f965 ‘ con«' ►efore t day, e, yo' greail and have about >]l6 a- lealth f) Mas- State 11 cot- ' vote lefer- 165. I pea- blems lower. t KUp- JS be land.” : Quo- ly ef-, oiling I price s." - COttOTV dton’s; y vot- >f the- romo-, next ly ur.J\ tpport^ / itions.. Tkets, iprove nable ancial work- lula V life |i PopuIati«u Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 Ws timr* tpt Oieatcr Kings Mountam 'j dsrlvsd Irom ifsi Klwtt Mdttatoln city dlrMtory census. Tbs elty omits flfuiu ts frisa tu tinllsd States esasus of INO. Kinqs Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Today VOL. 76 No. 47 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C,, Thursday, November 25, 1965 Seventy-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENT United Fund Gifts At One-Thii f 4 PRESENTATION — David M. Neill, left obove, is pictured presenting a portrait of his late father to Pctul M. Neisler, Sr„ chairman of the board of First Union National Bank. The portrait of the fourth president of First Notional Bank, B. S, Neill, Sr^ will be hung in the directors' conference room at the bank. Mr. Neill subsequently became senior vice-president and choirman of the board of directors when First National merged with First Union Nctionol of North Carolina. (Photo by Poul Lemmons). Local News Bulletins IMPROVING Hugh Smith, Duke Power Sub Station employee who suf fered burns in an accident re cently. Is improving, members of his family said yesterday. Mr. Smith is a patient in Kings Mountain hospital. ^ Ytai LIGHTS MNcw “Seasons Greetings” at East and West entrances to the city on U. S. 74 were be ing installed by the city elec trical crew this week as part of the community's Christmas decoration. GIFTS TcTviET NAM Mrs. Annie Ruth Hunter, [ whoso serviceman husband is ; hi'ading up an appeal for clothing and toys for Viet Nam orphans, said yesterday that rospwnse to the appeal has been good. Superior Stone Wins Safety Honor METER RECEIPTS Parking rheter receipts for the week ending Wednesday at noon totaled $2:i0.60, including $140.10 from on stret't meters, j 559..50 from fines and $21 from off-street meters. City Clerk Jw McDaniel reported. PERMIT ISSUED | Lander Short was issued a I building permit Friday to al- | tar a one-story building on ! Walker street at estimat(‘d cost of $1200^ Citv Clerk Joe j H. McDaniel reported. i LUTHERAN SERVICE Rev. Charles Easley’s sermon topic Sunday at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church will be. “Day of Preparation". The Sacra ment of Holy Communion will observed. INVITATION TO BID i The City of Kings Mountain | will roevive bids until 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday, December 14. 1965 for; the following equipment: I t Mechanical Ditch Digger Specifications may bo obtain- | ed at the office of the City Clerk, i The Mayor and Board of Com- | mi.'J«ioners retains the right to: accept or reject any and all bids. 11:25-12:2 j Mis. Peeler's | Mother Passes ! Final rit(\s for Mrs. Mabel Flowe, 74, of Greensboro, mother of Mrs. Draco Peeler of Kings Mountain, will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from Forbls-Dick Memor ial Chapel in Greensboro, inter ment following in Chestnut Hill cemetery jn Salisi.^ury. Dr. Joseph Garrison and Rev. Samuel Sox will officiate at the funeral rites. Mrs. Flowe. widow of John F. 'Flowc, died Tuesday night in Wesley Long hospital following two months illness. A native of Rowan County, she was a imember of the Presbyter ian Church of the Covenant and [je Order of Eastern Star. 'lesudes her (laughter here, Ls Flowe is survived by a daughter, Mrs. F. H. Tunstall of Gieensboro; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. local Quairy One Oi Three I To Win Bar j Seventoeh Superior Stone Com pany (|uafries ave received spe cial recognition from the Nation al Crushed Stone Association for operating in 1964 without a dis abling work injury. In addition, three Superior Slone quarries received the NCS- A “Gold Bar" awards for operat ing at least five consecutive yeai's without a disabling injury. They were among only seven (juarries and m i n e -s from throughout the country to re ceive the “Gold Bar.” “Gold Bar” awards were pre sented to Superior Stone Com pany’s Belgrade Quarry at Mays- villc. Kings Mountain Quari'y at Kings Mountain and Reidsvilli Quany at Reidsville. A(‘CMrding to NCSA, some 23* (luarries and mines competed jr the safety competition. Of the tolal. 128 were cited for perfect safety records in 196-1. The an :iu.^I contest is based on safety infi'rmation furnished by the U. S. Bureau of Mines. In addition lo Superior Stone’s “GokI Bar" winners, the follow ing (luarries were recognized fnr their injury-free safety records: Now Bern Quarry, New Bern' Jamestown Quarry. Jamestown; Neverson Quarry. Bailey; Hick ory Quarry. Hickory; D.an Quar ry. Martinez, Ga.; Knightviilc Quairy, Knightdale; Garner Quarry. Garner; Statesville Quar- rv, Statesville; Pineville Quarry, Pineville; Kinjs Mountain Quar ry No. 2. Kings Mountain; Dan ville Quarry, Danville, Va.; Gor- ; donsville Quarry. Gordonsvillo, IVa.; '* oxington Quarry, Lexing- ' t(m, and Fountain Quarry, Foun- I tain. i Superior St^nc Company is a I constructive materials division I of Martin Marietta Corp., and ! supplies crushed stone through- I ojt the southeast from quarries I m North Carolina. South Caro- j lina. Virginia and Georgia. The company’s main offic*es are lo cated at Raleigh in the Superior I Building. I Superior Stone’s safety direct- ! Or is Garland Midyette of Ra leigh. who is assisted ‘cy W. H. Hinshaw and Jim Cheshire, both of Greensboro. Yule Shopping Season Begins The Christmas shopping sea son is officially underway in Kings Mountain, with the ma jority of merchants having sus pended the Wednesday afternoon half-holidays until after Christ mas. The business district Christmas lights will be lighted on Tlianks- giving night for the first time and retailers reported increased weekend sales as early gift-list buyers began their work. Continued On Page S ^ "'W ' 5 Choral Groups Sing Tuesday so ¥oice Choir ' f b Present Maiidei s Messiah The 50-voice Cleveland County -’hc«!aJ Society and t)io Chorus of the University of North Carolina at Ciiaiiolte will sing Handel’s .Mcssiali”, 'luesday night at 8 p.m. at Kings Mountain Baptist •hurcli. , Harvey L. Woodruff will direct the prcsenialion which wiil be till' initial program of Chrjslmii.s .tiusK’ in this area. The c'ombined cJioir.s .^ang at Failsion Bapti.‘-t churcli Sunday; afternoon uhich was tlieir fir.st of three performances in Cleve land County. They will complete heir program at Shelby Presby- eriaii church Decernbei 5th at 3 t>.m. Featured as soloists wdll bo Delores Poov(‘y, soprano; Robert 'barter, tenor; Polly Willis, me/2o- oprano; and Robert Decker, bari tone. The Christmas portion of "The Me.s,viah ’. aho inc ludi s "Lift Up Vour Head O Ye Gates” and "The Hallelujah Ciiorus.” Mr. Woodruff, who has directed he Cleveland County Choral So- -‘.ety since iis founding in Oeto- w 1962 under sponsorship of -helby’s Cecelia Music club, is lireeior of music at UNC-C. He has directed choir clinics and workshops throughout the South east and maintains a private studio in Charlotte. He is a ehar- ter member and national officer of the National Association of Teachers of Singing" and holds ictivr membership in the Ameri can Choral Directors Association, the Music Educators National Conference, tlie Musii.* Tea*.’hers National Association and Rotary huernalional. Accompanist is Mr.s. Robert Carter, wife of the minister of mu.sic and education at Shelby’s Central Methodist ciiurch, an ac complished organist and pianist. She is a music graduate of Mor ris Harvey college*, Chaileston. West \’a. In each of tiie throe programs in the county the organist will ot* Jo Ellen Carler. oi\ran st of Central Methodist church where the Cleveland County Choral So ciety holds its weekl.v rehearsals. (Shelby) Accompanist fnr the last presentation, in Charlotte, will 1)0 June Kelly, regular ac companist for the CNC-G Chor us. 'rhr(»e of the soloists are mem- bei's of the Cic\ eland County Choral Society. All of tliem are acinely associated with pro grams of church music in their communities. The mozzo-sDprano, Polly Willis, is a member of the choir of First Baptist church in Co)itiuit''(l Oit Page H 3 DIRECTOR ~ Harvey L. Wood- ruft will direct the Cleveland County Choral Society and the Chorus of UNC-C in Handel's "Messiah", here Tuesday night at Kings Mountain Baptist church. Church Services Will Highlight Thanksgiving Church services, hunting, and plain old relaxation wdll be the • irder of the day for 'nianksgiv- ing in Kings Mountain. Thanksgiving services will be held Thursday morning in many Kings Mountain churches, while others held their special sendees in connection with the regular ’ cler added. Wednesday night prayer meet- j ing. Traditional breakfasts will be sened at Kings Mountain Bap tist church at 7:30, at Central Methodist church at 7 a.m., and at S a.m. at Boyce Memorial ARP church. Morning worship services will include Thanksgiv ing Day Mass at 11 a.m. at Christ the King Catholic church: combined service of woi'ship by Triniiy Episcopal church and St. Andrew's Episcopal church at 10 a.m. at the Bessemer City church; a 10 a.m. service al St. Matthew’s Lutheran church; a 9 a.*T!. service at Kings M'»untain Baptist church; a 7:30 a.m sei v- ice at Boyce Memorial ' ARP church and an 8:30 service at Central Methodist church. $7,000 In Hand For 8-In-One 66 Campaign , Cash received and pledges on the current y<eiar’s Kings Moon-, tain United Fund campaign to- taled slightly more than one- third the budget or quota of $20,656, co-chairmen Grady How ard and El.T-ore Alexander re ported Wednesday. M r. Alexander emphasized i that the approximately $7,000 to-1 tal represents cash and pl(.*dges i "in hand ’ with a largo numlx*r * of ix*pons of solicitors yet to be, reeei\ed. j "We feel the campaign is off to a good start, considering the* reports received at Monday ] night’s meeting of UF volunteers, ■ Mr. Alexander commented, add ing that the United Fund drive, i is in fact, eight drives in one. He in\*ited individuals not con tacted by volunteers to make their contribution by forwarding gifts in care of Mrs. Helen Blan ton, fund tn*asurer. First Union National Bank. “Eight worthw'liilo organiza tions benefit from the 1966 Unit ed Fund,’’ Mr. Al(*xander pointed out, adding, “if for some reason the budget is not met, each of the eight budgeted JXHjuests would (mean curtaining in work the organizations are a de to perform in our commimity." Funds derived from the United Fund campaign benefit these participating organizat ions: Kings Mountain Rescue Squad. American Red Cross. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Kings Mountain high school band, Jacob S. Mau- ney Memorial (Library, Compact high school band, and Kings Mountain high school Group. IHearing Mciiday .arge NEW MINISTER — Rev. David L. Costor will assume duties here Dec. 1 os pastor of Resur rection Lutheran church. Rev. Castor To Begin Duties The R(>v I)a\id L. Castor will begin his dutU*s as pa^^n^ of Resurrection i-utheran Ciiuich on December 1. Ih* \\A] deliver hi? first sermon al the 11 o’cl-'ck wx>rs]iip .ser\ict* on .Sunda>', De cember 5. “One gift via the United Fund ] suffices for many”, Mr. Alexan- i Pastor Casior is a graduate of Choral Hu-joir Khy-ne eoli-v’e aiu! the 1 Lulhei’an Tiieological Southern Seminary in Cr>lumbia, S. C. Ho has served as pa-'^lor of St. Hope Rites To Be Friday Funeral rites for Geoi'ge Jun ior Hope. 6S, will be held Friday at 4 p.m. from Piedmont Bap tist church, interment foll.jwing in Mountain Rest eemeiery. Mr. Hope suceumbi'd suddenly of a heart attack Tuesday at 1:35 p.m. He dU*d about 20, fserves as I Paul’s Lutlieran clmrcii. BurLng- ton. N. C. and is pivsenily at Philadelp.nia Luthei-an Ciiui’ch i.i i Granite Falls. N. C. W1 :it' in •Granite Falls in* has .!» tin many connnuniiy a . I He ha.s .ser. tnl as nf'.dd * f the Granite Fall.'? .Mini.sii ;i.:I /■< jsociali :n. He is a member oi I board of direeleis of tiie C’d<i- well County Chapter of the IL d •Cross and a n .'m ei’of the!x):.r(l ; of directors of ilie Fnili )! Fund of which he served -is cfK-hr.ir- man for the RhM can'paign. He is active in Hoy Scouting r.i 1 vico clviirman of ti:e mie ¥JtS\ Piei:;.; '!.• J:.u !ng f-’r >ijs. Ml!.' i ic ij. ot.. . ll.r ',ed Aiih rn .rder in ih'* rlo'.tii ■ licr hu‘n.uui. v\ai t.v* .;d n. eiiy . eoide. t ■' -J M I’or- iioon 3^ 2 u.-n. Lf.-Xote Jiu’ /e . it-r;igi* 'Tin.mas.'on. virs. .>!< ('T:; 1 h-'! 1 1 --d ,'*1 (';»vel.i.id ('.Mjr.j, Ja:l -'.m e tie* \ Tit!) si:n .iig oi J. H. C. ne;* .7. tdlie s tid th'tt tin* Xe* ro m.an died fi'-.m 'i'n.ck anti of blocjd. IT' .^aid tiiai .McCi'tin h.id ijc*en stab t-d ' once in Iht* rigid U*g. .Accord’-tg to c.iy polli-e and lh(* eoi'i!iu.‘i'’s report, tin* i ’Uple had ber-n argubr.:. 1.11’.“^. McClain •-'poriedly said h(»r innsband tried cut her. l^uT ^he hit him, lie fcH and cm himself jn tin* log. City I hce s.iv t;>'' kniu*which npj; !ly (iid il'.t* duna^e wa.s fiHifid cicsili- the h-.:ne in the ii'd. T .’■■.* Dft. -e!' .incKie B-r- ji'tt s.-hl Oil' stabh ‘d :r:ei did r:or h rivj* tl'.e house aliei* the cutting -.wi. M s. M- Clain allepe.s - he retiM h rn Gc.s- t'lnia r injr.d 3:'r> •;.*!. and the :\i (‘’•''li .!. alie-'^'S • • i..* rn;eN- in .- hi f.»r Ir lp v.dtiiin ji\e miiuites afti v the 'I'i'.ing. The citv I'-'fird ( f ers <'»pp' I J re / n;ng :'tX|uest hy ('••afis'ejr Y i*‘n. In.,*, ac*. ceptrd h.ds for two pion'.s of It at H V\h r-. guiar C; '<;lS 2*»1 IN WHO'S WHO — Mrs. Jean Harlowe DeHart, top obove. retiior at Western Carolina col lege. Mrs. Sandy Coznpbell and Sandy CampbelL seniors at the University of Tennessee, wore recently named to Who's Who In American Colleges ond Uni versities. All are of Kings Mountoin. METHODIST SERMON The Rev. Howard R. Jordan of Central Methodist Church will speak Sunday on tlie sub ject “The Voice of Advent" Ministers Launch Annual Appeal ■Kings Mountain Ministerial Association will sponsor for the third year its Empty Slocking ippcal to provide Christ r.as cheer for the indigent. The announcement was made .)y lU'V. C. R. Goodson, chaii man. I The committee alsi includes | Rev. R. H McDowell and Rev. i George Julian. I Collection boxes will again be ’ manned at a booth in front of j Belk's in the busine.ss district, 1 Mr. Goodson said. V'arious min-1 isters of the community will op-! erate the Empty Stocking bootJi j all during the Clu'istmas season | beginning tliis weekend. ; Last year Operation Santa Claus aided 214 ffnilics and a total of $2179 was received via the project to provide food, cloth ing. toys, fuel and other items for needy families. Mr. Goodson said goal of this year's Stocking Futui is $2.00f). At a meeting of the associa tion welfare Committee this week variou.5 assignments w('re made, including appointing of workers for the Christmas-season pro ject. Rev. Charles Easley. Rev. Howard Jordan and Rev. Thom as Richie were named to a com mittee to write letters to bust ness firms asking their contri bution to the Empty Stocking fund. Most of the city's busini'ss firms will be closed tighrly for the holiday but a few such as service stations and restaurant? will bo open. Kings Mountain Drug Company will be op(*n for prescription service from 2 until 5 p.m. Hunting season officially opens in Cleveland a-nd other adjoining counties and many hunters are expected to take to the woods in quest of game. ! T'he annual Carolinas Cai ’ou- ^ sel Thanksgiving Day parade j will bo held in Charlotte begin-j ning at 3 p.m. and among the 31 | princesses in the mai.Tmolh fes-j tivities will he Kings Mountain Carrousel Princess Sandra Wright who represents Kings Mountain high school. For foatball fans the Davidson i Wildcats tangle the Bisons of . Eucknell University in a Carrou sel Bowl game Thui'sdav night! al Memorial Stadium. Other fans: will depend on radio or televi-! Sion for their action. No local: gridiron action is planned. i All schools will observe thOi usual long weekend, resuming ■ classes on Monday. minutes after arrival Mountain hospital. A native of Chen)ki'e County. Mr. Hope was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Le-' Hope. A foi'.rcr employee of Bo:inie Mills, lie was a voic.an of Wmld War 1. Rev. C. C Parker and Rev. Buddy W'illiams will officiate at the final riles. Survivin': are ITs w fe. Mr.«. Maggie Humplirits IIop<'; six sons, Robeit Hope, Jack Hope. Don Hope, Jerry IIopv*. Sieve Hoi'/O, all of Kings Mountain. an(i George Hope. Jr. of Ciiar- lotto; and four daughters, .Mrs. Ray Kimbrell, Mrs. Jcx* Herndon. Mrs. Everette flrigg, all of Kings Mountain, and Miss Zelda Ann Hope of Charlotte. Also surviving are four sist(*rs. Mi'ti. Carrie* Lockrid :(* of Stan ley. Mrs. Callaway Hende'rson of San Diego. California; Mrs. Gra dy Bridges and Mrs. Eulala Do- ■ y. ail of Kings Mount.ain; and two brothers, Calvin H >pe of Polkville and Clayton Hope of Kings Mountain: and a num ber of grandchildren and great grandchildren. The body was taken to the home on E. Gold street. It will lie in state at the church 30 minutes before the rites. at Kings I Caldwell C)unty Distii. t. He is t>i'<*<cnt]y scon*i;iry ; the Nortluvosl(*rn DXlri.l (d the ■Lutheran .Synod and is a nn*m her and secretary of ihe ('■ i-r'p i Committee of the N. C. Lutheran j Synod. ' Rev. Castor is a naiive of IC i.’t* napolis. He is m.irri(*d to the former Kaye Critcher of Boor.c. Tht'y have* thrtv child* en: Cinis- topher, Cynthia, and Mark. Lyons Child's Rites Condiicled •qu .nr.cn; mop::n. . Warrec Muiiinain position to t!. * "■pun for I'c ■■ use d'---- -r!c. M• L’r.wcei io:,d. and avera:' ind Ivii ': . : . 'i D’m • • ■ *■.. Mr. K'''-.:- >1' ■'• . ' V ' ■ e- -cUtHl D '.rald OTwr, owner of adjaci'ic TTc'c:! ’.e’'t*. of C’’'* ft.^pun, '«']d i!'.‘ ’.'!•(] Ids tirni d: - no vrmcdi.j'c I'lans f(‘r iiVj.c.’.ing :h(* pro;'■'i t’.' hut h i pu''clu* :'cl it far po->!!/.o liuure develop- meT'.t. 'f’he re-zoning leqiu'si liad the cr.'Tcsen'.ef.t the /on.in , bo.ivd. SDuthwrfl Mr C'mpc'iy was ’gw l)M<li'r (,*i ,i c'-'.r for t’le no- ; d''p * tment ;!:Ki We-^. c-rn i’aroli.ia IT ‘.i:n:rfnt C'. was low tor .) i' . !'icc,l t.'.i- •’'un (h v-' r"':.*r grc.ci.r. Tjte }■ ■■■:•} dede;'" h;d as $2and •’!vr hi was .r-m V.c-.arv .:!iivr.>!ct Co. at SCi'io.O]. West- . n Carolina's r-id was and hid ]daced hy Carolina Teac- Funeral rites for Stcv’ie R'^y Lyons, lO-yc'ar-old .von of Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Lyons af route 1. were held Monday at Cai'son Mcsvoriai ciuirt-ii ,n ihc Crcvvdei's Mountain community. The child died Soiurday night wa.s '3,- at Western Cai'olina Center mar Morganton. Surviving. b(*sidcs his parents, are his hridher. Rand,\ ; and li. maternal grandmother. Mrs. Lil lian Flum of Kings Mountain. Rev. Randall Ray olticiatcii al the final ritt's. ond inleuncnt was in Mountain Res* cemetery. tor Equipment Co. 0('a.(X). The i-onimission also: , f 1> iransferrod taxi finin h:^e 1. !i''^ I’’-' Eho csialc of Jrmes Sa:i- (Ic.’-s to Clyde Setuiers; and 2* ad vertised for a ditcher for the Natural Gas Dcparlment. Carlisle s Preliminary Hearing On Auto Theft Charge Is Monday Christmes Checks Are Mailed Here Over $2 million in Chiistmas Club check.*? have been paid out to customers of First Union Na tional Bank according to an an nouncement today. This is an in crease of $325,000 over 1964. R. S. Lennon. Vico President in charge in Kings Mountain stated that local (ustomers’ cheeks were mailcxi Novc‘m!’.H*r 12 in order to be. received on Mon day. November 15. First Union has 92 offices in 43 North Carolina communities. Curtis Walter Carlisle, 22. re mains in city jail in lieu of $650 band following chargers of auto theft. I’cckless driving and no operator’s license. The Bessemer City man will be given a preliminary hearing Monday at 2 p.m^ before Record er’s Court Judge Geoi-go Tho:nas- son. City police say Carlisle is ac- cus(*d by Fay Peele, Bessemer City, of taking her ear which was parked by her sister in front of a local drug store Tuesday at 1:25 p.m. The car keys had been left in the ignitioin. city officer Wayne Russell reported. I Carlisle was arrested hv j) on West Mountai:i street when : the lO.Tl model rhevroiot he wes I operating left tlie load and i struck a fire hydrant. Carlisle reportedly fold invc.sligaling of- fie(‘rs the accelerator of the car “stuck". Officers subse()uently cliarged Carlisle with auto theft, rcvklcss driving and no operator’s license, Tho fire hydrant, city proper ty, was broken and the riu'ht front bumper, fender and ho'd of tho Chevrolet was damaged, police said. Carlisle is employed by Park! Yarn Mills. ' Dswutev/n Gioiip Is illC(5rB3??iedl The mayoral cengmitio' cn downtown (U"celopmeni I’hi'.'s- <iay night appro, .-d a. ir’a - of ineorporatlnn us a 'i.*n-profit u*- u.inization and planned !;> pr*)- .‘•ocd im-rcdiately wiili iis I ^ :na- tic'll. The group will Te nu'er;--.-it^ d as the Dowrui'wn Oe\I'letneeiil Coiporation -;l’ KiO!,:" Mountain and will woik ti W -.'d t.-riiie: ing the* conrriltec’’.; eftoris 'ii n*n- cral ri'nnvuTcm of Uu* dewniovMi businc'ss a'eu. OJliez :u’i.on .»i rile ■ ' »i::> in* eluded prepaiin: :i qui."!! niiairo lo he g veil propi'rty osri ,and merchants i--i the d iuaiown a:'oa to determine persona! wishes concerning boaiuifica- tion of th.- d V ntowr, ar. a and discussion -d' ieco:nnie:idations lor uiiicrn Iriiilwav on beauti- ficaTk)ns of the* trick area tiirougii till* c:ty. Spokesmen for Somhern Rail- Continued On Pujc 6

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