s s ± Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 ; City Limits 8,000 TMi Ham tot CfWtt Kioto IK* IMS Kteft MrnlO, oly nan fifur, u ttoto too IMh Moaatola It tortoto •I !• VOL. 76 No. 3 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, January 21, I96E; Sevor.ty-Siiih Year PR‘Co C_tf>• T Pages ’ ? d a y \ ! « \ I FOOTE EMPLOYEE WIWS AWARD — E. R. Uoter. manager of Foote's Kings Mountain Operation, loft, presents Jock Eofctr on AM/PM radio for his cost saving suggestion. Eakor is the most rs=ont recipient of Foote's employee suggestion award system. Mr. Co ter noted that suggestions received during 1K4 reflect a high employee interest In the Kings Mountain Operation Sug gestion Plan. Since January 1964 several employees have earned awards. Suggestions cover the safety, better operating proce dures. and cost saving Ideas. Eakor. a laboratory analyst pre viously received an award for a safety suggestion. C. Of C. Elects Harris President EVANGELIST—Dr. John Brawn of Richmond. Vo_ will lead evangelistic services beginning ) January 31 at Shiloh Presby terian church in Grover. Brown To Lead Shiloh Hevival Dr. John Stephen Brown, pas tor of Ginter Park Presbyterian church of Rh'hmoml. Va.. will be .ingolist for spe ;al service* January 31 February 5 at Shi loh Presbyterian church in Gro ver. Services will ix- hel«. each eve ning at 7:30 p.m. In addition, there will he a Bible study from in until 11 a.m. each morning, the past >r. Rev. Duk Hobson has announced. Dr Brown was pastor of Shot by Presbyterian ebjrch from 1953-57, going from Cleveland County to West Raleigh Pres v terian church which he served until 1963 when ho wont to Rich mond. Ho has also hold pastor in Jowoll Hid jo and Jo well Bpllev. Va. and South Boston. VTa. A chaplain in tho I'SNR. ho .vas discharged w'th the i ink of Lieutenant C^rmander in 1913. He was ecluc itnl at Davidson college and Union Theological seminary. Mrs. Brown is the former Lois La Voile Phipps and the Browns a;o parents of throe -ons and one daughter. Dr. Brown was ordained by \bington Presbytery August 25. 1910. Ilis hob Me* are wo kI working and sailing. Unpaid Tax Bill Penally February 2 Penalty on unpaid city ano ountv 1961 lax bills apply Feb ruary 2 tax officials reminded ihis week The penalty effective Fe ruary > is two percent, with additional penalty of one percent to apply n March. Payments through February 1 are at net. SAFETY COUNCIL Regular quarterly dinner meeting of the Blue Ridge Safety Council will be held Thursday. January 28. at 6:30 yi m. at the new National Jtiuord Armory near the fair rounds in Forest City. Reser Vralions should be made with Kd Walpole. Burlington Indus tries, Caroleen. Succeeds Manei; Anneal Meeting Held Tuesday J. Ollle Harris, county coroner and Kings Mountain mortician, was elected president of the Kings Mountain Chamber of Commerce at the annual mem bership dinner meeting at the Country Club Tuesday night. lie succeeds Bob Maner. Other offieers elected were Jonas Bridges, first vice-prcsi den., and dene Timms, second vice-president. Directors arc Mr. Maner. ex of rich*. John Cheshire, Hubert Me dinnis. b. S. I’fs’ler. Jr., Fred Wright. Jr.. W. d. Jonas, John Warliek, Odus Smith, Charles Neislei, and Wilson Crawford. In his report on the (nisi year's work. Mr. Maner said he had received full cooperation from all. reported a membership in crease from 70 to 122 anil added. We should have 200 members." He listed highlights of the year's work as I) location here ol K Mills, Inc., 2) success of the organization's project to obtain toll free phone service to das tonia - Dallas, and 3> implemen tation by the city of a Chamber project to form a city planning heard. Mr. Matter praised the city’s “business oriented city council", noting its quick cooperation in providing water and sewer serv i.v to K Mills, and prior quick utility service to others, and al so praised the city's savings and lean associations for their coop eration in industrial expansion pro iiH-ts. In accepting the presidency, M‘. Harris said he had in mind -everal areas in which the Chamber of Commerce could be oi benefit to the community, mentioning as an example an in-mediate survey of the water situation in Number 4 Township. The organization's December 31 financial statement showed a bank balance of $4,067. expendi tures of S2.772. and income of sn.tan. HOSPITALIZED W. F. nda\ at . p. r.. f.urn Central Moth ;d.s. church, interment follow.ng it. , Mountain cemetery. Tile former Kind’s M )u;nair: ! banker and long time citizen die. Sunday morning at *> a.m. i i Wesley Methodist Center . t'ha. lotle. He had .-.ecn in ill heali, , the past two years. A native of Iredell County, ht ! was the son of the late Jame: Andrew and Carrie Shuford Neill. He >>incd Independence Trust Company in Charlotte in 1921 and came to Kings Mountain as president of First National Bank in 1930, retiring as chairman of the local board of directors when First National merged with First Union National Bank of North Carolina in 1983. Since his re tirement he and Mrs. Neill had made their h >me in Hickory. In Hickory Mr. Neill was a member of First Methodist church anil long active in church and commjnity affairs He was a memtier of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club. Surviving are his wife, the former Elizabeth Moore Me Cotnb whom lie married in 191b; thrfe sons. B. S. Neill. Jr. of Castonia and David and Robert II. Neill, both of Charlotte; one daughter. Mrs. Jack Foitune of Hickory; one brother. I>*c Neill of Tyler. Texas, and 12 grand children. Rev. Howard Jordan, assisted by Rev. J. (I. Winkler, officiated at the services. Honorary pallbearers were members of the Central Metho dist church Official Board, the board of direct its of First Union National Bank, and L. Arnold Kiser, J R. Davis. A. Hunter Pat terson, B. W. Gillespie, L. A. Hoke. George Blalock. Henry N'eisler. B. S. Peeler. Jr., all oj Kings Mountain. Jack Ruth. W. W. Tolleson. C. B. Campbell. R. E. Kerr. Frank De'Armon, Roy Smith. Jr. Eddie Jones. W. R. Culbertson. Lonnie Br >oks, Carl McCraw. James D. White and Vernon Stanley, Jr., all of Char lotto Active pallbearers were R. S. Lennon. Charles Neisler, Dan Finger, Paul Walker, all of Kings Mountain. Tom Pruitt, Jr. of Hickory and R. L. Neill of Char lotte. The family has requested that in lieu of flowers m« norial con tributions he made to the budd ing fund of Central Methodist church. District Meeting Here Some odd teachers lie n Cleve land and (fast on c unties are ex pected to gather at Kings Moun tain high school Thursday after ■ noon for a district meeting of the , North Carolina Education Assn ciation I The conference will be conven ed at -I o'clock for a work sos ‘ sion. Dinner will bo served at 'sis, with another work session to j follow NCEA School Officials Attend Briefing On Civil Rights Act - Federal Cash Several Kings Mountain dis trict school official* attended a met ting at Lenoir-Rhyne college last Thursday. the meeting con cerning lc.m. from H -ihlehem Baptist chur<‘h oi whn-h she was a mom bo i Kcv Janus Wilder and Rev. ftit Haiti P'ylor oft .trfod rt th Itna! rites and lr‘< rmerff was made in th« ohm h . u ry. Mrs. Harmon lied vi: ■ -i:iy at 7 p.rn. She had teen 'n ill health the past three m(w V«. A native of c1 ■. «1 ■ ! County, -ho was the daughter of the Ian Mr. and ? lintrs. Her husband d • 1 in 1 f>‘f 1. Surviving are th . daughter.-. Mis John Kt 'Ms. M's M it • Leigh ai": M > John I lows, ill of Kings Maintain; lu . brother-', Wray Williams a id Will Wil liams. both of King:; Mountain; one sister Mi s. Ha. ley Queen of Shelby; 26 gran ' h Id-on. 3d groat • grandchildren and five great-great grand r hirer). HAS’ OPERATION J. Oilie Harris. J;.. formerly of Kings Mount, o is reoov ering salisfac »rily i >m a .' til bladder operation he under went in Houston. Texas, last Friday. Measuring Rads On Dig £naw Dead 12 Inches Was Saturday's snow, advert is 1 ed up to 52 niches, a modern rec ord for depth? It's a mo.d po'rit. At least one an re.-all* a sn :w of st-vex tl cm: s < a-: rtMcJiinj; IS .nehos I . w •• mj. . uiircs a on.panle. lie cnctv and shady spots still i d plenty of sn u on the ground d ie£d sy afti rrn. ,n. The (. tirct crews were suli at \vo: Icarlr-t drifts, both front ih< new and pllrd up by tiiemselve n i-learlng earlier pathways .o Jl s. Hi la.levs found a run -n rub her foo'wear, and serv. v station. ntd j4 'iaj»es found den and to car chains for the first time th •vinter season. It ,Tnant a two-day school ho' day lor Kin’.-, Mountain distrn pupils, which, however, will h borrowed fr an the jtrioirly .ml cated f. ir-oN resumed operation Wednesday. with attendance nor mal or near-normal at majority of the tine units. Kin^s Moun tain hiplt school was tops in at tendance, with 95.5 percent pres ent. with Davidson school low at ; only 71 percent present. Baptists Set Men’s Day The Kin _'s Mountain Baptist church, along with m >st of the baptist Church s in the Southern Baptist Convention, will ohset-ve pti.-t Men's Day. Sunday. Jan uary 24. V yw ard B*v.oks, assistant su perinter.dant rf Carolina Throw •ig Company, will be the prin cipal speaker at the morning worship vice. Otheis who will participate in the service w ill he: W. M. Dixon. R. G. Franklin. Dr. D. F. H >rd, .t m Stoll, Jr. Th >rn as A. Tate, and M. I., Williams. Tin Men' choir will render spe cial rmis:!\ The Sunday morning ».*rvice is sponsoied hv the Brotnerii > >\ Si outs will sv ■eivo i” is- K.c_'le awards in ehut It «tkv« tins mont h. C’harlos Sparks. Jr. o( Tioop !»1 will recohe hs Eagle at 11 o'clock st'rv.nts Sunduv raoi/un^ ’ atTFIrsT ftapfist church Thomas VV Bridge- of Ti p t»l will receive hi.- Eagle at 11 . o’clock services January 31 at St. ! Matthew’s Lutheran church. Troop advancements at Thurs day night's C -urt >1 II. m»r in eluded Ro> Jones amt Dana Sar vis. Isith of Tioop 92. who were promoted to Se< *nci C'las.-. I'arl Wiesener <>f Troop hi was ad ; vanced to Life. Merit awards went to tlie fol lowing: Troop 91: Darrell Hawkins, cooking and ho re repairs; Reid Strickland, home repairs; ami Kotmie Hawkins, cooking. Troop 92: Randy Wilson, co >k ini; Roinne Payne, finger print ing. home repairs and cooking: and Richard Waters, finger printing. Auto Tag Sales Near 16(10 Mark Kin;’' Mountain i la^ salt's neared !■ ■* :s v.<• ■ This year's salt* is ht ,n_ eon dm-it'll by t!u> Kinys Mountain Lions < lul* under .i framhi'o .1 greement with t; • eity Price remains a SI wi’l h;i!! of the no! prtK't't'tls »■> the 1. flub having been pled.'.sl 1 John (Jumble St.» iium fund. Tar;s are tin sale at tty it. I courlt'surt Sam We . > ha 1 sale fomm.Ue.. 1- ■ 1 zt"i- w :h Kiny Mtiii in slal adilrt scs i< buy wit; • i t it : ns a •Vom:mi::tt\" ann ta. SCHEY SPEAKS Iri M Schey. J:.. prt'sidt r;t of tin llamin Corporation, s|M>kf on his hobby o! ■ .n fi let ting at Thursday’s Kotary flub meeting Mr S> hey iiolds a B. S. in meehanical engin«v Inn from Lehigh Knivencty. Bethlehem. Pa. Thursday Fete ..oii:;s t'aiuf'H, iilver Years i D Bun I) supei ■ de >f I'.u fiT |nii>l .• ,o| i .■ ..‘*17. w:ll mak« the prim .pal ad clicks at I'hiir-dtj n. ."ht _.Vh iiin.vcisarv ha note X <lelii !• „n i.s teing held >n tn* i it antiiier tiy of Kiwani.i International. V.' ws of Kiwan.ans. p *t j re* ieitls and w.dows of Kiwantat * .nl ( special . ii -■* .ii the din am meeting at t>: la p.m. at the A Oman’s chib The* lo it . tub was . oartered March 7. 1940 w th the Shelby due as mother cl d> arid w.th l*add \\ . Ilanili k as fust j;r< si dent. \\ S. Kult n Jr.. president, will mtvo as toastn aster fo the event. Members of the anniver sary night committee in Tide Harold Hunnirutt. chairman; John L Met fill. Charles Noisier Harold Coggins and Dr. D I-' Hold. Several local firms salute the organisation in a fuli-pagc idver tisemont in this week's Herald. Schoolman Rurdv is much ;rt demand as an after dinriet speak ei. app viji i t o; • busln. *s. profession*) -fraternal. ehttrch civic and s.-h ! gi nps in ifv stale anti mar ;, ut -.«■>-s 1I<- r > filled sex eta! speak in" g.> me ns hen . Kducated at Duke finivt-;*. t\ and East Carol. - t lie Mr. Bundy ha.* .*e;\ I ... .pa .1 schools in Dm.din. l-.egt embe and Martin C- litr es, w >: t: t 1 li the Seder til G<-. rnmi’tit lot a year, and w is secretary of lilt* Farmvllle i . i •. : .it' itntttt; . ami Tobacco B aid of Trade ft t l:*?•; ;7 He s .1 firisr p, ;• ,,f t>.gh the Tarboro end the Sarmvtlle Ma smtie ' odg.-s. a X> Degree S, it tish Rit«‘ Mason, and a prist dis trict ii-.-| uy rtand master of the Fifth rrason d.sti t. Long active in .-is j*-. church and community affairs, lie s ;l past lieutenant ; ivernoi . the Si\ih District ot Kiwanis Internal io:t tl, a past president of the Non hi ern Drstriir Ni'KA and siipetin lendent of the Bannvlllo Christ ian Sunday School where ht* has taught a men s class since 1954. He a s president of the State C civ. ttion of D.scipli s t.f ('in 1st in 1951 anil served two terms as president of the North Cor iltna Christian Men’s Fellowship, lie is an rider in the Karmville Dis ciples .if Christ lutreh. He and his wife r.re part -its of two sons. >th of whom are in the teaching proiession. one is dean of hu>* at Enl • ■ h.gh seho ■) in Raleigh and the other son tea ties ar Green Ccnti ii high school in Snow 11.11. Home S/L /liwial Meeting Tuesday At'r : il mf di: c i < <>1 M ..’in Sn at o'clock. P.. .pal hu ih •» < : t(li> meet ini: w II In* prcser. ii;o:i <.i r« parts a! offi»*i s and ole in n if dn- ioi' f ir tin1 . nnin^ year. Secretary Tirasum Til im.ls A. Talc said. Ware Likely Thontasson Successor On Cleveland Elections Board Ourgi' H. Thomasson. K • Mountain attorney and M in member of the Cli’iehitd C u.ty Elections board, has resigned, he has informed the Stall* Ehvt.- i s hoard and Clint Newton, c >unt> Democratic chairman. Mr. Thor.assi a >atd ho res: in ed due to his recent appointment as judee of Kim’S Mountain lie * mile i s court. Chairman New ton has inform ed Kmys Mountain Di'ituv ratio nreeint chairmen ho will recom mend appointment of t Km;s Mountain citizen as Thomasson’* successor for the remainder <*f iu» uiicapucd uuw auU laul um will junior the iv immnd it ion of I he Kings Mountain precinct committi «‘s. Othoi members uf the »ard are Chairman Ralph il iliiert, IVmo.'iat. and J m Mclhajer. Kopunhion, hull, of S i, (’hairman .1 CMlie Harris. Has! Kings Mountam. .hi.I Hugh fir ms nd, West Kings Mountain, said \V«sln<*sda\ th<-> were conferring with <•* tun it tee members and ex |)M«I to have a recommendation for Newton w.thin a few dav s. Among ihose p imin. iisly m«n ti *ned for the |. >•:ti<• -1 is (' .mel on Ware, of Betlnvare precinct i Ernurral Gifts i-Cave Reached 546,350 Total Contribution:; an I pledges to Cm- " i campaign t< build John Cambio St i lium totaled SH ->'? Wednc- lay — well •vet the hallway m • k. \V». . ■, Crawdotd .uni J Cillic • -ri'. 17.18.88. Tin inriu-tiial , omm.nec re [Kirtect thi st new gifts: Phenix Plant, Karlin, on In dustries. a I ecu., t K t>k > Tile Company, $2H0t.-. Spangler's Ready Mix Con rote, Sl.Thi' Minetti Mil!--. Slow. Kiiiks Mountain Mica Com pany Ki.glish Mna Company, $1000. Park Yarn Mills. $1000. Duplex . Shannon. Ltd. SHJ00. Noi'ler Division. Massachu -e’ts Mohair Plush Company, Siono. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Com pany. SiUK*. Fred Wright i- So-i, $500. Finite Mine al ..;»any. $.150. Mr. Ma ry re| ■ ted fis from: Mountainee. Club. In. .. Young Brothers, Inc., c. K. Warlick In suranee A oncy. Mr. and M^s. Har Id Ciur.d; >nd G iffin Drug Company. The industrial committeemen commented tha- their work is nut ye I 2 tits fron Mauney group Mms and ofli •al . $5 non from Di.-ev Fabrics, i. • . and $2,500 from art anony mous river Charles Wanton, chairman of the busine-s olicitmion commit un its «it, k and he anticipates r >od results. Ot ier : em) k McGinnis and Tom Tt tt. Lockridrfe Riles Held Wednesday Funeral rites for Rev. Roy Hunter I.««- k. <1 o. 5ft. were held Wednesday :*t 3 p.m. from First Wesleyan Methodist church, in termi’t.t folimvi. : in Mountain Rest cemetery. Mr 1.0 !-nast .r of First V\ csieyan Meiho ii.d and Ro. k Hill. Resides h;s u fe. Mrs. Carrie H«>j ■ ;.o ' he is survived ey one > >r. It . R .y Lot krfdge, Jr., paste: if K1 Bethel Metho dist ehureh; one daughter, Mrs. Vei •:! Padt of Rock Hill, S. C ; one hr •tuer. Fred Look ridge ••f Kini:> Mountain: three sisters. Mi> n Sho. t. M s. Coleman Stroup ■ and Mi - L «• • Jenkins, all of Kings \f< untain. ai d four grand •liildreu. R**\ .1 -r Hurri;- off:.dated at ilie fmal I'.tes. City Seeking Legislative Act n>«* city li’iii'il «»f commission ci.- will sc. K <. trial As-en |y a. 110:1 to .mpliv nent work ol tin* oily planning hoard. * lie pla in.:-.- only u. . i mends adopti ard session, the commis sion: 1, Ahprow l - .llation of an addi* <:iai water line to serve Miuine Mills Th> lin • will »h» ten-inch si/e md run i block. -■ App >' I .Mayo- tilee Brill,< »es' t. or end a i • n t.< sell the Art i • .iT-'ranoe fire tru« k t > ihe Bethlehem depart* merit for ane dollar. ■mi'. < d. . Stts- n delinquent utility accounts. V otii msca A