first Union Rational Assets Up $100 Million First Union National Hank n iwrifd 19W year end assets soar •■U to S339.-Ku.XQ2. an inn,!*? Q SlOO million, reflerting a 22.6' irainjnvpr the previous year. Kamings and depoalts also reached m as the hank advanced io sfkh place in size a mong the nation's 13,000 hank*. The official deposit ranking is compiled annually by The Amer ican Hanker. Karnings for the year were 12, or SI.57 j>er share. an C increase of 19.8' • over earnings of $1.12 per share reported a year ago. Deposits rose to a reeordbroaJc I Kings Mountain. N. C. _i I Outstanding Purchase Beautiful Framed PICTURES • 12“ x 32“ • Walnut Finish $3.99 Expensive reprints of six assorted scenes, in attrac tive walnut finished trame. Will look lovely in any homo BUY NOW AT ROSES i GUARANTEED OPEN MONDAY • FRIDAY 9 TO 5:30; SATURDAYS TIL 6—We Close At Noon Wednesdays SATISFACTION inR JKis.473.121, a 19„S' < increase over $391,063,006 of i)m* prior >ear I-oans increased 23-3'< to $297,099,907 from SM 1.029)673 on December 31. 1963. R. S. Lennon, executive officer I in charge of the Kings Mountain office, stated that total capital funds and reserves are now at an all time high of $60,967,140. New highs in all categories were reached in this m-or-d Creaking year without any t>ank mergers. Science Sheer Here Friday “liquid sunshine" powers a portable radio. A small platform slides across the floor on a thin layer of air. And a "misbehav ing" suitcase illustrate* princi ples used in modern guidance systems. Kings Mountain high school students will see these and other interesting demonstrations when the famed General Motors sci ence show. Previews of Progress, apjiears at the school on Friday, January 22. 1965 at 10:00 a.m. “We seek through Previews to inspire more young people to make science and engineering their ram;r and provide the trained talent America must have to keep pace with the promise of the future." John F. Gordon, president of General Motors, de clares. Ruck OLsh we and Bill Myers of General Motors Public Rela tions Staff will narrate the 45 minute, noncommercial presen tation. They are one of seven teams that take the show to more than a million students each year. One of the highlights of the show is a fuel cell, a device that converts chemical energy into electrical power Potentially ape of the most significant scientific developments of the century, the fuel cell manufactures electrici ty with much greater efficiency than is now obtained from con ventional power plants. In the show, a few dropa of "liiquid sunshine" added la the cells provide enough energy to operate a portable radio. Anothe r example of solor ener gy. the amazing Si?"mobile, will be demonstrated. The 15 • inch model <*ar depends on eight pho toelectric cells for its operation. The button-like cells on the hood of the car convert light rays into Electricity which drives a small electrical motor inside the car. A 300-watt lamp is used to simu late the sun's rays In the show, i As the light strikes the cells, the , Sunmobiie moves smoothly a | cross a table. In addition to sun power, the ; Previews audience will see an jair hearing platform in opera No. 4 TOWNSHIP TAX LISTING At tho Courtroom. City Halt Hugo Mountain Polly Excopt Saturdays 8 cun. to Noon A 1 to 4*8 pm. At Grovor. R. E. Hambrlght's Son Saturday, lanuary 23.38 All property owners are required hy law to list all real and personal property for taxes* Males between the cues of 21 and 50 are required to Ust tor poll taxes. Dags on 1 firearms mast he listed. If you Uee on a farm, you are also required to make a farm re» port. LATE LISTERS WILL RE PENALISED — LIST EARLY AND AVOID THE LAST MINUTE RUSH ' Max W. Hamrick <1 Cousd Hughes. Tsx Lister Cleveland County Tax I ness insnrate Meets Thursday CHAPEL uru. - The North Cantina I’m* Institute will be held Thursday. Friday and Sat urday, Jan. 21. 22. S3 at the Uni versity of North Carolina here and at Duke University, with Qov. Dan K. Moore greeting the prise winning newspapermen at the opening reception at 5:30 p. sr. Thursday at the Caroliitt Ina oailroom. President William C Friday aad Chancellor Paul F Sharp will participate at key events of the throe day's program. Duke University President Douglas M. Knight will be the main speak»*r at Duke. Friday night. Jan. 23. Theodore A. Sherrill, vice pres ident of the National Editorial Assooiation in Washington. D. O* will he the spbsker at 10 ana Friday morning in Carroll Hall auditorium. “Musical Jests tor the IVse” featuring Music l*n»f Wilton Mason, director of the Universi ty's Institute of Opera. will make the main portion of the annual luncheon given to the pittes by the University at 13:30 pm. Fri day. Chancellor Paul F. Sharp wtjl preside. Beta Ivey is in *-tvarge of the prograjti- There will also he a "mystery gut*C Mrs. William Friday'will en tertain at a coffee at Iter hdrtv* on East Franklin Street for la dies attending the institute, at 10 a-m. Friday • Editor James M. Harper of Southport, president of the N. C. Praie Association, will preside at Huitoyess and Several other ses siansat the institute. ’ ’ , The three dayi of .press ses sions begins with registration at 3 p.m Thursday, Jan. 31. The re ception given by the University in honor of Governor and Mrs. Dan K- Moore and prise winners hi annual contests will be at M3Q p.ip Governor Moore-will deliver, an address at ceremonies in CnrroUHM) beginning at.S:30 p.m.. and prizes will be immediately affeisyard. Pre#dent Friday will intro^itte Governor ' *82* OMeef. hdjfor of the Ra leigh Times, will % in charge of the Friday bnagkijMt meeting of the -V. CT AsaonratipR of After ■■ in the sher Will Hen o’ u What hers, il the Shqlbgr Daily preside at the 10 a.m. meeting Friday. Jan Theodore Merrill spes Croup meetings of the Associ ated Weeklies and the Associated Dalles will be held at 3:30 pm. in Howell Hall on Friday. Orville B. Campbell. pdKlisher of the Chapel ffill Weekly, will he in charge as president of the Asso ciated WeHdies Jay P. Huskins, editor of the Slftesville Aboard and landmark, presides, of the mrirting of the dailies. Prtkf; Ken Byerly e* the Journalism M*m1 and author of the tWctboek Com munity JotimaUsm will address the Weekly editors and publish ITU' oaiaes eauors ana puousn THhT. Maturing Mites Welff. ex ecutive editor of the Greensboro Dotty Uigurs, pdm is IMS pent Another Previews sentence 0 «5STS&n?S2i eonwteer will muitpiMll a suit cage with a “mind at its own" as the lecturer explains how today's olanes. ships and missiles are safely guided along predetermine Students will also see the Ha platting Wire Phenomenon. Us ing the principle of stored ener gy. a 10-watt power euppftv fur nishes over apmll||pi wmts in an Instant to dnntnia»te the electrical disintegration ef a flne wire. This phenomenon m»y I am not sure that t can do a good job of this because it i* highly involved and somrwhat technical However, I will try to put it in simple language. It has to do with plain eavinonmem. The nwten I have chosen this subjtvt U Peculate so many peo ple have told me how their plants are misbehaving and they want to know what nas happen.^ to I cause this. Perhaps w«- had best define 1 ceiviftMunont and then follow 1 some clue*. A simple definition | would be: the sum-total of tnflu enoes winch may favorably or unfavorably affect the growthol plants. We usually think of these influences as being terofwmttlftv moisture, light and nutrients- We could a bn add weeds, nematodes, insects and diseases. In nature we cannot control th« environmental influences of i light and temperature to any ap ! preeiable extent, alt bough we i can modify the light by shading I and protect against frost With I heater* and "wind machines." 1 For this reason we plant crops adapted to the environment in a plant growing strugtyrv, such as a greenhouse, we cut control all envirofipentai factor* to suit the deed* qf the partidblnr plant. Wo^dy pnftbinials; fhrubs and [trees; and bi|lus: narcissi, ama ryllis, etc., have a mating period controlled by internal Changes. The resting parted is Indatinitc as it may begin any titpe during the year, depending upon the plfnt species. It may alpo affect the entire ialgnt Of ©ifly parts, suqh as buds on teach trees ^Whm the rt-flUig period * over, a dormant Period occurs end fs regulated tar external In fluence* «WCh as low tempera turcb.' #d-t^wally think of the a* occurring at autumn until the wTing. With we Jphy have ion Ihr tiffc-ihlsbehav. - ytiWstefcon. .U*t 4# to the •hdt whgther in Of 19k». many plei)t* were forced into an un moitral rest period. With the meting period satisfied the dor mdflt or eeM period last control duo to an unusually mild winter with temperatures ha high aa W degtemand 75 degrees F on Chriatmaa Eve or Chrtatona* Day Associ. Nteth Carolina PrtvT tion. The Pros Institute cmduch et a business meeting at 9;30 ( m aaturday uwming in the ca Mini Inn r* Local Students On Dean's List j Two Kin™* Mountain students Who recently completed Medical 8ectvtar..t! Courx-s at Kind's ! College. Charlotte, made the . Dean's List during the fall quar I ter. They are Miss 1-Tan -es Marilyn ' Dixon, daughter of Mr. and Mis. > Kelly Dixon. 209 North Sims Street, and Miss Hrnnd.i Ad.-cn Lovelace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Z. Lovelace. 10*> Kaasi Gold Street. Uoih sisduaii’d from Killer Mountain High School in the spring of 1963 and in September of that year entered King's Col lege A stroke is caused h> a blood 'clot or other interference of the blood supply to the brain, says the North Carolina Heart Asso ciation riru i\oui r or a copy oi Heart and Blood Vessel Dis eases." write North Carolina Heart Association. 1 Heart Cir cle. Chapel Hill. N. C. 2751 I. The 4l-|>age booklet describes IX of the most common coronary ail ments how they can be confron ts!, and the prospects for their cure or prevention. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Of Kings Mountain Savings £ Loan Association. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of shareholder.-, of Kings Mountain Savings & Loan As sociation will lie Held at the offices of the association. West Mountain street. Kings Mountain. N. C., at 2 p.m.. Tuesday. February ft, 1965. BEN H. BRIDGES, Secretary-Treasurer Smooth,soften,protect your shin with - • TUSSY £ Wind and Weather LOTION ANO CREAM N0W0N8AIE AT % PRICE Windand Wwther triple-action formula moisturise*. loot he* and aeflena. guard* your bands and elbow* against drying, chapping, reddening and cracking It’S delicate action gives a spring freshness to winter ravaged skin. •M . iw seutsm jkskts: MW SMI NOW 50c NOW $1.00 V' riEE DELIVERY MONDAY thru SATURDAY FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ■ KINGS MOUNTAINl DKIJO COMPANY *._* s' \ 1 i? E Tax Penalty NOTICE •I 1 All CHbens Please Take Notice That 2% Penalty APPLIES TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 2 ON ALL UNPAID TAXES Gty of Kings Mountain m mve HJUNON, tat CaUactor