Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 TMa ftffvr* tot Ct#€it, Utfi Mouatata to fclhto lm Uto IMS IMto M— to, dly «mi«T ■tow, (to tlty IWu Bfiin u baa IW MM MM »ww al IMS. VOL 76 No. 4 I. btabihHod 1889 In P a q e s 0 T°«lar Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, January 28, 1965 Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE TFN CENT* Mayor Glee A. Bridges Files For Sixth Term Bridges tint Candidate «*65 Season By MAHTIN RAMSON Mayot dice A. Bridges is seek .ng a sixth term. The- Mayor paid nis $1UU filing fee yesterda> and is the first candidate to file formally for the ^Aicnnial city election in May. j^Rln a statement Wednesday. the ^Wayor said: "I like the work. "I like the people. “We have some unfinished urgent work to do. "The southwestern pan of the city’s sewage disposal system has been condemned by the state stream sanitation committee and must b»* replaced with a modern system. Engineering work for this new installation is under way and work on the new sys tem must begin by the last of this year. “In my first administration as Mayor, the city constructed a modem system to serve the east ern portion of the ritv. and 1 feel my experience in that work will prove beneficial.” Still at less than his normal gait as the result of a tali on the ice* ten days ago. Mayor Bridges was nevertheless on duty W«»d nesday and aiding in the annual tax listing chore. Age 70. .Mr. Bridge's is a native of the Lattimore section of Cleveland County who has lived in Kings .Mountain since MHO. He is a navy veieran ol World War i and a sell-described “born joiner”. He is a past commander of Otis D. Green Post 155, Ameri. can Legion, a Mason and Shrin § member of the* Veterans of reign Wars, the Moose- Lodge, d Kings Mountain Baptist church. He expic;s to log his twenty-fifth year of perfect at tendance at tile Kings Mountain Kiwanis club in March. Hi has been a licensed pilot tor 15 years. Mayor Bridges served four eon sc.-utive terms from 1953-61. lost the 1901 election to Mayor Kelly Dixon in a dose run-oft. then .•.nnc* back last year to defeat Mayor Dixon. Previously he had served a dozen years on the county com mission. serving a* chairman for eight year*. lli< firs: political of lice was as a member of the Kings Mountain board of educa tion. Mrs. Bridges is the former Ad dic Hamrick, of Kings Mountain. They have four children. J. C. and (ilee E. Bridges, successors to their lather as Kings Moun tain hardwaremen. Nelson Bridge's, of Marietta, (la., and Mrs. Eugeni Schenk, of Water loo, la. There* arc* it grandchil dren. Rites Thursday 'or Gas Lynch ^■Funeral services f ir Augustus Wtevenson UIusi _yn»Hi. 70. 1373 (irover Konl. will o held at First Baptist church at I o'clock Thurs day afternoon. Mr. Lynch. a World War I veteran, died at 7:23 Tuesday ni>;ht at the Veterans Adminis tration hospital. Oteen. He had t«cen in ill health (or several months. lie was a native of Rutherford county and a member of First Baptist church. He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Edith Queen Lynch; a bro ther. Ayden Lynch, of Burling ton; a stepdaughter-in-law. Mrs. Vernon Crosby, and a step-grand son, Steve Crosby, both of Kings M initain. The body will lie in state at the church for a half-hour prior to the final rites, to he conduct ed by Rev. B. L. Raines. Burial will be in Mountain Rest cemetery. Active pallbearers will Is- Cline Barber, Will Harp, John Fisher. W. Falls. Dewitt Patterson, .md Clarence Ledford. Bridges Bays Two Bnildinq Penults T. F. Bridges purchased the first building permits issued by the city in 1965 Tuesday after ^boon. S Mr. Bridges bought ftermits to Wr nstruct two six room brick residences on Boyce street, each estimated to cost $8,000. SEEKS TERM SIX — Mayor Slot A. Bridges filed notice of I land id ary for re-electioa yes terday te a sixth term. fax Listing b Extended j Tax listing will continue | »*'*-#niehnut the county and in the cities through Tuesday — two longer than the originally lu.ertised closing dale of Janu , 30. Max Hamrick, county tax su ! pcrvisoi, said Wednesday a check j 01 the law revealed it is preserib {cd that listing shall begin on : January 1 and continue for 30 days. The exception is when New 1 Year's Day is a holiday, or when I other holidays are taken within January. Mr. Hamrick said there have been two halt-holidays in the period, therefore, by law, listing : must be continued without pen alty for late listing through Feb ruary 2. This will be good news, Mr. Steve Harmon. Kings Mountain lax lister, and Mrs. Ruby Alex ander, assistant to Number 4 Township lister Conrad Hughes guessed odnesday morning. “We’re not as busy as we i should be.” Mrs. Alexander com 1 mentod. "and I’m afraid there i an- going to be a number of red | check marks indicating penalties i fti a numhei ol citizens.” The law requires all property owners to list during the 30-day ! period. Failure to list draws pen alties. as does late listing. Baptist* To Give "Tear Is Review" 1 The evening service Sunday. ; January 31. at First Baptist I church will feature "The Year in Review.’’ Many of the highlights of the life of the church during 1964 will he shown in color slides. Included will be pictures of Girl* Auxiliary Coronations. Vacation ' Bible School, Summer Camp. ! Youth W’eek. ami also some sienes from the mvnl Christmas ihogram and the Christmas i Youth Revival. The time for this service is 7:30 p.m. John H. moss Likely To Oppose Incumbent Mayot By MARTIN HARMON A mtv likely barrier to Mayor Glee A. Bridge®’ serving a sixth term is John II. Moss, baseball Icngut president. City Commissioner Hay Cline, a rumored candidate tor the city's top executive position, will not seek that office, he said Wed. nesda> afternoon. Following Mayor Bridges’ fil ing Wednesday. Mr. Moss, a one time city commissioner from Ward -I. acknowledged It*- is < on sidering making the race for the mayoral post. He said. "I have been receiving encouragement from a consider able number of citizens anti I am seriously considering hecom ing a candidate for the offtcr ol Mayot." He added, "However, I want to talk with more people about this most im|M>rtant office- in our municipal life. Should I become a candidate, 1 am determined to giv* the campaign and the office Hie same kind of desire, effort and long hours of work that has proved successful in our baseball program " Otherwise, city political talk was minimal. Comm Cline said In- had not discussed with other member® of the city board his or their spring political plans. He presumed, he said, that most ol the members would seek re-election in May. Also to be elected in May is one* of thr«-e in-city members of the board of education, the six year term of Mrs. Lena W. Me Gill expiring. Mrs. McGill has not indicatf-d whether she will be a candidate .again. Mr. Moss is president of the Western Carolina.® League and was instrumental in its organiza tion. lie formerly was in the De troit Tiger organization, subse luently was in public- relations work in Wisconsin. He is a Kings Mountain native, anti World War II veteran. Penalty Deadline Spun Tax Cash T!i»* pace of city and county tax 196-1 payments increased this xeek in anticipation of next Tuesday's initial penalty day on anpaid hills. Though he did not have i .m [>lete totals. County Tax Collect or Robert Gidney, guessed ttiat payments are normal to date and for the season. City Clerk Joe McDaniel. Jr., reported collection of 61 percent .f the $177,266 levy. Collections of S10K.OSO through Tuesday also represented 72 per cent of tin* $150,000 the city had estimated it would collect on *61 liills during the year ending June 10. 1965. Penalty of otu* percent applies Tuesday. Political Pot Boiling At KMHS; Nine SeeUno Student Body Offices It's political season al Kings , Mountain high school when- nine students are seeking the schools t ip posts in student government. Convention Days were Monday and Tuesday and studetns nar- ! rowed the field to nine candi- ; dates. Campaign managers are j busy this week endorsing their * favorites for president, viec-pres- j idem and secretary of the Stu-! | dent Participation Organization. ; Posters, badges. hats and even hair ribbons invite the voter to | I vote for Jane or John. Thursday will he devoted to speech-giving by the candidates and their managers will use var ious and sundry ways to entire , the voter at the polls Friday. 1 There will he campaign promises galore presented in a variety of speeches during student assem ] hly at 1 p.m. Friday is election day. The candidates are: For president, succeeding Rich ard Gold, are three juniors: Scott Cloningcr, Neal Cooper and Phil ip Buneh. For vice-president. succeeding Steve Goforth, are three sopho mores: Chucky Gladden. Tommy Goforth and Nelson Conner. For secretary, suc<-ceding Nel son Conner, are: sophomore Jane Morris, junior Larry Liuian and freshman Sharon Cold. APPOINTED — Cameron War*. war appointed last weak to new city recorder's court Judge, as a member of the county elections board. Both are Dem* aerate. Other members are Chairman Ralph Gilbert (D) Funeral Is Held For Amos F. Dean! SUCCUMBS — Amos F. Dean died suddenly Wednesday night ot a heart attack. Fu neral rites were held Saturday morning. Heart Campaign Starts Monday The coming month will he "big push” month for Kings Mountain’s l!*»s heart fund cam paign and a wide variety of ac tivities will he scheduled to boost the total ol contributions to the fund to fight heart dlsea.se. Mrs. F. S. Morrison, wile of the president of Associated Sales. ! Ini., will head the campaign for ! funds and complete list of area j volunteer workers, in addition to full schedule of activities, will he ! announced next week. | Plans for the February Heart ’ Fund campaign were mapped ; Friday night when campaign j leaders held a dinner meeting at I Governor's Inn in Shelby. J. Ollie Harris, rural Heart Fund chairman for Cleveland County, met with 23 area chair men to discuss plans for the campaign. The statewide goal for the 1965 Heart Fund campaign is Shlo.fKXt. Mrs. J. Spencer Love of Greens boro is state chairman. Mrs. Fields Young. Jr. of Shelby Is publicity chairman f >r the coun ty campaign. The Kings Mountain chairman noted that memorial gifts may : be forwarded to hot at 106 Edge moot Drive. The gifts will he ap plied to the current drive for funds. Mrs. Morrison is the former Elizabeth Lael of Glen Alpine and she and her husband are par 1 ents of four children: Betty, a junior at Salem college; Marion, a high sell >ol senior; Scarlett, a high school sophomore; and Rio ; ky. a second grader. Active in church and cormunity affairs. Mrs. Morrison is a member of 1 First Presbyterian church, an officer of the Woman's club and a member of the Country Club. Mr. Morrison was chairman of the 1961 Heart Fund drive and Mrs. Morrison served as publici : ty chairman. Kings Mountain citizens gave ; generously to the 196-1 Heart Fund Drive. Diseases of the heart anil blood ! vessels are the nation's foremost health problems, cing responsi ble for 5-1 6 |n>r la-tit of all deaths in the nati in. The 19oo Heart Fund will support an attack a gainst this No. 1 enemy-through , research, through public and pro fessional education ami through community liealth programs. Foote stadium Gift SUMO Foote Mineral Company is giving $1.11011 for (mildim: the John Cambio football stadium, not tho $350 reported last week by J. Wilson Crawford and J. Ollle Harris, co-chairmen of the industrial solicitation commlt t»>e. The co-rhairmt'n said Wed - nesda> they had misunder stood Foote officials concern ing amount of the j»ift. i Neil O. Johnson. Foote min erals division manager, said his firm mailed Tuesday a , check for $350. first of three i payments on the $1,000 pledge. 30-Y eai-Old Auto Dealer Jies Suddenly f”un«ral rites for Am<« Frank lin Dean, 30, Kings Mountain businessman, were held Saturday at 11 a m. from First Baptist : chuivh of which he was a mem I her. Mr. Dean, owner of Dean Buick Company, sueoum-.ed sud denly Wednesday night at 10:30 ! pm. at his home Death was at triouted to a heart attack. The automobile dealer, a na tive of Wendell, was a son of Mrs. Pearl Scarborough Dean of Raleigh and the late ftenjamin Franklin Dean. He we* a grad uate of Wendell high school and attended Wake Forest college and Judge Pell's Law School in Raleigh. Surviving besides his mother arc* hi* wife, the former Lodcma Morris who he married in 1939; two sons, Franklin Dean, a sen ior at Appalachian State Teach er's college, and Tommy Dean, a senior at Kings Mountain high school; two daughters, Mrs. Phil lip Broom of Edwards AFB. California and Miss Joann Dean, an eighth grader. Also surviving are two sisters. Mrs. Charles Vestal of Raleigh and Mi*. Fred Miller of Fjur ehild*. Calif.; and a grandson, Phillip Ward Broom. Rev. B L. Raines officiated at the final rites and interment was made in Mountain Rert cemetery. Active pallbearers were Ertie Powers, George Houser. Jacob Cooper. Ernest Haves. Dr. P. G. Padgett. Clayvon Kelly, Bill Bel ton and James Carroll. Hone S. & L Had Big Yeai Assets of Homo Savings & Loan association neared the sev I on-million mark in 1964. Up $*19,620 during the year. ] I total assets at December 31 were . i S6.926.74S. These and other facts on 1964 i operations were presented at ! Tuesday's annual shareholders meeting by Thomas A. Tate, sec retary-treasurer. The shareholders, after being served refreshments, re - elected all directors, and in a brief ses sion following the directors re- i elected all officers. Officers, in addition to Mr. Tale, are Dr. J. E. Anthony. ' president; G. A. Bridges, J. H. | Thomson and A. 11. Patterson, vice-presidents; Mrs. Emily A. Herndon, assistant secretary - , treasurer Jake A. Dixon, manag er of the Bessemer City branch; Mrs. Nancy S. Seism and Mrs. Phyllis S. Dixon, tellers. Directors are Dr. Anthony, Mr. Bridges. Mr. Thomson, A. H. Pat j terson. Mr. Tate. J. B. Maunev. I. | (J. Patterson, B. D. Ratterree. Jack H. White, Dr. Paul E. Hen- | dricks and R. S. Plonk. The firm's legal staff includes Davis & White and George B. Thomas son. Tlie shareholders approved ac ' tion of the directors in transfer ring $46,995 into reserves, in cluding $33,000 in the general re serve fund and $13,000 to the surplus account. i Other highlights of Mr. Tate's ! report: Loans increased by $621,646 to 1 $5,996,334; savings accounts in- j creased by $720,623 to $6,220,600 General deserves total $525,517. Dividend payments totaled a record $256,666. At year end then- were 3137 savings accounts (including 727 at the Bessemer City branch! and there were 1362 mortgage loans t including 369 at Bessemer city*. '17a* association -made 332 loans during the year. On the anniversary of Pearl Harbor the Bessemer City branch topped a million in sa\ - ings a.-counts for the first time. Attorney J. R. Davis and oth er shareholders praised tin* offi- i cers and directors for their g.»od j work. The office staff served refresh meats. : NEW AMBULANCE FOR RESCUE SQUAD — Captain Ccrbe:t Nicholson, (seated) of the Cleveland County Rescue Squad, is "buying" on ambulance from Chailes E. Dixon, of Victoiy Chevrolet Com pany. while Banker R. S. Lennon, right, inspects it It is a bargain buy. First Union National bank is financing the purchase free. In turn. Victoiy Che/rolet will buy the ambulance back a year hence. This is the Life-Saving crew's fourth such "purc.ha.sr' SELECTED — Lewis Stewart. Kings Mountain high school senior, has been notified of his selection by Congressman Basil L. Whitener to undergo exam inations for the USAF Military Academy. Stewart Tapped By Whitener WASHINGTON. D. C. From lis office jn Washington Con gressman Basil L. Whitener an louneed this week that he had selected J>>wis k. Stewart, son of Vlrs Charles K. Stew at :. "stj tYoodland Drive. Kinjs M.nn am. and Mr. Stewart, of Chat lotto, to take the competi tive examinatui for the Cniteil state:; Air Force Academy Youne Stewart is a student at Kinifs Mountain High Schoo! and is active in acadomi. and athle lie activities. He is a membet of ihe 1.3tin Clul» and participate in a number of other school groups. He is a tner er of the football and basket ball Iranis. Theyoun-: man a ni mts-i .1 Ihe First Weslev an Me! Innhst Church. Kin>;.s M luntain, is pres <lent of his Sundav S -ho.il Class, ami is very active in Wesleyan I’outh activities. Tl»e Air Force Academy is lo cated at Colorado Springs. Colo ado. Graduates receive eommis ;ions as second lieutenants in the FitVular Air Force. Lawrence Logan’s Rites Conducted Auto Salesmen Died In Sleep Early Monday Funeral r.tes for William Lawrence L'i„an. .‘>7. Kin ' - Mountain ait! > salesman aid businessman. wore heid I'uesday at 1 p.m. from Km.’- \ioun:ain Baptist ciiuri’h of which ho ’Aus a member. Rev. Marion DtiBosc ff • .ited at tile service, anti intei meat was made in Mountain Rest . *m etery. Mr. Logan, in i!t health the past month. di> d about fi a m. Monday morning lie was I nti dead i.i in.- bt-d a ,.ut - non. by It.s wife witen -lie went to tvtak en him He had just re ently Ixvii discharged from the hospi tal. A native of Cleveland County. Mr. Logan was th*’ -<»n d Mi Mary Little Logan of Winston Salt r and the late William F Logan. For the p.a-t s;\ years he had lH*en employed as a salesman b\ Victory’ Chevrolet C >mpan> He for merly owned and perated 'Logan I try Cleaners for years Surviving, in addition t » his mother, are his v\ ft*. Mrs. Helen Cornwell Logan; two sons, Lairy Logan an<l Lane L<*;. n. both o' the home; five tlaightiis. Mr Bill Bell tif Coluiuli.a. S. C. Mrs Carl King, Jr., of (iustonia. Mis Alfred Tate Mrs it. m \ D in Herndon. l> th " K Moun tain. anti Miss Sallv Lo.’ in of the home; one brothe:. Klin* . Logan of Kannupofs; two -i lers. Mis. K. (!. Lackey and Mrs. Charles Sams. ts>th «.! Win.-ton Salem; and nine ■ ranr4 hildren. A e t i v e paliln no; . wet Charles Dixon. Louie K i n g. Janies Alexander. Ju k An: tt* Plato (loforth and V <i. tit ant Vim. five KMHS Seniors Among Nine Candidates For PPG Scholarship Nine senior students attending liigh schools in Shelby anti King' Mountain have qualified as final sts in Pittsburgh Plate Glass foundation's scholarship compe itton and will be interviewed on February 17 to determine the vinner of the four-year award icing offered by PPG for the .hiid straight year. J. V. Schweppe, Foundation \gcnt and Manager for Pitts )urgh Plate Glass Company's Shelby Finer Glass Plant, an louneed the following finalists; lune Digh, Max H. Hopper. Ag les VV. Thompson anil Vtiar Jor •ensen. all of Shelby high school; lohn Caveny, Jr.. Peter Hauser. „yn Cheshire. Jan Williams and ipenoer Muutc, all ul , Mountain high .school. The students wen* designated finalist* in the PP(J Foundation Scholarship Program l»\ the Xa ttonal Merit Schoiatship Ootisir ation who evaluated ‘heir results on the National Merit Scholar ship Qualifying Test given last spring. The nine finalists «ptali ft«“d lr«Mn nmun.’ 7.1 applicants competing from high schools in Shelby and Cleveland Count\ Mr. Schweppe said the finalists will l>e interviewed b> a three member scholarship committee i composed of E B. \Vcalhcrapoon. Dean of Admissions f*»r Men. Duke I’niversity; Dr. Joyce II. 1 Shealy, professot of Psv chologs. Queens College: and H. Kdmunds Cuninuu.U Uit * i1 RITES HELD — Funeial rites lor W. Lawrence Logan were held Tuesday afternoon from Kings Mountain Baptist church. Firemen Begin Fund Drive Bethlehem V ilunteer Fire Do part mem, Iii> i» heyinninn a in.iii drive t • tii t i fir<* station hi a Joi immediately west of and adjacent ».* tin* O. A. Lall G.o ■ery in the lie.Jilehem tummun ty. The 125\2UO lot was donated by i'.harhe Blalock. The newi\ • organized depart ment lias already app.iinted a nultl.ii^ committee which is a "iki ’ on details as to neetls, •equirerents and cost of on itrui-tiii,i of the station. It will »• financed by voluntary dona ions. hake sales ant! other fund •aisiny events. •i tn Yarbro, Rout 2 . is fund i i .i>uit*r .inti it*.- , > i.t'iiti in* addressed in cat. •! Mr. Yarbro. •Ml dona lions are a\ dedietf.de. t >. .a - ,,i tin. r.fihi, . o Fire Department in.-lui.i ; I; y D:\on, 'hauman • ! the board of direc -- istant ha.rinan: Fred T.ite secretary: Inn Yaiitro. treasurer; Charlie Blalock. t hiel: lloyd Howell. as tistant chief. I'. . 'ms include Marion Div >n. Ilal Morris, Floyd McDaniel, lernia > Blalock. Chat let Spear nan. John Ti la. Bill Babb. Jerry Morris. Andrew Brown. David 'Vise. Paul Lancaster. James ipakes. David I’ Smith and Jake V *ker. Chanl.tin is the Rev. till Shy tie. Captains are Jerry Morris. Bob Morris. Hill.e Falls. ■> 'u-Ias M -Daniel and John Tria. turn :a.its are Bill Babb. Jack -all. Robert .'a. eny. Olell Ben on am. Liol> Kaic.

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