S5 Thursday, March 18, 1965 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N.C. Page 5 8 Slimnastics Class Starts On Friday SOCIAL CALENDAR Mrs. Marshall Chandler wi instruct a ladies' exercise class beginning Friday night at the Kings Mountain Armo- ry- The one-hour class from 7:30 until 8:30 p.m. will be held each Friday night for 10 weeks, Mrs. Chandler has an nounced. A registration fee of $2 will be charged. The classes are under sponsorship of the city rec reation department. Twenty-six students had al ready enrolled this week and Mrs. Chandler encourages other ladies who wish to en roll to telephone 482-2746 in Shelby. If there is sufficient interest in a day-time class, Mrs. Chandler says she will schedule a similar class soon. Mrs. Chandler has been a bowling Instructor for sever al years and has just returned from the state tournament in ^Bckory. She and her husband are active In the Western oquare Dance club and she has been secretary for the Pied mont Carolines Square Dance Association for three years. A 1949 graduate of No. Three high school, she is the mother of four sons. The Chandlers are members of Shelby's Second Baptist church. Tharnday: 7:30-American Legion Auxil iary at the home of Mrs. J. M. Rhea, Mrs. P. D. Fulton, co-host- es!i. Fndtiy: 12:0t> Senior Citi/ens club covered dish luncheon at the Woman’s club. Motuiay: 7: IS -Executive Board of the Woman’s club in the club lounge. 7:45—Rt^gular meeting of Kings Mountain Woman’s club in the club auditorium. Tuesday: 3; 30-Contract Bridge club at the homo of Mrs. Martin Har mon. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Jane Elizabeth Kincaid, daughter of Mrs. Lossie Lynch Kincaid, celebrated her third birthday Feb. 20 at a party held at the home of her maternal grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hay wood E. Lynch, 507 E. Ridge street. Colorful balloons and caps decorated the refresh ment table. Jane's cake was decorated In the George Washington birthday motif and decorated cupcakes carried out the same theme. Vii'qinla Gaither Hern- dor,, nine-year-old cousin of the honoree. assisted her grandparents in serving cake, ice cream and fruit juice. Present for the party fun were Bonnie Frances and Rick Hinnant, Julie. Pat and Sallee Durham. Ann Arthur Thomas- • n, Darrell Austin. Jr., Robert Edward and David Andrew jrndon, Glenn Forsythe, Mary and Melly Adams. Carla Mauney, Melissa Neisler, and Kathy Sincox. * ♦ « * Lisa Rene Tignor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Tignor, will celebrate her third birthday Friday, Mar. 19. Young Miss Tignor is granddaughter of Mr. and^ Mrs. Gene Tignor and Mrs. P. A. Hawkins, all of Kings Mountain. A birthday party was held Wednesday at Candy Cane Nursery. Lisa's pink ' and white decorated birth- < day cake was topped with > ' Easter eggs and the cake was served with ice cream to other members of her nursery class. Party favors were also distributed to the chil dren. >4t * * « A circus party marked L a n n y Dewitt Guyton's third birthday March 10. The party was held at the home of Lanny's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Guy ton, on Saturday. The 19 quests were given nursery^ rhyme books and whisle bat- loons for favors. Cake, ice cream, potato chips and mints were served. Lanny's birthday cake was topped with bright pink elephants and three pink candles. Lanny is grandson of Mrs. Russell Guyton of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parker of Wingate. * ♦ ♦ ♦ Mark Simmons, son of ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sim mons of Raleigh, celebrated his fifth birthday Tuesday. A birthday party for 15 children was held Saturday at the Simmoos home with a red and white theme car ried out In decorations. Mrs. Simmons decorated around the theme, "Magilla Gorilla" the cartoon char acter. Mark's cake was topped with cowboys. Hats, balloons and horns were given as favors. The cake was served with ice cream. Kings Mountain grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Foster. Mrs. Simmons is the former Patsy Foster, ARP School Opens March 29 Members of Boyce Memorial ARP church will attend the an nual Studies In Christian Serv ice March 29-31 at Pisgah ARP church in Gastonia. Leaders of the various classes will be: Miss Mary Lew Smith, The Child and the Christian Faith.”; Rev. Edwin O. Byrd. Jr., Church Visitation and Evange lism”; Dr. J. Calvin Smith, Meet the Minor Phophets”; Miss Florence Craig, “Enlisting and Training Leader”; Miss Janet Robinson, ‘‘Studios For Youth"; Rev. George VV. Rudisill, Tom H. Hutchins and Rev. Rollin P. Gibbs, "Erecting and Equipping Church Buildings”; and Alvin Cain and Carl Stewart, “Church and Civic Affairs”. Thb classes will open with a dutch dinner March 29 from 6:45 until 7:15 p.m. An assembly period will be held from 7:30 un til 8 p.m. and the class period will run from 8 until 9:30 p.m. The first class period will start at 7:30 on March 30 and 31 and end at 8:20 with recess and re freshments. The second class pbriod each evening will 'be from 8:40 until 9:30. Sessions are for all members of the Synod and churches of this area. Moomaw To Speak To Woman's Club Ben F. Moomaw, suporinten- dont of Kings Mountain Nation al Military Park, will present a program on “Con.servaiion”, at Monday night’.s regular meeting -of the Woman’s club at 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Robert Miller is program chairman. Club president Mrs. John Che shire has also announced tliati members of the Executive Board' would gather at 7:15 p.m. for ai bu.siness meeting. The board; members will meet in the lounge: of the clubhouse on E. Mountain • street. , i Mrs. Joe Edward Boheler I Miss Billie Ann Camp, Joe E. Boheler Pledge Vows In Double-Ring Ceremony Grover’s First Baptist church | Parties Honor Jonanna Allen Miss Jonanna Allen, bride-elect of Sunday, was guest-of-honor at two bridal parties recently. Mrs. N. M. Farr and her daughter, Norma, wbre hostesses Thursday nrght at their home at a party-shower. Spring flowers decorated the party rooms and the dining room table from which refreshments were served tlca-fashion. Norma Farr greeted guests at the door and presented them to Miss Allen, her mother. Mrs. Haywood Allen; and the bride groom-elect's mothbr, Mrs. Bu ford Robbs. For* entertainment, the host esses tape-recorded party sounds provided the setting Sunday for a 4 p.m. wedding uniting Miss Billie Ann Camp and Joe Edward Boheler. Rev. Fred Crisp, minister of the church, was assisted by Rev. Wayne Ashe, minister of Mace donia Baptist church, in officiat ing at the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Gilmore Byers was or ganist for the program cf tjadi- tional music and Charles Byers Mrs. Sfyers Marks Birthday Mrs. W. F. Styers celebrated her 85th birthday Sunday at the home of her daughter and son- in-iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Tate, on Crescent Circle. Other members of the family present included Mr and Mrs. Carl Lewis and Susan of Gas tonia. Mrs. Lewis is also a daughter. Grandchildren and great . grandchildren present were Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Eid.son, Scott and David, of Gastonia and Mr and Mrs. Dan Gardner, Su san, Jeannie and Dan. Jr, of Charlotte. Before marriage, Mrs. Styers I was (^<?orgie Pearl Long, daugh- ; ter of Robert L(»e and Sara Caro-' line Long. She is the only mem- : ber living of her immediate i family. I .4 number of friends and rela- | tives called during the afternoon to wish her a happy birthday. i She received many gifts andi cards. wm- Mrs. Du'ifjht Sheftherd Humphries Miss Gail Beam, Dwight S. Humphries Pledge Vows In Baptist Church Rites ' l+'s A Girl For David Beams Mr. and Mrs. David Carlyle Beam of Cherryville announce the birth of a daughter, Shannon. , on Sunday, March 7, Garrison General hospital in Gastonia. Mrs. Beam is the former I Jeanne Plonk of Kings Mountain. 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wray j Mrs. Henry Neisler, vice-presi- A. Plonk. The baby’s maternal ! dent;^Mrs. ^b Hussey, secretary; Laughter Heads West P-TA William (Bill) Laughter was ^ elected president of West Ele-' mentary school Parent - Teacher! Association and other officers' were named for 1965-66 at regu lar meeting Tuesday night. Other new officers will include groat grand-parents are Mr. and was vocal soloist. Mr. Byers sang i ^j.g q g plonk, Sr “Bec'ause" and "O Promi«^ i * ’ ’ * before the ceromonv and Wed ding Prayer” as the benediction. The church was decorated with tapertHl candles and greenery with two baskets of white glads on either side of the altar. Mills Hunter Camp gave his daughter in marriage. The bride's formal gown was an Italian de sign of peau de soie trimmed with lace and seed pearls. Featuring a straight silhouette with a fish tail back panel, the dress had a scalloped jacket train of laev ending in a diamond point. Her fingertip veil was attached to an open crown of orange blossoms and seed pearls and she carried a while lace and satin Bible top ped with an orchid. Miss Kay Camp attended her sister as maid of honor and Mrs. Norris E. Camp of Charlotte. while Miss Allen opened her [ sister-in-law of the bride, was gifts and roplayed the tape lat- ! matron of honor. Brkiesmaids er in the evening. The hostesses gave the bride- elect a white shasta daisy cor sage. were Mrs. Wendell White and Miss Martha Herndon, both of Grover. Mrs. Ware Heads Garden Club Mrs. Moffatt A. Ware, Sr. was electtHl president of the Kings Mountain Garden club for the coming year at the group’s reg ular Wednesday afternoon meet ing. Mrs. John O. Plonk, Jr. was hostess at the Country Club. Othbr new officers will in clude Mrs. Frank Sincox, vice- president. and Mrs. W. L. Maun ey, secretary-treasurer. The club welcomed Mrs. Jo- sppli Lee as a new member. Mrs. Carl Mauney gave the program. ‘‘What To Do In The Garden Now.” A dessert course was served at refreshment time. and D. M. Pouchak, treasurer. The officers succeed Mrs. James Dickey, president: Bill Mc Daniel, vici»-president; Mrs. Rich ard Culyer, secretary; and Bill Brown, treasurer. They are to be installed at the April meeting which will feature an art exhibit and open house to which the community is invited to attend. Mrs. Charles Blanton gave the program on the theme, “Safely In The Home”, showing films to illustrate the topic. Members voted to contribute to the national P-TA project by giv ing books to the Appalachia pro- gram. Charles Neisler, member of the Kings Mountain stadium com mittee. gave a progress report on the current fund drive for 000 TO build John Gamble Foot ball Stadium. Tickets On Sale For Benefit « « * « East P-TA All the attendants wore floor- l\lQrn0S OfflCSTS ; length gowns of yellow ombroid- Mrs. Arnold Kincaid and hot : orfyan/a over taffeta fea- daughter, Edith Janb. entertain ed last week at a drop-in shower for Miss Allen. Pink camellias were used throughout the home. The re freshment table was centered with an arrangement of white tapers and chrysanthemums. Mrs. Emmett Ross presided at the punch bowl. Cake squaros, nuts and other party refresh- mbnts wore serv’<^. Miss Allen, her mother and the bridegroom-to-be's mother greet ed guests in the hall. Helping to entertain were Miss Allen’s sis- ter. Miss Kathryn Allen, of Bos ton, Mass., who helped with gifts: Norma Farr, who kept the guest register; and Judy Ivey. '\ / Mrs. Mauney Attends Meetings Mrs. Aubrey Maunev attended the ISth annual North Carolina Conference on World Affairs held Thumlay on the campu*! of thw University of North Carolina, which sponsored it in coopera tion with the North Carolina Council on World Affairs. Before j^omo^ to Chapel Hill she attended two meetings ear lier in the week in Grebnshoro. On Tuesday, she at*en(1ed a meeting of the -nominating com mittee fo'' the ^Torth C-'rolina United Church Women. She is chairman of the committee. On Wednesday, she was guest speak er at a luncheon marking the 35th annivers'arv of Greensboro Junior Woman’s club. Mrs. Mauney was housb-guest of her son and daucrhter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mauney. in Greensboro. ered organza over taffeta fea- i luring sheath bouffant styling, i Their matching headpieces wore i of yellow petals and malineworn with double-tiert*d veils. Tliey carried jonquil yellow and white bouquets. Miss Michelle Lynn Camp, niece of the bride, was flower girl. She was also gowned in yel low embroidered organza and taffeta and carried a basket of flower iHdals. Charles Boheler. brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The list of ushers included Norris I Camp of Charlotte, brother of I the bride; Larry Moss, cousin of I the bridegroom; and Roy Bohe- ; ler and Bill Bolteler, brothers of • the bridegroom. I Mrs. Da\id Herndon presided at the guest regi.sier in the vesti bule of th'» church where the bridal p.iir greeted wedding guests after the ceremony. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM Mr (Bill) Camp i Grover Woman’s club is soiling ! tickets at Si for benefi: games I March 26 to raise funds for the I Grover Life Saving and Rescue I Squad. i Games — including bridge — , , I will be held in the squad build- Philip Witherspoon was elect- j g, 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. that ed (Resident of Last sch^l Pai- day. Players are asked to make ent.Teacher Association Tuesday | ,heir own tables and to furn- night at a regular meeting in the , ish their own cards, a spokes- school auditorium. j ntan for the sponsoring club said. “Springtime In Paris” is the Other nbw officers will include Bill Jonas, vice-president; Mrs. J. M, Stoll, Jr., secretary, and Mrs. W. G. Smith, treasurer. Mrs. William Cashion presided and the devotional was given by Clajwon Kelly. Htghway Patrolman Richard E. Slianey gave the program, “Parents’ Responsibility To Our Youth”, as he talked on highway safety. I theme of the benefit. Refresh ments will be served and prizes will be awarded game winners. Tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Holmes Harry and Mrs. Glenn Rountree. The attendance oup for first, second and third graders went to third grade pupils of Miss Jackie Blanton. Three other grades tied for the cup given in the four up per grades, including students ofMr. and Mrs. Scarr Morrison Mrs. Stoll, Mr. Goins and Mrs. | have returned home after vaca- Grayson. ' tioning for 10 days in Mexico. Invitations Issued To Anniversary Parfy Children of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt er Wells will honor their parents at a 50th anniversary party April 4th between 3 and 4 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gillie Falls, Jr., Grover road. Invitations are being issued this week. and Mrs. Mills Hunter I Caclette Girl Scouts WoH Many Honors ents of the bride. A graduate of : At Court Of Awards Held On Thursday Kings Mountain high school, the ; / Girl Scout Cadette Troop 4 at Falls* Announce Arrival Of Theresa Lynn Falls Rev. and Mrs. Fred Falls. Jr., of Fayetteville announce the a- doption of five-months-old 'There sa Lynn Falls. Mrs. Falls Is the former Derlce Weir of Kings Mountain. Kings Mountain grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weir, Jr., and Mn. Fte^ FaU% Sr. Kings Mountain high bride is employed as a teller at i First Union National Bank. The bridegroom is a son of the , late Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Bo- \ heler. He attended the Grover ' and Kings Mountain schools and . is now employed by Campbell , Limestone Co. at Blacksburg, S. C. Kings Mountain will be home for the newlyweds. CAKECVTTRNG The bride’s parents entertain ed Saturday after the wedding itehearsal at a cake cutting for mem'^ers of the bridal party, relatives and friends. Spring flowers in the yellow and white theme of the wedding decoraU*d the fellowship hall. The bridal pair cut their wedding cake as highlight of the affair. Assisting in details of enter taining were Mrs. Harold Hern don, Misses Connie Shaw. Abi gail Spangler. Betty Sanders. Es telle Boheler, Mar>’ Jane Holli- field, Mrs. Beck Wright, ((Mrs. hiker and camperaft. Central Methodist church held a i Gayla Stacey: childcare, games Court of Awards during the reg- ! leader, family living, good groom- ular troop meeting Thursday, Five girls received the “Chal lenge of Emergency Prepared ness” award, including Linda Pearson, Gail Bennett, Donna Gladden, Doris Sisk and Gayla Stacey. Numerous girls won proficien cy badges, including: Linda Pearson: hostess, read er, first aid, games, leader, hik er, homemaker, home nurse, sports, star, public health and camperaft. Gail Bennett: swimmer, first aid, good grooming, hiker, games leader, home nurse, public health, 1 social dancer, sports and camp- I craft. ! Donna Gladden: animal king- 'dom, hiker, camperaft. creative writer, games leader, first aid, J homemaker, home nurse, interior decorator, sports, star, b Doris SUk: animal kingdom, Carl Falls, Mrs. Morris Pdtnam Jfamily living, first aid, home- and Mrs. Emmett Moss. maker, sports^ star, swimmeri jng, hiker, homemaker, hostess, swimmer, first aid. first aid to animals, home nurse, camperaft. animal kingdom, creative writ er, interior decorator and sports. ‘Brenda Goforth: homemaker, home nurse, swimmer, chef, ani- may kingdom, child care, explor er. hiker, first aid and plant kingdom. E)ebbie Davis: dressmaking, family living, first aid and child care. Teresa Wallace: swimmer and first aid. Teresa Gladden: first aid. The troop adopted the Cardi nal Crt»8t and each girl received the Cardinal badge. Recently Troop 4 Cadettos W'cnt swimming at the YMCA in Gastonia. The>' plan a spcial get- together with a Oadette troop in Cherryville in the ntear future, Mrs. Raymond Holmes, troop leader, reported. Miss Pri.scilla Gail Beam of Kmgs Mountain and Dwi.zht Shepherd Humphries of Shelby pledged marriage vows Sunday in a 4 p.m. wedding in Fir.si Bap tist church. The Rev. B. L. Raines officiat ed at the double-ring ceremony. A program of traditional music w’as presented by Mrs. F. R. Mc Curdy, organist, and Allen Jolley and Mrs. Joe Ilord. vocalist.'^. Kentia palms and greenery I banked the altar of the church which was lighttHl by nu:neroJS Tapers in \viought imn candela- ; bra. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a f(»rmal gown of Chantilly lade, fashion ed with a bouffant skirt and chapel train and long pointed sleeves. Her elbow’-length illusion veil was aiiaclvcd io a crown of , flower petals trimmed with pearls. She carried a lace-cover- ' ed Bible, gift of the Young Wom en’s Auxiliary of First Baptist church, topped with a white or chid. streamers and net puffs. Miss Eloise Beam was her sis ter's maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Ravmond Leigh, sis ter of the bride. Mrs. Andrew Pruett. Mrs. Earl Scott, the bridegroom’s sister, all of Shel by, and .Miss Donna Hardes of Kings Mountain. Georgianna Wright of Fallston and Anne Rose of Shelby, nieces of the bride, were flower girls. All the aitendanls wore cock tail-length gowns of yellow satin with lace jackets and matching yellow flower hats. The bride's- maids and maid of honor carried bouquets of yellow flowers and the flower girls carried white flower baskets with yellow rib bons. Douglas Humphries of Shelby was best man for his brother and the li&t of ushers included Joe ! Rose of Shelby. A-aron Wright i of Fallston and Raymond Leigh of Shelby, brothers-in-law of the bride, and Wayne Beam, of Charlotte, brother of the bride. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Beam chose dark blue lace with matching jacket, blue ac- clessories and a white carnation shoulder corsa-ge. The bridegroom’s mother wore navy blue with navy accessories and a shoulder corsage of white , carnations. • Mrs. Aaron Wright of Fallston. j sister of the bride, kept the i register. i BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM j Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ream of ' Kings Mountain are parents of t the bride. She is a graduate of I No. 3 high school and King’s col lege in Charlotte. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mr.s. Haskell Humphries of Shelby, 's also a No. 3 hi-^h school graduate. H^* is emoioyed by No. 3 Egg Producers Corpor ation. For a wedding trip the bride chose a two-piece navv suit with navy accessories and the orchid lifted from her bridal b )uquet. • The newlv’weds will make their home cm Route 6. Shelby. Mrs. Yarbrough Hostess To BW Church Circle John Yarbrough enter- lai:te<l members of the Business Women’s Circle of Temple Bap tist church at the regular meet ing held at her home in Gas tonia Monday night. Mi>. T. B. Yarbrough had char.’o of the program and Mns. Mac Fleming presided. The hostess servt'd refresh ments during a social hour. Pastor Honored By Congregation Members of Plain View Bap tist church surprised their pas tor. Rev. Charles W. Freeman, with a birthday dinner Sunday. Immediately a f I e r services Rev. Fieeman was invited to stand at the from of the i hurch along side of his fiancee. Miss Nancy Bridges, as they present ed him a biithday cake in the shape* of an ouen Bible. The left side of the cake had John 3:16 written on it while the right side of the cake containcKl 'birth day greetings. The mf'mbei's then presented a number of gifts to Rev. Free man. This was followed by a dinner - on-lhe • church grounds with about 100 people attending. Rev. Freeman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Coley Freeman of Route 1. Daffodil Show Held Wednesday Kings Mountain area garden enthusiasts were invited to at tend a daffodil show staeed by the Cherokee Gladiolus Society from 3 to 9 p.m. yesterday at the Bank of Gaffnev, S. C. Mrs. Robert Maxwell and J. C. Dowling. Jr. wore general chair men of the event which followed the theme. “A Daffodil’s Ro mance”.. divided into five open classes. Junior, t*ducatlonal and l^orticultural exhibits were also featui*ed. Judges met at Hotel Carroll for luncheon at 12:30 p.m. be fore judging thb show. TTie Bank of Gaffney was sponsor. ILL [E M/ HOME MAKERS Hv nKNK TTMMC THOSE “LITTLE THINGS’* TO MAKE YOU HAPPY The success of a furniture upon big things such as having a large selec tion of attrac tively display- ed furniture; comp e I i t i V e prices: courte ous and well TIMMS informed sales people; good service and prompt and satisfactory hand ling of complaints, etc. However, as unportant as the above factors may bo. sometimes it is the “little things” which make custo mers happy—the things which crea’e what is known as “cus. lomer loyalty " — a priceless ingredient to the success of any business. Hero are a few of the ”Uttle things” whicli we know our customers like: Making sure that bedroom and dining room suites are cleaned and polished before delivery: that all of the draw ers open and close easily; that there are no scratches, knicks or other blemishes. That all upholstered pieces are carefully inspected and vacuum cleaned before deliv ery. That all furniture is care fully loaded on the trucks and adequately covered for protec tion. Our customers like the fact that we try to be helpful in stead of “high pre.ssure ”: that they do not exaggerate or mis represent when selling furni ture. We try to keep our sltow- rooms attractive by keeping everything immaculately clean. These “little things” and many more, ktvp our customers happy. We invite you to join our happy custo mer “family”.

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