»65 ^ALU« OS V'ALUC LD flPS LA m J Population ^Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 This Ugurs for Grtottr King* Mountain U derlvod from Iho list Kingt Mountoin etfy dlroetery census. The city Umlto tlguio it Irohs the United Slotes census of 1M0> Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper 1 c Pages 1 y Today VOL. 76 No. 44 EstabiisSed 188 V Kings Mountain, N, C. Thursday, November 4, 1965 Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE ten CENT' New Branch Bank Will Open Here Within 60 Days Voters OK Road Bonds, Amendment Light Voting InReierendum On Tuesday • Less than 500 No. 4 Township tiers at the polls Tuesday fol ded a county and state wide trend in overwhelmingly approv ing a $300 million road bond is sue and a constitutional amend ment to create an appeals court system. Total vote cast at the area's four voting mecintes was 416. The light trickle of votes cast In the referendum was seen all over the state, although the is SUPS were approved by 3-1 mar gin. It required oniv about 10-15 minutes to tally the results at the four Kings Mountain boxes where bic^gest turnout of vote’*.) was at the West Kings Mountain box where 144 voters approved the road bonds, 36 voted against. At the West box. Ler Ware was an early bird voter and Mrs. W G. Grantham voted last. J. D. Jones, hustband of the Bethware registrar, w'as first to vote at the Bethware precinct and W. F. Stone was last. Via a new registration here in 1964, majority of Kings Moun tain area voters were registered However, only three new voters were registered during the weeks the books were opened prior U election day. In Tuesday’s voting. Tar Heel citizens decided: 1) that the *tate shall issue $300 million in road construction ^^)nds and retain a one-cent per Mdlofi gasoline tax to amortlrf ^nem, and 2> the state constitution shall be amended to provide for estab lishment of an appeals court sys tem. Under the division formula Kings Mountain will be allocated $314,000 for expenditure on in city streets in the state highwav .«;\stem. Meantime, Cleveland County will be allocated $1,092,- 7(X) for improving and pavin'’ rural roads. Additionally, Kings Mountain and the countv will be beneficiaries or indirectly from the more than $S million allocat ed the 12th division for primary highway construction. Neighboring Grover will be al located $21,000. Waco $10,000 and Bessemer City, $157,500. Mrs. Harmon Back From Music Clinic .Mrs. Martin Harmon attended the Seventh State Convention of the North Carolina Music Teach ers Association held at the school of Music of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Monday. The features of Monday’s ses sion were the general business meeting and a clinic for piano teachers conducted by Robert Pumm, dean of the Boston Con- ^^n-atory, Boston, Mass. Local News Bulletins BARBECUE West school P-TA will serve barbecue on November 13lh from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and 5 until 8 p.m. in the sc-hool (afeteria. Tickets are $1.25 for adults, 75 cents for children. Homemade desserts will also be available. % j. 't\ AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK OBSERVANCE SET — Special activities are planned in Kings Mountain schools next week during the national observance of American Education Week begin ning Sunday. Events are slated each day. In the photograph above. Schools Supt. B, N. Bomes, left. Mayor John H. Moss and Richard Culyer. ch airman of the schools public relations committee, look over a proclomation which the mayor has signed designating the week November 7-13 os American Educotion Week which will rollow the theme. "Investment In Leoming/' Education Week Observance To Begin In Area Schools Weeks Events Begin Sunday; Open House Set lii CRITICALLY ILL George W. Allen, Jr., for merly of Kings Mountain and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Stowe, remains critically ill in Presbyterian hospital, Now York, following removal of a brain tumor. Mrs. Stowe has gone to New York to bo with the Allen family. LEGION DANCE Legionnaires, their wives and guests will dine and dance Sat urday from 9 until 12 p.m. at ^thc American Legion Building, Work road. The kitchen will be "open from 3 p.m. Musir* will be provided by Tiny Jackson & Orchestra. 1 SPEAKER ^ Rev. Boyce Huff- stetler will be speaker for evangelistic services beginning Sunday at Grace Methodist church. Huifstetler To Lead Series Revival services will be hek! at Grace Methodist church begin ning Sunday morning, Nove.Tibcr 7. The guest preacher for the week will be Rev. Boyce Huff- steller, pastor of East Marion Methodist church. He is the «on af Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Huff- stotlcr of Kings Mountain. Services will begin each eve ning at 7 o'clock. Special music will be featured. The pastor of Grace church is the Rev. J. Max Brandon, Jr. Society Taps Diane Roberts Diane Roberts, Kings Mountain senior at Appalachian State Teacher’s college, has been tap ped for membership in the Vor- nieian Society for 1965-66. The major projects of tlie So ciety are sponsoring a program quarterly at Grandfather Home in Banner Elk, a Homecoming I float or project, and giving a j May Day tea for the court and their guests. Miss Roberts is daughter of Mr. And Mrs- Eugene R. Roberts. The week November 7-13 will :e obser\’ed ihroughcui the na tion as American Educalioi. Week. Kin^s Mountain schools have scheduled numerous events and are holding open house in observ ance of the national .salute to th( Arorican education system. Richard Culyer, chairman of the local public relations com mitlec of the NCEA, said the wec'k-long program will be fea tured around the national theme "Invest In Learning". He said the schools will be open to the public and special programs are scheduled. To implement the theme, Mr. Culyer said a series of radio talks has been scheduled over Radio Station WKMT. Tliese talks, from five to 10 minutes long, deal with methods being u.sod in local schools to assure ea<*h child an opportunity to de velop according to his own needs, abilities and aptitudes. Many of the programs being used in the Kings Mountain city schools will be discussed. The various schools have »ilso prepared window displays to in dicate some area of emphasis in tlie local .schools. The special programs will in clude the following: West school P-TA barb(*cuo on .Saturday, Nov, 13th. East scliool open house. Assem' Iv programs at North school bv Grades 1-3 on Tuesday and 4-6 on Nov. 11th. Central Elementary school as- A political science major, sombly program and visitation j Campbell held numerous high Continued On Page 8 Continued On Page 8 Silica Plant Begins Operation On SroverRoad Kings Mountain Silica, Inc., an isoociate of Kings Mountain Ilea Company, has begun oper ation of a 4.'X)ton-per-day flota- ion plant adjacent to the M:S' dant of Kings Mountain Mk 2o., Inc. o.M Groxer rood. The plant was built to recovc high potash feldspar, silica sani' ?rid mica from the waste pro- ’ucts of the Moss plant, rc.sulr of four years of intensive marke md process studies by the erm '':ny. North Carolina Minerals P.f 'oarch Laboratory at A^hc-vilk ■‘onducted re-carch on rran; cf the 'oneficiation oroblrm.s ■- icvrlopmrnt n: the flotation pro '‘CSS. The laborrto’*y aI~o assiste:' .n the dcs).gn of the plant. The feldspar will be used ir ':clor television lubes, glass and other ceramic products. The silica sand product will hr of several grades and qualities suitable for the foundry, \ dass, container glass and build ing construction industries. Ki-ngs Mountain Silica, Inc. al so operates a plant to recover nroducti used by the brick and tile industries. Named To Who’s Who I William Anthony Goins, Kings I Mountain senior at Appalachian State Teacher’s college in Boone, 1 has been named to Who’s Who I Among Students In America’' I Universities and Colleges, ac- I cording to announcement b.v tlie j publication which has headquar- I tors in Tuscaloosa, Ala. (ioins is the .son of Mr. and Mr.s. W. E. Goins of 602 Phonix street. At Appalachian lie has 'served as president of the Fel lowship of Christian Athlete^, a member of tlm Mcn'.s “A* club and on the football and track team. Thirty-one campus loaders at ASTC were .chosen for listin.g in the current edition of Wlio’.s Who. APPOINTED —• Ronald Camp bell, A & T student, has been oppointed a member of the Greensboro interracial counciL He is son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Compbell of Kings Moun tain. Campbell Named By IR Council Marsh Ronald Campbell. Kings Mountain sophomore at A&T col lege in Greensboro and son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Campbell, has bwn appointed a member of the Greons^'or.') interracial coun cil for the coming year. Purpose of the group is to pro mote good w’ill throughout the greater Greensboro area which includes the five colleges, the several churches, schools and com-nunity organizations. No. 4 Township Tuesday Voting Results I Road Bonds Appeals Court' For Against For Against Vulelide Greetings To Go To Viet Nam Sending Christmas groeiings to tho.so serving their country in Vietnam and other overseas installations was endorsed by the Rotary Club of Kings Mountain at their last meeting. The club wants to send each person from the Kings Moun tain area a Christmas greeting. These greeilnga will i.e an "ex pression of gratitude and deep appreciation for their sacrifiee and struggle for a free world.” In order to do this, they need the na-T.es and addresses of those who are sorvhig in an ovei-seas assignment. If someone in your family, or a neighbor, is serving over seas. please contact one of the following: Devere R. Smith, 701 Matior Road. 739-2212; Rob ert H. Goforth, 30.5 West Gold Street. 739-2967: The Rev. Charles W. Easlev, 2C)0 North Piedmont Avenue. 739-5113; The Rev. Howard R. Jordan, P. O. Box 47, 739-2471. Hen Hatches Eggs Of Light Blue Bile Easter eggs in November, anyone? Tom Jackson, route L Grover, far-T.er has some. They’re of small variety, re- .sombling a guinea egg, and of pale blue color. Mr. Jackson found them in his 1 hen nests w'hen he gathered eggs 1 this week. "Regular hen eggs", he says. First-Citizens Gets Approval From FDIC First - Citizens Bank & Ti'ust Company, headquartered in Smilhfield, will become a bank ing citizen of Kings Mountain within 60 days, George H. Broad- rick, vice-president of the Char- I lotto branch bank, said Wednes- day. I Mr. Broadrick said approval of 1 the operation here, the slate’s ■ISth branch bank of First-Citi- 1 zens, was confirmed Saturday by I the Federal Deposit Insurance I Corporation hoard of directors, i Washingt:)n. D. C. 1 The bank will be located tern- oorarily in the D. M. Morrison Building, 131 W. Mountain St., Mr Broadrick said. "\Ve are looking at several building sites now’’, he added, "a-nd anticipate our opening here within 60 da>*s depending on work require-Tents on the build ing." Mr. Broadrick added that an announcement is forthcoming on the now branch bank’s per sonnel. Lewis R. Holding, president of j First-Citizens, has stated that a ' Kings Mountain branch would be I a completely sepamte unit x^ith i its own officers and a full-serv- ! ice bank with 78 banking serv- I i('e9. . First-Citizens Bank and Trust I Company is North Carolina’s ! fourth largest banking institu- I tion. The bank now serves 47 ; communities, including three mil- i itan* reservations, through a to- ! tal of 96 separate offices. First- i Citizens serves h ath major North : Carolina seaports. Slorehead City and Wilmington, There are : approximately 1350 employees 'throughout the banking system, 235 of them officers. First-Citizens has assets of $417 million. Largest of the ft branches are at Raleigh and Charlotte. Its statement of con- I dilion as of October 13 showed deposits of S405.037,315.S3; loans and discounts of $238,965,496.68; and total resourcesl of $455,779,- S99.90. Hope Rites Held Monday Funeral rites for Winfred Hope, 43. were held Monday at 4 p.m. from Piedmont Baptist church, interment following in Mountain Rest c'emetor>*. ! Mr. Hope died at 2:30 a.m. The three sons of the late, Sunday at Kings Mountain hospi- founder of First-Citizens Bank tal following a heart attack, and Trust Company of North ■ He was a native of Cleveland Carolina. Robert P. Holding, Sr., : County, son of Mr. and Mrs. direct a banking institution ! George Hope He w-as a member which began in April, 1929 with of Piedmont Baptist church, the paid-in capital of $10,000. ! Cleveland County Rescue Squad, One of the business sutecss and was a veteran of World War stories of North Carolina is the 11. He was a graduate of North NEV/ BANK OFFICERS — Pictured above are officers of First- Citizens Bank & Trust Company which is establishing its 48th branch bonk here within 60 days, opening in the Morrison Build ing. From left to right, Frank B. Holding, vice-president; Robert P. Holding, Jr., chairman of the board; and Lewis P. Holding, president. The bank was founded by their late father, Robert P. Holding, Sr. BanEingnBusiness Was Family Affair Sons Manage Bank Founded By Late Father SPEAKER — Rev. W. Emory Trainham, Jr., of Lenoir, will make the address at Friday's World Community Day service at First Presbyterian church. Community Day Rites Friday Rev. Emory Trainh.am. Ji., senior minister of Lenoir’s First Baptist church since 19til, will make the addrt'Ss at Friday’s co-rmunity-wide World Commun ity Day services at 3:15 p.m. at First Presbyterian church. Mr. Trainham will use the top- Continued On Page 8 steady rise of First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company, initially char- lered as the Bank of Smilhfield. Robert P. Holding, Jr., is chair man of the lO-member board. Lewis R. Holding is president I and Frank B. Holding is vice- ! president. Carolina Vocational Textile School. In addition to his parents, he is surt’ived by his wife, Mrs. Mar tha F'oster Hoik?; a son, Dennis Hope, of Kings Mountain e daughter. Miss Dottie Hope, of Kings Mountain; four sisters, In the first eight years under'Mrs. Ray Kimbrell, Mrs. Joe the new administration the re- | Herndon, Mrs. Everett Grigg, all sources of the bank increased byjof Kings Mountain, and Miss more than $20U,000,0()0. T h e j Zelda Ann Hope, all of Charlotte; bank’s expansion program con- isix brothers, Bo’nby Hope, Don tinned, and added to the list of' Hope, Jerry Hope, Jack Hope, communities served were a num-' Steve Hope, Buster Hope, all of her in the Piedmont and western Kings Mountain, and one grand- sections of the state, offering in-1 child dustrial balance to the agricul- i Rev, C. C. Parker and Rev. tural base upon which First- ; James Williams officiated at the Citizens has built and had pros- i final rites, pered. The growth and development of the bank under the direction of the elder Mr. Holding. Sr., who died in 1957. was phenomenal. In area served the bank made its Continual On Page S KM Soldier In Viet Nam Heads Christmas Cheer Fund For Needy Kiwanis Club Taps Bridges Glee E. Bridges, hardwareman, has been elected president of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club for the coming year. He will succeed W. S. Fulton, Jr. A run-off election to name a .second victvpresident will bo held at Thursday night’s regular Kiwanis club meeting at 6:45 at West Kings Mountain Bethware ' Grover ^ [East Kings Mountain I TOTALS 113 t 342 [ 30 : 141 i 33 27 1 1 48 1 25 13 1 ! 30 1 18 27 1 113 1 24 103 1 332 1 100 CHORUS HERE Lincoln high school chorus of Bessemer City will render a concert at Good Hope Presby terian church on Cansler street Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. The program Is spon.soreu by the youth organization of the church. Mrs. M. W. Wilson VvUl direct the concert. 1 Pfc. Madison M. Hunter. Kings ( any way with the economy in 1 Mountain serviceman stationed ! Southeast Asia, you will consider •in Viet Nam four months, has i with open hearts. I ask for your |the Woman’s club. Tliere is a Avritten a letter to the Herald ' contribution to help these chil-Ahreo-way race for this post bo- ' asking for help in making ' dren in their early teens and ' tween Bill H. Brown. R. G. Frank- ' Clu'istmas merrier for homeless | younger in hope that they may i lin and Joe A. Noisier. Jr. cliildron in Viet Nam. ;enjoy and oxi>erience the plea-I Other new officers include Dan i Further information may be!sureslhai people of other parts Finger, first vkv-president; and lobtaimui by contacting the sol-s of the world enjoy. 'Donald VV. Blanton. Harold Cog- * dier’s wife, Anne Hunter, at 739-1 Used clothing, toys or anything gins, W. G. Grantham, I 3053 I you may think a child will like will be highly appreciated by the soldiers in Viet Nam. We will pay for shipping charges. This effort is for the various or phanages in Hue. Viet Nam, Sincerely yours, Masson M. Hunter Pfc. nunt(*r’s letter reads: To Whom It :May Concern: I have been asked to give as sistance to a committee whose goal Is to help a group of home less children have a briglit Merry Christmas, if you arc familiar in W. G. Grantham, Paul Ham. Hoyle D. McDaniel. Harry E. Page and Dr. Frank Sincox. METHODIST TOPIC Rev, Howard R. Jordan’s ser mon topic Sunday morning at Central Methodist church will be "When Faith Wavers." us* inj the text from Mai*k 9:21.

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