Heait Fund Benefit Plans Underlay; Five Area Couples Set Wedding Dates Spring f w bo previewed a* the Natio^a Guard Arr y , tgrsday nigh* during a Heart Fine. Bene v/> v. jrd "« p etty dothes, bodge, prizes ga ioie end re*>e«r-tr,en . ii's rre cu •' d ion oi Heart Month in Kings Mountaii a:-.d ! h • ijirt : a •»* A ‘ea‘ ire televhicri a-d radio person a:Ity r,at L- ' At re, a cormcntator a- d mistress-of ceromcnier. T.'c^o* ara m a e at 12. tMdoe p'aye-s are asked ti make up Meir i ibles a^d furnish their own card., Mrs Cha-ie ’ i •/, I efi* chairman, aid. Yc. don t have tc p ay brio a 1 v'ed the fashion .how, *h? added. Mrs Cha»:• • NA e fir iet chaiiman. M dels were bong cho ar by four K'nns Mountain d. pa»fm'-‘ t; > week. Participating merchants arr Ce k pi A o> V.-GInri? .n>d Pionk Brothers. Sp'ir j F i ri ,ns for the Young At Heart wi1 be th* therre c ? th- Fen. 25 event. Annelia Ji*1 Yarbro. dflurh -< of Mr. and Mr;. John Ya~t» as held at the Yarbro h^r” ' 902 Sht-nn H-Ive and thr ncorated birthday r^lte va it and served with ice -'am, Young Mis' Ya-bro i rrndda iohLr>r 0f Mr. nn ’•s. J. F. Yarbro of rout' *o and Mr. and Mr?. La1 ' Wilson of Falcon. * * Jar Wi iiom;. high schoo nior, is KMHS 1965 Bett ocite.' Homemaker of Tc arrow. Dai-ghlor of H. O. Will rr, and the |a*e Mrs. W! I ms, Miss Williams score:’ ohesr in a written homo I taking examination given t nicr gi*h in Drtcember. S r now eligible for state at c itiona' honors. The sre:e winner wli! re ive a $1,000 colieqe scho hip from General Mi!!: -. The school of the sta •nor will recn've a c.''r •♦e si! of the En eye I oped' bn.u i .u. . o .u ^ . •. state winner, along with a sc ho i .o»- 'rhor s-ate winners for a tour of CoL r W'Yjrv.buro. Virginia, Washington, D, C. ana Nes York Ciry. At tfe end of the trip the Betty Crcckor Ai: An’er* m H om iker f Tonorrov/ will be named. About This N1 That Fi t -■ ’'ou,,i,i'n member- of Rhc Chapte- of Do, ta Kai.- j v ■ m * went to Cherryville February 2 for adr : er r r i ho r acher sorority. Cherryvil'e and Lincoln ton ft •’v '• • hoc'esses *or a chicken dinner with ac cessorie . A pone 1 herryvWo high school students gave the program, o' cu in ’ *he theme, Japan—A Nation of fra ciit'-v v : Vv/■ ? o' lotion ". Participating were Alice bearr DoroK . R ; .. Bobara Bernhardt. Libba Carper-ter anc C'-dy Co . The/ discussed socioloqica1. economic, edu cf' v ei pc it:cai pattens of the Japanese peop.o. k'ir c. Mou tain r.icmbe attending v/ere Miss Alien A /e»itt. M V . J. Kay t Vs. VV. L. Ranseur. Mrs. D'ctc Me Ginnis 0"d Mrs. M. H. Bi-er. * 0 0 m M-. .nod Mrs. /•••'■; P‘ fo wr ic-’Hc-'V, an"nunc the a' >; a tea Saturday after roc »* • c ' • ' i . c ub honoring M-s. Coma'- Falls, re cent bride. Mt. Ham, r.icc and Miss He'en Hav were at tfv ao< to q *«’ **. '» recc v g ine in the iounoe was ro.r oosed of t 'e hostesses, the ci est-of ^onor, and her tw' daughte-' '■ *. Johnny troupe of Cher,wil!e and Mi Laurean B m.- . • Me, otain. Mrs. Fat’s wore a cole green woo pvt' es-. Ode f war f -s John Smathers, Mrs. R C Fthondoe, Mi ‘irrr F<- , Mrs. J. H. Pa**e-son. Mrs. O. P Lewi- and t *’ - Nancy '/'in--nr-. M-s. R->be»-t Suber an M-s. John Cnr d>o .id oo'dbyes to +ne 300 guests wh rai'ed d'l'ino roceo1 nr A Ci. Vaiert'ne Day th-’nro was carried out ir decora tive dotal's. Miss D^dmon's Plans G'ven Mis* Betty Sue Dt*d ron d-*ueh ter oi 'I", and M- • A V. Ded mon o' Shelby. ad 1*iw Dover, s m of Mr. and Mr-. IIu :h Low ery Dover of Kin'.: ■ M> ntaln. have e mpleled p' in* for their wedding and announce them this week Rev Dale Stee'e w'll officiate at the 7:?0 p.m. ceietrony Sat urday .v r.l -aoeth Baptist chu>-»h. Wedding m.-sic will lie p v dec* by Mrs Frri R Msurt ey. fi-'jsn'st. and R lhert Decker, vo —Pst. Mr*. Dale Steele will nttougi lier^ sister as matron of honor. BrJd#s maids will be Mrs. Brice Steven «on of York S. C.. Miss Frrr-* Rea Hobbs of Knoxville. Ten.n Mrs. Oakie Carve - of Pock n-r h im. Mrs. Paul Dover. Mrs. Jack Waters a"d Mi«s 1/wli Jo".e« Melanie Herd ami Karen Steele nieces of the bride-elect, will lx flower girls. Mrs Max Sherrill and M s« Rebecca Jones will participate in the wedding as honorary brides maids De o-ah Hold the bride elect's n'eoe and Jean Putnam will be honorary attendants. Rest man for the brideer-.'in to-he will be his father. The 1st of ushei-s will include Roy Ded mon and Richard Dedmon. b-o ■hers of the bride-to-be. Pul iDover. the bridegroomto-be'i brother, Stephen Lowery. Mike h.\ < i Aitt-iiil..' t .»wj i> r .if/ i.jis. .’<»«■* .tlutui HHHniinn tIt. < li /iiiit iiH iti nf iheir dmhjhtrr. Jtrki? Ihnin e. I" lloiii/l,i.s Eii» Kni‘1* ntoin. The hritlr-rlc, t :K ■ • «/.-«! • ' mul < 1 intone! • ’* r,rt /> tiomnt for, lit. S'it t Inm It. ft,. *< h l,till, •• i.i-tol,, 1* <• i/nut iul'r of Kini/n Mi nnttu.i !:iy.' toil mi,I ,x •, .v «,V>; •»/ IKrsN-rn Co 1 of inn *j Urge. The ir'niil,,.-/ t\'t tokc /#?«»« ■/• Jnnt '.*« .> FiYaf fhlfitist church Sir! Seouls To Nolo "Thinking Day" In Special Program Here Tuesday Night Amic, amiga. Vrlsmlin. fteur. I n. arnica, k.u igan each means iend. No matta . hnw it is tintmup d or a here it i< siid I" tas special sienifica.i.-- to Girl ! :‘o;'3 Girls !;-:»»n parly in t*e.r It- *nti:ta tin* theirs ..- a WuiT k li’ic.'dsltlp. Ttipy sh ire tin "imp ideals so God ar..i r ur.: > v.th five and a lull mJlijn y. rl :mt ndilii in 67 • •an*: es !' remix': •» of t.t- World As.so- t ;r:t of Girl Guides jr.t G. : s.tatt-.. Special d ■ »c set as '■ !1 r>f tha*-p 11 ri< s f. - o :> ds on interna’ t .i tria ndGt'p k t» vo.mi.i t t: .. r vlSl note Jute mior-.l Fr utd • hip Day, *T linking D y". I . • Jay irs .‘it with a sp. ial pro 1 ,varo a; 7:"*0 an. at I lr*t !* *"■ •>:’fiaii church. Kash Kin.’; Mountain troop A'.ll repra t a :y innually h ‘in - wv cirti: .late >f Lord Rad«rj-Po\ve:l, f mnd't if S»v. and (Jit'dintr. .mi! ad) Bad".’-Powell. W i ld Che Sis' tc. i'.im t; Gi;! •' • uts r a Su'd >s everywhere, Thirtkim: 1 >.i> : a sii --iil t'.'ie fit;* troops a ourd the v. trld t > th'ek ct »•. ■ lie - ini fn-i:. th’> j \ i t Jtinl interna: Tail friendship. Tti Jul.otte Co: don Lca. :.>u’; I and airs ore lent of Gir ’routs of he 1 * tti i ed Slates Vmrrico. war'd ft a odsh p was a uractiml • ,ol which poopl™ wo I or and achieve As (J rl S. >u nepaty ’o celebrate Girl Scout VVrr!;. .uar.-h 7 th'- u^h 13 :hev ite reminded of their foundes 'e.st letter to then: in which site >vi mp ".omeihtrg very de.tr * me" Mrs. Low told the Gi ' Scouts that "as you githor in vour tr >ps to •elofv ate Gi-l Scout Week, think of the gins around the wo-Id who ere vottt sister Girl Scouts ard Girl Guides Ours is a circle of friendship’ mited by our idcalt." Kings Mountain's sa ve- troop :f Girl Scouts include: T: > p ’ >f CVntrd Method's! church led hy Mrs. Pal Edwards tnd M * Wanda Bail: Troop 32 of Firs’ Presbyterian church lei! hy Mi s Marry Pag" and Mrs. Nolle '•■mnford: Tr >op 155 of F t °resbyterian church leal hy Mt« ’op Nels’er. Jr. and Mrs 1> T Waters: Troon 4 of First Prr byterian chu-vh led hy Mrs Ri .■ -~nd Holmes; TVoop 52 o* I spra *hur *h I’t* by Mrs. John C. McGill: T-oo I «7 a* Boyce Memorial APP i hurdt Uxl by Mrs. James Purs lev. Mrs. Thomas ’ . Trotr eha1 mn of the Kincs Mour’aln V" t*hho*-h’<’d 'ervice testn and Mrs. R. F. Matter is tro p consul tant. l«rdforal and D^vld Q**ee”. A iwn",in will he give*’ hv ; the bnde-elect'a pseents atthr'r borre on route < following the C!ia lesion Gardens Open To Tourists Charleston's Fe.toiis Gardens ; .;c fh» pu lit- M >nday. Perhaps tin most noted tounst .ttia-.ion, in the S. uthcasr. the t-.rpf vaniens Magnolia. M..I j t' .-t Place an I Cypress of ft n.t o.'ti variety of beauty M ‘Wlet-’n Place v It.eh iies o:f ti‘ scen’c highway betwe**: C tails-toe. "ni Summerville, is r n .tifSeent fo mal garden alon, t' banks of th- Ashley River. I h -■ been compared favatably vv .'i the f neat formal gardens ir England and or the Continent, ei 1 each yea tit.acts hourant! of visitors. Th:s garden is thr .o'.- siii* of th-* »h>-,», which i« r. 1 non>n vetr •round. M ddletoa Plac •. which »!rvu: er reality of M'ddlcton Plaep ar.d rain lovel'nets in the wild at tn don of a myriad cf ftrwcrs are! thrubs. O'fering thr greatest tile tion and variety of came! ias in the country, M 'noic each year draws botanist* Itoth ,v.» r ’h* United States and a h: tad. Path-., inked with Mamin" -liras. wind in a breathtaking maze along the banks cf the Ash >v r»rd beside Pools that reflect :V c’-mor of the flowers. Magnolia Gardens too. lies off h s -onic Summerv lle route Ovtm ss Garden* held stunn'np •ontrast to the other two. lice the trees that gave the ^howplace H ratr-e. rise eerllv aut of ink black waters, their limbs f«st >on ~d with Spanish mess that shades Perhaps the most spe ta. ular dls •t’ey of a/aleas in the Lowcoun »rv Th<* chy-owned gardens off-«r •he vnd ng trails, but from small paddle b’ats that ply through its many latmons and canals. Formerly owned hy the Kit tredge family Cvoress Gardens was a gPt to th» Ci’v of Charles ton. It is situated off Highway K. no-nh cf the city. E»ch of Charleston’s Famous Cardens is within drwing distance of the metropolitan area. Marorace Club M^+ Sa+urd^v Mrs. ! awrence Bl-nton was hostess at her home Saturday even1 no »o the regular meeting of the Margra-e Woman's club. P-e*ent in ««*d>*'on »o member*, were Mrs Claude Barnette of Fnriom Ga.. Mrs M»ry Brackett and Mr* V*d* Herndon. .. .>:hii ,/>. O.’nx Grot nr. him ' fnmi'irx tire of Kings Mountain. Th • > .■■pfe'iet bridegroom •:.*• tended Bethware high s< hool tr.id is cmpU yeti by Magnolia Fin ishing Compit.y oj Bla< ks’Mi'j, S. C. A June wedding planned. ESOAOEMEST AS SOU SC El) Mr. a.at Mrs. C. U. l.utix art hl. sa cl 'hat 35 students me Honor Roll standard: for th' semester whi-.-h ended in J in i ary. The list does not nclud' pro • pharmacy students wh» ; spend their first year Itere in t'ir General College. ■ BWC Circle M«*M Meelisq Monday The Business Women’s Ci"e,r l of TemDle Baptist rhur-h held i» ! rpnuhr me”tine Monday n "h* •»t the home of Mrs. Henry Oa" ■■oil. Mr*. Winifred Etters wa« ! hostess Mrs. B T. Yarbrotieh was pro •Trsm eha'rmsn and was assist od hv M-< John Ya** rough Mr* R >N»rt Klemin * end Mrs. FMers ! 'n presenting the circle study for the month Mrs. F B. Conte* nre«ido*o e» I 'he WMU. win present a* a visit or. Mrs. Carroll assisted her daughter in aervlnf refresh JlA(r I H-WrtUi .tl'f.U l>.~. .t/l'S. I.(<>(n Jr., s m of Mr. and Mrs. i Wdliam Mi'rlt’1/ ft n ,i.r . > 11/ S 0,1 stox'H. Pa The b rb ! h.- Mils graduated in Jiiii fro.n l.t .ioir Rhi’w anti It cttelns bio!ay if at Hunter thiss high school in Gustmiu. She li.irs jirettenfctl tit the Sub-1) b Ball in Shell/ / in I •»./ mi / »i/ f fc- • sta'e debutante bull in Raleigh. The ui.s nr.it i I. nil g *u«i l'*’/1 irre-re his degree i’ June f • an !.• .lur-PIt-' i<- at H-rkarg, vl «/11 ne V'cddimi is ;da mad L,N(!.iG: ,M I-:WT AN SOU St r.'D Tat eHtttnjCineHt of Miss Bn >niu l.ifiin Tv glut lo Mu-hat, Raninomt M'S tea a, l.is tuc ail Housed Ini hr inn-ruts, M.. nml Ms Houird U'. 1 aglor of It nit A’ i, ill. II, is ’In son ,,i M. mill Mrs. U R MrSuain oi Knots Mount",-i M ss Taylor is >, ,,iatlua*t of Sh-i-isth hull, *vhoo' o, Robbias illr ii.nl is tins, H l„ ,i svhio, hi Western Car olnir r, lien ,< CuUav-Uc Mr. MrSusos ,truth,atct n o,., Kin,is Moii.slii.it h ylt s, hit tl "ml ,s r's , in Ins sen or near ,it Western Carolina. Th* couple plan to be married in the CuUo\ehee Mrth■ rubs' church in Mag. p (/(/(/ All Our Costume Jewelry 1 Price DELUNGEH'S JEWEL SHOP Kings Mountain's Loading Jew^ors