> ☆ SHOP A&P ytjr. • OUTLANDING LOW PRICE ON SUPER-RIGHT SLICED BOLOGNA-39^ CAP’N READY TO HEAT lOOx AND SERVE—Buy Today Pkg. FISH STICKS C 23c £ 45c ' I > SAVE CASH ON A&P EXCLUSIVE BJIAND ALLGOOD SUCED BACC'l r *— r-Mi - V , <*£^ l> liSM id W »jy c M (VSOKED ’2*3’*-Lb. A»ij. 01 6 to 8-Lb. Ave. HALF YOUR CHOICE PER LB. . C.Y ON lb 35c BUTT PORTION I; 45c CENTER SLICES.lb. 79c V PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFF. THRU SAT. JAN. 30th 33c S to 3-Lh. Average Loin Pork Chops, lb.59c 2-3 lb. svg. Fresh Pork Back Bonos, lb..33c BLUE STAR FROZEN • BEEF • CHICKEN • TURKEY • MEAT LOAF OR SALISBURY STEAK *w.iT CREAM BUTTER > 1-Lk. Cta. 73c— JUST REDUCED,No Limit! OUR FINEST QUALITY. FRCItN CC ,; = N'’JlTID * 0« C*«» fl&P CHAr'S: 43c 'Sm IJ-Oi. Con $©#• ft u v w J 6-0*. I 4 C n. 1.25 I MINUTE MAID ' ORANGE BLENDED 4C?* 30c 55c 2 c.*V 45c r L !■ c* * * ..: *;4*) liAPEFRUIT 6-0*. ^ Con* 19c CHOCOLATI, VANILLA OR STRAWEtr.RY MARVEL ICE MILK ___ ‘:.S> - 5*2 ' > a Gal Ctn. t F INI POTATOES SUiTANA 9-0:. PM 10c 2 "T 20c A&P BPANC MIXED VEGTABLES » 49c MORTON ASSORTED CREAM PIES 3 83c A&P FRESH ORANGE OQc JUICE is-75c its vv >'0313* DNK MEAT Grapefruit 5 AfcP FRESHLY ROASTED Peanuts _ tld VALUE’ SWEET Potatoes Lb. ••I 1-Lb. Ba« Lb. 3C- FLORIDA TEMPLE ~c ORANGES TASTY YELLOW 14c ONIONS 5 Lb. Lb. Be IONA GOLDIN CREAM CORN lONA BRAND TOMATOES _ 4 2 I-LA. 1-LA. 49c 25c AM WHOLE BEETS ARP SHOD BEETS • 'OUR FINEST QUALITY n A&P WHOLE GREEN BEANS2 I-LA. • IDEAL SALAD VALUE! SOLID PACK A&P WHITE MEAT TUNA ARP PRISM Instant COFFEE 10-01. JAR PR|. PRICED LABEL *1.19 4^. 49c 4^ 45c 37c 27c IKIT O’CLOCK 3-LB. BAG *2.13 7-0*. Can CHOC COVERED CHERRIES i'll PL, 49c AKH PAGE ' V"- ■ CREAMY SMOOTH OR XSLMCHY r Peanut Butter 1 "» • j ' Ot. Jot “ ■* * RED PLUM g ft g Tnmfltn KETfiKL? *4. iont i *.kc» Voi» £»<•*•«? Iced Spanish Bar CAKE 1-Lb >• Of S«tc 2»t IANI PARKIR PIACM PIE 39c NEW! Jane Parker !PtD Sl l'Ant Cl'OC. FUDGE DEVIL'S FOOD CCCOANUT VA!!. c _.. DEViL'5 FOOD fc CHERRY CAKtS 49' PACKED I I CLEAR, PL/.. ‘I, ; S.L PAN WITH A TUftUworl DOME LID SUNNYBROOK GRADE “A" LARGE EGGS 2 c-s 79c I STRETCHING YuUR DOLLARS 1 by Philip J.Goldberg Cha ■ lr *-tute for Financial P'j'nmj Ipc. _ _ J 1 have often lx en ar-!v- cl if mu tual funds can serve a-> a su'-t • ! ;uu foi 1 !e .11- .il - i e. S.il.< j many of these Ir.\«».',nont plans i have enjovcd dazzling >u.■cesses, the question is provocative, hut . • . - t | Although both < an make im portant tcianiaal e attributions o i a person's . uruy. Lfc insu;.- r | offers that t ire cpportunity to. i mmetl ate cni inty. A- > >u ) know, tiii e are few ti ;.rs in I life which are cert i n. ie of a!! life itself In no o', ir situation •an the pitmen of as- ■ pie | mium. even a monthly one s 1 low as S5.CN). mixture an estate f I Slh.otNi nu rn :ht. T!te 'moment you :i tk- the fast payment o? youi iiisur-i policy. \ *ur f.t.Tilv is ,-e a r t., tuveive the lied am act v.> ■ purchased t ns e-.tra ■ «t: • ■■■, protection ,s or.lv av ailaec rhtouph 1 te insutan. e. Tilts, i >n >ngl\ ’ *el should he •he ] trim ary eo trern of ary fam ily man. What about mutual ' . . ■ V ' tual funds, '■ ••• firatit'M of hold.r os and ,>*'«•> s:onal mm u:-m.-t -. ate - • i the safi ■ t>|«- nf ■ n . plans off.-.et) t,, t*n- pub!. K tiler. au\ of tie In1 . > - ie ■ • i -% • llent i- -tills to f, i ■ i j :ti tin- | ast. Th • iikeliho *1 - r ;t they eoiiUl cord. i ■ to ie » r in mum i ,sk investment v h w i! nr-dure •’ll ill. ark cv t i for their parti-ipant> lln-.vevi ■. i there are no _;>i u a- tee* ! have always stressed what I all the I’ ’! e ' y" •’ t an- i ll plannin Pro! Invesmtent in lint nrd. PHOTKCTTON. Htei. ild la- .idiqija-e life . - it a- p o lection lor • mm - fan ly it: m> ase he dies This is hr tils; rfsponsihilit The like):!-. ■■ I i that very few .f us can eve; pr<> vide, totally through life i- >ui ance. what we f--!l our fan ly v. ould *• * d ' ■ c by -r • a i si/.inc prote ■ m is the f.r-t ■ r rier of pers »n il a- inr-ss. vv -tv. taken the firs; .>-•• ovv ■ > curity. This should lx» ■ su;e- • totaling a minimum of 5 years income. SAVINGS- At ill • - a . • r a man is developin'’ pi ate,-tion through life ins- • lie hotild , e-tabj -h an i s, ., .•> program fash v. lue m whole ! life insurance is one t >un of sav ill -s. hut a svsl. • |il i 1 fit saving i‘.i’ik • rovi-rrme'it hntMl put • hitse til'. ‘>e t sec otid sli p .- a p: t nan.-: •1 program. IXVK< IAIKV* Only .. has esiahlislied >ib- aimul life insurance prot, : n. and a- uni j i ulaled cash savi s equal ta 21 months . Grand Central S’ • N; vv York. N. Y. 10017. I Farmers Note Sign-Up Period Farmers -.sill have an «*r (unity to sign up ,n the l«-<-«J .train program early in February i affording t> Halph Hat rill. "»unt> Otii'e Man.i.ti'i', ASC’S Office. The >.gnup periml u 11 1> ■ for seven weeks In. r February s through M.'i'vh 2> During the ! signup pm km! W iMIm wheat pi e iluicrs who v.^ird up in the 'wheat program last fall nv> jehange their inter- ..nv A> i: ! previous yeary the feeil grain j program will In- voluntary a: I j each operator o taint' li win-; lone of the three feeit ,;n«. e«>\ eml by tfi.■ program will make h.s own decision ah >ti whether to take part The propram is a vailahle lor corn, grain -oighum. and barley. Karmer.s a !m partici pate in the program will he eli gible for ({.version .1 >in base. M.i\ nium \ei - e- 'a* ni-’ -en i.f the base or S> a-res if t - is lai:'< The n d 1 m i\ .■ on am if the three acreages, ai d the diversion payment will tic based >n the crop diverted. NtyriCK OP SAI.K ' a- id hv \ '1 . !.■ of the po i 11') l '.hi ot •'••• .1 in*! il Si 1 u s of North t'a; -la. the School Rt> .<1 of the Kings M iuir.1 in «• tv Administra sess <»n on If V ' til - of \ . •>■ <1 11164, » ' of the opinion that the build g hereinafter tle.-eril « d is not iet-e'sary or d* -.t at !<• for public school purposes and shell! doe sold and upon motion of II O. Williams tnd s< ended by 15. H Harry a’; I the motion 1 -v ■ mi d. the said house vv ts ordered to he ad v< PmsI e !»: ’.did by law for four weeks and soM a! public unction - n r- p en o-s .ei Sat unlay. January J.'i. 1 -. .1: 10:00 a.nr. The house is ".Id ng located of Phifer Road .. Mountain High tile school build construction. The purchaser will r required Pi tiTive said house from pre the date of purchase. 1 the 14th