by Ma. id red Morris News items this week from Nash. Sampson. Stanly. Madison, onsiou Alkvhany counties. CKKPK MYRTLES TO HE I .ANTED •’ '• Ephesus and "97" Home :n imitation (Tubs in Nash ( inty plan to encourage the planting of erep»» myrtles in •:: orv of Dr. Clarence Poe. 'Its A rocs >’afv, home eco agent. says the . tubs plan to sh ire plants they own with "'hers and to investuiste avatla I'.lity t:f plants in the area. Hi: I'Yl.INi; FUIMTI RE Mrs. Luhy Wat en I: inn. Rt. 1 has an unusual coffee table in hi. large lien. A large, r mnd I ' ing tat le that belonged in her husband's family serves this pur pose. Mrs. Martha Purv's. assistan1 home economies agent says tin .''.impson County I. »me i aker had the table legs eUl tlown In cofiee table ht Ighl and tl . serves many purposes. iT ACTIKICA TION PROJECT s\l>.mt II) years a ;o. the home tv tnomies aKrnt, Elisa?-eth Watson, cave the Home Demon Stratton flub member* some magnolia seed. Mrs. John Red wine i*‘|M»ittsl that her triv is ne Club remhers in Alle ghany County will he the “each one reach one" piogram. Mis. Frances Wagoner. home economi -s agent, says the club members are planning to make house eoat- for |>ersnng in the lo cal rest home. The club rnemliers will also teach the patients to knit. Cattle Raising On Increase ANIMAL AGRICULTURE .. The continued expansion of animal apiculture is regarded a.- one of the lies! opportunities North Caioiinu farmers have f >r offsetting part of the Incite loss expected in income from to bacco. Th.s is suggested in a recent commodity by-commodity study made ,.y extension specialists at North Carolina State. The study, which included vir tually every commodity produr ed in North Carolina, was de signed to help determine the* al ternativea farmer* have for strengthening their incomes in light of flic tobacco situation. On the livestock anti poultry side of the picture, park and tur key pioduction head the list of alternatives. It'Hiin for growth in lieof cattle s.ieep and egg pro duction is se*n. Successful expansion in the production of any c xnmodity is possible only if the producer pl ots and a .-wages the operation well, the specialists caution. Here is a summary of the commodity situations as seen by the extension s|»vial.sts: PORK: Ah nit one million more bogs are n«*eded in the state. This mean management skill, but with small farms and limited fix*d; lot market ho :> for those with plentiful feed i>ut limited labor; for complete com mercial production for those with ade<|uate faeilities, laboi and feed. BKKK C.Vt I'LK: Demand «-\ ists for high quality feeder alves. offerin ' farmers with ad equate pasture, hay and s.lar ipporiunities with a cow-calf herd. jmotkit can it- iigtgweight calves normally K«-|»t In (>.-;o l>or lo April f.t well on farms that have a sizeable i of allot tod crops. There is .1 strong demand for these cattle to go on grass in the spring. Feeding cattle far market i. an opportunity far farmers with adequate f.tnl grains and fora '• crops. Bwf cattle coald provide a more profitaiile m nket to. some of the grain and forage crops. SHEEP: Mountain and North ern Piedmont counties are the •r. tst suitable areas for expan sion. Both lam < and ,vo->l cut willy are itt short supply. Tl'RKEYS: No th Carolina ■ ould expand production u;> t« 10 mill: >n turkeys annually. Slightly lower prices are likeij hut tiic efficient grower should maintain satisfactory margins with larger units. BROILERS: Broilers d ■ well on farms where cultivable land is wry limited, hut production requites high level of manage ment and efficiency to l»* profit able. MARKET EGGS: North Caro lina is in excellent position for growth in market eggs. The in creases, however, will depend on organization to export quality eggs in quantity. High level of efficiency is a must. MILK: Generally, there isr,'* much oportunitv for new Grade A prodmvrs. but greater produe lion by present producers is !*■ ing encouraged. An unlimited market exists for the production of milk for manufacturing pur poses. In most cases this enter prise must Im> regarded as a source of supplemental income Workers School Is Announced A Christian woke:* aool will Is1 held hj ihi* Westnn North t’aml.n.i Mi-t .< list Con fcrenoe K«ii. 2' M»r.,li I in Gas Ionia, it was announced today ny Dr. fail il. K ng . iwrtttivr secretary <>I tin* Con ft mil.t- Hoard of Rtlu< ition. ’litis is om- of 35 such schools which tilt' Board, and to.-aI p:n ticiputing churches <■<> spor.sot during the church year !<» Li.nOM Metiiodlst men. women a n d y.wng people to siutises in the Bihlc. Christian h >me and :rai riage. music, drama and Metho dism. Here is the program, institu tors and schotil officials for Gas tonia: The Gaston County Christian Worker* School. He >. if" March I. in First Methodist Church, Gastonia, day and evening classes. Courses and instructors f Gene sis”. Dr. Orval Wintermute, Dui ham. iNighi Classes' "Working \\itli Nutsery Children". VI’- A. D. Iiagler; "Worning with Kin dergarten Children". Mrs. fcd watd Jervey; “Laboratory for Elementary Grade*. I. II". \I ivisi»n and the Counseling Teacher". M ss Carrie Phillips. Charlotte; ".Jun ior High Lib”. Mis. L. M. Hoy-: "Parents and Y* ath at Home i for teenagers'". Mrs. E. H. Ojhl; "Guiding Youth". Rev. .1 C. Gilland. Statesxills-: “Chris tian Education in the Citureh”, Rc\ Kenneth Jonnson. Asheville; "Book ol Ephesians". Dr. Wintermute. Sch ml officials R-\. Carl ton Alspangh and Miss Jottell Robinson, eo-dir«■■••tors; Di Cecil Ho'-k:*i-d superintendent. Gas tonia District. WOMEN OF CHURCH Women of the Church of First Presbyterian church had charge of the mid week Henry Noisier was read as hi-.'blight of the service. Mrs B F Manet is | of t o .-hui'i-h'.vorr.en's group BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:C3 SHOW STARTS 6:f*0 Bessemer C*ty - Kings Mountain DRIVE-IN THEATRE ALWAYS S1.00 A CARLOAD THURS.-FRl.-SAT. — 3 HITS — No. 1 — "SEND ME NO FLOWERS" — Ni>. 2 — "McLINTOCK" — No. 3 — • G. 1. BLUES ’ ALL IN COLOR _ ON SAT. MOVIKS KI N IN REVERSE ORDER SUN. MON TUES.-WED. 2 HITS — No I — •HONEYMOON HOTEL" — No. 2 — •BULLET FOR A BADMAN" ALL IN COLOR ON WED. MOVIKS ECN IN REVERSE ORDER Open Seven Days Vegetable Plate Lunches from 69c SPECIALS Monday: All perch you can eat for $1 Tuesday: 12-oz. charcoal Ranch steak.$1.35 Wednesday: All chicken you can eat.$1.15 COTTONWOOD RESTAURANT & FISH CAMP GASTONIA HIGHWAY PHONE 867-3441 1905 Rotary International 1965 Congratulations, Rotarians On Your 60th Anniversary ami to Kings Mountain Rotary Club Now Five Years Young It is v/ith pride that we salute the Kings Mountain Rotary Club during the 60th anniversary celebration of Rotary In ternational, the grandfather of international civic organi zations. "Service Above Self" and "He Profits Most Who Serves Best” are the mottoes of Rotary expressing the organiza tion's basic concept of service by every Rotarian in his per sonal business and community life. BEST WISHES ON THEIR BIRTHDAYS! This salute to Rotarians from these appreciative business firms: Neisler Division Massachusetts Mohair Plush Co. Phenix Plant Burlington Industries Fulton's Department Store Plenty Of FREE Parking I KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY |T\ S MODERN STORE Spangler's Ready-Mix Concrete. Inc. Concrete For All Your Needs Superior Stone Company Kings Mountain Plant Kings Mountain Herald Your Home Newspaper GRIFFIN'S DRUG YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE FREE PICKUP «*- DELIUFP V PHONE 7 39 - 472 I ■ 129 MOUNTAIN £T