V4‘d ■on /iih :cvc un- half vith Oior itcr- hi(‘h and lirlin wdli your cs a- \yy of 1 Ro- a-nios s'orth 100 at o the al in* sklon- •apes 10031 mort- r ). sat a- iranca •ns lo 1, tho K' na- :> f=n- men I 'M St of^ dais. (Mitial nvcsl It th' iSa.OoO $25S.- •cd !)y Tislra* homa lei'ans a n d puar- minis od SO. nolud- com- n'ort- com- 31.2”0 and .irnnco 100 i-n- ghoul aso of luring :v<\ a- show- Ivir in is soc- Now 19.0.")7.- IS'S.fMM) 173,000 *uortoi I’oiuhP mofitff panics ^ Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 This figure for Grecrter Kings Mountain '.s derived from the 18&!> Kings Mountoln city directory census. The city limits flgurs is from ths United Stotes census of 1060. i stir; Si VOL. 76 No. 33 EstobiisSed 1889 Kings Mountoin's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 19, 1965 Pages Today | Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENT* Humphrey May Be Battle Anniversary Speaker Industrial Park Plans Are Completed 400-Acre Tract Is Under Option ^or Development Arrangements were completed Wt'dnesday for a •iOO-acre Kings Moirniain industrial park in northeast Kings Mountain. Tiie tract spills over into Gas ton county. Cincurrently, it was announc ed that J. E. Herndon Company, largtdy destroyed by fire several weeks ago, will re:uild in the park and become its first resi dent. It was also announcetl that four more firms are contemplat ing locating in the park. The approximately 400 acres include 13 tracts, ten owned by the R. L. Lewis Estate, and three t)V J. K Herndon. Jr., and Wil liam Herndon. Tne owners have granted a five-year option on the a ggregate tract to Kings Moun tain Industrial Park, Inc., a non profit, non stock corporation, of which officers are George Lewis, of Bessemer City. William Hern don, Senator Jack White and Mayor John Henry Moss stated purpo.se of the corporation is to promote industrial growth in the Kings Mountain arca. Provisions of the option agree ment include; li A maximum per-aere price on sale of any tract. 2i Agreanent by the Herndons to install a 14-jneh water line, ^vilh fees from future tenants to ^^imburse them for the original ^Rtley. 3» Granting of the City of Kings Mountain exclusive right to sell natural gas in the park. 1) Agreement for the City of Kings Mountain to limit amount of water consumption. Mayor Moss termed the water consumption limit a hedge a- gainst a general water shortage due to industrial usage. He not e<! that the tract area will be served by facilities and utilities necessary to many industries, in cluding natural gas, electric pf)wer, water with proptn* pres sure, a imajor railway and high Continued On Page a m life tea. mm Harold Phillips To Chairman Industry-Seekers By MARTIN HARMON Harold Phillips, member of a .yarn brokerage firm Radcliffe & Company and a former city com missioner will serve as chairman of a 2.5-member mayoral indus try-seeking committee for the Kings Mountain area. GRADUATE — Mrs. Lossie Lynch Kincaid was graduated Saturday with B. S. degree from Winthrop college and has accepted a teaching position in Charlotte. ANNOUNCE DETAILS ON NEW INDUSTRIAL PARK ~ Owners of Kings Mountain Industrial Pork, Inc., new non-profit, non-stock corporation making a 400-acre tract avoilable for industrial de velopment of the Kings Mountain area, are pictured with Mayor John Henry Moss as they an nounce details concerning the park. Left to right are George Lewis, Mayor Moss. William Herndon and J. E. Herndon, Jr. The Herndon Brothers annotmeed they will rebuild fire-gutted J. E. Hern don Company in the new park. (Herald photo by Bill Jackson). Mayor John Henry Moss nam- i members Wednesday afternoon ! at a press c‘onfercnce at which | organization of Kings Mountain j Industrial Park, Inc., was also t mm^ , ■ announced. IlIrS. KUlCdlCl F. Scan* Morrison, of Associated Sales, Inc., and Charles F. Mau- ncy, general manager of Mau- ney Hosiery Company and Caro lina Throwing Company were named vice-chairmen. Other members are Dorus L. Bennett. Ben T. Goforth, Eugene Timms, John Billing, George W. Receives Degree Mrs. Lossie Lynch Kincaid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hay- w Hxl E. Lynch of Kings Moun tain, was gra<luatod Saturday in elt*mentarv educa- Mauney, Carl Finger, Grady Howard Warren E. Reynolds, Robert E. Hambright (for Grover, ■ ** *-* Robert Lowe, J. Wilson Crawford, Paul A. Lancaster. Leroy Blanton, Rev. M. L. Campbell, Thomas L. Trott, Robert O. Southwell, John Blanton To Head Pharmacy Group Plonk Heads Downtown Group John O. Plonk. Jr.. Kings Mo’jnlain merchant, has been named chairman of the mayoral committee on downtown im provements. Mayor John H. Moss iT.ado the announcement yesterday after completing formation of a 21- member committee named at the request of tho Kings Mountain rionning Board. Other new members of the S mi.riltee at*e Mrs. C. E. War Ik. Miss Helen Hay, T. W. layson and Wendell Phifer. First meeting of the full group will be held August 26 at s p.rn. at City Hall, a second ori entation session with community planning consultants Jerry Turn er and Charles Sellers from the p{*parlment of Conservation and Development. Sixteen members of the grouu met for an initial orientation session August 5. Other (members of tho commit tee are Clyde Whetstine, Charles E. Dixon. Bill Brown, W. S. Ful ton. Jr., William Herndon, Paul McGinnis, Lewis Dellinger. Hay- wo id E. Lynch, George B. Thom- asson, B. S. Peeler. Jr„ Carl F. Mamiey. Charles Blanton, El more Alexander, Dan Finger. Ben H. Bridges, and Glee K. Bridges. “The work of this committee should ' e very important to tho future welfare of Kings Moun tain”. Mayor Moss said. “There are particularly im portant areas in which the com mittee will bo interested, among them appearance and facilities of business buildings, parking acc::nimodations, and traffic flow.” “All the appointees have as- Mired me both of their willing ness to serve and of much in terest in the work of the commit- Mayor Moss concluded^ Kings Mountain, Mr. Plonk ^ the son of Mrs. John O. Plonk. Sr. and the late Mr. Plonk. Edu cated in the Kings Mountain schools and at the University of iNorth Carolina, he is general PRESIDENT — Charles D. Blanton* Jr.* hos been elected president of the North Carolina Pharmoceutical Associotion for 1966-67. School Opens Week Hence School bells will ring for an estimated 4,591 Kings Mountain area pupils at nine plants of the district the morning of August 26. Meantime, school principals and office staffs at the various schools reported to work last Friday. Teachers are to report Tuesday, Orientation Day for students is August 26 and first lull day of school is Friday, Au gust 27. With school opening only a week away, school board mem- b<?rs were faced Monday night with several problems, among them: 1) Faculty positions still to bo filled include the Park Grace .school principalship as former Principal Evans J. Evans has been assigned principal at Beth- ware school. Former Bethware Principal R. J. Franklin has mov ed to the Junior high .school now located in the Central school building. 2) Fourteen new teachers were elected this week, but there are several more vacancies in the elementary schools. 3) Pupil-shy Park Grace school, where 144 pupils are assigned, will be a six-teacher school this Continued On Page 6 Kings Mountain Man President For 1966-67 Charles D. Blanton, Jr., Kings ’ Mountain pharmacist, has been elected president of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Associ ation for 1966-67 and will be in stalled at the association's an nual convention in Asheville June 12-, -1, 1966 Other officei's-clect, who were chosen in mail balloting which has teen undenvay for the past 30 days, are S. D. Griffin Jr. of Burlington, first vice-president; James L. Creech of Smithfiold, second vice-president; Earl H. Tate of Lenoir, third vice-presi dent; and W. T. Boone, current ly serving as president of the Pharmaceutical Association, mem her of the executive committee for a 3-year term. W, J. Smith of Chapel Hill continues as executive secretary and managing editor of The Carolina Journal of Pharmac>". Harold V. Day of Spruce Pine will be i*ecommcnded by the As sociation for appointment to suc ceed himself as a member of the Stale Boaixl of Pharmacy. Wade A. Gilliam of Winston- Sala.m, Jesse M. Pike of Concord, W. Dorsey Welch of Washington, and W. Latham West of Rose- boro were elected directors of the N. C. Pharmaceutical Re search Foiuidation. Blanton is a graduate of the School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, and is a part ner in tho operation of the Kings Mountain Drug Co. He is past president of the Kings Mountain Merchants As sociation and Chamber of Com merce, In 1960 the Kings Moun tain Jayivcs awarded him the Distinguished Service Award and two years later he was fealure<l in the Saturday Evening Post as one of the nation’s loading young pharmacists. His father served as president of tho NCPhA in 1957-58. He es tablished the pharmacy of which his son is now co-owner. Mrs. Charles Blanton is president of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the NCPhA. She will conclude her term of office they day her hus band is installed as head of the NCPhA. Results of the mail ballot elec* Continued On Page 6 Cheshire, Jr., Hubert McGinnis, Tommy Yarbrough, C. E. Noisier • HI. William White and Charles : A. Neksler. j Attending the Wednesday afl-1 ernoon press gathering were Mr. ‘ Phillips and officers of the new-' ly-formed Kings Mountain In- ' du.strial Park, Inc. : Chairman Phillips said the I purpose of his committee is to | obtain industrial prospects for j the Kings Mountain area. He al- I so announced his committ<*e i Mrs. Kincaid will teach fifth grade at Park Road Elementary school in Charlotte the (.*aming school term. Mrs. Kincaid an<l her daugh ter, Jane Eli/.ac(4h Kincaid, will live in Charlotte. Mrs. Alexander At Country Club Congressmen Support Bid I To Humphrey By MARTIN HARMON I Vice President Hubert Humph- I ivy may make the principal ad- I dress at this October's 1,'^lh an- nivei'sary of the Battle of Kings Mountain. Mayor John Henry Moss, in announcing the invitation Wed nesday, said Senator Sam Er\in (D-NC) of North Carolina, is sei*ving as chairman of a two- state, bi-partisan area congres sional committee joining in sup port of the invitation to Kings Mountain. He added that the effort to bring the Vice-Pivsident to Kings Mountain for the annual cele bration has the enthusiastic sup- i port of the North and South Carolina Democratic chairman. , J. Melville Broughton. Jr., of Raleigh, and Yancy McL(M>d, of Columbia. Mayor Moss said the nine- member Congiessional group, with whom he has discussed the invitation by telephone and by letter, have Ixvn uniformly en thusiastic and coopoj-ative con cerning the proposal. According to tentative plans, a parade in Vice-President Ilumph- rey's honor would be held in ! Kings Mountain, with the ad- I dress to be made at Kings Moun tain National Military Park. I Should he accept the invita tion, the Vice-President would be ! the first pei'son of nation-wide 1 prominence to sp(»ak at the bat tleground since President Herb ert Hoover spoke at the sesqui- centennial in 1930. Text of the Mayor’s letter to the Vice-President follows: Other North and South Caro- i lina Congres.^men on the invita- i tion committee are Senators Ev- INVITED HERE — Vice-Presi dent of the United Stotes Hu bert Humphrey may moke the principal address at October's 185th anniversary of the Battle of Kings Mountain. Dorn (D-SCi. :v GRADUATE — Franklin Deon received his degree in com mencement exercises Tuesday night from Appalachian State Teacher's college. Franklin Dean ASTC Graduate Franklin Dean, son of Mrs. Amos F. Dean of Kings Moun tain and the late Mr Dean, re ceived his B.S. in business ad ministration TTiesday night from Appalachian State Teacher’s col lege at Boone. Dean has accepted a position as distributive education instruc tor in Pinehurst for the coming school tcm. iLieutonant Governor Robert Scott addressed the graduating class of 396 students at com mencement e.xcrcises in the au- ditoriu.-n of the Health and Phy sical Education Building. At ASTC. Dean was a member of the golf team. erett Jordan. iD-NC) , Strom Mrs. Ross Alexander will be- Thui*mond (R-SC). and Donald come acting caterer at Kings Russell ID-SC). and Representa- would convene at City Hall Tucs- ! Mountain Country Club Friday, j rives Basil L. Whitener (D-NCt, Department of Conservation and Development. He added the state department’s Vice-Chairman Pat Spangler, of Shelby, is expected to attend. | Mrs. Alexander and her late In answer to questions from | husband managed the club sev- news media representatives, ; eral years ago. Mayor Moss said: j 1) P'our current prospt*cts for! Announcement was made by J summer. the industrial park include ^Ollie Harris, chairman of the chemical firm, two knitting ' committee, which is seek- firms, and a garment industry t ^^5 employ a new manage- with prospective employment for | ment team, more than 400 persons. I 2) Counties should likely begin I consideration to water supply, j 3) The industrial park group ■ will be st'Iective in industry seeking in order not to over burden unduly its present water facilities, 4) Industrial training is en visioned, alone or with “any co operative group'* where coopera tive action would prove bene ficial to this area. 5) (On question of whether Kings Mountain has public fa cilities to major industrial and population expansion) “We have the facilities, recreational, edu cational, residential and religi ous, to serve a growing popula tion. 6) Plats of park property and provisions of the agr(*enient w’ill be made available to the state C&D department and with area developers. 7) He envisions other indus trial parks surrounding the area. Mrs. Bill Mauldin early in thOjXorth Carolina, South Carolina. 'Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee ' will be invited to attend if the I Vic(* Pr(*sident accepts. \ “I take considerable pleasure in extending to you an invitation to-rrake the principal addi-ess at the onc-hundred-eighty-fifth an niversary celebration of the Bat tle of Kinss Mountain on Octo ber 7, 1965. One of the most im portant Revolutionary War hat- j ties. Thomas Jefferson regarded • it fiu'ning the tide of victoo* for I the Colonies. I “1 write you on behalf of the iCity of Kings Mountain, Kings I Mountain Chamber of Com- I merce, Kings Mountain Mer- Miss Watterson On Herald Staff Miss Lynda Watterson, high school senior and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Watterson, has joined the staff of the Her ald as part-time clerk-reporter, according to announcement by Martin Harmon, publisher. Miss Watterson. who assum ed her new^ duties Monday, suc ceeds Miss Helen Owens, part- time employee the past year. A 1965 graduate of Kings Mountain high school, Miss Ow'ons expects to enter Greenville, S. C. beauty school next month. Miss Owens completed her du ties with the Herald Wednesday. LUTHERAN SERVICE Rev. Charles W. Easley has returned from his vacation and will fill the pulpit at Sunday services at 10 a.m. at St Mat thew's Lutheran church. The Sunday School hour is al 8:45. Baptist Cancel Open House Plans Kings Mountain Baptist church has cancelled open house set for Sunday in honor of Rev. and Mrs. .Marion Du- Bose. Rev. Mr. DuBose was admitt ed to Kings Mountain hospital a week ago Sunday for treat ment of a heart condition. Church members reported his wndition improving. He was a patient for two da.vs at a Char lotte hospital w^here a PaiT- maker machine was used and he was brought back to the hospital here. Members said Mr. DuBose did not suffer a heart attack but had become ill following a ser mon that evening. Mr. DuBose has resigned his pastorate here to accept the pastorate of a Gloucester, Va., Baptist church. chants Association, the city’s civic clubs, fraternal and vete rans’ organizations, eleven area chapters of the Daughters of the Americ'an Revolution, as well as similar groups in adjacent North Carolina and South ciarolina cities "Should your schedule preclude acceptance for Detober 7th. wo would be most happy to have you on subsequent da>'S. either 'October Sih, 9th. or 10th. i “The late President Herbert ' IToovor was the most recent : Battle Anniv’ei'sary speaker of nationwide priminence, he ha\- i ing spoken to 50,000 persons at the sesqmi-centennial in 1930. “Our plans for the upcoming celebration are regional in na ture, particularly North Carolina Continued On Page S 42 Reassigned From West School Superintendent B. N. Barnes reported employment of an ad ditional new^ faculty member Wednesday, continuixi existence of several vacancies particular ly at seventh and eighth grade level, but added confidence v’ast j majority, if not all, of tho ya- I cancies will be filled by opening day “Majority of the principals needing teachers tell me they are virtually ready to make recom- I mendations for filling the va cancies.” he commented. Mr. Barnes said he is inter viewing a Park Grace principal prospect Thursday. Meantime, the board of edu cation Monday night i-e-assigned, on basis of second choice of school, 42 pupils who had listed West school as first choice. Most were re-assigned to Bethware and Park Grace, the re-assign- ments re - balancing over - load problem at W'est. If pai'ents of these children object to the re- assignments, they have ten days from receipt of letter to object in writing to the board of educa tion. I Supt. Barnes pointed out the board of education did not act Monday night on 1) Transfers asked in the le gal lO-day limit following the original assignments last spring, or 2) Assignment requests for pu pils of new citizens of Kings Mountain. “Action will be taken w'e hope before school opens, if not, very shortly thereafter," Supt. Barnes said. Supt. Baimcs will address all district faculty members at a general teacher's meeting Tues day moming at 9 a.m. at Cen tral school auditorium. High School To Have "New" Pains; It May Be Boxed Lunches Awhile Compliance Plan Amended Again The board of education Friday night amended its school compli ance plan designed to meet the i^quirements of the 196-1 civil rights act and instructed Supt. B. N_ Barnes to resubmit tho plan to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in Washington, D. C. Deleting the last sentence in Item IV of its freedom of choice plan was the major change. The now pupil assignment pol icy is designed to comply with 'Fitle VI of the 1961 civil rights act which requires that race be no criteria on the assignment to school of any pupil. It forbids segregation because of race, creed or color. In Item IV the board declares, 'Tt is the intention of the board to develop a policy w'hereby staff ing ordered and until installed i classrooms will be equipped with and professional personnel will | will dictate a split assembly sit- desks considered fully depreciat- be employed on the basis of I uation, in the cafeteria, with two j ed—^d to be replaced with Continued On Page 6 I grades being accommodated at I Continued On Page i By MARTIN HARMON Kings Mountain’s new $1.5 million district high school opens a week hence willi a complete 46-mcmbcr faculty, but with some monmontary equipment shortages tliat will prove in convenient, but hardly disas trous. Principal Harry Jaynes wnim- erated them Wednesday after noon. 1) Cafeteria equipment is tar dy and, until it arrives, Principal JajTics evisions the 999 students expected, as well as faculty members, to be treated to box lunches. 2) Bleacher scats for the g>'m- nasium-auditorium are just be- 0110 time. Meantime, the inter- oommunic*ations system will bo employed, and pop rallies will be out-of-doors 3) Science laboratoiy equip ment isn’t due until September 11. Here the Principal envisions a “crash " course on the books, then a pickiup on the lab work \) The massive and handsome libraiy (workmen were install ing thick carpet in the library Wednesday) will bo missing some furniture and will proba bly open a week late. However, said Mr. Jajmes, this would have been the situation any’^vay due to the moving and relocation of books. 5) About one-third of the Optimists Plan Flag Promotion Kings Mountain streets will soon have a new look, result of a ncw» project recently adopted by the Kings Mountain Optimist ciub, (?o-chairmen Bob Hurlbut and Joe B. Cornwell report. The project has a thiw-fold purpose, according to tlie chair men, to beautify tho city, pro vide funds for boys w^ork activi ties, and afford the dowmiown merchants a opportunity “to participate in making ours a much better looking city.” Club members will supply the merchants and individuals with a flag service to display the flag of the United States of Atmorica in front of the business establish ments on 12 significant days of the year. Several merchants have al ready agreed to use this service, realizing the entire city shall bnefit, the Rotarians say. This project is w holcheartcxlly endorsed by Mayor John H. Moss. Rotary officials note. Rotarians said that many flags W’ill bo displayed on Labor Day and that plans are for the city streets lo be lined with flags “all the Way" during Mountain eer Days in October. LIONS TO MEET Kings Mountain Lions will gather Tuesday night for reg ular meeting at 7 p.m. at the 'Woman’s dub. Rev. Bob Ha- ten is program ohairaxaiL

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