1965 ntially. of or- oi’co at r $90i,- group $1,214,. 2n,0(n- (H)3.0()0 p $1s Gibson was re-clocted ' visitors and a.«!sist with einergen- a five year term as truUee. ''‘y patients during the evening James A. Harry of Grover was hours. j he was a member. Mr. Blalock succumbed of a heart ailment Thursday morn ing at 6:05 in the Kings Moun tain h ispita'I where he had been a patient for several days. He was 64. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. Leroy Blalock, Mr. Blalock was a Dixon community farmer. He was a member of Fairview Lodge 339 AF & AM. He is survived by his wife, th(‘ former Lauris Moss; a son. D. fB. Blalock. Jr. of Kings Moun tain; a daughter, Mrs. William i T. Talley of Gastonia; his son-in- Here This Week 1 Bobby Wright, 23 • year - old j Kings Mountain man. was arrest- jed by Cleveland Co'jnty sheriff j 'deputies Tuesday night andj |:ss S"" ' ARP Minister, i Wright was jailed without I bond in county jail for a prelim- , ! inary hearing on the charge. 1 j He is charged with rapin'^ the i girl in the Oak Grove area of , ! the county near Kings Mountain. Deputies reportedly arrested him shortly after the alleged crime ,vas reported. It was the second rape charge n three days in the Kings Moun- ain area. James Sellers, 2^ o'! Walker treet, charged by Mrs. Betty Jo Tuss Simpson. 29, with assault- ng her off the Waco road Sat- Virginia Native, Assumes Duties SUCCUMBS ^ D. B. Blalock, Sr^ died Thursday at the age of 64. Funeral rites were held Friday from Bethlehem Baptist church. No children under 12 will be < law and four granddaughters. Al to visit patients, and elected to a five year period i , , , . . . .l. iru-tee ^ucct'eding Holmes Har-Ito visit patients, and , so surviving are his brother, I V Of (;rover who hss jervi-d two Iparpn's ffP requested to leave j Clyde Blalock of Kings Mountain terms as trustee and was not cli- 1 a'l ehildren under this age at , and three sistbrs, Mrs. Whitney ■d ie'for re.elcetion home, the new regulations point | Wells and Mrs. J. Beam, both of ' Other members of the hospital Mu'jn'ain. a™' Mrs- Pearl board or .Mrs. Ceorge Hou.ser. A. 1 , Hospital officials noted that , Royster of Grover. tlic not'd for revised visiting 1 Rev. James Wilder officiated hours and strict enforcement i.s | at the final rites and interment I vi rt'suU of “excessive a n d i was made in Mountain Rest ^ thoughtless visiting which has | cemetery, i become a detriment to the pa- itients’ welfare.” I “The hospital trustees and of ficials appeal to the public to .cooperate with these new poli- Icics," Mr. Howard continued. Barrett. Charles Nc*.iler. George 11. Mauney .and Hill Lmv- cry. The Chief of the Medical .Staff and the chairman of Cleve- : land t'nunty cjmmLsioners are , ex-officio members of this gov erning biKly. Sellers lailed On Three Counts>t“'*,c„^i|^‘s ■Tamr.s Sellers. 23 • year - old Kings Mountain man, sought in ccnn<'(’tion with assault, rape and auto theft charges filed a- gainst him by a Kings Mountain woman, is reportedly in custody of the Barnwell County, S. C.. sheriff. Cleveland County Sheriff Hay wood Allen said Wednesday that Sc'Uors was arrested in Barnwell Sunday, following a high-speed auto cha.st' by South Carolina highway patrolmen. Sellers was charged with speeding and reckless driving * nd .sentenced Monday in a outh Carolina court to (JO days in jail. Here he is named in a Wiirrant signeil by Mrs. Betty Jo Hu.ss Simpson of 307 Blanton St. The warrant cliarges him with as sault, rape and larceny of an automobile. Mrs. Simp.son alleges that Sel lers left a Kings Mountain fish camp with her Saturday after noon and attacked her in a wooded area off Waco road soon after. She alleges he stole her 19.57 model car. Courl officers reported Sellers was slopped in a 1957 model car. identification of which is similar to the one reportedly owned by Mrs. Simpson. Sheriff Allen said he would be gin extradition proceedings im- mc'dialely. Mrs. Simpson is recovering in a hospital from bruises she al legedly suffered during the inci- Love Valley Sets Homecoming Day Annual Ilomoeoming Day at Love Valley Baptist church will be held Sunday, according to announcement by Rev. Earl M. IciUling, pastor. Services will bo hSeld at 9:45 'a.m. and 11 a.m. Picnic lunch will be spread at 12:30 after which a song service will follow. Members, former members and visitors art’ invited to attend, Mr. Redding said. \ Police car lights naw have flashing blue lights instead of flashing red ligl.*s. The State Legislature recbntly passed a bill approving use of blue lights on all law enforce ment vehicles. City Police Chief Paul Sanders reminded Wednes day. The new lights went into ef fect this wbok. Here's Where City Tax Money Will Go Here’s where your city ad valorem tax money will go next year. A total of 19.9 accrues to the general fund for general ex penses incident to operating the city government; 17 cents accrues to the debt service ac count to discount outstanding bonds and pay interest; 43.1 cents is levied for permanent improvements; and five cents for maintaining a recreation program. The total; 85 cents per $100 valuation, same tax rate as ap plied last year. No New News On School Front Street Improvements May Total $46,698 In Paving. Resurfacing During the months ending next June 30, the city anticipates approximately $46,698.(H) for street improvements. Scheduled for paving are: Meadowbrook road from pres ent paving to Hillside Drive. Gold street from Juniper street to Phifer road. Bridges Drive Extension and Dixie street. Silver street from Gold street to Dead End. Woodside Drive from Rhodes Avenue to Fallingwood. Brookwood from Dead End to Linwood Drive. Fallingwood from Woodside Drive to Brookwood. East Ridge street from present paving to Dead End. Battleground from Gold street to .sidetrack on right. Battleground from sidetrack to Falls street on right side. Roxford Road — Sherwood Lane to city limits. Boyce street — Linwood road to Groves street. Owens .street — York Road to Bend in Street. Alexander street • Fulton street to Lackey street. Sipes street ■ Goforth to Edge mont Drive. Laura street • K Fabric.s. Scheduled for resurfacing are: Blanton street from Stowe Acres to Second street. Hawthorne Road from Marion street to Hillside Drive and 1o Season Creek. Landing street from Goforth to Sims street. Sims street from Mountain street to Landing street. Cleveland Avenue from King street to Ridge street. Church street from May street to Lynn street. Lynn street from Church street to Cleveland Avenue. Walker street from Piedmont Avenue to Waco Road. Phf*nix street from Battleground to Branch. Repairs to sidewalks will ac count for $3,090 of the total, the city o.stimales. There was no new news on the school front this week. Supt. B. N. Barnes was yester day awaiting a telephone call from the Department of Health Education and Delfare, Washing ton, D. C., on Kings Mountain’s Civil Rights Compliance Plan which was not accepted by the U.S. Office of Education. The initial plan was I’bturned for additions and; or alterations which would certify that they are in compliance with thei'ights act in order to continue to re ceive federal funds. The act for bids segregation because of race, creed or color. Supt. Barnes has no word from the HEW since the plan was sumbitted again for approval or rejection. Mrs. Matheny's Mother Passes Funeral rites for Mrs. S. H. Philbeck, 78, of Mooresboro, mo ther of Ml'S. James Mathcny of Kings Mountain, were held Mon day at 3 p.m. from Polkville Methodist church, intennent fol lowing in the church cemetery. Mrs. Philbeck died at 7:30 a.m. Saturday at Royster Memorial hospital after several years’ ill ness. The former Lora Swofford of the Hollis community, she was the daughter o'f the latJo Joe and Dobie Bumgardner Swof ford. Her husband died in 1960. Also surviving are a son, two daughters, throe brothers and three sisters. Graves Are Marked By American Flags The Auxiliary of American Le gion Post 155 placed 48 Ameri can flags on veterans graves in Mo.nonal Park of Mountain Rest cemetery Memorial Day and since that time 144 have bebn added. Flags will mark the graves of all veterans and will be placed on the graves on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and national hol idays, Mrs. C. L. Jolly, outgoing president of the auxiliary an nounced this week. Rev. Th ;..Tas L. Ritchie o' Raphinc, Va. assumed Ticw par torate duties Sunday at Boye Memorial A.^sociaie Reformer Presbyterian church. The Ritchies on Monday occu pied a handsome new parsonage on Sherwood Lane. The brie! mai-se is a four-bedroom hfime , . . The new minister was ordain irday and then stealing her ear. j s bein? held in Barnwed, S. C. . PrDvideneo ARP, in Raphinf n speeding charge;. He is serv- j ^ graduate of Erskin ng a GO-day lail ter n m lieu of ^ c-, and r aaying a S7o fine. C leveland , bounty Sheriff Haywood ed the School of Pastoral Cai e in I Columbia, S. C. I Mr. Ritchie has filled the ARP ! pulpit frequently since the de parture of Dr. W. L Prie;ssiy last autuixn. The congregation officially called him as pastor upon his completion of seminary. Mrs. Ritchie is a native of South Carolina and a graduate nf Erskine college. Before mov ing to Kings Mountam, Mrs. Ritchie held a position in the business administration office at the college. He is serv- m lieu of a $7.5 fine. Cleveland Sheriff Haywood Allen aid that Sellers had indicated he will waive extradition to North Carolina to face the charges. KM Hospital Again Accredited Kings Mountain Hospital re ceived notice recently from the Joint Comtmission on Accredita tion of Hospitals that it has been approved for a full three years accreditation^ This was a result of a survey by Dr. Edith P. Brown on April 29. The local hospital was last suiweyfed in May 1963, at which time, it also received a thi*ee year accreditation. Four National MecUcal hospi tal organizations comprise the Joint Commission on hospital ac creditation. li Thie American Hospital Association. 2t The A- merican Medical Association. 3> Mii'tlbTER — Rev. Thomos L. Ritchie has assumed new pas torate duties at Boyce Memori al ARP church. Canoll Suffers Gunshot Wounds Edward James Carroll. 34-year- old citizen of the Pine Ridge community of route 2, is being treated at Kings Mountain hos pital for gunshot wounds he al legedly suffered Sunday night. Carroll was reportedly shot six The American pilcge of Physi- ^ ^ 25-calibre automatic cians, and 4) the American Col- ^ r«cirionr>«i in Gnctnn lege of Surgeons. To provif ?<> cents per $100 valuation. City commissioners are expect 'd to meet within a week or 10 lays in special session to formal ly adopt the budget and set the ax rate. The tentative budget repre- .ents an Increase of $66,338.78 "rom 1963-6-4. Last year the $890.- K)0 budget was later adjusted to 931.000. Kings Mountain’s anticipated ▼as system operating budget to- als $337.*XM>, upped by ^,000 from last year. The 1964 initial udget was $270,000. was later idjusted to S30S.OOO. Mayor John Hcniy Moss said Wednesday, in commenting on he budgets, “The comrission ind I have endeavored to pre pare what we feel is a conserva- ive budget, yet building with as much long-range planning for progress as physically sound.” The mayor noted that the bud get includes funds for capital im provements and adjustments of salaries in several departments with all employees now receiving minimum wages of $1.25 per hour. Biggest item on the budget is earmarked capital outlay and the $206,823 alloted for capital outlay may bo the largest in the city’s history. The mayor said he and mem bers of the city council were highly pleased that the tax rate for next year would be unchang ed and noted that members had ready for formal adoption a “realistic budget” for the new fiscal year. REVENUES Major item of anticipated in come. as is customarj’, is from, power and water sales, estimat ed at $5.52,860. The city has an unappropriated surplus from the previous year of $40,000, and ex pects to I'leceive $36,978.68 from Powell Bill gas tax funds for street work. It anticipates a pro fit of $100,000 from the natural ,Co7itinu€d On Page 8 Woman s Club Is Making Plans For Citizens Town Meeting Day Kings Mountain Woman’s club is sponsoring a Citizens Town Meeting Day sot for September 21 at 7:45 p.m. in City Hall courtroom, proiect co-chairmen Mrs. • Haywood E. L.vnch and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney announced We(in(\sday. The project is in conjunction with the Senior club’s Commun- , ity Improvement Program it ex- PRESIDENT ^ R. Devere Smith is the newly-elected president of the Kings Mountain Rotary club for tho coining yeort CLUB STAG NIGHT The Country Club calendar imai'led to tho membership this week inadvertently lusted Stag Night as Monday, July 2Sth. The calendar should have stat ed Wednesday, July 2Sth. ROTARY CLUB State Senator Jack H White will review actions of the 1965 General Assembly at Thurs day’s Rotary cluh meeting at 12:15 at the Country Club. Fred Wright is program chair man. Normon Buys 50.000th Burger Mr. and Mrs. Gene Norman and three children drove from York, S. C., Sunday afternoon for an outing and stopped by the Burger Barn, on York Road for supper. Mr. Norman purchased the 50,000th hamburger and came away with $20. the top prize in grand opening events Thurs day through Sunday. Hambur ger No. 50,000 was purchased at 5:15 p.m. Tho Burger Barn, Kings Mountain’s newest business citizen, held grand opening Thursday morning with Mayor John Moss cutting the ribbon to officially open the business and Charlotte Observer columnist Kays Gary as principal speak er. the hour 7:45 p.m. 1 urge all in- tere.sted citizens to be present to discuss community lu'ods. “I do declare this, the seventh day of July, as the initial day for the Community Improvement Program.” Local News Bulletins UNION SERVICE Sunday night’s union service for seven city church congrega tions will be held at First Presbyterian church with Dr. Paul Ausley bringing the mes sage at 8 p.m. Special music will be rendered by the choir. DIXON SERVICE Larry Kennedy, layman, will fill the pulpit at Sunday wor ship services at 9:30 a.m. at Dixon Presbyterian church in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. S. Mann, on vacation. enter in competition iwith NCI'AVC and GP'WC pro- ! jects. ] Mayor John Heniy Moss sign ed a proclamation this week pro claiming July 7th as the initial 'opening of the cnimmunily im provement program and Septem- . her 21 as Citizens Town Mec'ting , i Day. I I The club spokesmen noted that ‘the interested public will be in-' ivited to the mooting to discuss' 1 community needs and project . I plans. ' I The proclamation reads: I “Whereas, the Senior Woman’s I club solicits the cooperation of ; !all civic, church and industrial j I groups - in a word, ihp coopbra- ' ition of the entire cUizemy of! Kings Mountain—in a total ef- 1 fort for community improve ment; I “I. John Henry ^loss, mayor of i Kings Mountain, do hereby pro- ’ claim Septbmlior 21 as Citizens Town Meeting Day- tho meeting place, the City Hall auditorium, LUTHERAN SERVICE Vicar Robert E. Land will conduct services on the fourth Sunday after Trinity at St Matthew’s Lutheran church. Seivice hours are Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. and wor ship service at 10 a.m. KIWANIS CLUB Charlotte Postmaster George iR. Carpe4iter will give tlie pro gram at Thursday night’s Ki- wanis club meeting at 6:45 p. m. at the Woman’s club. Kings Mountain Postmaster Charli's L. Alexander will present the speaker. The program will be entitled, “Mr. Zip and You", de tailing the Zip Code program. GRADUATE — Borboro Cable, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cable, bos groduoted from Charlotte Memorial Hos pital School of X-Roy Technol ogy following a two-year train ing program and hos loined the X-R^ Department staff of Gaston Memorial hospitoL KIWANIS PICNIC Kings Mountain Kiwanians have scheduled their first pic nic of the season July 22 at Lake Montonia. Supper will be served by Austin Bridges. SCOTCH FOURSOME A Sc'Otch Foursome for Golf ers is planned Sunday with tee- off time at 4 p.m. at the Coun- tiy Club. Reson’alions should l>e made with Mrs. Margaret Wal'd, club manager, by Satur day. Refreshmbnts will be sery afterwardsi