FN(1A<:F. MFXT ANNOHXCHI) Mr. and Mrs. J. Haywood Alla of Slnlbt/ mi non hi <• lh< rwianriurnt of thro■ daufjhtcr, Majrl .lotto, ina. f<> Janas I hi ml Kobbs, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Janas Hu foul Fob Its of Kiwis Mountain Tin hruli-ilrtl is a I'ii. \ y rad lull, of Shtlbif hath siland ami ix rurrintl.il a si mil til III Slirllai 111 ant n &till'ir. Sin I rax ju, si lit id at llir Suh-brh Hall hi Sin liar Iasi sfu •«i Kesurree turn Lutheran chinch hon >red I Mrs. Aubrey Mauncy, church or | gainst for s'l- years, at a recep tion Saturday e\ening at the ; home of Key and Mrs. George | Moore. Mrs. Mamie} lias rcsigni-d as organist and Luther Davis as sumed neyv duties on Sunday. Mcmiiei s ot the Church Coun eil and their wives assisted in de i tails of entertaining. Reception hours were ii an 7 ■ until 9 pin. Rev and Mrs. Moore, fir. and Mrs. George Plonk. Mr. and Mrs K. R Goter ami Mr. and Mrs. Hill II. Brown receivinl with Mr. and Mis. Aubrey Mauncy. Other members of the church assisting in receiving and enter tainin':: were Mr and Mrs. Hal Plonk. Mr. and Mis Clarence Plonk, Jr, Misses Kssie Marie and Maty Anne foster. Mrs. A. J. Slater. John Caveny and Carl iofol til. A musical motif was combined yyith dec nations in red and green throughout the manse. The refreshment table was coyered with an imported lace cloth and held -a crystal candelabrum of red candles encircled yyith pyra cantlia lierries, greenery and small porcelain angels playing musical instruments. Punch yy is served at a second table which was also decorated in red and green. The mantel rvas decorated with porcelain choir figures. Members of the church pre sented Mrs Mauncy a handsome silver punch ho\y| engraved with her years of service as organist. Kanev cookies, party sand wiches and punch wciy served. Women Host ARP Workshop Women of Boyce Memorial ARP chureh were host Wednesday to a workshop lor First Preshy- i terian t'nion. The program fol lowed the theme. "Life Servlet* To Me To Live Is Christ." Mrs. S. L. Boyce, president, presided. Annual reports from officers and tikil cause seoretai ies highlighted the morning se> sion. The welcome was given by Mrs. Paul Ham ol the host church. Among Presbyterial offi cers giving reports was Mrs. Lewis llovis of the host church, vice-president Pages were Mrs. N. M. Farr. Mrs. I twain Lynch. Mrs. E. W. Neal and Miss Ava Ware. Boyce Memorial officers and cause secretaries for 19tS are: Mrs. N. M. Farr, president; Mrs. Paul Ham. vice-president: Mrs (Scorgc Morrow, recording secre tary; Mrs. Wendell Phifer, cor responding secretary; Mrs. 1 C. Patterson, treasurer; Mrs. Wen dell Phifer, statistician; Mrs. Martin Harmon, historian: Mrs. R. M. Kennedy. Christian educa tion; Mrs. Wilson Crawford. Christian literature; Miss Eliza beth Anthony, stewardship; Mrs J. L. Mefiill. spiritual life: Mrs. W C5. Oiantham. thank offering: Mrs. John C Met .ill. medical missions: Mrs. Lewis llovis. I youth; Mrs. Earle Cloninger. Dunlap; and Mrs. Otto Ware, temperance and social welfare. t Methodist Circle 3 Held Meeting Wednesday MrmlxTs of Circle 3 Central Methodist church held their regu ar mooting Wednesday morning it the church. Mrs. Clyde t.igon if Clarksville, Va. was present is a visitor anil eight members ittended. The program. "The Christian Home", was presented by Mrs.. iValter Harmon after a devotion il by Mrs lien K. Beam. circle ’hau .nan. Mrs. Hearn also presid 'd over a business minding. Wright-Bryson Pair Feted Miss Kay Bryson and her bri dal attendants wen? entertained with a luncheon by Mrs \V. C. (Speedy » Harrison, and Mrs. Joe T. Wilkins. Jr. in New Albany, Miss. The invited guests arrived at noon, Friday, Dec. is, at Mrs. Harrison's home, which was dec orated for the occasion with a combination of bridal and holi day arrangements. A white and gold theme, with touches of green, was used in ar rangements of white poinsettias. white satin balls. mistletoe, gold en ornaments and velvet draping, used at focal points. Miss Bryson was wearing an oyster white wool dress, and a corsage of yellow mums tied with green velvet. The hostesses gift to her was a cut glass candy dish. Miss Bryson presented her bridesmaids with silver jewel boxes. Those present were Miss Bry son, Mrs. Bovce Bryson. Miss Ann Bryson. Miss Karen Keifer, Mrs. Dean Provence, Mrs. It B. Wright of Kings Mountain, Miss Betty Bigham and Miss Linda Tutor. They were served a delectable menu, including chicken loa. with mushroom sauce. Spanish phas. apricot salad with fruit dressing on lettuce cups, lemon nut cake, ambrosia, blueberry muffins and coffee. RRIIRARSAl. DIXXKR Members of the Bryson-Wright wedding party were entertained with dinner on the night of the wedding rehearsal, at Southland Restaurant Hostesses were Mrs, Rome E Bryson, Mrs. R. k Walker and Mrs. D. M. By ill aunts of the bride. Miss Bryson was wearing a red dress of embroidered wool Jersey for the occasion A two-course dinner was ser\ ed at an elongated table, where decorations included three lovely arrangements of white mums carnations and wedding hells. Attending from Kings Moun tain were Rev. and Mrs. Ray Wright, parents of the prospec tive bridegroom. Jerry Wright, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bla lock. Jr. and family. Don Crawford returned Sun day to Birmingham. Alabama after spending the holidays with his wife and daughter, Donna, Mr Crawford is in training fot » position as |>ostal inspect01 with the U. S. Postoffice Depart ment. Mrs. Kthel Crawford has re turned to Sumter. S. C. atl’r a holiday visit with her son and his Utnuiyt Women Golfers Plan brill(ty Luncheon, Fashion Show howl I Mrs. George Houser has been installed as president of Lutheran Church Women of St. Matthew s Lutheran church. Other officers for the coming year will include: Mrs. Wayne Forsyth, vice president; Mrs. Charles Mau ney. secretary; and Mrs. D. W. Blanton, treasurer. Mrs. W. L. Mauney will serve as chairman of the faith and life committee; Mrs. Otis Fa?ls. Jr. as chair man of the outreach fellow ship committee and Mrs. William Herndon as chairman of the Christian action com mittee. Circle chairmen wi include Mrs. James Herndor, Jr., Mrs. L. Arnold Kiser, Mri. Hugh Yates and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney. Mrs. Floyd Queen will serve as chairmen of the Junior choir committee, Mrs. Aubrey Mauney will head the yearbook committee. Mrs. Carl F. Mauney will represent the UCW in the Council of Church Women and Mrs. E. C. Cooper will serve as Southern Seminary Key Woman. * * * # A Women's Golf Association luncheon Friday will kick off January events for members at Kings Mountain Coun try Club. New officers will be elected for 1965-66 and new mem bers will be received. A fashion show featuring golf clothes will be a high light of the luncheon. ♦ * * * Also scheduled in January are a Sunday lunch buffet this weekend, billed as an after-church treat for the fami y: a ladies' bridge-luncheon Wednesday. January 20th, and a family fish fry Friday, January 22. # * * * Mrs. Ellen Petrosino left Sunday by train tor Aameda. California, where she will make her home with her daughter in-law, Mrs. Richard P. Croker, while Mr. Croker is stationed overseas. The Croker family resides at 580 Buena Vista Drive. Apartment K, in Alameda. Phyllis Joanrc k~ a daughter of Mr. ar c F-1 Roark of Grover, cci. a od her first birthday Jai jury 7. Sharing honors w. i Joey was her great - grandmct- -2< Mrs. Virgie B ackwe I of Kirc;r Mounta o. Each had a deco rated birthday cake and the cakes were served with re freshments. Young Miss Roark repre sents the f'fth oenpratior j her fami y. Sne I a so 'a'd daughter of Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. D. Mort jomery a : Mrs. Harry R ver. (Jther groat - gronacar- ™ ents are Mrs. Lois Han . ic J 1r. er d Mrs. Dewey Mont gomery, ali of Grover. Her great great grandmother is Mrs. Tom Montgomery of Grover. * • » * Birthday Pariics he’d Norman Fuller (Trip) McGill, III and Will am Dickey (Chip) McGmI ceebrated their birthdays Salurday. along with their maternal grandfather and their paternal great grandmother. The fami'y ce'ebrat’on was hed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. McGill, Jr. Trip, who was five years o'd January 30th, and Chip who was three on Saturday, nad two train decorated cakes with candles on each. Their great grandmother, Mrs. H Tom Fulton, S'-., also had a cake iced in pink and lavender roses. Their Ellenbor: grandparents, Mr. ard Mrs. vV. F. McGinnis, were preset, along v/ith Kings Mountain grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. McGiHI, Sr., and their great aunt, Mrs. Earl Carpenter. Mr. McGinnis also ce'ebrated his birthday this month. The cake' were served with ice cream. Balloons and favors were presented the chi'drer: Scott Yarbro. Bi:!y Gene Carter, Elizabeth McGill. A en Cioninqer. Rusty Clonirger, Ly'da and Bever y Lynch, Jody Ham, Lindsay Ann Goforth, Shan London a'd Jimmy Fultonf. * * * * Mrs. Howard B’anton entertained at a children’s birth day party New Year’- Day in Warrlnoton, Fla. for twe-yeur • • • • Dar' a Lynn Seism. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seism, celebrated her first birthday Friday. A smali fam ily party was held at the Seism home and Danna's birthday cake was cut and served with refreshments. Young Miss Seism is grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Seism and Mr. and Mrs. Wiiburn Hamrick. She is great-granddaughter of Mrs. Ca' ie Cooke and Mrs. Ida Hamrick, all of Kings Moun Ta-’n. Danna’s mother is mer Mona Hamrick. includi ng old Tim Blanton. Fourteen young guests attended Tim's three-year-old sister Lori Jean. Y iur.g B anton's father. Yeoman First C ass B anton. is stationed with the U.S. Navy at Pensacola Nava Air Sta tion. They are formerly of Kings Mountain. Kir 's Mountain grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. ^i BiaHcn and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gamble. Great ey Clarence Blanton and Mr. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. L. I. Eaker. The circus theme was can cd ou; in green and ^Wte decorations. The cake, decora ed with n a crackers, was served with lime sherbet. Fariy hats, b^bb'c gum and . bpl eons were given as favors. Stork Notes Mr. and Mrs. L. Arp,--’-; Kiser, J"-. of Raleigh announce the crival of their second ■ n rH tcrnd child. Thomas Wright Ki er. Friday, January 8, Rex hospital. Kings Moun tain grandparents are Mr. and Mo. L. Arnold Kiser. Mr. d -j Mrs. Buddy P. SrmAh erne nee the arrival of t!- vir sc ■. ?-d daughter, Mendy Fra-ree. December 26, Roa noke Mc-mf'a hospital. P " Vi*. M's. Smith is the for mer M3 . n Ter ■ eneor c* t ■ Me ntain. Grandparents am M . and Mr . A. F. Te enerr of K:ngs Mountain and Mr. a°d Mrs. Gordon N. Smith cf Winston. Ga. SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday: 7:30 Town and Country Car den club at the homo of Mrs. George Moss, 100 S Caston st root. Friday: 12:30 Women's Coif Associa tion luncheon at Kings Mountain Country Club. Fashion show and election of officers. Sunday: 12:0ft Sunday lunch buffet at the Country Club for members i and their families. Monday: 7:30 \V .men of the Church at First Presbyterian church Tuesday: 7:30 West school Parent • Teacher Association in the school auditorium. 7:30 North school Parent Toucher Association in the school auditorium. 7:31* East school Parent - Teacher Association in the school auditorium. Wednesday: Iff a.m. Ladies bridge-lunch eon at the Country Club. Reser vations by 3 p.m. Tuesday. i - Gulliclt-Taylor ! Invitations Issued Invitations reading as follows have been issued in Kings Moun tain: Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan Ora in Gulin k request the honour of your presetn e at the marriage of their daughter Martha to Mr. James Can welt Taylor, junior j V*»t Friday, the twenty-second of Jumiai'y One thousand nine hundred and su tu-four at i ight o'clock Myers Park Baptist Church Charlotte, Sorth Carolina An enclosed card also reads: Mr, and Mrs. Gullit Is request the ideusure of your eomvany at the reception following the ceremony Charlotte Country Club (leorge Thomas Goforth, w h> i h;is re.ently returned from Sai i gon. left Sunday for Key West i Florida Naval Base. I Son of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Go forth of Kings Mountain, ho was i accompanied hv his wife. wh< has made her home here with tin I Goforths while Mr. Goforth wras stationed overseas. 1 n Kings Mountain the past year. Mrs Goforth has attended Evans Bus iness College in Gastonia o Mrs. V. S. Baggett returned ti Fayetteville Sunday after spend ing several days with her sister Mrs J 11. Arthur and Mr. Ar thun Elizabeth Stewart. Editor Phone 739-5441 Area Students In Ski Club Ten students of Appalachian State Teachers C tllegc from Cleveland County, are members of this year’s Ski Club. The Appalachian Ski Club be gan its function of training be ginners and improving experienc ed skiers during the school year of lfttiL’ 63. Since tlut time it has attracted 116 me:r ers. making it one of the most popular campus activities. The Ski Club meets twice a week at the Blowing Rock Ski Lodge, it functions under the skilled guidance of C >ach Kric DeGroai. Tiiis year the club con sists of 116 beginners and 30 ex perienced members. Six members of the group are from Kings Mountain, three are from Shelby and the other mem her is from Fallston. The Kings Mountain students include Tony Coins. Sam Hous ton. Jr.. Diane Roberts. Jim Leigh. Franklin Dean and Ver non Carson. Goins and Houston are juniors. Dean is a senior and Miss Roberts. Carson and Leigh are sophomores. The Shelby students are jun iors Marv Hewitt and Pat Thom as and sophomore Sara Staley. The Fallston student is Loy Sell ers. a sophomore. Birth Announcements Mr and Mrs. Roy Lynn, S02 Boyce street, announce the birth of a son. Friday. January s. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dale Pat terson. route 1. announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, January 9. Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eugene Childers. 501 E. Kings street, an nounce the birth of a s *n. Sun day. January 10. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Ray Cantor, route 1. Bessemer City, announce the birth of a daugh ter. Monday. January 11. Kings Mountain hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dean Rob ert*. route 1. announce the birth of a son. Tuesday, January 1J. Kings M >untain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Farlee. 30! Cherokee street, announce 11< birth of a daughter. Tuesday. January 12. Kings Mountain hos pital. Miss Marlene Weir, a student at The E;.shion Institute of America In Atlanta. Ga , return «*d t » ela' si ' tit ; week after spending the holidays with h ■ parents. Mr. and Mrs. S S \V The Fashion Institute is a dm . sion of Massey Junior colic Mrs. Seism Hos+ess To RW Circle Group Mrs. Nolan Seism was hostess at her home Tuesday night to members of the BVV Circle ot Temple Bant 1st church. Pr i.’ram chairman for the eve ning was Mrs. T. B Yarbrough and the six meinbei s of the cir cle assisted her in presenting the theme. Mrs. Clyde Whetstine pi esitled. Mrs. Raymond Seism, mother in-law of the hostess, was pres ent as a visitor. Refreshments were served dur ing a social hour. Mrs. Clyde Ligon is here from Clarksville, Va. for a visit with her sister. Mi s. Ben F. Be im anti Mr. Beam. Ministers' Wives Mef Thursday Tiii> Baptist Mi.istci: Wives Auxiliary met Thuisday at the nome of Mrs. Max Linnens of Boiling Springs. Mi’s. James Stamey anil Mrs. C. A. Kiray shared hostess duties. A social hour was held at the iieginning of the meeting and party cupcakes, sandwiches and punch were served f:om a <• s five tea table decorated in ki'op in? with a Happ.v New Year theme. M.s. Cline Borders rendu ted the devotional and Mrs. \V. V Tarlton led the pr 'jram. "Blue prints for Better Living", inx it - ins» questions and answers from other members. Pvt. John McGinn s lias been discharged from the Army and after visiting his brother, I>r. Paul McGinnis and Mrs. MeGin n s in New Orleans. I.a.. will re turn to his home here. McGinnis has been stationed it Fort Bliss. Texas. He is the s n >>f Mr. and Mrs. Paul II Mc Ginnis. "What Dauqhters Do" is Program Theme Mrs. (Garland E Still presented ih<* prutrram. “What the Dau li ters Do”. its tile highlight »>; the regular meeting of Colonel Fred ori-k llainbright Chapter. DAR. Members met at the h >me of Mrs. J. E. Herntlon. regent, wli > presided. Delegates were named to the spring meetings of^thc Continen tal Congress to beJheld in Wash ington. D. C. and tne North Cat olina DAR convention to lx- eon vened in Raleigh. Mrs. Herndon served a salad and dessert course at refresh ment time. A 1C Jerry Huffstetler is l.onv* on 30-day leave from Australia and is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs R. T Huffstetler. The Kings Mountain servi ' man was stationed in Australia 27 months. He xxiU he reassigned t.i the Weather Reeonnaissama* Squadron at Cam|> Hunter in Sax tnnah, fla. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Max >f Baltimore. Md. were the holiday guests of Mrs. Mays’ daughter. Mrs. Philip Padgett and I>r. Pad gett. Smooth,soften,protect your shin with TUSSY Wind and Weather LOTION AND CREAM NOW ON SALE fiT ^ PRICE Wind and Weather triple-action formula moisturizes, - and softens, guards your hands and elbows against drying, chapping, reddening and cracking. It's delicate action gives a spring freshness to winter ravaged skin. • u:«« ' tt us NOW $1.00 ni^nlull'wa |hnM*«|tl« NOW 50c nat l)« l»l*« UttMOH ua NOW $1.00 FREE DELIVERY MONDAY thru SATURDAY FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Knox Kut-n-Kurl Sets New Schedule K'mx Km ii Kurl on Shelby roml has announced the firm will in- open daily. Monday through Saturday. Members of the staff of beau ti-ians include: Mis. Knox Davis, m.inaffer: Mrs. Kdith Lovell, Mry. Ann Elliott and Mrs Peggy I.orn. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pl^Ksin ha\e reltirnned to Chicaq^^ifter visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Patterson, over the holidays. r CALLING ALL HOME MAKERS By GENE TIMMS THINGS I HAVE LEABNED Nothing boats experience, i’hI we at Timms Furniture *' C’o. — because we nave oeen in business for so many years —i an help you in so many ex tra ways by of 7 mm t< ring ititu* bits TIMMS 0 f knowledge that can make a big differ ence to you. Here are just a few examples. For instance, people ask. when considering an uphol stored piere of rumiture. “Is this a -erx iceahle fabric?” I a I wax - reply that, in general —whether it is upholstering, drapery fabric, carpeting or the fabric in a suit or dress —f hard surfaced tight - woven fabrics are apt to wear betfeV than loose woven, shaggy fah-> rics. This is true whethatthe Inline is wool, cotton, tic or a combination flHPv* eral i\|h-s. An old trick is to scratch the fabric with your nails to feel whether It is hard surfaced and therefore good wearing. ***** >'"u know that many (H-op’e purchase sofas and ■ hairs without sitting on them fir-l? They simply select the -t'l. and fabric they like and sit in it only after it is dellv c cd tc their home. Needless to say. comfort should be e ittahy ini|M>rtant to appear ance. so try it before you buy I he same thing applies to 'he purchase of mattresses. Stretch out on it and try It before x on make your pur chase. Irragim buying a mat tress on xvhlch you will spend one third of \our life xiithout tnowlng xx ltd her it will give xmi the exact comfort you de. sire. > \ isit our store, located on the Crover Rd . you’ll be glad von did Quality home furn e tings at discount prices. ,usl ‘an’' heat this eom hination. ; The "Mystery Tune” la up STk'i.ik). vxtiy not tune in WKMT T:;«i A M. and ace if you can guess it.