meir averages include: JENKIN'S — Pat Murphy, 94 points, six games— 15.7; »*d Bradley. 92 points, eight games—11.5; Pete Putnam, points, seven games—10.3. LITHIUM Me.trl Valentine and Sid Franklin. 77 points, six games—12.8; Perry Champion, 16 points, five •;ames—9.2: Hon Fishei. Ill jwiints. seven games—S.7. BELK’S — Charles (joodscn. 67 points, six games 11.2; Bobby Goodson. S6 points, eight games 10.8. MIDPINES — Butch Blackburn. Mt) jaunts. seven games—11.4; Roger Ross. 75 points, seven games—10.7; .lohn Van Dyke. 64 points, six games- 10.7. LEGION Reggie White, 72 jx>ints. five games 11.1; (leorge Plonk. 41 jaunts, three games—13.7. HAWKS — Doug Rathbone. 53 jaunts, four games 13.3; Pete Peterson, 71 points. s:\ games -11.8; Mike Hughes, 70 points, seven games—10.0. City Bowling MEN'S LEAGUE - It looks like the Clyde Culbertson team is going to take the league chamjiionshij) this season without even a roll-off. The Culbertson five finished the first half of action atop the standings and an* currently holding down a five game lead in this hall with a 24-12 won-loss record. The Boh Herndon team is in second place with a 19-17 record and Tignor & Russell Garage is tied lor third with Hilling Heating. Both teams having identieal 1S-1S marks. In the Men’s looji. Bob Herndon has the league high set 1.3981 and Tignoi & Russell’s Albert Brackett’s 155 line is high. LADIES' ace in the ' LEAGUE A much Ladies' League. closer race is taking Belk’s Department Store is currently in n t-pl but by only one game. P»e!k’s has an 18-6 record, but clos liehind is Plonk's I Apartment Store with a 7-7 >■ < Medical Pharmacy is thi* only other team that i • : - ;« i- t ter than .500 record. 13-11 t.5-121. THERE is a strong |>ossihilitv that Belk's 1 )t*j rti: Store may he sponsoring the w mn«in t hi* Led -s' Bow i • lace and the City Recreation looji. That would be a perfect season fot that store! MIXED BOWLING City Paint Store, the fit*--* half winner, could very easily cop first place in the m on ! half also. The Painters are currently three games ahead oj Je.i ny Oates w ith an 18-6 record, bates is 15-9. But City Ice <v Coal i> caj able of taking over the le it the breaks are right. The leers are in third jdace with a 13-11 mark. In action tonight. City Paint Store will b« bow lie City Ice & Coal w hile Jenny < hi».-s bov ', bot |. ■ | I.: I *l Tignoi. A four-game v. in by Jenny ('•:<t«*s AND Cit\ lee Coal could knock eajitain Lil Gault's Paine - - h \v third place. Betty Fite (Hi 111 will take on Jmet Parker liM'.i in a battle that could chant"* the stun '-n s considerably. A four-game win by Fite could put th d to in as high third place. SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD \ ( WED.-THIjRS.-FRI.-SAT. IT’S THB GREATEST, GRwOViEST, WILDEST, MOST EXCITING BEAT «T EVER TO ROUND THE SCREEN! STARRING THE BEACH BOYS ★ CHUCK BERRY JAMES BROWN &TKE FLAMES THE BARBARIANS ★ MARVIN GAYE BERRY AND THE PACEMAKERS LESLEY BORE ★JAN AND DEAN BILLY J. KRAMER & THE DAKOTAS SMOKEY ROBINSON AND THE MIRACLES THE SUPREMES THE R0LUN6 STONES M THE FIRST ANNUAL jir: — ""I!!!!1!.'. OAR® , » M • t •** 1 * Stuff* IH'TtiiTMNMtHT CO I E ADULTS 85c — CHILDREN 50c SUN.-MONTTUES. if* «. WATCH FOR 1. "The Secret Invasian" 2. ' The Rounders'* 3 "The Killers" 4. “The Carpetbaggers" 5. "Those Callo Way*" Belk’s Has Three Game Bowling Lead After ADO!tiei week of’ dackpin b >*Tng. the standings ire file same. In ai-Don th.s wwk. first pi i i P.elk's I>«•,».»11■ t«-*ni Store took three game* fr >m bottom place M< < I in: li s Furiii lure Mrdira! Pirn via. > il»>i! Plonks Stum 3 1 and Phillip's to; and Oates-Hen dei son Shell split 2 2. Pot Panthei rolled a l'ts line an I a 300 set as tin* lielks team inereased it’s league lead to three ga Evelyn Karl> r >11 ed a ln| lint and a 292 si- lor the losing M -Ginnis Furniture. Mhk.e Houser rolled a 11!* line and Janet Parker added a tl set as third jilace Medical i’nit maey took three from Plonk'.. Departmt it Store. p;»t Herndon and Lit) Gault shared la t a ,d set honors for t v* Ins .is. It. m Inn rolling a It >3 i.n. and Haul; . 307 set. tin;’ (tales rolled a IP* line and a 311 set as the f narth place Oates ll 'le.son Shell team split a four game series with Ph ilip’s toj. M lrgarct Wilson had .1 1111! line and Kthe T.gno; roll *'d a 2NS set f.>1' Phillip'.-. lid. sr.\.M>iN<;s Team W 1. Bclk's r>ept. Store '21 7 Plonk's I>ept. Store is in Medical Pharmaey Id 12 Oates-Henderson 1.' lo Phillip’s to! 11 IT MeCSinnis Furniture f» 22 Pet. .75n .372 .129 .357 .21 1 7>/rt07 & Pi?sr;e!! 0. Allen M\ers- 121 line and 3.V was hi-.-h for the Ins* i s. stand: NOS Tt am t'lyde Culb**rts in •'oh II ;doti Pi nor <£• Kllssell Dllliri': Heating Plonk 0.1 Ori;t:n Drug W 1. Pet. 25 15 .025 22 Is -550 21 19 .525 19 21 175 IS 22 15* t 15 25 .375 ' Ur . t; 1 SHOW STARTS 6:7 0 Bessemer C;.Jy - Kings Mountain DRIVE-IN THEATRE ALWAYS Sl.00 A CARLOAD THURS.-NRI. SA7. — 3 HITS — No. 1 — Tri \ Donahue “PARRISH" CJnr\ Coop* r “FRIENDLY PERSUASION” — N 1. 3 — Robert Mi- ' urn "HOME FROM THE HILL” t >N S \T 1 V; S "t'X * ix reverse order SUN.MON.-TUES.-WED. 7 HITS — No 1 — t arol R;*k. : “STATiOH t SAHARA” — No. 2 — “YOUNG GUNS O'- TEXAS*’ V. !:I». .!• IVJ. S IS x IX REVERSE ORDER Compact Downs Waco SO S9 The Coin is at C. mi: i : • < ,»i Washington High's Y«-H Is nl Wa «i. \ C Ki, !<> 19 at the C< r ■ \ Highwonng Bills M I 'd th:» Co.,ra *. ■<.. w t1 2 points. Jan. - Hood 'id. Boyd had is and Id [•. ::s r, sportively. Jin* All">nn >. I ■ , era with 2s markers. Mond.n m- . sir- i neyed l.» L n- <»lni >n . I «l the te • t>s 1 >. prndabh* M lev J* >t | ■ • Minc.s with 2.1 po.nts. Th >>;: »> Hi :i s had git for \> .■ »!/1 Th< jun >r vai n |.> nth g,'. res. After leading h\ 17 [joints n halftime the litihv ( obi 1- -II h« hind during the se id half kh •itmhintr 15-11 to the Be ets. The.Neubold i, \ -ti - •% i| so w h tijH d ; he F. I". 1' 2V Donald I 1. h - 01.1 _ jejiirils in two ,'amis T h<* Coin a te.-ie I si a 1! .1 the .1 \ 11 115 M ies Boyd too, n- • , prolific scorer with a 1 •*»; • age. The Cobras n e - . j; i' Garden Time The Iioiiic plant.. should In ' .ni’fully wtlrhrd doting Ffbru .is :.jspct pwlii bw-ome mote a-live. Sf in will contiol p. .*i *il\ all «jf these [N'>is e\i »! i* : i t:.’s. K>>i n. !<•' use ;i i la lion S.-mp plants may have become i , if bound anil need to bp r**!>*** ■-I using In or contaimi s 1/ th > W the ease. hi1’! is a "teal sod mixture: pm* part ui.i• sc ‘■''■'♦n sand; two | i. s good in ■.•ul: . m- part prat muss, well dr om;w>srd c impost; i half par; dehydrated .■ \ inure; onr fjuirt of inr! in i h 1 istv l of thr mixtutv. Ail id thr si- arc by volume, not weight. Pi iflaps I tumid say son'll’ lh.:>4 more a!’ nit the kind of > : d to u V it may ain id;, know that tin nidi* ion of ■ ipd lii thr p ill »• n ixture provides rood aeration •oxy/rn to ilv* too;' If th sand is t u fine it •. ill serve no useful purpose. Koi i»ur green': uses wr buy in. sand .t ill pravel people >11 tiy.l clip on llTa points in IT in' --, and al’1 win" their opp • ■u nt« .*>1.6 pu • ;< on * po >ts :n lhe same number of ■.* imts “onerete" sand rather than pltMer'i' s»nd Th«* > • i - >:•(! is mu -h at s-.-r. Ii ;i•>es .JO"! lesults P i\ J«» good (Itai'i . u r< j tt!n:r and use , It **! t. Dra.n; ye may ».. ;i. • -i ‘>\ ti'.it,' g- vel in 'hf S the on.a;ner «tr ly pi;' i 0 broken clay p r t»\», it 1 dra- i 'ah >1** P . r iy > i*rl hy s -rubbing with a deti <>r "tier, hy'ti. In thf l iwer I’icdmo I and th> (' Nuttal Plain it is tin-i■ ■«> :■ some nf the cool s"as>*n beets, spinach. Irish po'e - radishes. Knghsh pea-, h talc anil union sets. If v iti haven't prune I ni' th' fruit trt'c> i i.xkcutors Minn Hminr qualified as I utot nc i la- 1 st tie M, s Lain i . Harmon, all perse:.s havin' *»:ris a ;.iinst s ud < ! ■ 11«• a plea re file sainc with the i: tie yeed on ur ho ore July 2!t. lib or this not ice will hr" ple.uU-d •• l».i • of any re every. Ail pel sorts indebted lo saj.l estate w.H please mak<' ate oaytncnt. Titis the 22nd day of Jana < y liSi.i John W. Liter* f Da\ -s anti White. Ail 1:2 • 1 Fanev car* ^-vick Pfecial V'6 Fancy. But not tint fancy. Just <<i . • i u yo ir '.lend' think you’sc iounil nil in the hase-ment. \o . m iy iL i :o c. l acquainted with Buick' Y-<» the best thing th t ■ I 225 cu in. delivers 155 h.p without delivering yon to ti . • s ' .. . in.. \«« to the plain, homely price. rou'M find it loo' . ri i ; in >' v I t!' -.e the Buick Special so you can drive a Buick and'•till i - n < ti . a hie. Sec your Buick dealer. Kciiicmhvr: a Buick tor only >1 ' . I • > S .. r’.iin, I :ie-t inspiring trull . • ' Ue!l«rr> *t*J durtic »r. ;• l*r 1 ■ • ■i'T Wouldn’t you really rat1 cr o first class? BUICK MCTOU Or Vi ,»oH Sec your local autliori/.cd Buick deals TUNE '. COWELL TrfOMAS AND TH: U-J, —CBS RAD il ' inh V*rh -:ii too I ft . .. ; Sl.M •\ infer pur • i>cr f i . andkU‘>uW »• mix***I with water h-. f- II liquid ilSi> » , 5<t , of wa • I ’ i o '■>< gal lon* of water, irden ,i v when ! . t . rn o re * r in 0 C. S! P U Y I » ■ ! 1 P •I ... Va# I NWv* tsN v w Belte ,C2CJSCD V> ON ALL FALL £ WINTER CHAND SHOP ALL DEPARTMENTS FOR BIGGEST BAR / M EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEE KEN OUR LADY MANSTYLE KlM > S1Z-S 3f - 44 longs. p.,:gul REGULAKLY Sit

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