Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 Thit figure for Greater Kingt Mountain 's derived from the i9SS Kings Mountain city directory consul. The city limits figure is from the United States census of 1960. VOL 76 No. 31 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 5, 1965 Pages Today Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENT' Hunt Blood Chairman Here; Blood For Life Day Monday Kings Mountain 1965-66 Quota Is 1001 Pints Mayor John Jlonry Mojs has p. (iaimed Monday, Au{<usl 9, ■'Blood for Life Day.” 'riu* Rod Cros.:; bloodmobilo re turns to Kings Mountain for its visit of the new fiscal year "ilh <U»nors to be procv.ssed from 11 a.m. until 5 ptm. at Kings Mountain Baptist church. "Kings .Mountain citizens are urgi'd to give their bl )od that rtihcrs may live”. Blood Program Diairman W. Skellie Hunt and Pu iicity Chairman Bob Hadcn said. Mr. Haden continued, "In iho |Kist years 77.6 percent of the blood has come from the indiis- tiies of Kings Mountain. Several of the Industries will be giving their blood to other ccntei's this jear. F)r this reason you are [iarticularly urged to give your idood and bring a friend. We need more blood from the heart of Kings Mountain.” (h)al for the 196.>W> year, which Irf'gan in July, is mi pints ! School officials are in the cus- which moans that a 2.50 pint | tomary busy August rush com- • Visit i.s set at each of four sched- pieting details for an August 26 uled visits during the year. i school opening. "All ihf>se who give blood can , 'p^is year the paw is faster, receive free bio :d for themselves largely due to oiiening of the and their families in their hour new liigh school plant on Phifer r>f need”. Rev. Haden added. He .Road ( ..nliniicd. •Tho lives of many of j Architect T:)m Cothran has oni aiea citizens have been sav- been conferring with eontraolors e.l by the blood given to the hos-since Friday, making a lastmin pilals through the Red Cros.> i;-* ..r progiam. Save a life. Give blood Momlay.” Hunt Succeeds Charles Mauney As Chairman \V. Skellie Hunt III has lieen ' named chairman of the Ameri- | can Red Cross blood program i for the Kings Mountain chapter, | Cleveland C ;unly Rwl Cross I chapter chairman C. E. Clayton I has announced. Committee To Update Uptown Is Appointed By Mayor Moss Mr. Hunt succeeds Charles H. \ Mauney, who has served as \ '..lood program chaiivr.an the ; past two years. i LIONS SPEAKER _ Cleveland County Manager Joe Hendrick will be guest speaker at Tues* day night's Lions club meeting at 7 o'clock at the Woman's club. Hendrick is a former Kings Mountain city clerk and treasurer. Lion Bob Haden has arranged the program. West Overload, P-G Underload Still Problem Public request of the Kings Mountain board of education for volunteers from West school to I attend pupil-shy Park Grace has thus far met with no response. At the moment, 125 pupils have indicated preference to attend Paik Gra<-e. a numbiT the board of education regaid.s as sub-mar I CHAIRMAN ^ W. Skellie Hunt, '■ 111, ho8 been appointed Kings Mountain oreo Red Cross chair* man of the blood program for the coming yeor. School Officials In August Push City To Revive #2oning Group The city i.s expccteci to reacti vate its zoning (I'rmission at its regular August meeting Tues day at 6:v^i), Mayor Jolin Henry Moss sakl h(' is rec‘<»mmcnding the ro acti vation of the* / uiing group and that several membei's of the city commission have indicated ilicy c(‘ncur. Under the /jntng law. a five- man commission is appointed to consider zoning problems and to recormend any clia-nges in the law. The city commission acts as ix zoning api>eal hoard. The city zoning ordinance was , , « « mm ginal for proper operation of the Chairman Clayton also an- . ’ Park Grace building, nounced the appointment of ! nUClllUlvlll Mldn , u'hu Kings Mountain aroa chairmon —' .:,L f f«'•'*'? in thp vat ic js divisions of the TwA IX/ppLe; BlIlAll r ’ 19a5 blood program, including I * "U V¥eCKS ftWay Barn« says a ma,ior lactor m- Hugh Lancaster, industrial re-j volved is requu^ment tor a cruitmenf Rev i:>;b Haden 1 Kdwin Davis, M-crolary treas-1 heavy mcKlence of cc.nbinalion publicity; ’ Mrs. Jimmy Dickey! !Anchor Deveiopment i gr-ade instruetbn. canteen; Herman Greene, civic ' Goi jjoi aiion, saitl \\ eclncsdajv his Phe alternatix'o is to dose club recruitment; Mrs. Charles i hoped to begin construction > Park Grace and to assign the 125 Blanton, volunteers; Mrs. Char-! ^ 12 unit apar tr ent house ’ pupils lO other schools in the sys- lie Ballard, records; Howard I uiiliin two wetks. tern. Bryant, school recruitment: Rev. Chark's Easley, church recruil- ■ in '.ment; Wilson Griffin, business recruitment; Mrs. Charles Mau ney. replacement: Mrs. P.ob Ha den. women's recruitment; Dr. C'raig Jones, medical reprc.senla- live; and Mrs. Gene Steffy, rec ognition. At the dose of the Red Cross year June 30lh, S95 pints of blood had been used by Kings Moun tain citizens, the county chair man pointed out. He noted that the bloodmobile comes to Kings Mountain for its first visit of the j 12 unit I here wiiliin two weeks, j The firm has contracted to , Meantime, West remains po- purch.'use i!ie lol o; Di. J hn C. deniiaily over loaded, with 37 I Mctxiii at 30S W. Gold Street. pupils in various grades 115 ule check-list of any omissions ; from the plans, and school offi- I cials, an advice of the general j contractor, anticipate beginning ! to move furnitm’(‘ into the new plant next Monday. Superintend• 'ent B. N. Barnes said Wednes-Virgkib Efr.aeo day. ^ i school in Lynchburg, Camp- Me.antime, the State Highway Junior high at Buies Creek Carolina State Uni- jjy vc'isny. ror three years he was six foci, and plan to begin pa\'- ■ ^tT^pluycd with the Raleigh \ MC- ing of driveway.s immediately. ' The oily reports needed piimps j y,,. jn,nl, his wife, .Sallv and and pine on hand to provide j children moved to ‘Kings sow age sei \ ice to the plant and i Mountain nine months ago when are installing a natural gas line i y,,.. „unt joined Superior Stone to sene the new school. | Company as a salesman. Thev Meantime, there remain .seve- ,.eside ai ,005 Monroe Avenue and ral f.TcuIiy vacancie.s. with par- ' 'rhe city board of commission ers last week amcndtvi the city zoning oidinance to permit con struction i.if the liirce - story building. The Anchor firm had previously envisioned two ]2-unit apartments, but zoning limita tions did not permit. Mr, Davis said the apartment house will loprcscnt an invest ment liouse of about $10.5.0t)0 and will i fmtain one and two-bed- | rcMJT. apartments. Directoi'S of the Kings Moun- The kitclicn will be furnished ! lain Merchant.^ Association and | the first I too many for the 11- ! grade school I Only one first grade is antici- ’ paled, and two grades, two I through six, at West. I Mountaineer Day To Be Planned 16 Oi 20 Named; Committee Meets Thursday Mayor John Henry Moss has named 16 of 20 members to a mayoral committee on downtown improvements. The committee will convene for the first time Thursday night at 7:45 at City Hall courtroom, when Chark^ Sellers and Jerry Turner, NAME of the planning committee. State ' Department of Con.servation and AnrvDircc i Development AUUKEbi^ APPLICATION FOR CHARTER MEMBERSHIP CLEVELAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Date Please enroll me as a member of the Cleveland County Historical Society in the classification checked below: Patron $100 Institutional S 25 Life (individual) . 25 . . Sustaining $ 5 / Annual S 1 CITY STATE Make checks payable to: Cleveland County Historical Society Mrs. Pansy Fetzer, Box 1167, Shelby, N. C. Historical Group Members Seeking new fiscal year on Monday. . . i apartments will cc air-condition- i-Mountain civic A nativ'e of R:dolgh, Mr Hunt .-eiitrally heat(*d. Friday night at ainIh^jfhsTfiffiWfi^drtrbnrTf.' I with refrigerator and range. The | representatives of all King: ■ apartments Will cc air-condition-j Mountain civic clubs .Me.annme, ino aiate liignway department has begun widening t and North C Pliifei' road Mo Fulton Road) by ! will meet ' 7 JJ-ni. at City licular incuk'iice in the cl<*.T;<*n lary schools, including a princi- palsliip at Bethwaro. Supi. Barm*s also reported de clination of two teachers tn sign (ontracts after election o-n July 19. Jcltic I. Rowe, elementary adopted in November 19 W.. For j teacher at Compact school, re- .•^omc years liie city eommi.-don | signed to teach in Atlantic City. zoning | x. J. Lorena M. Greer, David- ‘'on elementary teaeher, plans to also ex- i attend graduate school, eommis- ha'^ al.so .served as Ihr Imanl. Mayor Moss said lie p(\ted to piovide the Moners sewage a pr. jgre.ss report on disposal system plans. Baptists Plan Youth Camp The annual Youth Camp of the I'lrst liaptis* ehurch in Kings .Mminlain vviH Iv held at Card- lu i*-VV('hb C iliege next we<»k Au gust 9-13. W I'be Vf>u;ig people, from age nin(' npwarfl. stay in tlie eollege <i(;rmi!o!'y and eat their meals in till' eollege (Mfeteria. The morn ings are taken up with studies and singing. Each morning at < leven o’clock a vi.siting speaker meets with the group On Tuesday. Dr. Wyan Wash burn tells the young people “How To Keep Healthy.” On Wednes day. it will ho Jim Horne, ledertd probation officer, and "How To Keep Out of Trouble.” Oil Thursday morning, Mrs. Dor- (Uliy Hamrick, Gardner - M’obb College registrar, will loll "How q*o (k‘t Ready for College.” Rev. Jeires Stamry, on Friday, speaks on "How To Keep Spiritually Healthy.” The afternexms will be devoted to rc5t and recreation. Evenings will feature chapel jx?riods, films, with a special prayer meeting on the campus for the entire church Wcdne.sday evening at 7:30 p.m. Tliis Ls the fourlli year Ilia! First Baptist ehurch has had a camp on tlie Gardnor-Webb cam- pUvS. Rev. H L. Rainca; is pastor of the church, and the camp direct or is Allen Jolley. Minister of Music and Education. BUILDING PERMITS » T. F. Bridges has purcha.sed •ily building permits for con struction of three five - room houses, two estimated to cost $.5.(K)0, at 710 and 712 Bridges Drive, and one $7,(XX) at 508 Riiodcb' Avenue. McGinnis Clan To Hold Reunion Descendants of Nathan and Susan McGinnis will gather at Carlton clubhouse in" Cherry- ville Sunday, August 15, for the annual reunion. Picnic lunch will b(' spread at 1 p.i:n. following a short business sesskni. Tlie ehurch choir of Shady Grove Baptist church will en tertain the group with singing. Floyd Mauney is president of the clan, K. T. (Pete) Mc*Ginnis is vice-president and Mi's. H. T. Mefiinnis is secretary • treasu rer. are mem ers of lYinity Episco pal church. Mr. Hunt is a Jaycee and a Rotarian. Chairman Hunt stated. "It is hard to imagine that during tlie year past over 210 gallons of Red Cross blood was used in Kings Mountain. Our goal of 1001 pints will enable us to re plaee all of the blood used and meet tlu* increased requirements for blood in our community. "Following the exceptional job done by Cliailos Mauney and his very capable chairmen will be a difficult job. but with the enthusiastic attitude displayed by chairmen and the Kings Moun tain populous we should go well over our goal of 1(X»1 pints of bloo<l To reach the gwil, how- rtowM-nwii ever, w<‘ must have llie coopera- Wednosd iv ^ h”? eominit- « ATnnntn?. Mednesda>. SHld hc WOUld require four to five months. Tax Discounts Available Now Ci'y and county tax collectors are reminding all citizens that ad valorem lax bills paid in Au gust qualify for the full two per- ct*nt discount. City Collector Joe McDaniel. Jr., said 1965 lax notices will be in thi' mails by the weekend. County Collector Itobert Gidney said counJy lax notices for Num ber 4 Township will be mailed by the weekend and that notices for all county citizens will be posted by mid-month. The law siiecifies a two per cent discoun* during August. The discount - drops to oni* percent in September and to one-half one percent in October. Mayor John Henry .Moss will also meet with the group and plans will be made for the an nual Mountaineer Day promo tion to be hold this October. As sociation President Bill Brown said. Mr. Brown said that all inter ested citizens are invited to at tend. 'Fhe Mountaineer Day trade promotion is held during the week of October 7th to commem orate the Rovolutionaiw War Battle of Kings Mountain Clearview Sells Building Bonds Moss To Name Committees Major John Henry Mo.ss. who announced appointment of a tion of Kings ^lountain industry, our regular tiiHiors. plus the par ticipation of new individuals who have nev<'r before given blood. Also, those individuals who have* acLvpted Red Cross hicKxl are asked to replace it at one of this year’s four visits of the blood bank.” Coionei Rules Murder • Suicide In Sunday Afternoon Shooting A .. ..t.i T^j X* . A 56year-oId Kings Mountain Negro shot and killed a 26-year- old mother of two children hero Sunday, and then killed himself, according to Police Chief Paul Sanders. James Ernest Hendricks. Jr., of Waco Road shot to death Mao Paulino Ross at her homo on Carpenter street Sunday after noon around 3:(X) p.m. with a 22- caliber pistol, took a shot at her latlier, but missed, and tlien shot hims<'lf. County Coroner Ollic Harris rukrd the incident "murder-sui- eicle” and .said that no inquest w-.iuld he necessary. Chief Sanders said that the case is closed as far as tlie police are concerned. No motive could be found by investigating officers who found the Ro.ss wcvman sprawled across a living room cariwt with three bullet holes in her body, and Hendricks nearby with a bullet Iiole in his chest. The woman’s father, Randolph Ross, was the only other person in the house nt the time of the shooting but was sleeping. Ross said tile shuts awakened hinL and he went to the living room to see what the trouble was and saw his daughter lying on the floor and then Hendricks took a shot at him. Ross apparently ran from the house to call the police and then heard anotlier shot the one that killed Hendricks - as hc ran a- cross the back lawn. The woman was shot in the head, left shoulder and left side. Harris said the cause of death was a wound in the left temple. 'Hendricks, who shot himself in the chest, died when the bullet pierced the major 'Mood vessel going ii'om his licart. Hendricks was dead when the police arrived and the woman died 45 minutes later after being rushed to the Kings Mountain hospital. The bullet meant for the wom an’s father lodged in the door. Chief Sanders said that five bul lets were fired and one w'as left in the pistol. Hendricks had sev en other bullets in his pocket. Chief Sanders rciwUxl that the woman’s mother said Hen- CotUiiuwd On Faya 5 mayoral name Ihnv additional committees next week. He termed the responsibilities "important”. He expects to appoint an in- dustrj' eommitt(*e. to seek new industry and aid expansion of existing industry, and a job op portunity eommiUec. Another committee ho will ap point. to work both on the loc'al and county level, is a human re lations committee. j Bethel Church Arbor on the St. I Luke’s church road five miles ' north of Kings Mountain Sunday afternoon at 5:30. Grover’s Clearview Baptist , church is issuing S25.fH10 in bonds i R*'v. Robert H-adcn. minister 'to build an addition to provide: of Trinity Episcopal church of mere educational i:uil<ling space. ; Kings Mountain will address the [ The bonds are issued in do- !t*lan. and reports will be given ; nominations of SUM), $250, $500 by Miss Willie Mt^'.ill. keeper of ■and SIOOO for periods varying ; vital statistics, and Mrs. Dorothy I from one to 14'-j years. Waeho- Wolfe Lynn, seerotai j treasurer, ivia Bank & Trust Company is| Officers for the coming year i paj’ing agent. iW’ill bo elected. The church eontempiaies an ^ ad.liti<m of 70 x 20 f.-e, of brick ' construction. ! O'** Ofojtram. Formed in March 19.59. the church occupie<l its present build ing the following Octoi)er. It has grown fr flm 12 to 91 members. Pastor is Rev. Rudolph N. Lemmons and Frank E. Rico is treasurer. Matt Howell Churcli Financing Ctimpany, of Wayne.s- ville, is assisting the eh'Ui*ch in selling its bonds. Speaker Invited For October 7 A national governmental fig ure is being invited to make an address here on Oclob<'r 7, an niversary of the Battle of Kings Mountain, Mayor John Henry Moss said Wednesday. He declined to the pci-sonage but said hc hopes to have ati announcement in the near futui'e. Mayor Moss anticipates a parade here would honor the guest and that he would make an address at Kings Mountain National Military park. Gaston McGills To Meet Sunday r Vi. Annual reunion of the McGills | Horace Grigg, chairman of the of (iaslon, descendants of John society s membership committee. Thomas McGill, will be hold at; reports that group is prepar ing for an intensive membership caimpaign. Additional charter membei*ship cards have been printed and Grigg plans to have members of his committee and othere solicit memberships at civic club met't- ings and other gatherings throughout the county. In Kings Mountain, Mrs. Au brey Mauney is membei'ship chairman. TTie society now has approxi mately 130 mejnbers. Mrs. Mauney Membership Leader Here EKxniments seeking incorpora- _ lion as a non-profit corporation accommodations, and traffic will outline busi ness district planning by other cities and make recommenda tions concerning Kings Moun tain’s specific problems. Mayor Mos.s said he would name a chairman of the commit- l(K? Thursday and the other members when they have con firmed acceptance. Named to the committee are Clyde Whetstine, Charles E. Dix on, J. O. Plonk, Jr., Bill Brown, W. S, Fulton, Jr., William Hern don, Paul McGinnis, Lewis Del linger, Haywood E. Lynch, George B. Thomasson, B. S. Peeler, Jr., Carl F. Mauney, Charles Blanton, Elmore Alexander, Dan Finger, and Ben H. Bridges. "The work of this committee should be very important to the future welfare of Kings Moun tain,” Mayor Moss said. "There are particularly impor tant areas in which the commit tee will be interested, among them appearance and facilities of business buildings, parking have been, mailed to Sccretaxy of State Thad“Eiin^ by officer^ of the Cleveland County Historical Society. J. R. Davis, of Kings Moun tain, was chairman of the char ter committee. Society President James P. Al len of Shelby and Vice President David Beam of Lawndale and O. P. Hamrick of Boiling Springs are listed as initial incorpora tors. F'orms seeking tax exempt sta tus for the society also have 1 been filed with the Internal Rev- Icnuo Service. Chaplain Jordan To Fort Bragg Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Howard R. Jordan, minister of Central .Meth odist church, has ht'cn ordered hy the War Department to Fort foi’ 15 days of active duty training with the United Stales Army. Chaplain Jordan will be at tached to the of the Post Chaplain. Ho will leave Kings Mountain on August Jrd and re turn on the ISili. Guest minister for Sunday, Au gust Sth. and Driver's Ed Class Starts On Monday Twenty students have en rolled in a driver’s education class which gels underway Monday morning at 7:30 at Kings Mountain high .school, Supt. B. N. Barnes said this week. Supf. Barnes said that other interested students, under 18, who wish to enroll should ap ply at his office. The first week will be devot ed to classwork six hours per day through Friday. Mr. Barnes noted. Under-the-wheel instruction will follow. Police Crack Down On Speeders: Chiel ! Police Chief Paul Sanders said Wednesday morning that I the department's new speed 1 watch has arrived, so fast drivers had better slow down. The chief also slated that the I law is "eraeking down” on vio- I lalors of tlie muffler laws. "If you have loud or any type of improper muffler, you’d better replace it with a proper one.” the chief reminded mo torists. Printed in connection with this article is a charter membei'ship application blank of the type be ing used by Grigg and membei's of his committee. Persons inter- estt^l in joining the Cleveland County Historical Svxiety may do so merely by completing the accomiianying form and mailing it to Mrs. Pansj' Fetzer, P. O. Box 1167, Shelby. Mrs. Fetzer is the society’s treasurer. Membership blanks carry five different membership categor ies: patron. life, institutional, I sustaining and annual, the latter being the one stressed so far. These categories are c*ommon to most historical groups in this and other states. Continued On Page 6 Tiuckei lim White Escapes Injuiy In Vii^nia Wreck Fatal To Six flow. *1AU of the appointees to date have assured me both of their willingness to serv^e and of much interest in the work of the com mittee,” Mayor Moss concluded. Local News Bulletins FREE TAXI SERVICE Kings Mountain taxi cabs will furnish free transportation to and from the blood bank Monday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Kings Mountain Baptist church, blood program chair man W. Skellie Hunt said this week. Citizens desiring trans portation should call any of the companies listed in the telephone directory. LEGION MEETING Scott Cloninger and Phillip Bunch, Kings Mountain repre- -sentatives to annual Boys State, will report on the event at the Friday night meeting of Otis D. Grc?en Post 155, Ameri can Legion, at 8 o’cloc-k. Boys State is co-sponsored by the American Legion and Institute of Government, and met this year at Wake Forest college. BAND ORGANIZED A new rock-n-roll band, "The Martians”, is being organized in Kings Mountain by Roger Stewart, Rick Hale, Ronnie Shorts and Bill Hale. Instru ments are on order, a member of the group reported. Privilege License Sales At $4651.25 -Sunday. August | 1>th, will bo The K(*v. R. | City privilege license purchases Hauss of Shelby, a l elirtxl mem- through Tuesday totaled $-1851.25, bor of the Western Carolina Con ference. Mr. Hauss is well-knovv’n to the mcmboi^ of Central .Meth odist church. He has boon active in the civic life of Cleveland County and has sei'vi'd Methodist churches in and around Shelby for .many years. "Mr. Hauss is one of our out standing preachers, a^id wo are pleastxi to welcome him to Kings i July of five Mountaiii*” Mr. Jordan said linonth appUeo. City Clerk J,oe .McDaniel repott ed. A budgettxl revenue item at $5600, it appt'ared majority of Kings Mountain business firms and others doing business here purchased annual privilege li censes in advance of Monday's penalty date. Penalty for late purchase af- perewu per A Kings Mountain truck driv i er for Craftspun Yarns BVD I Division- Jimmy White of 304 i Silver strw't -escaped serious in- I jury Sunday afionuton in a i ihrw-vehicle smash up on rain- ' soaked LI.S. 301 near Bowling I Green. V'a,. which cost six lives, i Five of the victims, all Ne groes from Concord, were re ported d('ad at the scene, and a sixth died shortly after the res cue squad arrived. The surviving child, a 20-month old girl, was hospitalized in Mary Washing ton hospital in Fredrieksburg. She was ix'portod in satisfactory condition. The accident look place about one-quarlor mile north of Bowl ing Green in front of Stuckey’s Pecan ShopiH\ Clay Pope, man ager of the shop, said he saw the accident and called tlie reacuc squad. lig sold oai' the victims was northbound and was attempting to turn into Stuckey’s when struck from the rear by a U. S. Army pickup truck, knocked across the high way into the path of White’s south-bound tractor-trailer. Pope said the tractor-li’oiler struck the car in the right side, knock ing it some 35 feel. W’hite’s truck swerved to the left side of the highway into a yai-d, uprooted shrubs and plowed into a house, knocking off a front porch. Investigating officers reported that the driver of the Army ve hicle said his brakes locked. The victims were identified as John C. Clyburn, 43, of Concoi'd; Mrs. Eva C. Jamison, 49, of Con coi'd; Mrs. Annie Bell Barnes, 30, Beverly Ann Barnes, nine; Don na Lynn Barnes, age five; and Terry Eugene Barnes, age iU^ aii oi iiludu^Wu i’ax'kt Md. ^ __ HOYl£ REUNION The Peter and Noah Hoyle Clans will gather for their 73rd annual reunion Saturday. August 14th. at Kadosh church near Belwood. A picnic lunch will be spread. XIWANIS PICNIC Kings Mountain Kiwanians will gather for a picnic Thurs day at 7 p.m, at El Bethel Methodist church. Women of the church will ser\*e the meal to Kiwanians and their fami lies. SPEAKER Dr. Robert D. Fridley, minis ter of High Street Methodist church of Franklin, Va., will fill the pulpit at Sunday serv ices at 11 a.m. at First Presby terian church, using the ser mon topic, "The Demands of fhe Gospel.” Rev. Fridley has been a house-guest of Dr. and

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