SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD WTD.-THUHS.-FHL Join us in Istanbul- we ll cut you in on the thelt ol the century: Fumwav'- -nhi MfUHAllfRCOURI PFTERUsnNOV MAXIilUAN SCHEll Ell UNITED SRTIjTS V bATUKDA' 7«CB<?fDftlA0 i Nan-muss stfN.-warwg. MSS. ~!'-»»!»m 'IMfCNiWl >•'*■>'-*1* s*» 1. "The T.A.M.I. Show" 2. "Goodbye Charlie" 3. "The Secret Invasion ‘ 4. ’ The Rounders" 5. "The Killers" Gad’s 1*1(111 For Our Lives By DR. PAUL K. AUSLEY Pastor First Presbyterian Cburch TEXT: ArV f> "in all ih; wayis ai-knowledge H m and II< shall dirM thy path." If all o' us would stop ant really ,m- dir our rxiitanif. w would s<K>n so.- th.V we are nc •♦•If made men. All too often « are prone t » think of our achieve mints as evidence that we a. self-sufficient. <>1 course whs. we do tnis we fr.l to aeknow led »c God is our i reator an< that he has a very definite plar for each one of our lives. Who we do see tha' God has a plat for us. it changes .>ur on 1 j >k ot life. But there arc many [icopli who can not see or believe tha Cod directs and controls th world. Now there is a reason fo this: They ask. "How is it pos sible that God can have a pla: in the lives >f people who hav deformed chihlren?" They ask "How is it that in: istiee and suf fering can he worked into th thought and plan of God for ou BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:C0 SHOW STARTS 6:C0 Bessemer City - Kings Mountain DRIVE-IN THEATRE ALWAYS S1.30 A CARLOAD THURS.-FRI. SAT. — 3 Horrore — No 1 — "UNEARTHLY STRANGER** — No. -* — “THE BLOB" — No | — •DINOSAURUS" ON SAT. MOVIES RUN IN REVERSE ORDER SUN. MON.-TUES.-WED. 7 In Color — No 1 — JERRY LEWIS as :he •‘PATSY" — No. 2 — John Wayne "Donovan's Reef' ON WED. MOVIES RUN IN REVERSE ORDER No window post. No floor hump. No radiator. No power steering. No power brakes. (Sonic of liu* things von ilon't jjel ill a ( ’orvair I arc among’ your In-sI reasons for buy ing it .1 ’ti.7 Corrair Monza Si"<rl Sttlail Corvair by Chevrolet Tin- bounty of it, of coins**. goes deeper than ihe things you don’t vet. There’s the other side of the coin—v. hat \ou do gel in their place. Take the no window; * :.t, for example. What you do get i» hi Hop styling— with curved frameie s windows—in fiery Corvair elosed i v.»1. The transmission :nci thiveline hump you don't get means m« e loot room. Thanks to CorvairV r ir engine, the floor is practically flat. Xo radiator—the evi u ’. air-cooled --also means no ware , no antifreeze and no hose leaks to worry about. All of which add up to >ome more iin;>or tant pluses. Power steering? Power brakes? Cor vair needs them like a centipede need* crutches. 'Vith most of the engine weight nit the rear wheels, the front ones are free to steer easily. And stops are quick ana sure —with no no* diving. C o m e o n down to our showroom and disco\cr ihc dif fc’VIKV. discover the difference j Drive something rgutty uric-discover tin• dil.miur at your ( hermlct driller s iheinriet • (Iwivllv • (hvnj M-iorvuir- (ortvllv VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY 132 RAILROAD AVE. KINGS MOUNTAIN 739-5471 MoiulKiuei'a llnu V*. lit ives"" If God is in control o: he earth. how then. can suffc. ’i?, evil, starvati >n continue? t i'xl is. nr is not in c-ontro] of the world, is a question that has • onfronted all of us. Must we conclude that there is lo God just ..e cause these thuig lo exist*’ If there is a God. then le iloes not have any love, no eal interest or cone n f u the iu ran race, or else he would ntervene and clean up the world >f evil, suffering, sickness and ieath. One thing is quite ob\ ous to is; man did not mak himself Vlso, the fact that man exists i -roof that something beyond man possesses n powt r and .n »wlod ;e of tot al re:.lity. VYiiih >fe is one of the mo t plentiful kings existing, man is incapable f raking it. L:fc in iongs to a tower of the eternal and we cal hat i ternal. <lod. IIo» then, shall we thi tk of led and our relationship with j tim? Jesus taught us t.i think of I God as Father the understand ■ ng and all-wise parent. An ' -arthly father ear. and does I i>t control everyth'ng in the I leredity and environment of his i children, If he did so. h s .-h:I ' Iren would not be ffc and re sponsible pets»>n.alities. Never-' • less, every earthly father <if he is worthy of the name fatheri has a plan, a purpose and a great love for his ehildren. In r very similar waj does G d think if us. God d;s s not control ev ■ ythin ; in man's heredity and mvironment. Yet he has a won I lerful plan, a purpos .im i great love f. ■ each oni of lbs children. This is hard for ux t, understand, nevcrthel 'ss. ;t « •ssential f >r u-- to 1 p i 1 r ; nd I that God, tiie sovereign and eter nal creator. In Ms wisdom and | goodness, has ch >sen to 1 mi; hkr.self by bringing imo exist - : mce free and responsible human I personalities. Men and v who art* obedient to the divine plan obtain eternal life. * !v ■ 1 who seek to live the way th ‘\ j<k*sire suffer eternal punishment. ijOl! (lies io\e anu :s ut.-oij concerned fir the hum. rac*. God desires that we will be re sponsible sons and (I *ghtors. •nit nowhere does he ask us t » be slaves. The simple, yet p: > found truth, is that God rtnrsm ' •■octroi everything such as the birtii of deformed children. in justices. evil and the bomb i • if cities. Kvil is contrary to the will of God and results from ' ’• denial of that will. Nevertiede, lod. our heavenly F;.tiler, has a •dan. a neat love for each one d IIS. A very striking illustration a 'ong this line is a story that •ame out « -e time aro n the Reader's Digest. li w-ll help i to see and understand a lMt! letter an out the nature of ‘ 5<>d': irovidence. The mo'her and fa ther of a crippled child w ate: h«l- bov t.- have a full anti \ d u:»h!e life. M my people nav- the narents s .4 'estitns as to how •his could he aecnnpi bed Ant! frankly, it was ouite a pu ie r to h w such a thing coul I he hrou »ht about. So the parents 1 * aided that the >>’ mu t give us much as he took ft >m pc >plo This was indeed a haul and dif ficult thing t « do. First there .vas the s ruggU* to preserve his lit-. Then th» c were fruitless operate -its. Then the little crip ple oy d»1 not want to study and play. Later his r mra ;eous parents encourage*! him to play football. All along h.s life there .verc painful treatments and tlv» boy endured t > r. In other .voids, the pi'.en; < made the hoy live. woik. :>t tv and share post as you would nnv norma : hi Id The hoy • > tie a ;reat o. hoped, e surge tt. T.te parent:* were both v ■ -e and kind t • the lxi>. They could not prevent lJo lio* from striking their child at the age of fiv •. althoug t they eould and did direct h.s life In such a manner as to show they had a plan, a purpose and a great love for h.m. i ins u nr m ry us ni •-pc: our faulty thinking about God's provideitee. The i tie *n .•option of divine pi viden • is not the titou.: v of some k nd ».f supernal -ral manipulation «.f all man's actions. K.i;bpr it > the profound arid wonderful truth of he dvn ■ ! >\ » and fatherh hxI f tl >d .fu--' ■; lie pile-!. ■ of th * ••ripple i> >\ n d a pi ■■ >■ dieh involwd d:s .pi ne, a ste ;iifa.-t purpose ar ! 1 ,ve. so God lias a plan, a pu p >«<•, and a love for Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF Oil NO COST AiL About 15 Day Trial Offer! lor nhri at lymitora or d»ln-.. ■rb.iw inxn tanifewSHHluicmdv 1.(1. “ or MEDICAL PHARMACY. INC. KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. XI d.ll 1 | us. And God ha* a particular -«*p. o'm j « to do ■:»RK ( iCI him alld I »r our fcllowman which \v > a I < ne i an di». No one c i no i. <‘r arc supposed to do ri t Kingdom of God. II we fa.. G t. oe:s Will Tnnt. «Jod .-.aid that "No man I . iim»clf and di. th io hire when we begin to third | y about these thing* c I world w li\ .• .•< v.e ,, in I .vastly of oil.: ee ; . t . >hct of o d “In a.I to ' Ji-kn w ledge him. and 1 litvct thy path*." \w •. : low instructions! i ■ p.o y w i>.. he will c ;o o.l Kaith chan..* t tit..:s. \'.nh, it i vision the people p.v,:h. We need to nave a dc .-.*.• .. d i ional laith in ' . i. \ ... discover the plan . i . ; own life. Life is . . t . cut \v::s g.ven t., o 1 purpose of doing g tifi even lit > i. n.ay i • . or long .n year*. juu haw a pur | pose. I):sco\ei i.-.g ; pu ■ is ' .10* al:va\ i t■ : ..Ul \ ht i enl> Father waiis pati. i. I help you discover that ; . jnd tiun do it! The great eg il;, in *0 many lives is that the,, :s no • i lief in any such d.tine provi dence. il and when man discov ers tiie belief in a pur pose. the outlook on life ch:-.n-v . We pain a different pe.spe.ti, and we place quite fi.f eient values on things. We are no j longer , »neern< d about what we | have. as. what we nr< hc. ornin ’. We are no longer willing to sac ifiee tne things that matter most for the t imp., grit a>e It • w irth while. I».s..>v i . .up and ml idling li d' owrt plan for on lives, here can i.. no thought of suieide . r ev» i !•.->.ser : u Te o. | cowardly surrenoc . it w vs faith in God's plan i t vr h I : > li.m in Christ with n in.-pi-T.i St. Paul t-> great living. lie de •; nply: "I know in who I hate he! lev eti." "I am persuaded hat neith er death, nor life, r a ;els nor principalities. m; pw nor things pie *nt. r.i things to e»me. nor he. :t • <; .• h, r . any other erc.-’aie, ••• ihh to separate u> f >>n the lot of 1**1 which is in Cot-' t J sus ui Lord." Matmey Tapped tty I'oete 1 ,r>. I’a. F»ot«* Mineral C ", iv mu i •* the promo .1 i Robert E. Mouney of 113 il'iven l>.\. u ive.iy. Term. i< ne "hmMod of sunermtendent the Company’.- Ill hum butyl «t j .1 v Job ;i.»nv lle.Trnn.. ■ ' 1 4atmry will i' rr s > i > ''lit i*s if thi ■ ■ . W k > » <1 s. n. d tc the tv i i % »n r.«! sup. tendent of Foote's lit hum < • 1 i ’ i at loti at I) :f f el I. V • I >tli men join'*.! h io:e in 1951 and have served the t'er.pany in various « ipaeities sin.t* .hot time. At present Mauney is as sistant supervisor of th<* New Johnsonville operation. Hyatt Rites Held Monday Funeral riles for John <!. Hyatt, 60. were held Monday at 2 pm. from Firs' Wcieyan Method! t >.liur.ii. interment following in Mountain !;«•<*: cemetery. Mi. Hyatt d cd Saturday morn ini; at hi - home iuJIuwit.i; a heart attack. He war a native of Dillon S. C., and a membo: of First We< leyan M< thodist church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Gertie Mae Sisk Hyatt; one son. j. D Hyatt of Miami. Fla.; a step «on. James Harrison of Chester. S. C.; a step-daughter, Mrs. ,,|<t Burnette of Dallas; and I graiiilehildren. Rev. John Harris officiated at the final rites. _ THE HOTEL CARROLL Gaflney. S. C. Valentine Smorgasbord Sunday, Feb. 14 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Adults S3 Children Under 12 S1.50 RESERVATH <>.'S ACCEPTED Phono 1K9-2521 or Write Ho\ 526, Gaffney MAUDIE GARRIS ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Maudie's Coiffure Of Styling GHAMO CrSUrKC rON''."'”, Fob. IS Come In And Register ForThra- I ii/rs i't» Bn Given Away \"a A Hraw in;; S.-M: • >:*v. 1 •> 1) Free Elcach 2) Fre. Permanent 3) Free Hairset e CwnH and operated bv Mrs. Maudic Garris. :t or. .wide s.;-. i A an I o ie oj the first graduates ot Jncqu* s Kuir i .. , loin... i . ri. i. ■ . >yed beautician an \vt o; iicion’s Beauty Sa'on ol K .i;;s Mos.nmin. ?' . *'• -r many friends and customers to come by and see hei modern beauty shop. Come By O: Ca!l Foi An Appointment MAUDIE'S COIFFURE OF STYLING 405 Manei Road Telephone 73‘P2o4N SPARKUNG DISHES with the flick • of a switch! < ‘ MOBILE MAID* DISHWASHER • Big 14 table-setting capacity iMMiMMlI • Automatic detergent dispuMf • Needs no intallatioii • Rolls right up to thota* • Waist high control • Yinyi-cushiooed ONLY i $2.50 WEEKLY Here s a Wonderful New World ’ O of SOUND Enioyment... THE GRANVILLE « TMN5MTO* STf »EO C OMSOlt • Solid Siaio Power Pa~fc Amplifier • Syncro-Fine FM Stereo Tuner with Stereo Star and Auto matic Drift Control (ADC) • Choice of Mahooany, Walnut or Maple Veneers in New Long, Low S'/ling • General Electric's Ex elusive Man-Made* Diamond Stylus • G-E Custom EDI 25 4 -speed Automatic Changer • 8 Magnificent Speakers $4.10 WEEKLY : SPACEMAKER19 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER « 1. MODEL W479* GIANT It.I CU. FT. CAPACITY! KO DEFROSTING EVER! SELFFILLING ICE TRAY! ZERO-DEGREE ROLLOUT FREEZER! SOLID SWING OUT SHELVES! ONLY $550 VEEKLY Famovs General Electric quality! ONLY G-E HAS ALL THREE! FINGERTIP CONTROLS • MINI-WASH'SYSTEM 12-POUND CAPACITY • Filter-Fit* Washfeg Sfstete • AateauticRtesa AfMt DHpuiar • Automatic Mndl OisMiRtr • CtM Water Wash • Soak Cycle • Water-Savtr Load Soloctor • Safety LM Switch MODEL WA1250T S3.35 N WEEKLY , P iw Miy tMHii

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