K inp! i “Mountain Students Win Honors; Haiti bow ~Girh Install New Officers ^ Howard Barry Weiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weiss, mari/•"/< < i.'nini iI linla liii , \>in o/ (jf,. _i/r. anil Mra. Ilur m Bxhclur. .1 anduate >>t I\m.,s Muiuitain hujh school, the brulf'iUel is >■ ploped h.u hirst {'mini Xutunal Bunk. The bruit >in in,,•lift* is cmploytd In, Campbell Limestone « thl in if > i>hiinuil for March /}. .Vo /in hull invitittiuHx (!/.• b> iii1/ issued h it all friends anti relatives are incited to attend. r> ■ i l \! ’C . I 'liiiiuiil.ir rear ly Feature Program Miss Biucie Cloninjjer. home •ervice ajrent «;th r>.:ke Power Company of Castonia. tiemim strait'll party refreshments anti decorations as tin* program ai Monday night’s Jiur >r Woman's club meet in-. I’sinn tht“ theme. "left's (live A Pai'v", Miss (’loninpor exhibited a taalr of rente -pit* es suitable for children's birthday parties. Vaientint* parties. i.iioi i al j»a therii ,s and nie v parties. She also sut;nested appropriate in\i t.ttiari' «nd gave recipes for par it'Xi v-siiiuetiLt. i » Miss t'loninger. using her own re for a party dip. a decora 1 vc sandwich loaf, and sweets, demonstrated how to prepare them and served the refresh ments to club members. Mrs (Menu Ktters and Ylis. Shuford Peeler. Jr. we.e host esses Miss Jaekie Blanton was program chairman. The devotional was given r*y Mis. l>iek MeCinnis. club chap- . la,n. Mrs. Bill Jonas, dub presi dent. presided. Mrs. W. C. Hughes is visiting lie:- tlaughter. Mrs. \V. B. Atch Uy. other relatives in Raleigh tins week. Kathy Ellison, daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. E1 ison, has been instated as Worthy Ad visor of Kings Mountain As semb y No. 50. Order of the Ra’nbow for Girls. Miss E'lison was ir tailed by Linda Sherror, outgoing Worthy Advisor, assisted by Connie Di«on a- rnarsha*. Margaret Bryant as chaplain, Becky Stowe as recorder, and Dianna Bunkowski as mu sician. A senior at Kings Moun tain high school Miss E! 'son is secretary of the Future Homemakers and a member ot the ruture Teachers club and the National Honor Sod fity. S e attends Grace Methodist church. • Officers appointed to serve during the winter term include: Judie Ivey, Worthy Associate Advisor: Linda Rob* ®!^s* '*y: LlbbY ^'exander, hope: Joyce Dixon, faith: Vickie Petty, drill leader; Jo Bridges, chapiain: Rita Phifer, recorder. Jane Cuip, treasurer; Eiame Dixon, love; Jean Davis, religion; Ann Sanders, nature; Donna Eaker, immor taitty, Teresa McDaniel, fideiity Judy Morrison, patriotism: Elaine Gault, service; Dianna Bunkcwski. musician- Gail Price, choir director; Norma King, confidential observer; and Jackie Dunn, outer observer. * * * * About This N‘ That Ciub Night at the Country Club Saturday will open a fu;l schedule of February activities for members and guests. Mr. and Mrs. John Plonk and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hin nant will be hosts and reservations are aiked by noon Sat-1 urday. The dinner-dance wiil feature music by Bill Jeffries Or chestra. 1 | Sunday iuncn buffet is on the calendar Va entine s Day and a adies bridge luncheon is scheduled Wednesday, Feb. 17. A family night party is planned Friday, Feb. 19. SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday: 12:(Ht Senior Citizens c 1 u b covered dish luncheon at the Woman’s club. Sit tu nitty: 7:0rt Club Night at the Coun try Club. Dinner-dance. Mr. and Mrs. John Plonk and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. ll nnant. hosts. Sit min it: 1:00 The wedding of Miss fiail Pearson and Alfred Phillips in Faith Baptist church. Htnnihitt: 3:00 Circle 1 of Kings Moun tain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. John Maunev. 7:00 Dixon C immunity I if club at the h< re of .Miss Anita Montgomery. Grover road. 7:3d Circle 3 of Kings .Moun tain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. J. K. Willis. Sr. 7:30 Circle I of Kings Moun tain Baptist church at the hi r.e of Mrs. J. R. Davis. Mrs. Jack White, hostess. 7:30 Kings Mountain high school Parent - Teacher • Student Association in the school audi torium. 7:.fo Circle I ->f Central Meth odist church at the home <>f Miss Pat Edwards. 7:30 Circle 5 of Central Meth odist church at the home of Mrs. A IT. Patters >n. 7:3o Circle d of Central Meth odist church at the home of Mrs. W. I>. Werner. 7:30 Circle 7 of Central Meth odist church at the home of Mrs. James Everhart. T uettihty: 9:30 a.m. Circle 2 of Kings Mountain Baptist church at the home of Mrs. M D. Du Bose. Th>tnulltit. Ft b. II: 3:00 Kings Mountain Garden dub at the home of Mrs. James K. Herndon. Jr. North Piedmont avenue. 7:30 Circle 5 >f Kings M iun tain Baptist church at tlie home of Mr*. Kenneth Roberts. WttlHCtultiy: 10 a.m. Circle 3 of Central Methodist church at the church. Mrs. Davis Hostess To One High Rook Club Mrs. J. K. Davis entertained members of the One High Rook dub at her home Thursday eve ning. Present with the members were three visitors. Mrs. Gene M Carter. Mis W. D. Werner and Mr*. Dorothy Etheridge. Tables were appointed for re freshments at the beginning of the party and Mrs. Davis, assist <*d bv Mrs. McCarter and Mrs. Etheridge, served cream chicken with accessories and a dessert course. High score for the evening games was held hv Mrs. Joe Thomson. Mrs. A. II. Patterson held low and Mrs. Etheridge re ceived the visitor's prize. The Davis home w as decorated with seasonal flowers. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Long Hostesses To Auxiliary Mrs. O. (). Walker and Mi>. Ben L >ng were hostesses Thurs day night at the former's home 11<> members of Otis D. Green P .st lbo. the American Legion Auxil iary. The 12 members heard a pro gram by Mrs. (’. L. Jolly, piesi dent. Mrs. Jolly, who presided daring the business meeting, an nounced committee appointments for the year. Plans for Poppy Day were also discussed. The hostesses served a dessert course at refreshment time. Mrs. Bessie Beam will be host ess lo the Mat h meeting of the auxiliary. Mrs. Paul Manner will give the program. "Americanism anti Civil Defense". Devotions for Thu sda\ ni it's meeting were given y Mrs. J. K. Maunev. chaplain. The treas urer's report was read by Mrs. Bessie Beam. Miss Pearson Gives Plans Miss Gail I\ irson. daughter of Mr. and M’s. Tillman Pearson, has completed plans f >r her mar riage to Alf id Phillips, son of Mrs. Ardic Phillips and the late Pearly Phillips, and announces them this week. The wedding will take plate Sunday at 1 p.m. in Faith Bap tist church. It -v. W. T. I. n kadoo, pastor of the church, will oftici ate at the double-ring ceremony. Miss Delores Wiiite will be pianist f >r the program *>f nup tial music and Don Gladden of Greenville. S. t". r.ius.n of the bride-to-be w.'l he vocal soloist. Miss Linda Keynttlds. cousin of the bride elect, will be m.iid of ht no: ’in'* -inly attendant. Best man for the hrid-. gro >m to-be will !*e S dr.ey Franklin of Bessemer Ciiy. I’shers will • lucle Coy Ph 1 lips and Ro\ Phillips, trot hers of the prospective bridegroom. Lesl.e Joy and Paul Reynolds, cousins of the bride-elect. Mrs. Donald Smith, cousin of the bride-elect, will keep a guest register in the vestibule of tht church where the bridal pair will g:ee’ wedding guests after the ceremony. No formal wedding invitations are be.ng issued hut all friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. Mrs. Beam Hostess To Methodist Circle Light mem bin s of Circle 2 of Central Methodist church gather ed Tuesday morning for a regu lar meeting at the home "f Mrs. Bessie Dickey Beam. Mrs. John Lackey was present as a \ isltor. The devotional was given b\ Mrs. J. R. Davis, after which Mrs. Jay Powell presemed the Kehru.arv program from "Mcth iMlis: Woman." Mrs. Y. K. Throneburg. circle chairman, presided. Mrs. Beam served refreshments during a social .hour. ^ a Rose Lennon, Kings Moi ' junior at Hollins _ ; CjC ir. Holuns. Vo., has re* iu. red 10 scnool after a yea. s study wi;h 40 other He i .. students In the Hoi ns r v o.id program in France. Ml. Lernor' is daughter of Mr. i 'r--. R. S. Lei She rerurnad to New York a bcard the S.S. Stotendarr Thursday. The Hoi ins Abroad stu dents arrived in Europe last Febr ,i-y and spe,,+ a semes i of shidy at the Sorbcnre fn Par; before beginning a summer tour of 14 countries. i ney oegan another semester of study at the Sorbonne in the fall. The group participahrg for-Trn study prooram, included two otner Nc h ^.:rr' r jns: A"ce Cam, daughter ot Dr. and Mrs. (hammers Carr, and Anne Mackinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Mackinney, of Char lotte. Miss G adys Lucille McC ain and Miles Jerome Grant, both ot Kings Mountain, were wed Sunday "n a ceremony performed by Magistrate J. Lee Roberts at hi: home. The bride wore a twc-piece beige wool suit with be:ge and brown accessories. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lee McClain, the bride is emp'oyed by Park Yarn M’ s. Her hu'Dard, a so an employee of Park Yarn Mi' s, is on of Mrs. Bessie Dixon. The new yweds are at home in Kings Mountain. * • * * Mrs. Pai Hendricks reviewed highlights of her trip last summer to Europe at Thursday s Book dub meeting at the home of Mrs. Jacob Cooper. Mrs. E. W. Neal, mother of Mrs. Cooper, was hostess. Mrs. J. H. Arthur was oroqram chairman for the after noon and M"-. T. Lewis Hovis, president, presided. The club welcomed Mrs. George Julian and Mrs. R. D. Goforth as new members. Two sisters of the hostess were present as visitors. Mrs. E. C. Cooper, mother-in-law of Mrs. Cooper, and Mrs. P. G. Padcett assisted the hoste; ?s in serving a so!ad and dessert cour -e. Mrs. Msi:ncy On Committee (iUKKXSHoRO Mis. William S. J ,viler, of Chapel Hill, presi ct* nt of tlu- I'NC' i! Alumni Asso ciation. has made known the names of alumnae wh • have InH’n i h is i mtn. e.Ts of 11 triet com mi tiers of the Katherine Smith Reynolds Scholarships. The 11 committees nr a have received the names if 2To hiiih s rhool u'irls w it ■ ar • t i be s e reti ed bv distri -is f the fin I s ho tarship compctiti m in Greens boro 'in March and 6. Twenty four irirls will be in the final competition, two from each dis trict and two others from F ;r syth, St- ties Sii \- County is mpt'lry foi o ie -;m •*-.! s.-h > larship in ehe.r.istry. Twelve will e selected. Filch Reynolds scholarship is worth $1,200 a year, rem wable for four years. This w:!l he tlu* third t;r iup of 12 freshmen t • re ceive the awards. There are now 21 Reynolds Srhola'ship holders on tin- campus. Next year there will be 36 anil the foil *w nt year 1**. Tile scholarships we. ■ estab lished lr Anne L Anderson. Greens boro. chairman of tReynolds Scholarship Central ( sinie it s establish rent, is mov invr to Chapel Mill and MissSadve Dunn. I’NC-G ilcm .. w mien. a committee member, will -accord her as chairman. Miss Miutue rite Frlioi mil Mis Mr- - y I) Braswell are two additional fac ulty appointments to the com mittee. The scholarship district com mittee chairmen anil members in clude Mrs. Aubrey Maunev of Kintts Mountain, representing District in. Heart Benefit Plans Underway Pat I.ee. television and radio personality, will he commentat u fnal Guard Arm ory. Proceeds from the benefit will ,o to the Kin Mountain Heart Fund D rive, underway this month, and Mi s. Charles Maunev hi ids the committee on arrange tin its. Mrs. Muunoy s ml ticke » i*o on sale this week at S2. The ticket :u o includes refreshments which w il be served ilut ine the sh>w of fashions fn>m downtown si res. List of models ami i>artietpa! ■ iiitt merchants will he made m*xt w cek. I Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. James Dellinger, *210 N. Sims Street, announ.v the * birth oi son. Friday. January 20. Ktn>;s Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Howard li inciall. route 2. announce the birth of a son. Friday, January 29. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and M,s. James YV. Burris, 315 Wallerson street, ann more the birth of a daughter. Satur day. January 3*». Kind's Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur YVilkie. 3!s T. \.iS avenue. Besse mer City, announce the birth of a daughter. Saturday. January ■to. Kings Mountain hospital. Mrs. E. W. Neal Gives Book Review The Home Arts <-lul» met Tues day nieht at the home of Mrs. Jaeob Cooper. After serving guests a salad and dessert course with eoffee. Mrs. Cooper introduced her mo ther. Mrs. K. YV. Neal, who gave a review of ihc hook, “Mountain D ii tor", i>\ l.i tJette Blythe. Mrs. N K. McGill, Jr., newly elected president, presided. Pres ent as v isitors were Mrs. .Veal, M's. Kdgar Co i|>cr and Mrs. Charles Kasley. Judy Watterson. Kings Mountain junior at Western Caroline co'ege at Cuilo whee has been initiated by A pna Delta Chi sorority. The initiation ceremonies v/ere held last week on the college campus. Daughter of Mrs. J. W. Watterson and the ate Mr. Watterson. Miss Watterson is an English and business ad ministration major. She is also a member ot the English Seminar and the Greek Council. ♦ * I Laura Jean Page. Kings Mountain sophomore at Mer edith college in Raleigh, is a member of the committee in charge of arrangements for i Ru .h Week by the AstrcriJ^ ton and Philaretian lite^p societies Eebruary 8-12. | Daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Pago. Miss Page is a rremoer of the Phi Society. She will help stage a pady for day students, supper for durm students and entertain ment tor a uau to be held Thursday r ght at the college gymnasium as a prelude to Friday s Decision Day obser vatiorv. Rush Week is a rradit'^ra observance at tv.eredith betv.eer the two societies. Each freshman a d transfer is courted by ^he groups a^d titer decides wn :h to join. The societies carry on a yearlong program of service which include work with students at the State School for the B ind and the Wake County Cerebral Palsy Center. Exchange Student Gives Program Adele Jones, Shelby high school exchange student from Wales, was guest speaker atMtiui Mljy's meeting of Sigma CTuipter ol Alpha Delta Kappa in the com munity room of ('level ind Sav ings A Loan Ass xiation. Miss Junw, speaking on a pr > gram arranged hv Minnie Anna Korney, delighted the group hy talking about her native country, the industries the educational system, background of national customs, its festivals, and cli mate Miss Korney presented the speaker. Alpha Delta K ppa inelude memi e ship from Kin s Moun tain and Shelby. all of wh -m are teachers in the s hod systems. Club Is Vendinq Garden Show Tickets Kings Mountain women who plan to attend the annual South . caste: n Flower and fiard< n Show ■ in Chari >tte M irch ti 11 max purchase their tickets from mem ber* of the Town and Country Garden club. Tickets are on sab* at SI. They r.ax ho old a; :■• themselves when rain starts. Walls will be one . way transparent — you’ll be ti see out the whole lengt the wall spaep — hut no will lie able to sec in. Some dc. orators feel tables will he recessi-d into ceiling* aril then lowered clcctronicai Iv when needed. t'hairs and sofas will be re ■••ssi <1 into walls. When you want one — you just push a but on anil out it comes into place. These chairs anil sofas will have adjustable legs that will ■ utomatically raise or lower • or tall or short |ieoplc. Those are great ideas to think about, and no doubt they II all come true, but meanwhile, if yon want some pro out down to - earth furn '•’•re values for your home, wo are ready to serve you with 5he host there is — in the world today — for your home right now. Remember, we at Timms I- urnit ure show a complete line of Living Room, Bed Room, and Dining Room furni 'ur.. in your choice of Karl.v \merlcan. French Provincial, Italian Provincial. Traditional, anil Contemporary. We are the only true discount furniture store in this area, and remem h*'1. \ on do not have to pay ash to receive these discounts, onio in at y.mr earliest venience. under no obligati >f course IMI1IS. «•»