^65 !• 3 \S xxm LiM Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 This our* for Ortotor Xtngt MountcdD Ys 4«rlv«d from lire ioS> Klnos Mouatola city directory etasue. Tbo elly limits flyuro Is from tlio Uaitod StoCos eeasus of ISM. Kings Mountain's Reiiable Newspaper Pages Today VOL. 76 No. 43 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, October 28, 1965 Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE ten r NT $300 Million Road Bond State Tuesday CHAIRMAN — Kings Mountain Mayor John Henry Moss will serve as chairman of the Cleve land Association of Govern mental Officiols for the year 1966. Moss Elected CAGO Chairman Mayor John Henry Moss was elected 1966 chairman of the Cleveland Association of Govern mental Officials at a dinner meeting here last Wednesday night at Kings Mountain Coun try Club. He will succeed Hugh Dover, of Shelby. “I am deeply honored at the confidence members of CAOlO have expressed in naming me to the chairmanship. 1 pledge to ap ply diligently my energies and abilities to further the work of CAGO for I believe CAGO can mean much to Cleveland County and its future. And I plan to car ry on the programs that hav4‘ ^een mapped out by CAGO otfl- P^rs,” the mayor said following his election. Also elected bv acclamation were Kings Mountain school su perintendent B. N. Barnes, vice- chairman; County Manager Joe Hendrick, secretary; and Shelby City Manager Phin Horton, treas urer. Other current officers who are to retire at the end of IfMo are James E. Herndon, Kings Moun tain. vice-chairman and Cleve land County Schools Supt. Lee C. Phoenix, secretary • treasurer; Supt. Barnes is currently serving as assistant secretary-treasurer. '-fA V s All Celebration Bills Are Paid Kings Mountain’s celebration )f the 185th anniversary of the Battle of Kings Mountain cost 54710. 84. All bills are paid. Report was made Wednesday bv Coordinator Joe Vale and Co- Chairmen John Henry Moss and Bill Brown. Mr. Vale reported inc'ome to date of $47.5:1.84. Balances will be kept in a special bank account to launch next year’s celebration, > hc co-chairmen said. Mayor Moss and Mr. Brown siotcd* that the expenditures were defrayed by donations from the Chamber of Commerct', Mer- <*hants Association, the city’s civic clubs, veteran and fraternal organizations, area chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, as well as industrial, commercial and financial insti tutions. The Co-Chairmen added: “We nro in the debt of all who con fributed both money and servh-es to the success of the celebration, and wc are in the particular debt of llie United Slates Army, the ITnited Stales Army Parachute Team, the North Carolina Na tional Guard, the staff of Kings Mountain National Military Park, as well as United States Con- gre.ssmcn from both North and South Carolina.” [organ Anti-Speaker Ex4enat9r iays He Voted Nay In 1363 By MARTIN HARMON Former Slate Senator Robert F Mt)rgan declared here Tue‘‘day , night he was one of nine Sena- ! tors who voted against tlic speak- , er ban law in 1963 and adUod, | T! is entered in the record,” ' Senator Morgan made the' .stalemeni in a forum se.>sion at the Kings Mountain Lions cluh in response* to a query frtjm Dr. Nathan JI. Reed. I Dr. Reed had suggested tliat | former Senator Morgan supported the speaker ban bill and inquir ed, “Have you changed your i)0- sition?” Mr. Morgan replied he was a- mong nine of 50 voting against the bill. He said he felt the bill was hastily and ill-advisediy contiiv- ed in a moment of pique by Sen ator Tom While, of Lenoir, and Secretary of State Thad Eure. “Make no mistake,” Mr. Mor gan added, “I don't want to en courage the appearance of any Communist propagandist. How ever, if a Communist scientist had something to say about his work I am certain American scientists would want to hear him out.” IW- conlinuod. “I felt the biP should b^ave been introduced ear her in the session and that fuU hearings should have been invit «d and held.” He oftered what he termed a layman's opinion that the speak er ban bill will be amended at a likely special General A.ssomb- ly se.ssion called by Governor Dan K. Moore. The speaker ban law makes il legal the speaking on .Tny slate- supported college campus of any av'owed Communi.st or any per son who has plead the protection cjf the fifth amendment in refus ing to testify. It was a minor iasue in the 1964 Democratic primary for gov ernor. Dr. I. B(*verly L^ike support ed the law. Governor Moore and L. Richardson Preyer called for amendment of the law. The 1965 General Assembly did not amend it, but authorized a study commission to make rei'- ommendations. This commission has conducted hearings and is scheduled to report Its findings and recommendations next Continued On Page 8 Ex-Senator I Urges Votes ror i Issue PRESIDENT ^ Harold PhilUps has been named president of the newly - formed Develand County Community Action Committee. Phillips Heads Action Group Harold Phillips, member of a /am ’.irokerage firm Radcliffe & Company and chairman of the 2o ♦ mem'oer uTayoral industry- iceking committee for the Kings lountain area, has named )resident of the hewly-foimed Cleveland County Community Vetion committee. Other officers and a 15-meT- 'er executive committee were ilso elected at an organizational meeting Thursday night in the luditorium of the new county of .‘ice building. The committee will seek wa.vs jf alleviating poverty in the county. Phillips is also a former city commissioner. Named to serve on the commit toe with Phillips are James P. Allen, Shelby Daily Star editor, ind L. J. .McDougle, county agri- cultiural extension agent, vice- presidents; Mrs. Aubrev Mauney of Kings Mountain, county wel fare board member, secret.ary: and Shelby banker Clyde Stutts, treasui'er. The executive board will in clude six members of the origi nal Cleveland Association of Governmental Officials advisory committee which was organized in early 1964 to seek North Car- Cojitinwed On Page 8 Robert F. Morgan, of Sh( Iby,! six times a North Carolina State | Senator, urged support of next j Tue.sday's road bond issue in an I address to the Kings Mountain 1 Liijns club Tuo.sday night. j Mr. Morgan declared that; North Carolina’s industrial pro- gr(»ss dato.s from t!ie day North Carolina began improving its roads during the Morrison ad ministration. He noted tiiat many individ uals and organizations, with the netroleum industry in the fore- hunt, oppo'cc’ unsucces.sfully the .Scott adniini.‘;tralion bond issue ot 1949. “You know.” he said, "it was only four of five years that these individuals and groups began asking themselves why they’d ipposed the secondary road londs.” On the current i-siie of $3r/' million, he added, ihe Ku Klux Han is the only organization on •ecord against. He noted that $150 million is earmarked for primary high ways, $75 million for rural roads and $75 million for expenditure on state highway system roads within cities and towns. He said the formula was based on un paved road mileage and that it is fair. The cities wore included, he added, because the vast majority are financially hard - pressed in providing other j^ervices. He .said borrowing $300 million ■o get tomorrow’s roads today is good business for the.se reasons: 1) Construction costs are esca lating daily. 2) History prove.s that good ^oads causes accelerated indus trial growth. 3) The need for safer highway.s “Put your own value on a hu man life,” he invited. In answer to a question from Carl F. Mauney. Mr. Morgan said a four-lane road from the shore.? to the mountains definitely will result. He noted that many four- lane sections already dot U. S. 74 and added, “What remains i? • ‘sV'-’- . I V.. ' Y;-;' • j- AT WOMEN OF PRESBYTERY MEETING HERE—Pictured above at Tuesday night's opening ses sion of Women of Kings Mountoin Presbytery here are church leaders who appeared on the pro gram for the two-day meeting at First Presby terlan church. Seated# from left Mrs. A. R. Craig# of Rutherfordton, president of Kings Mountain Presbytery, Mrs. Colon McLean of Washington, president of the North Carolina Synodical, and Mrs. H. H. Bryant of Greenville. Synodical secretary. Standing# from left. Dr. Foul Ausley# minister of the host church and newly-elected moderator of Kings Mountain Presbytery, and Dr. Frank H. Caldwell of Charlotte, executive director of the Presbyterian Foundation, piincipal speaker. (Photo by Bill Jackson). Presbyterian Women Hear Dr. Caldwell J tt>y HOSPITALIZED Walter Bt'nny Farrl*!, voung .‘^on of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Farris, underwent an operation Wednesday morning at Kings Mountain hospital. He is re cuperating satisfactorily, mem bers of his family report. 4-H NIGHT Dixon Community 4-If’ers will observe “4-H Night” in a k special program Nov. 6 with f covered dish supper at 7 p.m. and an Installation .service fol lowing at Dixon Presbyterian church. -1' I Dr. Paul Ausley Is Moderator Dr. Paul K. vAusley, pastor of First Presbyterian church since November 1958, wa.s elected mod erator of Kings Mountain Pres bytery at Tuesday’s 170th stated meeting at New Hope Presbyteri- an church in Gastonia. The Kings Mountain minister, along with Rev. Murray Love, pastor of the Olney church of Gastonia, and ruling elders Rob ert Adams and W. L. Alexander of Tryson, was appointed com missioner to the General As sembly’s April meeting in Mon- treat. Dr, Ausley and Elder H. L. Campbell reprc.sented Kings Mountain’s First church and Rev. J. S. Mann, pastor, and Elder Dan Stewart represented Kings Moun tain’s Dixon churc’h at the meet ing attended by representatives of 44 churches. Dr. Ausley came to Kings Mountain after serving the Eliza beth City Presbyterian church for 12^*2 years. He is cliairman of the North Carolina Synod’s recnards committee, on Synod’s Council, its steward.ship committee, and chairman of Presbytery’s Coun- cil. He is a past pres^ident of the Kings Mountain Ministerial As- sociation and is chairman of its Bible-In-Schools committee. He was recently named chairman of the mayoral committee on human relations. Mr.s. Ausley teaches chemistry and physics at Kings Mountain high school. The executive director of the Presb>terian Foundation, speak ing here Tuesday night, parallel ed Jewish - Gentile relationship? in the life of the early church with racial prejudices .so vividly pre.sent today. Dr. Frank H. Caldwell, of Char lotte, opened the .59th annual meeting oj Women of Kings r\Iountain Presbytery by inlroduc- ing a study Acts, elaborating on the nature and mission of the ' church as described in the 28 i chapters of the New Testament book. ‘ He pointed to six characteris tics in tlie cluirch’s nature: 1) divine, not human but composed of humans; 2) a fellowship of [faith; 3) corporate and not in- I dividualistic, a body of Christ of I which He is head; 4) universal, not local, yet a localized e.xpres- sion of the great church univer- ; sal and people of God; 5) body of living Christ which really lias no existence unless ilie Spirit of ; Living Christ live.s in her: and 6i Rita Bell, daughter of Mr. and j exists not for her own sake but Mrs. G L. McDaniel, Jr., has ] for the sake of God’s glory, been chosen DAR Good Citizen! Dr. Caldwell, president of for the year, members of Cob nel | Louisville Seminary for 28 years. Freticrick H im right Cliapier, declarett. “Because the church is . compo.sed of people*, siie has a human side and human weak- nes.scs.” DAR CITIZEN — Rita Bell, high school senior, has been chosen DAR Good Citizen by Colonel Frederick Hombright Chapter, OAR. Rita Bell. DAR Citizen DAR. have announced. Miss Bell was selec'cd for good citizenship qualities' by lior fel low' students, seniors at King? Mountain high school, by the school faculty, and by the spon soring chapter of the Druighters of the American Kev lution.. The local winner will rev-ei\e a Good Citizen pin from the cliap ter. .\t tlio ch-siiig .si‘--'sion on W(*'J- nesday, also ailend(*d by more than 2()0 wonu*n from 41 Presby terian cliurciics. Dr. Caldwell con tinued the A<*N .stud.N' by citing the problems and progress of the rarlv churcit. PRINCESS — Sandra Wright, high school senior has been selected to represent Kings Mountain in the annual Caro- linas Carrousel Thanksgiving Day in Charlotte. Sandra Wright Is Princess Miss Sandra K. Wright, high school senior, has been chosen to represent Kings Mountain in the annual Carolinas’ Carrou.sel on N’ovem'.er 24th and 2.5th in Charlotte. Memljor of the P'.H.A. and President of V.I.C. Club, she is 5 feel 6K* inches tall, a blue eyed blonde. .She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wright. She will arrive in Charlotte, VVi*<.lncsday, November 21 to at tend the Knights of Carrousel Hall that evening at the Coli seum wliore the new Carrousel Appeals Court Amendment Also On Ballot By MARTIN HARMON King.s Mountain area citizens and their neighbors acro.ss the state will go to the polls Tues day to determine*: 1) Whctiicr llie state shall is- 'Uo $360 million in road con struction bonds and retain a one- cenl per gallon gasoline tax to amoilize them, and 2) Whether the state consti tution shall be amended to pro- virl(* for esiablishment of an ap- p(*als court .system. Considerable* fanlan* and pro motion has attended the road bond is.sue. but legal experts de- :’lare a favorable vote on tlie ap peals court amendmc*nt mo.st im portant in implementing court “rt'form” legislation adopted by the 196.5 General Assembly. Under the division formula. Kings Mountain will be allocated S.314,0(K) for expenditure on in- cily streets in the state highway system. Meantime. Cleveland County will bo allocated $1,092,- 700 for improving and paving rural roads. Additionally, Kings Mountain and the county will be beneficiaries dirwtly or indirect ly — from the more than $8 mil lion allocated the 12th divi.sion for primary highway construc tion. Neighboring Grover will be al- ; located $21,000, Waco 810,000, and '' Bessemer City $157,500. 'MI SLii)portcrs of the road bond issue say tiieir only fear is that those in favor won’t go to the polls. It is a valid fear, on basis of registration activity during the i period w'hich ended last Satur- ' day. Mrs. Nell Cianford, East Kings Mountain registrar, regis tered onl3' three now voter* dur- ‘ ing the period. Other area regis- j trars were also un-busy. I It was pointed out, however, I that majority of voters are regis- I tered, via the new registration of 1964. Hours of voting will be from 6:30 a.m. to 6::^i) p.m. Area voting places and regis trars are: East Kings Mountain, City Hall courtroom. Mrs. Nell Cranford. West Kings Mountain, Nation al Guard Armory, Mrs. J. II. Ar thur. Bethw'are. B(*lhw'are school, Mrs. J. D. Jones. Grover, Grover fire station, Mrs. J. B. Ellis. George Allen, Ir. I Critically Ill George W\ Allen, Jr., formerly <jf Kings Mountain, is critically ill at Presbyterian Hospital, New York, w’horc he underwent an operation Monday for removal of a brain tumor. A salesman lor the Dover Mills organization. Mr. Allen is a resi dent of Long Island. N. Y. He is a World War II veteran and a graduate of North Carolina State, where he was a member of the football team. Mrs. Alien is the former Betsy Stow'c, of Kings Mountain. Mi.ss Bell was vct'e’V.ly clown ed KMUS IIomo.’oiTiin'; Qn.'cn. She is an honor *i;udcn{ and ac tive in Boyce Mcnior;:U ARP church. Preshylciian womc'ii are study- Queen. Miss Lvnn Burkholder, ing Acts of tile Apostles this ' will he crowned Miss Wright year. : will he one of 35 Princessi^s vic ing for the Queen’s crown for 1966. .A former ir-odcrator of the Sy- Dr. Caldwell i “SONGS OK AMERICA” loe McDaniel, II Legion Appointee *XC. Utive diroctnr of the ; ^ ”the^ I jo» u U}UHr(l On Page 8 ^ Continufui O.i Page S ! Funeral Rites Cenducted Tuesday Baptists Tap For Clarence E. Carpenter, 72 gev. Holder m.(I of K(‘ntiicky becanv' ext ("O’. GRANGE WINS COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD — No. Four Township Grange wos recipient of a $25 cash award for out standing community service during the recent North Carolina State Grange Convention in Raleigh, Mrs. Odell Benton, at right, project choimfon, shows a certificate for outstanding service to Jim Yorbro, locol Grange president The citation was awarded on basis of the Grange's efforts in helping orgonize a Bethlehem Community Volunteer Fire Deportment (Photo by BUI Jockeon). Book Week Set For Young Folk Children's Hook Week is un derway Octo' er 31 • November 6tli and special exhibits at Jacob .S. Mauney Memorial Li brary will call attention to the annual observance, librarians here have pointed out. “Sing Out For Books” is the observance theme and new books for children and young people are being added daily to the reading shelves. “Come and visit this week”. Ml'S. Charles Dillhig and Mrs. E. W. Neal say. Funeral services for Clarcnct* Edward Carpenter, Sr., 72. were held Tuesday afternoon at Har- ! ris Chapel. I Mr. Carpenti'r clii'd Sunday night at 8:40 at Kings Mountain ! hospital of acute hepatitis. Ih* had been ill a week. He was a son of tlic late Aii- , derson P. and Callie Hoke Car- penter, pioneer Kings Mountain ! citizen.'!. A Kings Mountain na- j live. Mr. Carpenter was a former 1 city tax collector, was associated for many years with a King.s Mountain bank and was man ager of Kings Mountain’s first motion picture theatre. He was an army veteran of World War I, serving with the AEF in Eu rope. He was a member of the American Legion, the Masonic I order, and Kings Mountain Bap- Itist church. I Ho was educated at Wako ; F'or(\st ('olloge and Wasliington L('c university. ’ Mr. Cai penter is sunived by two sons. Clarence E. Carpenter. Jr., of Rocky Mount, and the Rt‘V. , James C'arpenter. D. D.. of New York, N. Y.; a broth(*r. Troy Carpenter, Sr., Kings Mountain: and tw(i sisters, Mrs. Oscar Long. Jacksonville. Fla., and Miss Fan ny Carpenter, of Kings Mountain. Four grandchildren survive. I Kev. James Wilder, Kings Mountain Baptist interim pastor. ! and Rev. B. L. Raines, pastor of First Baptist churcli, conducted the final rites. Graveside rites al Mountain Rest <*emelery were conducted by his .son. Dr. Carpenter, an Epis copal minister. Pallbearers were Tliomas A. Tate. R. G. (Babe) Ware. Otis Falls, Jr., Eugene Roberts, Bob Hullcndcr, and W, T. Weir, Rev. James lloid(*r, pastor of; Oak Grov(* Baptist churcli, was re-elected mod(*rator of the Kings | Mountain Baptist Association at: the association’s annual eonven-; tion last Thursday and Friday, j The Kings Mountain minister! was re-eloc!t*d at f'riday’s session held at Zion Baptist church. The two-day meeting opened Thurs day at Lawndale Baptist church. Other officers will include the: Rev. C. A. Kirby, Jr., pastor of Double Springs Baptist church, vice moderator: and the Rev. Billy Washburn, pastor of Now Prosptvt Baptist eliureh. elerk- treasuror. Dr. Wyan Washburn was re-elected historian. Highlight of the meeting w’as the address of Rev. Howard J. Ford, president of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention and piistor of WinU»r Park Bap tist church of Wilmington* McDaniel, Jr., Comman- Ihe 27th District, North I Carolina Department, has been [appointed to the National Mem bership and Post Activities Com- ; mittee of The American Legion. McDaniel received notification of his appointment in a letter from National Commander L. El don James. His appointment was approved by the Legion’s National Execu tive Committee during its meet ing. Oct. 6-7, at Indianapolis. Ind. McDaniel was nominated by National Commander James for the appointment upon the recom mendation of the North Carolina Department officials in recogni tion of the services he has ren dered to both Otis D. Green Post No. 155 and the North Carolina Department. His term expires at the close of the 1966 fall se.ssion of the National FNecutive Com mittee. BUILDING PERMIT The city issued a building permit this week to T. F. Bridges for construction of a residence, estimated to cost $10,0(X)» at 544 Rliudes aveni^

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