rather than "city" ags. "We hop all t i i/ens who re ■eive their mail at a Kings Mountain addn s- will bm a tag. whether or not they live within he ci v limits," he commented. Half th« Lions' net prinvods of he sale vviil lie devoted to the fohn Gamble Stadium fund. Th« Lions are vending the tags under a frani hise agreement .villi I he City of Kings Mountain. 1 he ta s ire on sale Monday h rough Friday at City llall; ‘mirtroom. at one dollar each. Senator White, One Of 14 Frosh In Upper Chamber, Gets Seat 36 By MARTIN HARMON \f i«*r a'lemling last week's ; laugu 'll ■ 1 <>I i '<>v« ;: Dan K M" • . Si.i <■ Senaair Jack H While. «.! kings Mountain. said liiweek he s rea 1\ for lire up ii-mii legislative session to he Uin and anlieipalin • with inter e»l and pleasure h;s initial legis la'ive servile. Senator While has been as signed Seal Nii 'hi irr the Senate . hainher of the two-year old Stale Legislative building. and his neighbors will Ire Senator Clarence <». Kiiiriijjrs. of Ruiher ford, and Senatoi Worth Gentry ol Stoki s Like Mi White, hot;; his neighbors are among the 11 freshman smalms in the member body. Mi. Ridings. how i vet. served in the House during the !-ession and is quite a politieal veteran. Onetime a Su |s<rior Court solicitor. he uttsue •essfully op|Mised tin- late I S Representaiiv e A. L. Bulwinkle for that Democra- nomination in 1948. Senator Gentry is a native of King, near Winston - Salem, hometown of Mr. White's moth er Yet another Senator, the vet •ran Roger Kiser, of Scotland •ounty. i> also a native of King ind friend of Mr White's moth »r. Senator White has not vet re vived his office assignment but vi 11 live m Raleigh ai the Sir; Walter Raleigh hotel He will he it hi-, n'li v here on Saturdays anti on Monday mornings. Tilt* Conor a I Assembly eon. vem>s on Feht a■> < and the Sen ale will call' us Hie previous day. Senator White has not yet derid ed whether he will support !>al his Alford, of Ro ky Mount, or Senator Robert Mot an. of liar nett, in whit is erined a "hot fight" tor tn- | >o- it ion of prest deni pro t. mpore of die senate. Coventor M<<oro reputedly favors Senator Mo: gan. wh;l» Lieuten ant -Coventor Robert Seott re putedly fa\<irs Senator Alford. Both publicly disclaim involve ment. Senator White is well-ac quainted with both candidates. Senator White, in response to • n inquiry from Lt.-Cov. Scott, has li»'cd committees on eduea tii'fi. courts and judicial districts; cities, counties, and towns; puli lie roads, and mental institutions as those on which lie would pre for to serve. Lt. (Jov. Scott makes the committer appointments and preside- ov«*r tIn* senate. Senator White, as yet. has no -las ifi.• legislation he plans to Introduce, lie comments. “As a beginner, I need to learn before I begin idvanelng legislation." Senator White and Senator Adrian Sbuford, of Hickory, are ih«' two senators representing the 'list senatorial district. Cut-on Date Is Announced By Bryan Houck By MARTIN HARMON Toll |nv telephone servii'e be tween Kings Mountain, Hustonia, and Dallas will be inaugurated at 12:01 a.rr. May l!t. K Bryan Houck. Southern Boll Telephone A Telegraph Com pain manager, announced th:s week. The new toll-free service will he av ailahh both wavs, that is, from Ku > Mountain to Dallas ar I (la-ho;.!,i, and from <»astonia and Dallas to Kings Mountain. Monthiv rentals will increase b\ ♦>• ents per month for rest 'lenti 11 telephones and $1.50 for business t. ephones in tne Kings Mountain area. Mr. II o u k ' s announcement <• firms Southern Bell's promise of last year, following approval of the pro|M>sal by Kings Moun tain -uhs, ribers. that the toll ini' service would be available not later than mid-1965. Advae.ini by the Kings Moun tain Chamber of : ommerce, the |»: j>< sal fot toll-fret* service to Ca-tonia had the support of all oth< r Kings Mountain civic or ganizations. "The inauguration of this new and improved service reflects the oven all growth of these com munities said K. Bryan Houek, local S nit hern Dell Manager. He I added that demand for this type of serviiv h i' '<'n growing tor several years in this area A ma i l'ity of people voted for the ser vi •• las' Kali v ' southern Dell conducted a survev among the .-uhscrihers in Kings Mountain. Southern Dell is now in the pm -ess of adding _:t.tKM) feet ol 10*1 pait cable ncnlcJ for this nc.v .service and future growth, the cable will lie plowed in ttenches in Kings Mountain and ast. nia. Hou k said under- i -round cable* rave several ad vantage* The wires are more fully pr ceded. n<> cvposed wires are p.csent and open to the wea thei and poles are not subject to damage. Additional growth fa lities will he addl'd along the ible route to p ovide for future ments. and sev en w iie crossings along lTS High wav 71 will lie eliminated. The elimination of these wire ct iss will pi ovule for safer main tenann*. A large amount of other equipment and material has been ordered and will Is* installed in these exchanges in the near fu ture. The Kings M luntuin calling area will be increased y some telephones in (lastonia. • la-ton i s calling area will be inen ased hv some* 1,500 Kings Mountain telephones. "This greatly expanded calling aied will make telephone service nr re valuable and convenient for • very tel* hit;., user, and it will be i step i ward in the develop ment of these progressive com munities." Houck said. ---- i Local News Bulletins "CITY WITH A HEART' The Ministerial Association •<l Kings Mountain states ap preciation to area citizens for their support of the Empty Stocking Ku nil. During the Christmas- season 111 families wen .liven total baskets and man) families received toys, >lothing. and fuel. "(lifts were made |M»ssjble because our city is a city with a heart,” minis, tors said Any requests for help should bo addressed to the minister nearest you, they ! added. P TA TO MEET North s-hool Pa rent-Teacher Vsaieiation will hold its regu lar mooting Tuesday night at 7 .’Id p.in. in the school audi torium. ROTARY CLUR Kings Mountain Kotaiians "ill hold their regular meeting .1 Thursday at 12:15 at theCoun- ** tr\ club. President Gerry Mun son will preside. SERVICES Morning worship services during the months of January and February will be broadcast • da i'adio Station WKMT front • i:« sutii-v ton Lutheran churclfc

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