THE SOUTH S LARGEST HOMEFURNISHERS -j ■ mm 11-Pc. TEFI5N Cookware Set no sticking and no scouring 16 NO MONtr DOWN! 1 qt. sauce pan and lid, 2 qt. sauce pan and lid, 3 qt. sauce pan and lid, r 10’ sMIet and 5 qt. Dutch oven, cover tits both, nylon spatula and spoon. Early American OVAL BRAIDED RUGS Handsome Early American oval rugs that give you double wear because they’re reversible. Gay heart warming colors and expert workmanship. Arvin IRONING BOARD *3®* Ventilated top, fol '* flat for easy storage «nd adjusts to just tne / right iieight for y«ti. V*/ / Special! HANDY TV STAND *^J7S txpensive !oa SAVE UP TO .. ■ ‘59 98 . WAS AS $129.95 FREE DELIVERY HERE AND TO ANY SURROUNDING COMMUNITY—OPEN EVENINGS FY APPOINTMENT. Phone 739-5451 Kings Mountain, N. C. CciU Yen; Friendly Sterchi Salesmen — Henderson Herndon and Don Banett Picture-Hanging 1 I acts Listed i 1 s in your li >me some* j| hi*;. sere little suim* i.iai don't sft-.T) to fit any wit *re. Peril., ps from .Jean Blr< k. extension housing! atul house *ui nishings ipediliit, North Stale, will suit your s t tat. >n "Sjme pictures re impo. tant mouth to hang b it* ti them til. cmph’.s « deserve. "But some! 1'.' *t is no'e ef furtive to ?r.»up »•••• dti-e several pictures that otherwise are to > small to fill the wall spaee or l hi small to Ih* in scale with the furniture they accompany." Miss Black says. Here are some quid's foi *:vuj. n ’ pictures in v mr liotro: 1. I\.tu:vs us nl »o 'ether h./ulrl t.e similar in subject. You night group together lands • *p. or ani.nls. o- fI overs or peop'e. 2. Odors in tii- M:i-iuies sh mid be sorewhat ttie same. This will help jive unity and a sense of . ness ! > t I ■ 1 in i! grot . " 3. Croup oie'ur-i hy medVi. * r ; is'nn *. gnim prints with >-*s. n't'- v* *li o'fs or water j colors with water colors. .Pc’nres pi uord together ie-(I n it I- • framed and matted exactly alike hut they should he done similarly. i 5. When small and large pie- - lures are grouped t 'ether, place the smaller ones either to the side or at the bottom of the lari? er one. This .ives a alanccd ar rangement. tt Spa.-e hetween grouped pic ri s should l.e less than tin* .vidth of anv one p -lure. If there i- more space hetw:*en them, pictures u 11 appear t ■ be ••eparate rather th in together. 7. II ’ig pictures that have drong line movement so theii lin«'s earrv your rye tov.-ud the . u'». or • u'h other. For in -.tan-v. hang p< rtraits t • face •ach othet. .M III. IV VORTH ( \ROL1N A LFVKLAND ('(UNTY The underpinned having n'l • li ed as Administratrix «»f the es tate of K Barrett, «leceased. 'a*e of Clevelaitfl ( < unlv. this is .» notify all jo'sens having laims against said estate t»» >res‘>nt t > > n to the unih-.-sierted »n or before the 21s- ilav of July. '965. or tlii<>• ■ e will be plead h| in bar of their recovery. .Ml net lebted to I estate •vil' please n it-e immediate pay nem to the undersigned. This js the 21st dav of January, Tfo B Jolly. Administratrix ->li:on Road tings Mountain. X r < loorge R. Th-.ina-.Mjn I At'orne’ Kings Mountain. V C 1:21-2:11 \1 B of the Kings Mi Cty Ad ministrative 1’n t at i spe • il ressi «n on the 1t’!t d of Do vm er. ’ *61. a I -■•••■ if -he •pinion that a ('ate i>’t >- T tor Loader, S--t is 7\! ’ ']■ od a Cherry !’ k'-.- is eat no sary or desirable any more ' uthlie seliooj p-irpe es n n d should I e sold, it’d nr n re t‘ >n s I n.'iti-r! by B ,H. liana ami the :• >• n being unanimously 'red. >•> • vtid Catenvll - Tra -tn - t o- -al hours. The said Tractor may be seen by any nrospeetive buyer at the Beth ware School. The R wird rt or'or a right tn emi t any and all bids. This the 13th dav of January, 1963. B X 111 "I s ye •' 'rv K »,Ts Motu-.t i n S : vol Board j Davis and \Vb:v Vo -ovs | 1:2! ’ll 1 C. E. WMUGK INSTORE AGENCY Insurance Protection • © Business O Auto © Kemo Dial 739.3611 110 W. Mountain St 4 23 tfn