er- Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 This figure tor Creator Kings Mountain ’s derived from the 19SS Kings MouiMoio city directory census. The dty limits figure Is from the United States census of 1980* VOL 76 No. 50 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper bstablisSed 1889 Kings .Mountain, N. C., Thursday, December 16, 1965 I * GS iroves ication cn city • an'-‘s wcS voted liy tiie eity com mission Tuujday night. The city voted to rclaiin Mu nicipal Code Corporation, Talla hassee. FU., for the work which is expected to require from lliree to iitiie iiiontlis and will «./St a- boiit S-3fc*0t). The cost would in elude 100 copies of th(‘ estim itec 200pdge code, with binders. Ad ditional copies would be availa ble for $9.50. When adopted, the new code woilW include five swtions: ta-' ble of contents, charier, ordin ances, and indexes la charter and ^ordinances. Reference to North Carolina General Statutes will be included. The recodification will cover the period 1913 to present date. Mayor Moss said tlie firm would also peruse city minute books datin.; from the chartering of the city in 18Td. Rob(ut Urssey, i-epresenting Municipal Code Corporation of CHIEF OF STAFF — Dr. Ftonk Sincox has been elected chief of the hospital medicol stofi for the coining year. Dr. Sincox Chiei Of Staff Dr. Frank Sincox, Kings Moun tain medical doctor, has been elected Chief of the Kings Moun tain Hospital Medical Staff for 3 allaliassoc, 1* la., suomilled thCj c'omiuj y*ear. plan he said would be a model ; officers were named set of ordinances for a city this ^ luncheon meeting Tuesday size, covering administrative | the hospital, through zoning aspects. ■ pj. gincox, who is associated Florida firm, which en-j"*>*fi C. McGill and Dr. exclusively recodifying > Charlea Adams at McGill Clinic I Mi ¥ule Bonuses I To Employees I Christmas vacations for Kings . liMountain industrial wo. kers w.ii I liange Horn throe days to oii^ ivwek, a survey oi Kiiigs Mouii , i lam .ranufjciu; ..ig pianis le ! veaied Weclneriday. ' Mauncy ixosleiy Company, j J civepun y.''.rn-., Jad,e (; t.oi*' -x.i s i .Id idu ri.x Pit ni .\o. 1 oi Jiul.agton iUviustr.e.s will p:iy , 10 enipioycca ebgiDie by iC.ngth of seivire for % icai.on pay. Ai s;.-verc;l rplanis, v:i catto.i cluv'ks weie paid in July. Al:;,grace* Plant oi :l:t.ssachu setts Mohair Plush Company , will give gifts Xo employees. I AVaiter J Keeier, Jr., superin tendent of Phonix Plant, said Christmas holidays at the plant would be vbsei ved from the end of the .sreoind shift on Wednes day until the b(*gir.ning of the third shilt on December 2Gth. Workers at .Sadie Cotton Mdls will observe holidays from 10 p.m. on Wednesday and resume opeiation at the beginning of the , third shift on Tuesday night, | Dec. 2S. 1 Park Yarn Mills will shut down for the h:)lidays on Wednesday night at 11 p.m., Supt. John S.Tiathers said, reopening at 7 a.m. December 27th. Charles K. Harry, III, official j of Alinetlc Mills, of Grover, said the firm would close at 6 a.m. ] on Christmas Eve, reopening on | Tuesday morning at 6 a.m, i At Margrace Plant of Massa-1 chusetts Mohair Plush Company oomc tck* iidays reciation Dinner 0*i Friday: Gdilege To Honor Its Siippoiteis ll Ecnquct I Gardner-Webb College wdl ex tend Its appreciation Dec. 17 to hundreds of leaders including those from Kings Mountain who ; have made its $1,125,01)0 cam- j paign successful, thus far. Kings Mountain area citizens contribut ed over $1‘X>,000 in the off )rt. ! J. M. Bertotii, .manager-educa- : tional relations for the General! Electric Co., will be guest speak-; er at the 7 p.m. dinner in the j Best Physical Education Build ing in Boiling Springs. Over 500 | persons are expected to attend. I the holiday dinner, i National General Chairman of ] I the campaign. R. Patrick Spang- j ler of Shelby, will express ap preciation and recognize workers {in the campaign. Spangler has I ' spearheaded eff.irts which have i reaped something over $1 million | since March of this year. The a-' i mount of money raised, to date, j ' for expansion and development I of the college, will probably be 1 j announced at this meeting. | Lanny Smith, Moox'esville na- i The campaign continues after I live, is the assistant manager of I Chnst.mas in Gaston County and j S. c. ■ AT BELK'S — Lanny Smith is the assistont manager oi Belk's Department Store. He is a re* cent graduate of Wake Forest College. Lanny Smith loins Belk s TROPHY WINNERS — Pictured obove ore the four Mountoincer football players who received tro phies at the annual Kings Mountoin Lions Club grid bonquet Tuesday night. Left to right are Danny Kiser, Most Valuable Player, Chip Bridges, best blocker, Philip Bunch, most improved, and Larry Patrick Scholastic Award winner. (Photo by Charles Ramsey) Danny Kiser, Chip Bridges T op Gridiron A war d W inners Hit-and-Run Driver Gets Term In Jail A 24-ycar-old Gaffney, S. C., Negro, Fitzhugh McGill, Jr., was also manage the i.nens’ and boys’! Expected to be on hand charged w*ith no operator’s b- deparlment. this massive “thank you” are I run and leaving A graduate of W’ake Forest in ' 10th District Congressman, Ba-! accident Sunday January of 1965, he 'u evioiusly j sil L. Whilener and General Sec-! following an 8.30;it spent two years at Wingaii^jcol retaiy-Tieasurer of the Baptist intersection of Kng .-t'cci The ;»ages •itv and county (Ldinances would ‘succeed Dr. Craig Jones of 1 Charles Mauney said. . .. . ‘sholhv- I .. tr ........ employees will get a holiday I Bdk’s Department Stoi*e. Me will j in Ji^herokee County from 11 p.m. Thursday reopen ing on Dece.T.ber 27th at 7 a.m. Mauney Hosiery Company and Carolina Throwing Company will shut down at noon on Wed nesday, reopening the morning of Decern':er 29th. General Man- codify the ordinance's from the dale the city was cbarlcrcd to the present time. .Municipal Code Shelb\ Other new officers wdll include] At Craftspun Yarns, workers will enjoy a holiday from the Thf'odore Barker, Grover i {h^ second shift at 10 p. CorpJi'ation is currently working *'• ,‘1 in Sbef v, among 25 Nortli Caro tJr. bam Kob. lipa municipalilies vvhich iiavc t’o^ry-treasur ^■npioyod the firm. Unssey raici. Rather than going through and aQ^-epling or discai'ding the old ordinanc'cs, the editor wii: bt* assigned the job of classifying subject matter. lie will stailwith a photostat copy of the city’s present code. After classifica tion. he wjuld cover gaps in le gislation and present a suggest ed form of ordinances in manu script foim, as well as rocom- mended rcscindums. The co.rpleted manuscript j -''R ino nanza” phone number at WBT and told the announced the "secret Santa voice” was Victory Jory, the veteran motion picture actor. Mrs. Plonk was correct. Her bonanza: a washer-viryer combination, hi-fi stereo, 90 i*nh I sofa, reclining chair, $.50 loy liift apply for a "Bonanza” club card which bears a number. Periodic ally during the day, from 6 a.m. to midnight, voice of the "secret Santa” is played and ocja?ionuI- ly clues to his identity are gi'tn. Meantime, card numbers are ec- easionally called. The t>ersoi who hears his numi cr called is allowed eleven iminules In vvhich to dial the special WBT number. How did Mrs. Plonk w>n? "The clues wern’t of t>arlicu- lar help. I recognized Ih.? voice,’’ she relates. Mrs. Plonk said her tclopiK>nc has w very busy .sine » last ^’•Hlv^^'£-y as friends rail t j con vey co; gratulations. Wis Debbie Plonk li«dppoim- certficate, $25 in long-pinyrng ' p:1 she l.adn’t handled t!u' rati of records, and electric toothbru.ili. | her poHicular numbe ? Not at and $11 in cash. WBT’s estimated I all, Alis Plonk leplied, the fam- worlh of this bonanza is $800 to lily ban already agreeJ that if $1000. any( T.e w on it wouM ’oe ‘wery- Under the rules, a person must! body s' prize. R. Howard Bridges will be in stalled as Worshipful Master of Fairview Lodge 3.39 AF'&AM in installation services Monday night at 7:30 afMasonic Hall. The ceremony, to be conducted by Master S. Houston Wolfe, is open to the public. Other officers to be installed include: Bobby C. Bridges. Senior Warden; Herman D. Falls, Junior Warden; R. Black Leonard, treas urer; Thomas D. Tindall, scctp- tary; Alex D. Owens, Tyler; Wil liam E. Sellers, Senior Deacon, William C. Kelly, Junior Deacon; John R. Bridges, Senior Steward; John Hardin, Junior Steward; Elbert L. Culp, Jr., Chaplain; and B. Manley Hayes, Jr., three-year irustee. Continuing tru.stees are J. Ralph Harrison and J. Lee Rob erts. Committees for the new year will include Masons: Charity: R. Howard Bridges, Bobby C. Bridges and Herman D. Falls. Masonic Education: R. Black Leonard, J. Ralph Harrison anu Paul W. Owens. Roierence: Norman Bumgard- nor, S. Houston Wolfe and I. C. Davis. Finance: Alex W. Owens, Carl M. Logan and James B. Simpson. Oxford Orphanage; Bobby C. Bridges, Dorus L. Bennett and Continued On Page iS Yarbro To Raze Derelict House A. E. Yarbro, Piedmont avenue grocer, uill raze soon the dere lict frame dwelling he owns on West King street, Mayor John Henry Moss said Wednesday. The Mayor said Mr. Yarbro is first to honor what was termed .several similar re(}uosts to own ers of other unoccupied and dere lict dwellings, including several on FJast Ridge street. “I appreciate Mr. Yarbro’s co operation,” Mayor Moss said, "as do many othei's.” He said he had also addressed letters to other citizens asking removal of aged and out-of-date signs as an aid to beautifying the dty. State Convention, Dr. W. Perry Piedmont Avenue. Crouch along with other honored | McGill, driving a 1956 model guests and college officials. -Chevrolet, apparently ran the Lloyd C. Bost, chairman of the' at the intersection and college board of trustees, will ■ struck a 1955 Chevrolet operated preside and Rep. Whitener will, David Wayne Shipman, 18, of introduce Bertotti. Bertotti was lorii and educated in Michigan, is a graduate of Eastern Mi -hi- gan University and holds the Masters Degree from the Univer sity of Michigan. He joined General Electric in 11143 after serving as a high Continued On Page G Hoard Delays Ditcher Purchase The city board of commission ers voted Tuesday to hold open until next Monday bids on pur chase of a ditching machine for the gas department. The comimission opened four bids but delayed authorizing pur chase until specifications are checked. Bids received are from Con tractors Service & Rentals, Char lotte, $4,198; Southland Equip ment Company, Charlotte, $8,- 683.; Charles C. Long & Co. of Charlotte, $5,325; and Porter Brothers, Shelby. $4,995. In other actions, the board: 1) sot date of annual listing of properties for taxes from Janu ary ’4 through February 4, 1966. 21 heard annexation request of Wesley Thomasson. Gerald Thomasson and Robert Ford, all East Kings Mountain citizens who have petitioned the city for annexation of three residences a-nd five lots on Woodside Drive into the city limits. F'ollowing advertising and I’eccipt of maps of the properties, a hearing will be set, the board said. Route 1. Kings Mountain. McGill was traveling wes‘ on King street and struck Shipman’s vehicle in the left side as it came through tlie intersection soulli on Piedmont. The impact sent Shipman’s car into the lawn cf the Jacob Mauney Memorial Li brary and spun McGill’s veli.rle left, heading it south on Pi<*o- mont. Kings Mountain police officer Wiliiarn Roper said that vIcGilI did not stop and that he follow- c t him to Mountain Rest ceme tery, where he and two othei's, abandoned the car and ran. Roper, in turn, called the Pri son Department for bloodhounds and the three were found about one hour later hiding in a wooit- ed area across from the ceme tery. Shipman’s oar was estiriated to be a total loss and Ah Gill’s was damaged to the amount of $595. McGill was tried and convicted in Monday’s session of City Re corder’s Court and sentenced to 15 months. Officers invostigatcxl two acci dents over the past week which Involved parked cars and were called to the scene of one other accident on Tuesday afternoon. TO INSTALL PASTOR — Dr. Ernest L. Misenheimer, assist ant to the president of the North Carolina Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, Philip Runch, I Larry Patrick Win Trophies ! By GARY STEWART 1 Two linemen and two backs ! copped the four awards at the 11965 Lions Club football banquet Tues day night before an estimat ed crowed of 100 gridders. Lions Club members and guests. Kings Mountain Head Coach Bill Bates presented the awards, given by local supportei's, honor ing outstanding members of the 1965 Mountaineer football squad. Coach Bates pri'sented the a- wards, in this order to tlie fol lowing: John Gamble Scholastic Award. Larry Patrick; Most Im proved Player Award, Philip Bunch; Fred Plonk Blocking (Trophy, Chip Bridges; and. Dr. George Plonk Most Valuable will install the new minister of I ^ Resurrection Lutheran church at Sunday services. Lutheran Pastor To Be Installed CHURCH PROGRAM Love Valley Baptist church will hold its annual Christmas program Sunday night at 7 o’cl ock. The program is under direction of Rev. and Mrs. Earl M. Redding and will feature a Christmas play and distribu tion of treats and gifts. Prior to presenting the four a- wards, Coach Bates gave a plaque to each of the 12 senior members of the team. Tile Scholastic Award is giv en to the boy who carries the highest scholastic average dur ing football season. Patrick, a junior, becomes the second guard Rev. David L. Castor will be j in as many years to cop the a* installed as minister of Rosurrec-(ward. Last Year's winner was tion Lutheran church at Sunday j George Plonk, an all-conference worship services at 11 o’clock. ’guard on the Southwestern Con- Dr. Ernest L. Misenheiaie-, as- j feronce championship squad, sistant to the President of | Senior fullback and defensive North Carolina Synod of the i halfback Philip Bunch followed Lutheran Church in America, | up '61 fullback Pat Hord as the will conduct the installation |Most Improved Player. While service. presenting the aw'ard. Coach Mr. Castor comes to Kings ] brought out the fact that Mountain from Philadelphia i-u- j Bunch was the one player that theran church of Granite Kails, i bad shown the most improve- He delivered his first sermon i in 3 year s time, here D<>c. 5th. The Castors and i "Blocking is the thing that three children. Christopher, Cyn thia and Mark, occupied the par sonage on Crescent Circle Dec. 1. Dr. Misenheimer receive