by Maid red Morrl/j News items this week from Tyrrell, Duplin. Lenoir, Surry. Watauga and Rutherford coun ties. AWARDS PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS MELTING Tyrrell County won out in the Albemarle Area Development Association's community i m provement contest. Mrs. Ann Da venport, home economics agent, says Gum Neck community was declared top winner. Mrs. Davenport says Gum Neck won first plate on the ba sis of an outstanding youth pm F THOMSON & McKinnon MARK KANE, Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered Representative Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and other leading Ex changes 110 Baugh Building Charlotte, N. C. IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Dial 739-2631 for information or* any stock that interests you, (No toll charge) l:23tfn, hi ■■■ . gram. improvement of recrea tional areas, inauguration of i consolidated Bible school, and sponsorship of a community homecoming. TREE SAFETY Anna Lee Hawes of Duplir County promoted Christmas tree safety as part of her health anti safety project. Mrs. Lois Britt, home econom ics agent, says Anna Lee design ed paper Christmas tree orna ments carrying safety measures and tips for home safety during the holiday season. The “orna ments" were hung on trees that were being of feted for sale in the area. DEMONSTRATION HOUSE Building a result demonstra tion house was a learning exper ience for the Whit ford Hill fam ily in Lenoir County. Miss Mark Penuei, hump economies agent •ays planning in advance was necessary while building the well arranged home. The screened porch area of the home was converted into :• boy's bedroom with amide stor age built in. smooth surface floor covering, and ample light. WORK SI IOPS EVA 'HATED A survey of homemakers who attended tailoring workshops was recently conducted in Surry Coun ty. Mrs Katv Osborne, assistant home economies agent, says they felt an evaluation was necessary to plan their work for ihis year. Mrs. James Allen. Mrs. Had ley Harrell. Mrs. Lois Goodwill and Mrs. A. M. Cook reported they had held workshops in their ■•emmunitics. And many reported that they hatl made several gar men's using th» advanced con struction techniques. KI RNITHRE REFINISHED Mrs. Clyde Love of Sugar Grove has moved into a new home. And she found it practical to use Iter old furniture where possible. She refinished a badly stared desk which has proven to be a cherished piece of furniture License Plate Renewal Tine M’s license ip-plating time a rain in N >rth Carolina. Depart nent <»f Motor Vehl< les officials •ay 2 •225,000 application card, cere mailed in m*d December l» notor vehicle owners who had their motor vehicle registered at hat time. Miss Foy Ingram. Director of he Department's Registratiot Division says. "If by January 1 .••>u haven't received the all-im jortant registration rrnewai •ard. let us know at once ” The proper procedure is to write the Department of Motor Vehicles, Raleigh. Give the make ind identification num>r of the vehicle, your last year's tag lumber and your full name and iddress. 1961 plates expire December 31, and their use beyond that date is permissable only if they ire duly registered by the de partment to the vehicle on w hich display is made. Owners who have their vehicles properly reg istered by the department have until February 15, to obtain new plates. Department of Motor Vehicle ; officials urge that you "Open your application cards and com plete them in accordance with in - dructions before mailing or pre senting for a new plate.” n her new home. Mrs Lillian Danner, home eco ’ nomics agent, says that after the 1 Bethel Home Demonstration Club mem ers saw what the Watauga homemaker had done with her furniture, they requested a re finishing workshop. BICYCLE SAFETY The Washburn f-H Club in Rutherford County has had in I foresting programs throughout the year Mrs. Mildred Stalling home economics agent, report* they have invited people out side the community to present then . programs. Recently they had a program I on bicycle safety. Those who . passed a written oxaminutoi on safety received a sticker. "Pledge i to Safety", to use on the hack of • their bicycle. mCheveUe ^ by Chevrolet ('hertlle Malibu Super Si>ort Coupe (disawer the difference) Find out what # 350 hp feels like in America's famiHe intermediate sm> car discover the difference Next time you're feeling low, come on in an-1 unk j ourself down in the bucket seat of a Ohevelle .Via i >npcr Sport. Flick the ignition—bring that spcctr.l-ord- • ..O-hp power plant to life. Then go find a road and try not to smile. We think it's the greatest pep pill since woekends-and that goes for th«* oth« r Cnevelle \ 8 s too. i he lP.»-hp. And the 250- and 000-hp jobs we can order for you And of course if power doesn t sell you right off. maybe Chevelle’s short turning radius and overall handling e.tse will. Or its Full Coil sus|iension nde.Or it* all-vmyl, car peted interior. Or maybe it's just plain old l hevelk* value. Drive somethin!! really new-discover the difference at your Chevrolet dealer’s Cheemtel •Uieri'ltc • (tseiy /# • #«rr air • laneliv .01-342 132 VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY rah^ap AVE. KINGS MOUNTAIN MH IM 739-5471 FlWibHtS MASiC — Airman James Alexander has com pleted AF basic training at Lackland AFB. Texas. lames Alexandei w » i_ n ■ i lmsnes isdsic SAN ANTONIO. Tex. Air man James Alexander, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alexander of WadeslKiro, formerly of Kings Mountain. N. C.. has completed Air Force Iodic militai\ training at Lac kland AFB. Tex. Airman Alexander has been se lected for technical training as r communications wiring specialist at the Air Training Command (ATC’» school at Sheppard AFB Tex. Mis now unit is part of the vast ATC system which train* airmen and officers in the di verse* skills required by the na tion's aerospace force. The airman is a 1!*>l graduate of Kings Mountain High School. 'octal Security ’rcgiam Available In planning your organization’s oro.;rams for the future, have you considered including the sub ject of social security? You may be interested in knowing that we >ffer a free speakers' servi~? and show films to organizations i ;n this area. With more than 90'7 of all workers in the United States cov ered by social security, we have a subject of particular interest which is timely and stimulating Most people realize* that so security provides lifetime pro tedion benefits to the* worker and his family at retirement or in the event of disability and to the family in case of the* work er's death but do you know that over lrt*. of our population is drawing social security or that fi.900 Cleveland Countians are receiving a little over S36S.009 in enefits each month*.’ We are now preparing out speakers’ calendar and suggest i that you may wish to include the j subject of social security in one ; or more of your for»h;*oming pri .wars. If so. please feel free t to write us at Akers Center Sta 1 tion. Box 3^97. Gastonia. N. C.. 1 tr telephone 961-513J. The* valves of a heart scarred by rheumatic fever get ‘‘out of shape" and may fail to dose or open correctly, says the North Carolina Heart Association. sicw ntnm liKtliu til bsnf Q I knots that fir-wrs can | ;ct so. at security credit, but re ■ently a neighbor told me that ovet age under social security vas compulsory. I always .hought it was optional. Who is .ght? A The farmers' • option” is a pecial method of determining -he amount to be reported and is available to many low income armors. It is not a way to avoid the social security tax. If the net eamin \s from your farm were >100 or mote, you must report it. Your social security office has a free pamphlet which explains the farmer’s reporting responsible I ties in greater detail. Ask for j leaflet S6I. y I've got two different num bers for my income tax and my farm social security tax. How ] many numbers do I need and h«»w tm i going to get the numbers right? Does my wife need a number or could she take one of mine? A -Surplus numbers can be straightened out You should have »no number for reporting your social security earnings. The same social security number iiouid also be used for income tax identification. If you have 'ost your social security card, you may request a duplicate card of the correct number by asking your so .al security office far 'orm SS c Anyone with more j than one numher should notify iiis immediately. If your wife ; needs a social '"curlty number I for social sec ty purposes or | ncome tax identification, she -should also complete a (orm SS ! l. She should not use* your num j iter. I . . . | SAT. — TWO BIG HITS I 622"/ y* r ^ | Put it mWritma SUN.MOM.-TUES ! '"’ifilll nmmm SEE “MY FAIR LADY" STARTS JAN. SB CAPRI THEATRE. CHARLOTTE WATCH FOR 1 "Wild & Wonderful" 2. “Of Human Bondage" 3. “The Outlaw Is Coming" 4. "Father Goose" &. “Two On A Guillotine" ‘ * Kiwanis Clnb In 50th Year Thursday, January 21. marl the < ;<>lri<>n Anniversary of th I founding of Kiwanis Intornatlc I. according to \V. S Pulton. J President of iho Kiwanis Club o Kings Mountain. 1 “A program of national, n gional. and |o< al events will hig! light the (loldcn Anniversai year.” ho said. Kiwanis International was o gani/ed in Detroit, Miehiga: January 21. 1915. Less ihan .vear later, the first Kiwanis du in Canada was organized in liar ilton. Ontario. Through the year the servier group has grown u simultaneously in the two bi North A men.-an countries. Ir 1961 the first Kiwanis club wa organized outside of the Unite States and Canada in Moxicr j Now there are clubs in the Ba hama Islands. Austria. Swit/p* land, and Belgium, as well. Th total membership of Kiwanis i some 265.000 in 5400 clubs Ki wanis also sponsors two larg’ youth organizations for hoy* Key Club International in th' high school—65,090 boys in 2't* , clubs; and Circle K Internation ion the college campus ll.OOf ! members in 550 clubs. fntemationally, Kiwanis .start ied its Colder Anniversary year with a massive birthday tele NOTICE OP SALK Under ami by virtue of the po wer of salt* contained in 115-12' of tlie General Statute of North Carolina, the School Board of th< Kings Mountain City Adminiotra tive Unit, at a special session or the 10th day of November. 196J being of the opinion that the building hereinafter described is not necessary or desirable for public school purposes and shoul dhe sold and upon mot: >n of IT. O Williams and seconded i by B. H. Harry and the motion being unanimously carried, the said house was ordered to be ad ■ vertised as provided by law for four weeks and sold at public auction on the premises on Sat urdav, January 23. 1965 at 10:<*1 a.m. The house is an old frame building loe-ated on the west side of Phifer Hoad on the new Kin • Mountain High School site near the school building now under construction. The purchaser will oe require. • to move said house from pre mises within 60 days from the dote of purchase. This the Hth day of Deeem ; her. 1961. B N Barnes. Secretary Kings Mountain School Beard 12:31 1:21 bration at Coho Mall in Detroit, 'attiring a salute to Kiwams hy idcrs of the I'nited Slates and 'maria Many A. Young, a rom *r of the Detroit No. 1 Kivvanic ub. and last living founder of iwanis. was singled out for ' >e< ial h tiors. The new KiWanir ' ternalional film. “No M a n taads Alone.” was previewed at e Coho Mall meeting In late .fune. the Golden Anni •rsary Convention of Kiwanis ttel national will be held in New irk City. A full program of • sjkh ial evpnts is schedtdod. in* eluding a salute to leaders of the organization thr >ughcut its 50 sears of existence, and the dedi• ration of one dav of ihe New York World’s l-’air to Kiwanls an dits anniversary. ••We tielieve that our Golden Anniversary is significant,” Mr. Fulton said, "because it marks a hall century milepost in an idea of service that has grown until it touches directly, or indirectly, every man. woman, and child in the areas that we serve.” FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PERIOD LAD IRQ. Dac*i Cleveland Cbumy Mutual RimoI As^oatafioa Inc v * CEVPT* v ul mi n. N. C. S? !1? 40 Total collected \'umt»rr lie* r?. «n> «2 23c Interest «W1 tlir.r drjw^it< storks bonds Total Nrt diffiNMV of advance assessments Minus si v*. Ml ur. • If your advamci have- increased ainrr last report. thU to a poi» uatry. U w»aj bavi* dwi-twd. thia i* a tr..nus entry-# Receipt* R T*»*al itcripl* ISSURSCMFNTS H 10 Collection commission* 11. Miscellaneous expense* 12 Total expenses *lino 9 to 11 »n* tX Death benefit* paid «N«* 22* So * an. .%•• km. i«. No. ‘JOU. •* 14 Membership fee* paid agents ir» R. lundj. 16. Total diOwirwiiHfit» Mines 12 to 1" 1.W4S1 T55r» * None III. OH « .MSI) 1.60QM»> 1.1* 00 ialancr to bf. jicrurtra for issets 17 Caah on ham! !H. Bank deposit Firinl Union Kati«4ial Ban# in War Roruls A*. Building a Loan alack 11 Treat a».*ts LIABILITIES* 22 AiIvamc av s SI Death benefit* unpaid 34. Expenses unpaid 25 Total liabilities SCRPLtS .rvtw; :*i «c < 2T4.R5 sn.o«M.3a CXI 4-* s ten 43 * 23163 9 :tHS *J Number of 4»m'•• *m« nt* during year 1 Rare White Membership in s*«*d .standing nt rim* of b**4cs Shi I hereby certify tlat the informal i**t ;n the !.*.*g*«ing iepoc’ is true and com -Treasurer J CM lie Harris Street Additn WO S Pledrmcit Ave City Kings Mountain N C r .-phone number 7:tb-25?*i SI ItSVHlBFD AND WORN TO BEFORE NIK ♦h * 2nd day of Januaiy. J Lre Roberts Notary Public My commission expires 11*12*66 CURRENT OFFICERS OP ASSOCIATION Pres id till Bennett Masters Directors Mrs Ik»r Rambright Vue-Preaid.-nt John 1. White H ' Herod-n Secretary-Treasurer J ORle Hams T J EUi*-'*n Directots W F Stone ^ M. Flatr DEATH CLAIMS PAID IAi/due 11.i' ev (icyliNi Loop. Kings Mtn 1-4-64 Rftvmmtd Hayes l«a» Guyton Loop Kings Min. v3*» tk» Mr* Will Williams Ri 2 K nif» Mtn 1-J6-6I MOO'*" Mis. Ardle Mem ham. Rt. :t Kings \|fn •-« Mrs. Chartea P Weir Rt 2 K o.. Mtn .622-64. V1U>.(JU Mm. Grace Rieks Indianapolis Ind. :t-".i-6» **»sm*j Mrs Plat" Ri. hards. Lawndale \ C 1-14-64 1" N Piedmont Ave.. Klnp Mtn >*2664. *lb»»is* Piet-net (Tuvton Wright Hurt Mead«m Imwll Di Kings Mtn 6-’3-64 *20u »wl Mrs. H.-ttie Senders 319 Llgeoii S- 41; hy N C. 7 13-61. N1««m»» Mm. Man rt**2 Fourth St Kings Mtn h-4-64 spgi.ia* \ G Kserhaidt 102 3rd M Hickory N C ^-6-64 A' H Khttirjii 162b Airline A\. «. *si.,n»i» s.jh-64. Mm. Minnie Cin.rtl Ri 1 Kingh Mtn 9-17-64. TOUdrtl Mrs Julia Ounnltcni Rt ’• Kinirs Mtn JfMiMM. spa* f«i Mis Fannie (*anlpe 107 Pen* h Si ShHby N C !‘»0»-6l Mrs. iVarl Heaxner V*«k Rd Kings Mtn lo-2t-6l. «.'«•<« Mrs. Johnnie lk*H l«»l F King Rt. K.ngs Mtn ll-'JMW spaMRI Mrs Wright Hannon 2n*» \ City ft Kings Mil 12-2R4M. MIR.W No. 4 TOWNSHIP 3 TAX LISTING Now Underway At the Courtroom. City Halt Kings Mountain Daily Except Saturdays S cum. to Noon & 1 to 4:39 pjn. At Grover. A E. Kambright's Store Saturday, lanuary IS. 23.39 Coniad Hughes, Tax Listei All proparty owners are required by law to list all real and personal property for taxes. Males between the ages of 21 and SO are required to list for poll taxes. Dogs and firearms must be listed. i If you tare on a farm, you are also required to make a farm re port. i __ LATE USTESS WILL IS PENALIZED — LIST EAHLY AND AVOID THE LAST MINUTE HUSH Max W. Hamrick p Cleveland County Tax Supervisor