/ r KINS$ MOUNTAIN HERALD, RINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C, ■‘7 ThurscTay, April 7, 1966 Established 188d The Kings Mountain Herald A wSrHlv ricWspapp'' devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for tne eniightennicut, entertainment and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain and its vicinity, published every Thursday by the Herald PublisHhig House. Entered as second class matter at the ppst office at Kings Mountain, N. C., 28086 under Act of Congress of March 3, 1873. EblTOaiAL OfiMSTMKNT Martin Harmon .i Editor-Publisher. Gary Stewart Sports/Editor .Miss Elizabeth Stewart Circulation Manager and Society Editor Bobby Bolin MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Dave Weathers Allen Myers Paul lacitson , Steve Ramsey . . SUBSCRIPTIONS RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE — BY MAIL ANYWHERE ONE YE.\R .. $3:50 SIX MONTHS .. $2.00 THREE .MONTHS .. $1.25 PLUS NORTH CAROLINA SALES TAX TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 MARTIN'S MEDICINE fnpredtenfa: Mfa of netoa humor, and comments Directions: Take loeeHty, ij possible, hut avoid TODArS BIBLE VERSE And Jestis cried with a loud voice and gave up the glii^t. St. Mark 15:37. Boosting Retail Business The Bonking Commission Merchandising is a course offered at the commerce schools of the nation and consumes two year’s ;time for the enrollees before they qualify for diplo mas. Then they can spend more time in graduate work. Advertising alone, if fully explored, offers many avenues: point of sale, cona- mercial art, visualization, billboard, agency operations, newspaper, radio and television, account administratipn, etc., etc. ' isMOEBI In the manufacturing field, many companies making top quality products have exited from the^ scene because their merchandising skills did not com pare with their engineering skills. Charles E. Dixon, new president of the Kings Mountain Merchants Associa tion, said he would devote particular at tention during the coming year to trade-boosting efforts. Well he might, on basis of state De partment of Conservation and Develop ment figures showing that Kings Moun tain sends much trade to neighboring communities. — “Trji3e=at-home” is an ancient and patriotic appeal which is quite valid, but which is hardly sufficient. Among the many avenues of trade boosting are these major ones: 1) firms • facilities and decor of retail 2) breadth and depth of inventories; 3) efficient service by competent arid courteous personnel; 4) promotion; 5) shopping hours convenient to the customer; 6) ample parking facilities. Plans are in the mill for improve ments in several of these categories. Easter 19$6 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and its multi-sided implications remain the hope of a world long on performance in respect to the material, but sadly and painfully short on practicing the lessons of the Prince of Peace. The troubles of Vietnam, the Con go, and Rhodesia, to mention a few abroad^ and of America — Cuba, the Ku Klux Klan, murder in Alabama and Louisiana, California, and New York — indicate the defeat of the ascribers to the doctrine that inan should be humane to man. ' Jesus Christ, in his brief sojum on I earth, taught arid re-taught the lesson of human kindness to His fellowman. Attaining this goal in( greater de gree should be man's particular prayer this Easter season and year-around. Eiccqpe Volve Exits Via court ruling, the ten-year-old North Carolina law labeled for its chief author the Pearsall Plan, is now history. It was never employed, as it was hoped by moderates it would not be. It was designed as a middle-road approach between die-hard segregation ists and diehard de-segregationists, fol lowing the federal Supreme Court ruling of 1954 when school desegregation be came a question of “when” not "if’. It’s presence, though unused^ met its purpose. Congratulations: to Wilson Griffin, nfwly elected president of Kings MoUn- fmto Rotary club and to Rev. Robert , newly-naihed chairman of the '8 human relations counciL North Carolina has what some think an overload of regulatory boards and commissions. Many are also licensing boards for their particular trade, profession or business. Pharmacists, lawyers, doctors, em- balmers, barbers, electricians,"plumbers, accountants, ardiiteots, nurses must pass examinations for license to ply their trades in North Carolina. A non-national bank cannot open or establish a branch without approval of the state banking commission. (Na tional banks must get approval from the federal comptroller of the currency.) The banking commission has made some headlines recently. Governor Dan Moore fired, the di rector of the commission, bringing stout criticism from Lewis R. Holding, a mem ber of the commission and president of Kings Mountain’s new banking citizen First Citizens Bank & Trust Company, this in spite of the fact that Mr. Holding was one of (Governor Moore’s campaign leaders in 1964. The shoe moved to the other foot when Mr. Holding supported application of a bank for several branches, all the while owning stock in the particular bank. A competitor opposed the expan sion. When Mr. Holding’s stock holdings were revealed, it was discovered that his participation in the commission de cision violated the law and the favor able decision on the expansion applica tion was voided. As a result of the incident, the Gov ernor has suggested that the commi.s- sion members make public their bank stock holdings. Some have complied, some haven’t yet. However* Member Paul Thompson’s motion to reveal amounts of bank stocks held, along with the names of the banks, W'as defeated by a vote of 6 to 3. It shouldn’t have been defeated. A lOO-share interest in a concern would seldom be comparable to a 1000-share interest, or a l(),000-share interest. The Charlotte Observer suggests that the Geocsral Assembly would do well to require state-chartered banks to file periodically stockholder lists with the banking commission. . Paul Thompson, who made a mo tion in the public interest, is not a bank er. * It is recognized that certain fiscal standards should be required before a new bank be licensed and is mutually recognized that advice of bankers con cerning these standards perhaps would be mandatory. However, it likely would be wise for the General Assembly to invoke a provision that the commission be weighted with a majority of laymen and a minority of banker members. Moffoit Alexonder Ware Moffatt Alexander Ware was a Kings Mountain native, reared here, a busiriesahiah, a city commissioner. In his remarks at Mr. Ware’s fu neral service, a fotmer pastor. Dr, W. L. Pressly, reminded of several of Mr. Ware’s outstanding traits of character, particular among them abiding friendli ness to all and especial loyalty to his church. Bom to a farm-reared and farm- oriented family. Mr. Ware inherited to partnOrship ette of Kings Mountain’s el- L.._.—__ • •— • - - - der busineas N^s, in which he had al ready become Active in its management. He was out-of-bed early and a hard worker. After retiring, he remarked soon that two weeks were sufficient time to catch up with rest and he pro ceeded to Un-irOtire. Filing dtki^ine for candidates for and (Gfa^Oral Assembly district is ncM£lHllay. April. 19. Eleo- l 9oar«««i«M^ah Nkllph dfiBeft will bb f56 im. To his other fihe traits of character and personality, the Herald would add jauntiness. His peraonahty was jaunty, his walk was Wjmty, and who knew him cdula forgn the Jkunty, rakish angle Of By MARTIN HARMON Kays Gary mentioned in his Wednesday calumn in the Char lotte Observer that some Char- lottv’ fellow had come home from a trip bringing a-ne^v pet; to wit, a boa c-onstrietor. m-in It reminds of a conversation of several weeks ago witli Louise Hughes Martin and Ruby Hughes Baker. He Is Risen moD r They were inquiring a:out the progress of our Boston terrier Sir Winston, then only recently acquired. Were the Hughes (Martin-Bak er) sisters pet fanciei's? m-m Louise, when she and Abie’s son Bob was growing up, reared boxers, the big fellows which look kin to bulldogs. Son Bob was .her partner and they did very’ well. My wife addr^ed Ruby with the same question. I laughed and answ’ered, at least partially, for Ruby, “Oh, my goodness yes, and many, many kinds.” I knew Phillip Baker as a pet fancier and his hamster - growing pro ject of sQ.T.e years ago. m-m Louise supplied some more an swer: Ruby has seen so many animals around her house, and so accustomned to them, she met a squirrel in the hall the other day and didn’t even notice it. nt-m “And what would you think, Anne, if you had to feel under the sofa cushions everytime you sat dowm to keep from squashing their pet snake?” Louise contin ued. ts-m Anne wants no snakes. 6 \ astei renews the hope of the world \"N. V. Viewpoints of Other Editors MOTHERS AT SCHOOL University education, frozen I foods, vacuum cleanera, and rea- j dy-made clothing all have had something to do with a new de velopment in the lives of married wo.Ten. REOPEN OUR LIBRARIES ABROAD SO THIS IS NEW YORK By NORTH CALLAHAN It is not hard to remember when Columbus Circle was at the edge of one of the worst slums in 'this city. But eight years ago, all that began to change. Today at this intersection is located Lincoln Center, the world’s great est performing arts ca.Tplex. Over 14 acres rise musical and theatrical halls, chief among which are the new4.^substitutes for Carnegie Hall and the Metropol itan Opera. Of course this did not happen accidentally and re quired much money. Obviously that was one reason why John D. Rockefeller 3rd was chosen as chairman of the huge pttjject. He helped persuade the famous Juil- hard School of Music to add drama to its music and dancing instruction and to move into the Center from up above Columbia University. To underwrite these ventures, Mr. Rockefeller led a di-ive to raise 160 imillbn dollars - and it only lacks two million of being reached. It required more than one ar chitect to design all the compli cated structures of the Lincoln Center, so six were picked to handle the job. Each of them had different ideas and it required much tact on the part of the chairman to coordinate their ar tistic efforts. Looking at the cen ter from iBroadw'ay, one sees firct three glass - calcite buildings which face a square with a foun tain. All too plainly visible are abstract figures representing Or pheus and Apollo lout which look to me like so many strips of me tal strung on wires. Nearby is the wood-paneled concert hall to In many lands more arid more of them are seeking careers out side the home after their children no longer need their constant care. With solid education and with time and energy to spare, they are reaching out for a more significant role in the larger so ciety. What kind of jobs can they find? Some are already prepar ed for professional careers which Actually, Anne wanted no dog, they began before marriage. .4.1- though sidetracked, they manage which dictated declination of the bargain offer Mrs. Ha:>wood Ofliver off^ed me for bofh SU' Winston and his sister, only two of the litter remaining. For a- bout 36 hours, Anne was specu lating aloud on what dog fancier might relieve us of Sir Winston. As happens, a would-be recipient thereafter might have ‘been shot. Mrs. William LawTence Plonk, mother of three, decried to Anne couples minus children becoming devoted to pets. “Why so-and-so even calls her ‘Honey’!” I’ve heard no ‘Honey’ yet but I have heard ‘Sweetie’. Marguerite has a point, of course, as childi’en make the best oets of all, but some of us aren’t that lucky. But the pet business work^ two ways. A few weeks ago in p column I related Kate Smith’s story about the adoption of she and Jim’s daughter Rachel. This item elcited the following letter which is quite self-explanatory. .,yf*Artei^'%e«ding in your column 'he Smiths’ rcTarks about their lucky adoption of Rachel. I fel‘ a strong urge to write from the Tither side of the fence. The adopt ad child—-and I feel certain that •tachel would agree—is the luckj- one. m-m “A long time aro a King.- Mountain couple was a.sked t< 'ook after a brown-eyed, ear- achy girl. They very soon decided 'hat they wanted to have this to 'or their daughter. The coupli was Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis ind the child was I. m-m “It was all but impossible h convey to ©there just how bless ed I have been. Those two people had~and still have—more love in their hearts than any other people I know. They are my folks and I am their daughter. The word ADOPTED has long since become Just that, a word. When you love and are loved, you 'belong. "I say to my folks, the Smiths, and all other wond^ful adoptive parents—God bless’em!” That’s from Mrs. B, J. Jackson, the loiuper Jfean t>avls, u Octo- Ijer Larife, Weston, Mass. to get back on the road without reeducation. Many more need vo cational guidance and training. With it they can help meet short ages of teachers, social workers, govemment specialists and so on. Those universities which have c'ome to the aid of these women are performing a valuable serv ice. After five experimental years the Radcliffe Institute for Inde pendent Study has become a per manent center for women who want to resume their education. Another experiment, the Seven- Year Vocational Workshop held at Barnard College, has fitted some 400 women for new careers. By no means all go out and get paid positions, but a quarter of them did and others found satis fying work as volunteers. Roose velt University In Chicago has offered a course called “Discov ery” designed to help home worn- find out where their talent? lie. It guides them to needed edu cational courses. Other colleges are working along similar lines. All this tpdans much to those ’mceiving the help. Many marri worrieh feel a sense of “let- iown” when their main job of ^hild-bearing is completed! ’The new training fills the gap and gives them fresh purpose. But society, too, has much to gain from the course. Ell Ginz ’>erg. economist, who has just completed a study for Columbia University’s manpower series vhich he directs; has written: “The time has come for our socie ‘y to realize that women have half of the nation’s most valuable resource—human talent.” Educal ad married women, with their ex- oerlence In family life, have e aoecial contrf'utlon to irake in the field of human relations. They should nat only be welcom ed but sought out and assisted to make the moat of their abilities. Christian Bdenre Monitor 10 TBAR8 AGO ms WEEK 'torn* of newe VoiNitaiii ares events taken f fOm of the Ki tteM obont King people em m the 195 ings Movmtak Kings Mountain hospital books shewed red ink for 1K15 opera tions, In spite of the fact that the hospital averaged nearly 35 pa dents per day'or an occupancy rate of 96.94 percent Hugh Wells, Shelby congres sional candidate, has named Lee- ter D. Roark, Shelby newspaper idltor, as his district campaign manager. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Members of the Kings Moun tain Junior and Senior Woman's clubs will begin work Friday to raise $2,000 as Klni^s Mountain’s part Iri to Glsvetond County fund caitiralra for the American Can cer Sodety.' FLAT TOP OR ROLL TOP We wonder if the era of the _ ^ It is understandable, howejyer I flat-top desk is passing. For many j pe by the New York Phil- deplorable, that fanatical enemies j years now, it has dominated the I harmonic Orchestra. This , city should burn down our overseas office scene. A broad expanse of j ^ay see.Ti to be filled at times uncluttered glass, stretching likei^ith ignorant people but there a bare plaleau between executive | aj.p ^ surprising number who ap- and caller, has tended to give the | pj-eciate great art in all its forms, tehind it an air of supreme j These folks unfortunately are not Un the news as much as some of trend is i the horrible screwballs who ex libraries. But it is unbelievable that Americans should be doing their work for them by closing dowm 30 libraries and 12 reading rooms in Western Europe over 1 authority, the last five years. Yet that is I But the democratic wliat they are accused by an Ad-1 catching up with the flat top. We! ppccivelv make the headlines and visory Commission on Informa- read with pleasure of a high jfhS 'ive New York a bad name, tion of having done. ! school principal in California who , The United States Information | got rid of this barrier to infor- j —3—• Agency and the Congress are the mality by having his desk remov- . principal guilty parties--the lat-j ed to the school basement. He ter for self-defeating niggardli-, has been deskless for two months I xork state i neater ness in its appropriations and the now and is pleased with the re- which has been aptly callM a former for “unwise and uneco-'sult. ’ . jewel box on a grand scale, with nomic” use of the limited funds j His office, he says, has become ' at its disposal. If cuts were inevi- la place for free discussion with i that are used to illuminate table, why were they made at the j nothing between him and those > as the front eXpensemf Jefferson. Emerson,come to see him. Also, since ] J^we balconies in- Hemingway and Carl Sandburg? i he is no longer “stuck behind a ornate theater which is Or does the U.E.I.A. believe those j desk,” he gets out more to see it decided to retain on its payroll | w^hat is going on in his school. are superior to these men? Leonard Marks, the U.S.I.A. chief, promises there will he no more closings of JJbraries in Eu rope. That’s not good enough. The Advisory Commission calls on Congress to provide tlie funds and on the U.S.I.A. to provide the i.ntelligenco necessary to reopen the li rraries which have been clo.sed. And that should be done at once. Netc York Herald Tribune LONG LIVE NESSIE Offices of business executives, too, are becoming more like liv- done in rich red and gold. The elaborate stage is equipped with every possirle kind of items need ed for the best of productions. ing rooms. Many have chairs and 'There is a long promenade where sofas for discussion groups in a spot beyond the flat-top desk. We expect to see more desks banished as the new computerized systems for storing and retriev- in.g information take over. 'But the audience can stroll and relax at intermission instead of being jami.Ted together as in the old type of theaters. Alongside is a beaded curtain which has over ten million beads. In a nearby r }- AT .T ■ magazinos they Apparently Marous ILipton, aj mean to read, or Laborite member of the British there are some folks who will al- PositoO’ is the New York Public ways like to surround themselves Library’s circulating collection of with stacks of unread newspap- records, 60,000 musical ers, with clippings they expect to ‘ use sometime and letters they in- tend to answ’er at length when the performing arts. 3— apprecia- supersti- parliament, has small tion of fables, myths, tioiis and such. He has drawn a bead on the Loch Ness monster, which is al most comparable to taking aim at the Easter bunny. Thi^ mat ter-of-fact and unimaginative M. P. wants the legendary monster to fish or cut bait, so to speak. He thinks it high time that fact displaced fancy. Lipton wants a full-blown gov- arnment investigation, o.mploy. ing submarines, pontoons and sonic soundings. His demand was Upon its completion, Lincoln Center will have over 13,000 manuscript they will revise when the mood i . - * • is upon them. For them, perhaps. the old roll top should be brought ^Guggenheim bandshell '■'ack. It was a massive thing, S I outdoors It is a far cry from he it stayed in the background and \ ^ when the owner wished to atpear I neighborhood for tidy he could pull down the slid- ^ ‘^7,' mg top and hide all the clutter. i ter for culture but a monumental The Christian Science Monitor i of architecture that is ' functional if not appealing to all of us in appearance. To the irren from London. The Boston museum with its ■ of wealth who have helped to revolving display will have a va- ' bring this center into being, a riety of figures designed to ap- j dei;t is owed for their lasting peal both to popular and sophis- contribution. It is easy to turn up ticated tastes — everythin.^ fror. one’s nose at the nation’s largest „ . Tse-tung to Willie Mayes, icity but it is true that only here prompted by a report from Rov-1 fi’om Snow White to Moses, and j are some things done on so large Air Force and Defense Minis- j tbe Beatles to Beethoven. | a scale, particularly because the try e.xperts that five-year-old I Boston’s Xav;acjte sons will I financial leaders who can do such movie photographs 3h,owed the | represented. ^ \ thin.gs, live and work here, mon.stor proba' ly was an ani mate object 92 feet long, six feet wide and five feet high. He suspects that the monster story is a wild fairy tale, a judg ment with which we arc inclined to agree, but what good will it do to prove that there is no such critter? Not only will those who have "seen” it be discredited and embarrassed, but a story that has circulated in Scotland since 565 A.D. will be blown out of the water. We would remind Marcus Lip- top that the world has an abund ance of realisn, but that fancy, the stuff of dreams, mystery and escape, is in exceedingly short I supply. I Minneapolis Star' TEMPTED TO / WAX ELOQUENT For almost 200 years visitors to London have marveled at the skill with which craftsmen have reproduced the human figure by sculpturing In wax. Now it is pos sible to see the same incompara- i ble worki.-nanshlp without jour neying clear to London. | Montreal, for example, has a I museum displaying genuine Tus- j aaud wax figures. And Boston can very soon boast its own 'iLondon Wax Museum.” On a more modest scale than Madame Tussaud’s celebrated waxworks, the Tussaud-conneef^d establish ments abroad neverth«i|sg obtain their figures and apparel^right KEEP YOURRADIO DIAL SET AT 1220 Kings Mountain. N. C. News & Weather every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. Fine entertainment in between TRursda^ Brave Ma; week. S pennant Sin race, le Th< pitchinj ped dov ing moi but Wa Natibm Be! won th Thi nant tv kee (ni team v Braves team. Th of hitti bet th! speed, some h Sa: Marich do Cep NL rac Bu a team better Go better Hank J will be Br pounde in spri with a in dou second five. Cii field to man P Tomm; sacker of left Cii Ellis, J pas an don’t f St, pend h also c( showin At Dick C lor, Ri Pi should Houstc LE Angele Pittsbi Rob! Fr winter pected bring ! the An Cl in the stays i throne T1 with c pitche) ers. Dc great in the Camilc up the D( center th, fifi In dians’ better, have t ball cl W probal , H nesota ton, 8. KM Easi Kingi golf tei during East R day an here M Senic alls’! h four-ov KMHS season, brough Shell six ma King the six East ai team e won bi team r Gary medalii mqtch