Kills Hit Legislative Hopper To Implement Governor's Program .* ' ' J I ' I li B tMt 0| i. / •> ncrjB til 'uftkhi Hiitmiitrir* /trc I "ii.I bv Hit It t/i/lll! i slilll i)f H 1 ■ ■ till i.l (hii iidiih' i,n II i' "■ A Iht \'m ih ('it linn lit uCi'iil AititniiMi/ a/ l‘‘i,.ri. li ix • 1 in .I I atm mi • of RHtfi h til ‘ ■•trill i ‘-ii s' in.1 i.l't b>r hi'j ■>; t" i-1. On IV i u:n > Mu! till- : ■( .’irral A * nbl; oi li* <-onv:Tiil an • .< 1 lie I’arij (aticu-i. h id «*i !i ^ h*!1 v li-i’l ' ! >ls I i iurr.e io It.-i If iijh ready for business. House member? responded by introdue ir,» an imposing 1!) hills on the fii -I day. To ,. . ’, >r With five • ds in the Senate this produced !*■(. :t twin* ii;e j.s : <1 first-day p. . of .« < nt yeats. New intm duetbms soon >|ow.| to the lels urel; ra.e ehnracteristlr f early Kt-bnia. v. !?\ the red of the first -ii*l week, tin- te ,d numfier of bills inirodund w .is la ftriiijj well behind the mem 1 of the past three sessions. I.i. utenant fiovet i.or Rolrort Scott will prc-ide in the S, while Ins oppos ■ namlior in the Hoose will lx- Speaker H I*. Tay lor. Jr The only contMtrd offirt in pit her h >use, that of Pnaddetr Pro Terr, in the Senate, fell t« Senator Robert Morgan of liar nett County i Ahnsc namesak' Robert Morgan of Clevelaiw County held the sure p >st Ir If loft i. \foi jan defeated S'* t at or Dallas Alford by a ft\oti> mar ‘ s’i'i <»:11 m legislative ott res the will he h«'M down \ sea soiled veterans. In the< Mis. Annie K. C was eleet ed Principal Clerk. Sam J. Itur row, Jr. Reading Clerk, mil Jo sejrh 11. Warren Sen emit at arms in the Sen »te these jhis tions will h< filled, respectively by s. Ray liyerly. la'i >y Clark Jr. and \V. Brftoks Poole. At this writing 6S eomnrtlee: “6WE—MlMU »OuK. HfcAKraOOP!" • w StQEES'£eOK£ PA»>/ iding officers .TJ in the House md .Ifi in tlw- Senate including he e«tn mil lees on Finance and Xpproprialions. as well as most •thor major committees in both muses. The II >use is operating inder it' 19t>.1 rules, thtisfar un ■hanged. The Senate has just re tdoptcd its rules of tile 19tVI s« ion with several limited amend nents. n it ably a lule change hat authorizes the President l« •ssigi- spam- on the floor i > re|» ves of tin press ami oth r news m»-dia. lifting an < •o itnpos<‘il ,n 19d3 Governor l>an K Moure mad* an early initial ap|ie trams' hr ore tin- Assembly, delivering his eglslative message on the sir »nd day .f the Session. In a ile ailed 21 page test Governoi Moore broadly reviewed the pm ’ra:rs and problems of Slit' •o\eminent. Pi minent among 'is re itmmentlatinns were t.r«* (osals for a fieri she auto in tneclion law. a ix-organi/ation of be Stale Highway Commission. STWri million road bond issue. 'It'. State employee and school eaeher pay raises, and a "-point niblie education progi am. He al y indicated general endorse nenl of ante inated Courts Com mission recommendations. sup nort for .an increase in the pres | *nt so state minimum wage to SI .00 an hour, and a favorable ittltude t. ward adoption of the ’inform Cc-rmereial C dr. |f< neeifieally asked establishment ■»' iwo additional alcoholi,- reha i.ilitation centers. In the realm of higher education he stressed iii<> Consolidated Cniversity eoneept. racked the proposed fourth earn ous .if ihe 1’niversity at Char 1 dt<>. and expressed the hope •hat the "speaker ban" and ‘name change” issues would i*e tulekly dispatched without weak •ning th- Cons lidated I’nivers >y. .X hill has alrr-ady been in •rodinx-d in liii House with 19 net's to rename the Raleigh emnus as “North Carolina State IT.v. shy at Raleigh". HB24.» H« also suggested a re-examina tion of the' University trustee ystem, stressing equalized rep resentation. and noted that he has asked the .‘senate Board of Higher Education f >r its recom mendations on the a" ive—.vhehn irg" capital reouests from the slat insiitutions of higher ‘earning. !5 ! - h ive been introduced that imiilement four gubernatorial nroposals. SR 15 arid companion HB Ifi tjrov ifle f a statewide eferendum i”. lWh on the $300 million roa<’ lrornl proposal. This i would include 9130 million for in rrary h: rhways, ST" million t - s, eondary '<»Hd> and S7"> mil Hon for in an State sv stem high w iys. STii million f r secondary roads and $75 million f<>r urban'- system hi' ’-ways with al 1< rations bv highway divisions, cities and cm- i<>' closelv dc tailed in the bill. SB ' l-y Sena tor Yates and others embodies a recommendation •.> rest ire <-on Chevrolet workpower “walks” right over bumps and trouble Independent front suspension takes the “track" out of track ride. It smooths rough roads, protects truck, driver and cargo from excessive jotting. And on Chevrolet pickups Ifsa provedsystem with millions of ndtes of user experience behind it Try it out on one of Chevrolet's great Fleetside or Stepside pickups. If s one of the big reasons that Chevrolet is first choice with pickqp users from coast to coast MAXUTACTU UK'S LICENSE 110 VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY let Bffp AVI. KDKW MOUUTAXM 7304471 WEEKLY CROSSWORD HJZZLE | Gome Bird IIORCTOVTAL 1.8 Depleted game bird, the nuek 13 Replace 14 Bird el pey 15 Ontario (ab ) It Hue IS l.eRal p« nt 19 Trouble 29 ft» flesh ii 21 Ea: t lor...n de.ty 24 Pronoun 25 Collection el tents 27 Arabian f 11 30 Formerly 3101 the thlp.f 32 The *ods 33 Son of Seth 33 Dines 23 MiapUltd 39 Universal language 40 Mount (ab ) 41 Malayan tin coin 43 Immigrant 48 Cod of war 51 Eternity 52 Poet-* mr»e f-3 Boat paddle 54 Mother-of pearl 56 Retaliate 59 Play the part of host 59 Locks of hair VERTICAL 1 Increase in sue 2 Nevada city t» *3 H S R*p*tt* 4Knr 5 Ctrry (coll ) 6 AS53 t tilkvro: m 3 Lear* » Observed 9 Symbol for rolciutn 19 Acceded 11 Rubber tree? HJfuirar.'* IT Godde of ffl* *31 til zi touchier sound j Sui rer.der GOpeufio jolo 3 Cod of love 29 Bird's homo .1) Shade tie« 31 Idea* 3d Stupor 37 Thus 41 Canvas-Wer 42 Bellow 43 Kncountrr 44 Srnbol for eib.ura «5P»iiry 46 Pwsace In th< brain 47 Sheltered inlet 49 Fury 50 Creek *o4 of 51 S ni end $7 Ele^rital unt tinuing » in tract* f o r public school teachers. This would elim inate tin- one year contiacUthat were installed by law in 1955 fol lowing the US Supreme Court desegregation decisions. SB in MB 30». signed by 19 Senators and a majority of House mem bers. is the measure to convert Charlotte V dlege into the '•Uni versity of North Carolina at Charlotte" on July 1st. SB lt> by Sen. McLendon provides for an increase in the minimum wage of $1.00 an hour. In addition to the Governor's message, since opening day the legislature has received reports carrying the legislative pr 'grams of the State Depart rent >f Mo tor Vehicles and the Legislative Council. The 23-point Motor Ve hicles program includes the auto i inspection plan, the Driver Li | .enso Compact, regulation of driver training schools, an impli ed consent amendment to the amendment to the chemical test law. and a proposed prohibition against standing, sitting or lying t in highways so as to impede traf , fie. Legislative Council recom mendations include adoption ol the Uniform Commercial C xle. a i0'< increase in the State High way I'airol strength, continua tion of compulsory auto insur lance with some modifications, land administration of driv-i training for drivers is and undet ; by the Department of Public In 1 struetion. The Council also com mented favorably on a public de fender system, without specific : recommendation. Among the rash of opening . da\ introductions were MB 12. MB 13 and MB 11. hv Rep. Zolli ! coffer < Chairman of House Ap propriations*. HB 12 and HR 11 1 o attain the appropriations for , maintenance and o|te ation« ami for capital improvements pro posed for State government in the coming bienn om bv f irmer ■ Governor Sanford’s budget. These .ippropiiations total over $1.1 Hills >n in new State money for , maintenance arul operations and about SIT million for capital im ’ provements. HB 13 would supply mother $ls million for capital improvement* in proi-er-ds from a legislative liond issue. The San ford budget falls short of G »v , ct nor Moore's attending plans in several material respect*, nota bly as to State employee and teacher pay raises. One recent wite service estimate places the gap at at >und $113.5 million for tlte * iennium. Thus, unless addi tional funds not anticipated In the Sanford budget can he found. • considerable revision in the San lord sprinting plans may hr re quired if they are to hi* brought m linr with Governor Moore’s program. On the finance side, the mlv new tax proposal that has b« *n intioduccd in bill form is SB 1 • I in It. whieli would up the State personal income tax exempti >n lor each dependent from S300 to $600. The early introdu lions include three election law lulls and two highway safety measures. SB 11 would change the date of the May primary for statewide elec tiors from the last Saturday to the last Tuesday in May. 1IB .'tn tenders a minor change in ahsen ti e ballot pr oedur >s. and SB 6 authorizes aid to blind voters in marking their ballots. MB s and MB 9 would increase the mini mum fines for racing on the highways and for speeding in ex cess of so mph. True to the mores of the North Carolina General Assem ly. a bout half of the hills introduced have been local hills affecting only one or a fetv cities or eoun ties. Bills already in the hopper include several hardy perennials of North Carolina local legisla tion a complete charter rev i sion ;i I Jt ' l Anti . h 1:.. i iKni fii-.i* ii the flRM'ti'l l Mi I'ii ksoii. ii*ti f *i ■ the Anti. •• •’n> .lx sexton .it Antioch cm m x mini yejts. .tiiil ritut- l.i; 12:1A altc . oct A nati\i of i !«■ ’lai I ( ho i\as .i - hi ol the I t: i; and Amclii lla.nlu • I> Kson His w i :c for it Stfain. <1 c.i m Iff' Sm\ \ ■ r .iif ux * .1 l.anifu l> Clyde C Dick-: . iw't'i nf <;r.>\r*r: and a lei Mi"- Cat l ie D.ckaon of , ivit. Seven s'andvhildien and nine ‘Treat<1 hlldron also K •• V. i\ i<‘ Till11 ‘tfii'iat'sl the final riles. Gave Up Smoking A burglar who robbed h Tyler, Tex, grocery store t >ok canned roods, rifle shells, razor blades sad 40 ear to us of cigarettes. A few days later, tbs cigarettes were returned. Finally FMBd TiaTian police arrested h fiCvear-old Genoa woman who faces an eight-month tail term for stealing some mod in a shop 22 years aflat BESTFORM \ou into >h;i(H‘l\ line>! BESTFORM “THIGHMOLD” SLIMMING LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE Slims you in comfort becouse it's lightweight power net! Embroidered nylon toffeta front panel, hid den garters. White, S-M-l-XL. (Also available with «\tra long legs.) Reg. 3. ~ 2.99 “COSMOPOLITAN” BRA SHAPES YOU GENTLY Superbly made to give you lovely curves! White cotton; undercup bands laminated with cotton flan nel. A cup. 30-38, 832-40, O fftr O CA C32-42, D34 44. ^ 1.29 each Reg. l.s* twh “FLIRTATION WALK” GIRDLE FOR THE SUM, WILLOWY LOOK Gentle but firm control, with power net sides bro cade crossed front panels, vertical stretch back. White, 14" length sizes 25 to 34. 16 length, 25 to 38; 18" length. 26 to 38 5 95 Reg. 7.** “ETERNAL YOUTH” LYCRA" LONG LINE BRA Gives you a fabulous figure with superb comfort! Lycra* spandex bias-cut side panels, crossover front. Embroidered nylon marquisette cups and front panels. White. B cup. 32-40, C32-42. Same. 032 42 Reg S.95 5.00 ^ 99 Reg. $S “MISS PERSONALITY” FOAM > PADDED CONTOUR BRA Pre-stMted cups for belter shape, elastic insert in front. White cotton. A cup, 9 Far* S3L ift-U ntjn • ,w* ** tR^rsr^^l ^