E X <; A HE M E X T AXSOVXCEV Mr. and Mr*. T. I.eieis Ho i is <,f Kings Mnuntil in onuonn, , tin t Hi/iigi inent , ,f their daughter. Xu lit il I.eieis, It, thr Ree. F r, d Roekietll Archer. Jr., of Rink Hilt, S. r . son nf Mrx Ered /.’ An her of Stall si dle unit the loti Mr. Archer. ’t in to id, • • t.o /.'*<;} ,/rod note nf Erskineeid li or. han tough! this w nr in tin Kings Mountain elementary sehotil system. .U Frskint sin nos a in, min e of Aliilni Koyi*i (lommo amt tie Fit,1,tint lean J.ih riiry S hi, tit. The /irony, r hie In nit ■: •• • n iiioihintr nf Frsknic colli g, on it Erxkint Si mi ll n u ielieii In nos o /.ii ./IIn r of tin Phdomeleun Sis n >y. II, in ! Hill'.-, l-den Ti enter Assis iotc Reform, d Preston It i ioii elm - I, Th, i< - Iding it'll! hike idoee June I.’ in lioyee Memorial Ah'P I hnn Ii In re. Eastern Star Adopts Resolution King* Mountain Chapter 123. ; Order of the Kastem Star, he* ■ adopted the following resoluti >n of p'spfct in memory of Mrs. L. M Logan To the Worthv Matron, the Wortlty Patron, Other Officers, ami All Memliers of Kings Mimki tain Chapter No. 123. Order of the fiastcro Star: We, the unders grted c>mmit ter-, appointed l>y the Worthy Ma tron to write resolutions of sor row and respect to lion <r our de ceased misrlior. Mitchell Rarhcr Logan. su‘ mit the following. Whereas, it has plea.sitl the Great and Merciful Fa th« .• in Heaven Chapter No. 123. Order >f the Eastern Star, and take a link into the Oolrien Chain in the Crenl Beyond. FOR, on January I. 1903. Mitchell l.arlier Logan. joined our CHAIN OF FRIENDSHIP , and during her years as a mem ber of our Chapter, we cni >yed her fine sincere sisterly friend ship and her lasting kindnesses, until the day of January l, 1963, when the Kind Father in Heaven iaid his alleviating hand upon her weary and weakened body, re lieving her of all her earthly suffering, so was our Chain of Friendship broken and suffered its loss. Now therefore. Be It Resolved, that the deep sympathies of the Chapter Sisters and Brothers go out to the sorrowing family. We direct that these resolutions ho recorded in the minutes of Kin.’. Mountain Chapter No. 123. a copy to the local newspaper. It I is our prayer with the poet to express our sorrow and extent some comfort in these words Her loveliness was in her faith In God she had her trust; No wonder she could always ho So loyal and so just. God made a life of loveliness A life that was worth while And rich arc we who shared With her The sunshine of her smile. Annie B. Roberts Addic If. Bridges Janie D Kincaid Committee ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The cngu.fimeat of Mi** Alona Stewart and William M. Weddinc, Jr., It th of Charlotte, ix imiiirtiiu r:l by the br'ule-eU'.t’s parent*, Mi x Winnie Horton 8tev'iii t of Kina'- Mountain and Charh * E. Sttorart of Chur• lotti. The wedding trill be on event of April 17 at S p.m. in Chariotte’x Central Write yon Methudtxt ehureh. Elizabeth Stewart. Editor SOCIAL CALENDAR Tlinradav: 7:30 American Legion Auxili ary at the home of Mr*. O. O Walker. Mrs. Ida Long, co-host ess. Sot nr day: 9:00-12 p m - American Legion dance for members and guests at the American Legion Hall. Din ing room open from 5 p.m. Monday: 3:00- Circle 1 at Central Meth odist church. 3:30 Circle .*> of First Preslty terian church at the home o) Mrs K. A. liar rill. 110 E. King street. 7:30 Circle 4 ol F»:st I’rwby terian church in the Ladies Bibb Classroom. Mrs. Nell Hollings worth, hostess. 7:30 WMU Home Missior Study at First Baptist church. 7:30—Circle 1 of First Presby terian church at the home of Mrs J. II. Thomson. 30K W. Mountaii stret*t. 7:30 Circle 2 of First Presby terian church at the home of Mrs B. W. Gillespie, 103 S. Pied.mon' Avenue. 7:30 Circle 8 of Central Meth odist church at the home of Mrs I. B. Cofort h. Sr. 7:30 Junior Woman’s club at the Woman's club. Mrs. Glenr Ettiers and Mrs. Shuford Peeler hostesses. Tuesday: 9:30 a.m.—Circle 2 of Centra* Methodist church at the home o' Mrs Paul Beam. 7:00— Dixon Community 4-P Huh at the home of Miss Anita Montgomery. Wednesday: 10 a m. Circle 3 of First Pres bvterian church at the home o' Mrs. H. L. Campbell, 408 E. Kinr street. 10 a.m. Circle 6 of First Pres vterian church at the home o' Mrs. F. J. Sincox. 906 Rhode* avenue. 3:30 Colonel Frederick Ham bright Chapter DAR at the home of Mrs. L. E. liinnant. Baptists Plan Mission Study Monday Deb^a Joann Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. (Bud) Stewart o the Dix on community, w: celebrate her fourth bhthday Saturday. January 30th. Debbie is granddaughter of H. K. Stewart of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Hi.ks of O d Fort. She is great - granddaughter of Mrs. J. W. Farris. A small family party will be held at the Stewart home. Comings And Goings Mr. and Mr . AH e Lee Dunn have moved to Statesville where Mr. Dunn i ‘mp'oyed by Beaunit Mills. Mr. Dunn was formcy employ- d by Carolina Throwing Company. Mrs. Dunn is the* * rn -'r Sue Hail of Kings Mountain and the couple are porei or four children. • * * * A 1C a"d Mrs. Ronald DiSabato have returned to An drews AFB ' Washington after visiting for 30 days with Mrs. Di Saba*. • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse h arbro. Mrs. Di Sabato is the former Grace T arbro. The Di Sabato family has been reassigned to the Wash ington air bo ■ from Pans, France where Airman Di Sabato had been rtationed for sometime. A 1C and Mrs. D> Sabato spent the weekend at Mid way Park -ear Camp Leieure, N. C. with Mr. and Mrs. Lym an McL ty e. Mrs. M mtyre. the former Norma Dean Lawr ence of Be en *r City, and Mrs. Di Sabato served in the Worre s Air Corp tooether and were discharged from the service last year. * * * * It's A Gid Mr. ard Mrs. Tommy Srr th of Omaha, Nebraska, an nounce the arriva of their first child, a daughter. Therese Marie, January 23. Kinos Mountain grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur G. Smith. If Junior Balks At Breakfast Serve Easy-To-prepare "Space" Specials II your > >up s'im> turn down breakfast, try spa. - strategy and watch the young astronauts go into eating o-hit’ Make a re.-kinship with ready to-eat cereal, banana for rocket* Kly and tail fins and a sprinkle of strawberry-flavored mix fot •space dus ." Quick strawberry flavored -rix is a bandy pr -duct that mikes- strawberry milk by merely stirring in the mix with a spoon. Space-minded youngster* w.ll tlip at flying saucers that are c-asy-to-make pink pancakes For the asfron ute- there's spaie queen cereal, which is oatmeal with a rosy hue. complete with miniature marshmallow features and a crown of wispy ready-to eat cereal. ROCKET SHIP Put lavorite ready-to-eat cer-. eal in oval bawl. Sprinkle with 1 quick strawberry-flavored ^alX Slice banana in half length-wise. ' <« ntering one slice lengthwise over cereal Halve remaining -sluv awl arrange as v-shape tail fins at end of bowl. Serve with milk. SPACE QVEEN Prepared rolled oats according to package direction*, adding 1 > up quick strawberry flavored mix with each 1 cup rolled oats. Put cereal in round bowl. Place shredded ready-to-eat cereal half way around edge of cowl for “hair". Use miniature marsh mallows for features. Serve with milk. FLYING SACCERS To recipe on liox of your fav orite pancake mix, add l« cup quick strawberry - flavored mix and 1 teaspoon lemon juice for each 1 cup pancake mix. Cool as directed. Serve with butter and Ilyrup Rev. Jessie Powers, pastor of Hopewell Baptist church of Blacksburg, S. C., will ‘eac a mission study of the book, 'Winds of Change”, Mon day night at 7:30 p.m. at First Baptist church. All Baptist church congre gations and others interestec are invited to join with the local congregation in the an nual home mission study. Churches from the Grover area have a'so been invited to attend. The Women's Missionary Society of the host church is in charge of arrangements. * » Mrs. Aubrey Mauney was elected a trustee of the Kings Mountain Woman's Club suc ceeding the late Mrs. C. E. Neisler and five new officers were named a t Monday night's meeting at the Wom an's club. Mrs. Juanita Logan will ; serve as recording secretary ! for 1965-66, Mrs. Paul Hen j dricks will serve as treasurer, Mrs. E. W. Nea! will serve as chaplain. Mrs. F. S. Morrison , will serve as club editor and Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch wi! j serve as federation director, i Club members heard a program on adult eoucation as higrmghr or the rreeTing. H. L. Cline, associate director of the Gastonia Indus ! trial Education Center, was guest speaker. He spoke on the : need of adult education and noted that in July 1965 the i Gaston Center would be merged w th Gaston Community i College. Mrs. W. Eugene McCarter presented Mr. C’ine. Mrs. John Cheshire, club president, presided. She an nounced the 1965 Community Festival would be he!d in October. Bride-Elect Honored Miss Gail Pearson, whose wedding to Alfred Phillips takes place February 7, was honor guest at ‘wo br‘do1 par ties recently. Mrs. Richard Dellinaer and Mrs. Andrew Pe ‘rqer c1 Cherryville were hostesses Thursday ever’nq at the home of Mrs. Arrie Phillips at a household shower for Miss Pear son. Twenty guests enjoyed bridal qames and D'nk and white refreshments. The bride-to-be wore a three-piece acii.a suit. Mrs. Donald Smith and Mrs. Donald Gladden of Green ville. S. C. entertained tooether Sa‘urday nioh* -a* the for mer's home at a drop-in shower. A pink a^d white theme was carried out in party refreshments. The bride-elect wore a beiqe brocade dress sty'ed a lonq empire lines. Her carnation corsaoe was a oift from the hostesses and the 25 auests who called from 7 until 9 showered her with household gifts. Miss Martha C^ullick, James laylor II Wed Friday In Charlotte Church Rites Charlotte’s Myers Park Bap tist church provided the setting ! Friday at S p.m. for the wedding 1 of Miss Martha GulUck and > James Caswell Taylor II. The bridegroom is grandson of 1 the late Mr. and Mrs. George j Patterson, onetirre residents of Kings M iintain His great-uncle and great-aunt an? Mr. and Mrs. j R. Grier Plonk of Kings Moun- | tain. Dr. Carlyle Marney, pastor of j •he chureh. was assisted by Dr. j Harry M. Moffett of Gastonia in performing the double-ring cere- i rnony. The church altar was banked I by madonna lili«*s. snapdragons . and cathedral candles accented y Southern smilax. Mrs. Mary Lou Beman was at 1 th? organ for the program of nuntial music. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jonathan Green Gultick of Char 'otte, the bride was given in mar iage by her father Her wed ling gown was of candlelight H*au tie soie. the iiodice and skirt 'eaturing appliques of re-em iroidered Alencon lare sparked vith hand-sewn crystals and •'I'd pearls. The full length man ilia was of matching late. She tarried a bou»|uet of Phaleanop is orchids, stephanotis and French hyacinths. Miss Laura Stow- Todd of At lanta. Ga. was maid of honor and Mrs. William Clyde A her net hy, !r. of Charlotte was matron of honor. Bridesmaids included Mrs. Robert Fraklin Crum pier of Wilmington. Miss Kmma Jane Hedrick of Darville, Va.. Miss ’met Barnett. Mrs. Henry Bvrd and Miss Margaret Dick, all of Charlotte. The attendants wore formal gowns of gladiola georgette styl ed along empire lines with cum merbunds in deeper shade and slight trains Their bouquets were of rri\ed spring flowers. Dr Preston Reeves Taylor of Belmont was best man for the bride ’room. The list of ushers in cluded Linwnod B Hollowell. Jr.. John Robert Mercer. Carl Jerome Stewart, Jr.. Forrest Rotierts. Jr.. Minor R. Adams HI. all of Gas tonia. William Ralnh Carter. Jr o' Linrolnton. Herbert Stockton Massey, Jr.. Dade City. Fla., and Preston Reeves Taylor, Jr., Bel mont. The bride’s narents entertain ed at a reepotion at Charlotte Country Club immediately fol low" n<’ the ce^emonv. Members • the bridal party re •eived in the Pi-ne Room where the mantel was hanked with sunn-* flowers. Madonna lilies snapdragon* and greenery dcro *-atcd the ballroom A five-tier wedd’ne c*ke was hiehllpht of the britle's table wh'ch was dec orative with figurines holding white flowers. The new- Mrs Tavlor is a erad note »f Wake Fo**est eolle»e. She's vlee-orestdent of the Char I'Htr Sni"«tf« Hub. Mr T’vlor is tb»* son of Mr*. Lenora Paft.»r«oo Tavlor o* Gas tonia and lames Caswell Tavlor Mount Hollv. H»* was graduat ed from Castle Hel«hts Military j Academv at ' eh»non Tenn.. at 1 tended N. C. State college and la a member of Kappa Sigma fra tcmity. He is engaged in the real estate business in Gastonia as owner of Taylor Realty Co and is vice-president of Gaston Board of Realtors. Inc. After a trip to Hamilton. Ber muda. Mr and Mrs. Taylor will be at home after Feb 7 at 13 Grier Apartments in Gastonia. Miss Wright Weds Edward Lovelace Miss Barbara Wright became the bride of Edward Lovelace Friday in a double-ring cere mony performed by Rev. Mitchell Pruitt at his home on Cherry ville road. Members of the two families attended. rile bride, a senior at Kings Mountain huh school, is daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Wright of Kings Mountain. The bride groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Lovelace of Grover. For her marriage the .wide wore a two-piece light blue suit with black accessories. Sue carri ed a white Bible topped with white carnations and blue streamers tied in lover's knots. After the ceremony the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Herndon, were hosts at a reception. The bridal pair cut their wedding cake which was served with punch and party refreshments. Miss Kathy Wright, sister of the bride, and Miss Diane Cole man, niece of the bride, assisted in details of entertaining. The newlyweds will make their home in Grover with the bride groom’s parents. Mrs. Lovelace expects to continue her educa tion. Mr. Lovelace, a graduate of Kings Mountain high school, is employed by Massachusetts Mo hair Flush Company's Margrace plant. Future Teachers To Meeting The Bessie Simonton Chapter of the Future Teachers of Amer ica shared a part of the activities at the area conference meeting of the NCEA on Thursday. Judy Morris. Beverly Wil'is. Teresa McDaniel. Anne Trott. and Helen Goforth decorated the stage for th« afternoon pro gram. Neil McCarter, Larry Lo gan. and John Caveny assisted the visiting teachers in parking their cars. On the greeting com mittee were Teresa McDaniel. Carolyn Heavner. Batty Steffy. Carolyn Jonea, and Vivien Wil son. Susan Merrier. Judy Morris Patty Gaffney. Teresa Jolly, and Anne Trott nerved as guides. Helen Goforth. Jo Bridges, Linda Roberts, Marion Morrison. Linda Mauney. Margaret Bryant. Linda Sherrer. and Judy Ivey trade up the serving committee for the dinner hour. Officers of the Futurb Teach era of America are Nell McCar ter. president; Carolyn Heavner. vice president; Carolyn Jones, secretary; and Iterant McDaniel, treasurer. Miss Helen Logan la the dub advieor. Women's Traffic Seminar In Raleigh To Feature Both State, National Leaders Numerous state and national. lately leaders will address a statewide womens traffic safety wminar in Raleigh on January »th. Sponsored by the privately-cn lowed N. C. Traffic Safety Coun cil. the meeting will bo held in taleigh's Memorial Auditorium rom 9 until 1 o'clock with a -unchcon following- Several hun Ired women civic leaders are •xpected to attend. Governor Moore was scheduled o present the Council's “Govern ■r’s Award” to four individuals uid organizations which have nade outstanding contributions o traffic accident prevention in he state during 1964. Howard Pyle, former governor ;»i Anwiiw and piesi dent of the Natio n a I Safety Council will deliv c r t h r main a d dres*. Mrs B. V. Todd. Direr tor of the Worn »n'« Divi sion of the Automotive Safety houndailol. vill talk on w j man power for raffle safety. M. R. Darlington. Jr.. Manag ng Director of the Auto Indus lies Highway Safety Commit ee, Inc. will discuss mechanical failure in traffic accidents. A tide presentation on mechanical nspertian also will he presented Representative Joe E Eajlw >f Edgecombe County will talk >n the lawmaker and traffic j afety. and Mrs. H. Jack Sharpe Tr.. the Safety Council's Women'* •held Representative will discuss , •he citizen and traffic safety. Other speakers will include Safety Council President Louie . E. Woodbury. Jr. of Wilmington >nd Executive Director Phil W Ellis. Dr. T. L. Caahwell. Jr., ?astor of the Hayes Barton Bap tist Church will deliver the invo cation. Mrs. Spears Has Birthday Mrs. Goldman Spears was honored Sunday on her birthday at a surprise family diner at her home on Grover road. A decorated birthday cake was cut and served. Dinner was serv ed buffet style. Present with Mr. and Mrs. Spears for the birthday celebra tion were Miss Donnie Ruth Spears of Charlotte: Donald Blanton of Fort Jackson, S. C.: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean Spears. Mike and Robin; Miss Debbie Blanton; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blanton; Mrs. Lid’ Spears; and Misses Bertha and Grace Blanton. Mrs. Spears opened and dis played her birthday gifts. Bar Mitzvah For Howard Weiss Bar Mitzvah rites for Howard Barry Weiss, 13-year-old son i»f Mr. and Mr*. Dan Weiss, were held Friday evenin ; at Temple Emanuel in Gastonia. A reception for 200 guests was given by young Weiss' parents Immediately following the rite of confirmation. The Weiss family was host to SO relatives at a Saturday lunch eon at Kings Mountain Country Club in honor of their son's 13th birthday. Young Weiss is a seventh grade student. Drying Flowers Program Theme Mrs. Dorus Bennett presented the program. "Methods and Techniques of Drving Flowers" at Tuesday morning's Magnolia Garden dub meeting at the home of Mrs. John Howze. Mrs. Bennett also demonstrat ed specimens of dried flowers to highlight her program. The blue rib" on in flowtpr ar tanging for the month went to Mrs. M. D. Phifer's perpcndicu lar arrangement. Mrs. Howze served a dessert course at refreshment time. Region Auxiliary To Meet Thursday The American Legion Auxiliarv will hold regular meeting Thurs day (tonight t at 7:30 p.m. at th' home of Mrs. O. O. Walker with Mrs. Ben Long as co-hostess. Program for the meeting wa not announced. All members arc invited to attend. Miss Hutchins To Wad Carl Ray Fortenberry Mr. and Mrs. James Her mar Walker of Grover announce the engagement of her daugthe* Gladys Faye Hutchins, to Car* Ray Fortenberry, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fortenberry of Gro ver. The wedding will take plic February 14th in Allen Memorial Baptist church. Mir. and Mrs. Brstton Herndon •f Greensboro spent the week and with Mrs. Vada Herndon and visited otbbr Kings Mountain rel "American Patriots" Is DAR Program Theme Colon**! Frederick llamhright Chapter. Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, will hold Ihcir regular monthly meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. E. Hinnant. Mrs. C. EL .Neisler. Jr. is pro gram chairman. Tlie program theme for February i* "American Patriots." Junior Club Meets Monday Junior Woman's ('lubbers will holr their regular mining Mon lay night at 7:.TO |>.m. at tin* Woman's club. Miss Jackie Blanton is pro gram chairman. Co-hostesses will In- Mrs. rllenn Etters anil Mrs. Shuford Peeler. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Hunter War lick of Hickary announce the arrival *f their first child a daughter Cherrie Dell. January 11th. Tin* t>aby is granddaughter of Mrs. C. K. War lick of Kings Mountain and great granddaugh *er of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Hatter son. Mr. anil Mrs. Stephen Goins, '■oute G. Shelby, annou. e the birth of a son. Wednesday, Jan uary 20. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gill. 113 Carpenter street, announce the birth of a son, Thursday. Janu ary 21. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kphriam Holland. 103 X. Eighth street. Bessemer city, announce Mu* birth .>( a daughter. Friday. January 22. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Major Loftin. 1303 W. Gold St. Extension, an nounce the birth of a daughter. Friday. January 22. Kings Moun tain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Dale Bar rett. route 3. announce the birth of a son. Saturday. January 23. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hullender. '"W Katherine street, announce ‘he birth of a son. Sunday, Jan uary 2-1. Kings Mountain hospi tal. Mrs. Ezell Denton and the late Mr. Denton announce the birth of a daughter. Sunday, January 24. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs Jesse Lee James, route 1. Grover, announce the birth of a son. Monday. January 23. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mace I-cc Day. 101 E. Tennessee Avenue Besse mer City, announce the birth of a son. Monday. January 25, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wyte. 203 E. Roxford road, announce the birth of a daughter. Tuesday, January 2fi. Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daniel Cordell, 032 Bond stia*et. Gas tonia. announce the birth of a son. Sunday. January 24. Kings Mountain hospital. CALLING ALL HOME MAKERS By gene ttmm« DO YOU HAVE TO GO OVERBOARD OK PRICE TO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HOME? Wouldn’t it he wonderful to have your home furnished . *i.. without going TIMMS overboard o n price? Did you know it ran be done! You ran net furniture and accessories you will like and still stay with have had much experience in solving this very problem — helping people select their furniture to fit a specific budget. We can suggest styles, fab rics. textures, colors, wood finishes and arrangement that will help you furnish your home beautifully without ex. ceeding your budget. And we can show you a wide choice and complete selection. Whether you are conserva tive or daring in your tastes; whether you need an odd oiece or u complete home of urniture. you won't regret laying us a visit. Remember — it CAN be lone. You can have an at ractively furnished home whether you have a big bud jet or a small one. Take advantage of the help we can givi you. Come on in. You'll be pleasingly surpris ed at our easy budget terms. Small down payments and the balance on weekly or monthly payments to fit your particu lar budget. We are lo<-aled in the low overhead area, doing a large volume and passing the savings on to you. Quality furniture & appliances and tremendous discounts either for cash or lime. The "Mystery Tune” is up to $55.00, why not tune In WKMT ^30 A.M. and see If can guess It (

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