•k in ^ vn? 1., ►ortant social er In lUt to- rker is wages month , June, a so- ust be * that lat on- re- may verage for the that e cate- s and >Iy to where in any er' La") by sit- mst be evenue ter the jomes- 16 who matter re re- to call ^ office n Ave, St Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 Thtf flour* for Oroator Xing* Mountatn U derived from the iSSS Klinn Meutitolo elty directory eefutu. The dty UmiU flfure U from the Uplted States census of IMO. Kings Mountain's Relioble Newspaper Pages Today VOL 76 No. 13 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N.C., Thursday, April I, 1965 Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENT' Sewage Improvements Deadlines Will Not Be Met Kings Mountain Tapped For Community Pride Contest Stadium Fund Shy By $7318; Pledges To Date Are $72,681 Superior Stone And Employees Donate $2,000 The John Gamble Stadium Fund grew to $72,681.39 this week, shy by $7,318.61 to com plete the $80,000 campaign to build a new football stadium. Meantime, J. Wilson Crawford and J. Ollie Harris, co-chairmen of indu.strial solicitations report ed two additional gifts — a gift of $2,000 from Kings Mountain’s Superior Stone Company and em ployees and $500 froTi Otis D. Green Post 155, the Amerian Legion. Jay Powell, Superintendent of Kings Mountain operations, tie- li\’t»red the Superior check Tues day. Charles F. Harry, III, fund treasurer, reported that actual cash-in-hand totaled $26,023.93 and included gift of $250 from Paul Mauney, Inc. and $100 gift.' from Gastonia Double Cola Bot tling Company, Ben T. Goforth J|umbing, City Floor Service and TTynolds Realty. Treasurer Harry noted that pledges now total $46,657.46. Kings Mountain Kiwanis club will devote its full profits from Thursday (tonighCs) schools tal ent show to the stadium project, club president W. S. Fulton, Jr. said. Mr. Harry reported other cash gifts during the week from; Dr Charles K. Padgett, Mrs. W. T. Weir, Bessemer City Ice and Coal Company, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lutz, Quality Sandwich Company, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, T. W. Gamble, Reynolds Realty Compan>, Cottonwood Restau rant, Walter D. Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Moss, Cooper’s, Inc., Miss Ailoen Mullinax, Mrs Edith R. Jones, Miss Piccola Bla lock, Miss Dorothy McCraw, Miss Lowell Ellis, Mrs. W. F. Powell. Joe Lee Woodward, Mrs. Marga ret J. Crocker, Mrs. Sai'ah W. Wilkins, Burlie S. Peeler. Jr., and Mrs. '3bn Goforth. John Gamble Stadium will have a seating capacity of 4,000. w'ill also bt' equipped for track and will have an ample press'oox It will be erected south of the new high school plant on Phifer road. Aim of tile fund raising com- mittet? is to have the stadiur n'ady for use when the football ^ason opens in September. ^In announcing stadium gifts ■^lis week Harris said, “This is ihe type of cooperation we have received (from Kings Mountain folk and we are deeply appre ciative.” Co-Chairmen Charles Noisier and Carl F. Mauney echoed their invitations to business firms and individuals who have not yet made contributions or pledges to the stadium project to do so Im mediately so that remaining monies may be obtained and im mediate start on construction be made in order that the stadium may be in use by the opfening of the 1965 football season. r NEW MEMBER _ Cameron Ware was sworn in Saturday os a new member of the Cleve land County Board of Elec tions, his appointment made by the County Democratic Executive committee. Ware will serve the unexpired term of Re corder's Court Judge George Thomnsecn. Klansman's Identity Not Yet Coniinned The Herald has learned, but not confirmed, the identity of Kings Mountain’s Ku Klux Klan chief. State Grand Dragon James Robert Jones, of Granite Quarry, was quoted by the Shelby Daily Star Tue.sday. as saying that a Klan ha.s been organized here since November and that the Klan*s Cleveland County organi zer lives here. Jones said he would address a rally here May 1. Several citizens have confirmed evidence of Klan recruiting ef- f rts here. Items: Policeman Bill Roper found an iipplication blank on his front porch. Continiied On Page 8 ASP Church To Build Manse Members of Boyce Memorial Associate Reformed Presbyterian v’hurch voted Sunday to construct X manse on the church-owned l^t on Sherwood Drive. The members vole