jhil Cott oh Revival Services Set, age Praver Meetings Begin By MRS. GENE TURNER Cordial invitations in attend Revival SoivUts are given by members of Shiloh Presbyterian church. I«*d by Dr. John Blown. 'Hi.D. Pastor of Ginier Park ITesbyterian church. Richmond. Virginia. January 31 through Pebioiacy 5. Collage Prayer meet mgs will be held a cord mg to the following; schedule this week; Monday 10 a m. 7:00 p.m. Mrs. lai.-ille Kiser. Tuesday 10 a.m. 'Ii. and Mr*. Jim Harry. 7:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Go lorih, Wednesday 10:oo a.m. Rev. and Mrs. Dick Hobson. 7:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. i^ouis Marian, Thursday 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Mr. and Mis. Fred Cockrell, Fri day 10:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Francis and 7:00 p.m. Mi's \V. I. Ormand Weekend family ourst of .Mrs. C. O. Ayers and family from Greenslioro mw Mr. and Mr*. Harry Bird, Jr. They camp for the ntwwrr given for Mrs. Carl Dowd a on Saturday night. Mr*. James Justi<e of West 1 Virginia is visiting her mother, i Mrs. J. B. Royster, Sr. Mrs. Jus- j t ice is itvuimting from sur gory she had several week* ago at the Princeton, West Virginia hospital. Patients in the Kings Mountain hospiial from the Grover oim munity arc Mr. Paul Byers, Mr. Gene KlUa, Mrs. David G. Hern ; don. Mm. O B. Black. Mrs. Hunt- 1 er Ramsey and Mrs. Charlie Kv- ! erett. Miss Gail Little of Greensboro spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Little. I Richard and Frankie. Sunday dinner guest-, of Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Bird were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Love and Hill of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Barren anti daughter. i*at. ol Fort Mill. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Love and Heth l/ive *f King Creek. Gary Collins, sophomore at Wake Forest e dirge car e home Wednesday tor a semester break ' to be with his mother. Mrs. Al fred Collins until classes resume. Baptist Men's I>a> was observ ed at the .Sunday Morning W*>r ship Service at First Baptist ohureh. Mr. Arnold Kin• -aid of Kings Mountain was jr lest s|»eak er for litis service. Mr. an<l Mrs. Vance Falls of fkistonia were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Mattie Byers anti the Paul Byers. Visiting Mr. Byers who is a patient in the Kings Mountain hospital for observa- 1 tion diagnosis and treatment. Miss Marjorie Crisp, faculty member at Wake Forest college is home to spend semester end holidays with Mrs. S. A. Crisp. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. .lark Rinklenton and Russell were Sunday dinner ■•nests of Mr. and Mrs. Doyt Realty and Judy in Charlotte. Mis. John McCollum of Vir ginia Beach, Virginia, came io Grover over the weekend for a visit with her sister. Mrs. Charlie Everett, patient in the Kings Mountain hospital. Mr Charlie Everett, the B. F. Birds and rela tives in Spindalo. Mr. and Mrs. Bankston llyl"r and Susan of ijancastor and Mickey Hu-ks of Charlotte we e weekend gn«-sts of Mr. attd Mrs. R. B Km kr I > v Ing t • lotte on Sunday afternoon tak ing Mickey home and visiting Mr. Fleet Kiikpatrick. a patient in the Mercy Hospital. Charlotte were Gene Kirkpatrick and tlette Irvin Kirkpatrick. Miss Kav Watterson >f Char lotte s|»«*nt the weekend with Mr anti Mrs. Hood Watterson. Farmland Prices Continue Up As iho saying goos. land i- no ' !<>;i »<t lltt ■ !v ap Ant! induing b\ rorom f irm land prat*.'. Iho sayin • . - got1 in. Mr. V. J Hardin. \Y. \V. t.iiilo and Mr. and Mi Itnlph S. Lit !• left Snndaj for a trip through th“ rouutry t> Miami. Florida for a work's s.s.t with i,!.r.so> Mis. !•' \V Jono.s of (’ll.'i lotli*. mnhcr of Mi Kit'd Cookmll and Mrs. C. K. t' »I»-y of I) irti.im. I anut of Mrs. Co kiidi tamo to '(»ro\<T Wnrlnotiin and will ho at the li ne M ai I Kind Co kivli f u ovoi'al da\s. Mis. Karl V Sirr1’ c.imo homo Sunday from a fnurdaj trip .net visit with her son and d aught or in law, A :!C and Mrs. Arthur David Smith, who make* thoii homo at i’artuarti Rivor Nasal Baso. Maryland. truer each year, I'r Pale Hoover, an economist at North Carolina State, says U. S. farmland prices have risen in 21 if the Iasi 30 years. Increase t\ ■ a\<na>:ed « per cent annual l\ since |ATI. I he h :;oest increase came at • hi heieht of World War II < IPl-’l >1 when farmland ptiis jumped 17 per <vnt in a singli year Another spurt came tluiint the Korean War 1 *.'»l "*2i wher priieN jumped |:i per cent. The :>i,’esi of the lliree creases > unc in 1PI IP, .uid tin drop then was only 1 j>er cent Hoover points out that farm la <1 priics rise in some regions mull more rapidly than they d in others In North Car dina. for example, land pres-s reached their IPlM peak in IP la. My eon tiasi. land plats in South Dako ta are still lielcnv the 1P2" level. Sinee r*r>5!»7. land p> e.s jn the South and West have risen nearly lit per e'en! more than those in the rest of the tiali >n. VIRGINIA SLICED Bacon £■ 39 V W-D U. S CHOICE Oven-Ready 7" cut stand Rib Roast * 79 W-D U. S. CHOICE Boneless Chuck or Shoulder Roast 69' W D U. S. CHOICE BONELESS RIB EYE Steak - *1" W-D BRAND ■ VACUUM PACKED GROUND BEEF 2-LB. PKG. 3-LB. PKG. 5-LB. PKG. 89s r T SKINLESS DEVEINED SELECT SLICED BEEF Liver * 39« W-D BRAND U. S. CHOICE LEAN Stew • 59s W-D FRYING CHICKEN Livers* 79s SMOKY CANYON SLICED. CHIPPED Beef 3 ■ *1. SOUTH CAROLINA GRADE "A" LARGE EGGS 2»79' INSTANT . . Limit 1 of your choice with a $5. order ASTOR 10-OZ. ^ Jar INSTANT . . Limit I of your choice with a S' COFFEE ASTOR 1.09 10-oz. ^ Jar MAXWELL HOUSE 1.29 BLUE OR WHITE ARROW LOW SUDS DART Limit 1 of your choice with a $5 order DETERGENT Giant Pkg. 39 THRIFTY MAID SLICCD OR HALVES . . Limit 5 eons with other purchases PEACHES 5-*1. Limit 1 of your choice with $5. order SHORTENERQ SWIFT JEWELL ASTOR 3-lb. Carton 3 lb. Con 53 59, JUICY FLOtIDA ORANGES 100 1ST Jm GREEN STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON AND PUTCMASf Of $10.00 or Moro Order rant at toui kdtos urn wnm-Dixn stou Told After Jan. 30. 1965. Unit JEWEU- Multi-Poe Beef. Chick , Turkey Meat Pies K 69 ASTOR Speck. Butterbeon-., Baby Limos or Spoor , of ^9 AAAJkll DrOCCOII 10-oz Pkgs. 1. ROBY RED RED WINtSAp MAPEFRUIT or APPLES }2~89' 5 4a green stamps HALE GALLON Orange Juice 30th Jen GREEN STAMPS tHRIt S-OZ PKG«. JEWELL CHICKEN Livers VOID ATT* • *»N. 30 t H AT VOX# lO*A' NM.OISET Jen GREEN STAMPS ONE RUSTIC Bird Feeder VOID AFTER J/N. 30TM Jen GREEN STAMPS Pill L QUARTER SLICE O 2 3 LB. SIZE Pork Loin void Arrr» jan )Otn A* GHEEN STAMPS » Aoonrsm 2-.B PRC. EXTRA LEAN Ground Beef VOID Ar»U» JAN. 30tn | SeseraI southern states experi enced a 1«* jm'r cent .’ain in 1 sshile prices in Maim- dropped 2 \ |>or cent. "Land prices of a pai tUnlar •roa reflect (he aut ieultural po tential and the condition of asso ciated farm huildinss." 1 loov er explained. "Cutm (>i ss<xxlland in .some areas mas sell for S-Vi an acre sshile irrigated (tints or chard land mas sell for Sl.ifUf or more |x • acre.’’ Figures .simss' ihai the avurajfl' salue of faimland in the I'.S. in Nosomher lf«i.’$ was $1,V> per acre. The aserage for N rlh Carolina ss.as Sjld. Hoover ixiints out that figures on farmland prices must tx' in terpicled I .trefllHs l.oSs than 2 per cent of all I'.S. farmland i» sold in am one >« u. And this land .-nay lx- so sailed that com parisons ore <liffi> ult Also. Hoover p .o s "ill farm land pi e* eaanol lie understood ( apart from other priees. While farmland pi ices have Imen in eroHMii per cent annually over tile pa-: O years stix-k pri«e*« liase been increasing nearly 7 |x>r cent On the other hand farmland prii-es hase risen it a fastei- rate than ssti desale pi ivs and con sumer prees. Cotton Facts Are Reported RALKIGH Cotton f i ts as ie|»ortod h> the cotton fiber tost ill-; la oi atoi'j if tile N (' IV partrrnt of Agriculture .slum mam chara- leristics to be high in the final summ.ii> f. mhos on North ("a dina's ifX>l cotton clop In a report fr->n t lepart merit's engineering sect i o n. Charles Klks. sc-tion head said indications from mam anas of tiie state show good fihe: char acteristics. The final report summarizes the stale's cotton quality, and comprises finding printed in 1.1 reports mailed t . over SOrt manu facture, s in the textile industry, and rot to buyers and handlers hmughou? the So tthe ist The re ports a!so go to eountv extension chairmen for information dis seimin it ion to farmers Th ■ summary indicated that cotton coming from the lo < oun t tv prnducin- area f the state ' was generally average in the fine-to coat - ■ ratio measured by Mieictiaire instruments other fi i tier test results At" c shown t»y the Causti. are instrument t - show 'iitic iirmaturiti Sam pit > tested totaji i .1.590. represent in.’ SoRto 1"1* sam ples of cotton classed under the ; Smith D >xc\ Prog ram The NC I 1».\ lah »i atoi-v -ooperates with (the cotton divi-'on. \gricultura! Marketing serviix*. I' S Depart I mem of Agriculture in securing i samples f r test- from some 215 Farm Loans Now Available A new program <>l small ioans j • oupled with management assist ■ in. e is now available to farm families an<l rural residents with 'limited income in Cleveland j (.’onnty. -lohn E. Davis. County Supervisor for the Farmers Home Administration said today. | These loans are made avail aide by the Economic Opportun i ity Act. Loans up to Si'**) are i available to farm families with - limited income who cannot qua iifv loi financial assistance un der tiie regular loan program of Farmers I iome Administra te>n in- private lenders. These loans ate aimed at helping farm -I' d rural families earn more in come fr >m their own enterprises. Lo.ai - to farmeis may i»c made for ili. j in chase ol livestock. : i linerv and equipment, to ' constr.ici or repait farm build in:- pav .uirtual operating ex penses. for feed. seed and ferti ii/i-r. t>. refinance real estate debts and pm base a small acre a... land r> instruct for loans l i finance a- agricultural enterprise, an applicant must lie a fain r and must have earn ii . tit.ii arc t i low to cover has.,, needs for family living. In a iition in loans to farm i pi-a il measures provided by the vsth Congress .allow loans to made t rural residents with li t tc-l i arnir.js t > develop new sour- cs of in-i :rc These loans n -hide i •• term loans to fin ,a • in develop : .•;» of a small ' i is.ness tlur w ill in, tease family income. Funds may lx- ad vanced to. such purposes as m.ichifcrj rep-tit shops, maehin oi v for . istorn work small bar er or beauty shops, home pro • I lion .if itaudii i afts. rugs. etc., and a variety of other income producing facilities TIics,. Kcmiout opportunity loans will range up to S-Jutto and will -arrv an interest rate of t'« nei • cut with up to I t v e il s In re pav Application ma> t«* made or i lift-n.il inlormati .n obtained I ■ program ol the I m urt Opportunity Act at the Farmers Home Administration office. New Countv Office Build ;t >hwat Mo ISO Tar Heel girts 1,011 -|>r le ;th of The samples' fun. , was indieati I for the 1964 •rop than the previous year's, as tested on Ft bro graph instruments :n the department laboratories. Also, el •ngatton tes's showed that the fils!' wet. the high range. NOTICE or ANNUAL MEETING Of Kings Mountain Savings & Loan Association. Notice is hereby given that tho annual moiling of shareholders of Kings Mountain Savings Loan As sociation will l>o hold at the offices of the association. West Mountain street. Kings Mountain. V C.. at 2 p.m.. Tuesday. February 9. 19*v>. BEN H. BRIDGES, Secretary-Treasurer Strong Man HORIZONTAL 1 Man of peal strength. 6 He was a — charsets, 15 Herb. H Music dnaa. 16 Container weight. 17 Door rug. it Thicc-proofa spear. 20 Encountered 21 Pair. 22 Therefore, 23 Structural unit. 25 Preposition. 26 To petfood 27 Child, respiendea. 31 Tui ret. 33 Italian coiOL 34 Ireland. 33 To weep, 36 Auto. 35 His strength was in bis 40 To sit. rrrr «*To MAad. 51 Drone fe( 52 Pitcher. 53 Type 6S Market SCHusbud or wile. 58 Hour. SO-betrayed 2 Axillary. 3 Witticism. 4 Southeast. 3 Neither. • Cot. 7 Wrath. • Curse. 5 Neuter rm 41800. OHIdMi nonrijo 44 Mister. 4TLaad right 40 On* opposed to anything. MMjntU. SS Musical sate. 57 HaU «i tm. 50 Masculine rm

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