/ >6 tu- al- -/ Thursday, June'2, 1^66 T- / KINGS MclilNTAtN HERALD, KINGS,-MOUNTAIN, N. C. Sons Of Cleveland County Wear Uniloim Of Nation With Pride Section JP (Ed. Note) — Congressman iBasil L. Whitener spoke at Sunday’s second annual Me-* morial Day service at Moun tain Rest cemetery. Text of his address follows: “I am greatly honored to be here this afternoon and to have the privilege of taking part in your Memorial Day ceremony. “We gather this afternoon in this historic community to pay in our humble way our respect and our deep sense ot gratitude to those patriotic Airr.ericans whe have taken their place on the immortal rolls of the nation’^ military heroes. I know of no more fitting place to honor our military dead than in the shadow of Kingis Mountain. The stirrin. military victory which took place here on October 7, 1780, broke the chains of British tyranny ir America and paved the way for Amiertcan freedom and ultimate leadership of the free world. “The poet Longfellow said, “Whene’er a noble deed is wrought. Whene’er is spoken a noble thought, Our hearts, in glad surprise, ■ To higher levels arise.” ’The node deed wrought here at Kings Mountain lifted the hearts of the American people and kindled the spark that ignit ed' the torch of eternal liberty in our land. ’The sons of Cleve land Cq^onty and of this area o' North Carolina have alway? worn the unifonm of their nation with pride, valor, and distinction, Sevier, Campbell, Shelby, Cleve land and other patriots passed to us a legacy' of freedom which has been prb^rved with distinc tion throughout the ages. “On this day when we honor the dead of all wars, I think wt should pay special tribute to the patriots of Kings Mountain and :he founding fathers. If they had failed in their noble endeav or, the course of American libei y would have been profoundly altered. BOX OFnCE OPENS AT 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT 7:45 ’^klNGSf^UNTAIN' BESSEKtffe CITY , DRIVE- N THEATRE Alwoys $14X) A Ccnloodl TONITE — 3 HITS — No. 1 — "P.T. 109" In Color — No. 2 — 'CIRCUS WORLD' In‘Color ' *- No. 3 — '2 ON A GUILLOTINE' ON SAT. MOVIES RUN IN REVERSE ORDER SUN. thru WED. — 2 In Color — No. 1 — "COLOR ME BLOOD RED" — No. 2 — 'RIDE THE WILD SURF' Emerson said, “Not gpld, but ohly men can make A nation, '.;reat and irtrong; Men who, lor truth and hon or’s sake Stand fast and suffer long.” “The love of liberty, independ- ■nce and the respect for virtue s as old as our Republic. Our orefathers dared to wrestle with yranny and Providence blessec heir effurts. It took men of jreat courage to declare at Phil- idelphia on July 6, 1775, these loble words: “With hearts fortified with hese animating reflections, wc nost solemnly, before God and the world, declare, that, exerting he utmost energy of those pow ers, which beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, .he an.Ts we have beon .com eelled by our enemies to assume ve will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmnesf- end perseverance, employ for the preseiwation of our liberties: being with one mind resolvfed tc iie free men rather than to livf daves.” “American,s have never fought for the sake of fighting. Amwi- cans have never, however, shii'k- 'd the responsibility of fighting whenever their liberties have been threatened. The attainment of American liberty and the vigi lance that has been required through the generations for the orotection of our freedom has icTanded sacrifices on the part of every American. The protcc- aon of our national integrity has not been cheap. “How well we all know the story of the .suffciing and priva tion endured by our forefathor.s ’o secure our independence from Great Britain. From the bloody foot prints left in the snow by hungry patriots at Valley Forgte to the agony being endured by our boys in the steaming iungles of Vietnam, there is an unbroken oattern of heroic sacrifices on ’.he part of American .service men to maintain our frteedom. “We assemble here today to honor the - dead who have worn the uniform of thbir country and who sleep in the boscen of the ^arth and in the waters of the detep. In so doing, we highly re solve to survive in a world that is still searching for peace and order. “Yes. wars have beten costly. In the American Revolution from 1775 to 1793. 395.(X)0 Amer icans participated and ov’cr 4,000 tost their lives. Over 536,000 of our co'jntrv'men fought in the War of 1812 with ”.000 deaths. In the Mexican War of 1846. over 130,000 Americans respond ed to this colors and over 4,000 of them failed to return to their hearth sides. “Memoiial Day originated in 1866 out of the desire of Ameri cans immediately following the most tragic of all of our wars to honor their loved ones who had fallen fbr the cause they believ ed was right. For actual n«i.n>- bers of men in uniform and the great loss of life, no war in our history equals the War Between 'the States. On the Union side a- lone, 2,213,000 young Americans were in uniform. Over 364,000 of them failed to march home. On the Southern side, in proportion to population, the numbers lost were even more staggering. “In the often overlooked Indian wars which secured the West for our pioneers, over 106,(X)0 sol- .iiers participated and hundreds perished. 392,(KX) of our young men answered the call of their countiy in the Spanish American War. WED.-THURS. th»S ^ T9ckaio$loi^ 7tcM$e9^ NEXTTOBHWv*, LOVIN' THEY LIKE FIGHTIN’BEST! REX ALLEN OmUGUOT SKCftSU DAVtDaUC ITUHlESOilER imumnicE baker knight . SATURDAY FUN FOR ALL 1 DOftTME MONKOJ , issafiSSJ lL:u. G»w. SUN.-MON.-TUES. ^ey break all the rules .T.from larceny to love I Jaimes SANDRA llai«1)NIYnMMniBI ^ AMmm Couut GartOiuai JUKbutmh»t9W^l9^itf - ^^TMCMMICOLORMPANAVISION^^j^^^^ WATCH FOR 1. "FIreboll 500" 2. "Out Of Sight" 3. "Mary Pop- pins" 4. "Night of the Grizsly" 5. "The Spy Who hgm la Tte Cold" 6, "Hold On" ^ n ' m You Bet Your tdfe Mmi ui% iM«e ii«4ii I “World War I brought 4,744,- XK) of our finest young men and women to the colors and before the sad notes of the last bugle f.adcd away on November 11, 1918, approximately 131,000 had made the supreme sacrifice. “World War H put 16i535,600 Americans in uniform. 4(j9,()90 of these fine young men failed to survive. In the Korean conflict^ 3,807,000 young men and wonren were mobilized and acitoss the Land today, 54,000 ha res,niorarh the loss of a loved one. • • * “We meet today at a tinrie when our nation is engaged in mother war. Although the strug- ;le is taking place 8.000 miles !ix)m our shores, the prestige of he United States and our na tional security and safety are at otake. The war in Vietnam is yerj'- real to the 300,000 fine voung men w'e have in Southeast Asia. The struggle occupies the minds and hearts of the loved ones of our soldiers, sailors, air men, and marines and, indeed, every American. “Since 1961 up to May 21, 1966, over 3,466 young men have giv en their lives in the struggle to halt ca-nmunism in Southeast Asia. Of thiese 3,466 dmths, 786 have been the result of other Mian combat action. 19.000 young men have bleen wounded and their battle scars attest to their valor and their devotion to the cause of thbir country. 202 of our fighting men are mi.ssing and presumed lost. Another 36 are de tained in communist prison camps. . „ . “The price that we are paying in Southeast Asia is heavy. Thfe United States faces today mc.st serious threat to- its exist- encte ever experienced in our his tory. We aro confronti?d with an enemy whoae brutal philosophy of materialism is dedicated to dominating the world. We livit in an age of continuous threats Ttm Trartl»rt Sthty Sttrk* • ^ It ditiona: and ^ Christian virtues which have made us respected among nations of good will and despi^ by those countries dedi cated to tyranny. “In spite of al our wealth and all of our great educational and scientific achievements, we would stand in the face of communism as a frail reed in the wind were it not for the courage and devo tion of the American soldier. "Let us stand behind him and give him our support. In many nations of the world, the soldier is the symbol of oppression and revolution. In the United States, the man in uniform is the sym bol of frteedom. “In paying our deep, humble and prayerful respect to the sol diers «^o have gone before, there is no finer nor a more beautiful way to express our sentiment than in the words of that great American who stand ing on a hillside at Gettysburg on November 19, 1863, said, “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task re- i maining before us — that from | these honored dead wd take in creased, devotion to that cause „ for which they gave the last full I the people, by the people, for the measure of devotion — that we people shall not perish fro.n the here highly resolve that thesd earth.” dead shall not have died in vain [ —that this nation under God j shall have a new birth of free dom — and that government of Yaid & Gaiden Plants REDUCED Petunias, Sage, Tomatoes, Pepper Clearing Houses For Fall Crop PRESSLEY'S GREENHOUSES 517 S. Battleground Rd. CarwIasMMt and iaottentiaD accMHit p«K«nfag« of highway accldMih. for a large to our security and the liberty of free men everywhere. I have no doubt tiiat every American Is fuUy conscious of the gravity of the comnumi^ challenge to the free wortd^ Ou: people have always jto^ fliro in the face of adversity and';have surniounted all obstacles In'their path to victory. As we pay horn age to those who have gone on to a greater and a richer reward it is well' for us to remepibei that the (mly force in the work’ today that stands between Sdviet and Chinese, da.ninatlon of ever\ human being is the ecorjoniic and military power of the United States of America and the cour age of our men in uniltorm. ‘ “The aommunists are' not a fraid of oUr allies. However im portant the contribution they art making to world peace. •Th‘r Kremlin’S polt<y .of subjugatiiir the ;ffee wrld is hfeld'in ^bey ancte at tHte very imomteht realizatidh of the .c^muhUl erg in Moscow and, PtRJhl the United Stattea is tod fO^ mldable an opponent to dhallchgt in a iull Scale war. . . , ' “Tlife trying days, thfit lie a head will .test the pAtienCte' and thb dfivotioii bf thte American peofile to the great instltiftionf McGinnis Ik DepailRiteiit Store Ride the waves ... in a riot of ruffles. This rendition — dished up deliciously in dotted Swiss and shaded for sunny days ahead. 65%Dacron* Polyester — 35% Cotton. Size 5-15. * DuPont tradtnam* for its $17.35 polyester fiber. R^wegggaaasr., HT.-. Whldi have' been bequeathed to us'by our forefathrs. It has been said, that-the war.^ ins Vietnam is not a popular war. 1 might add ptat'no war’has been popular svh we Abierican ]>eople, and -] hiope,that wars will' not become populaf with our people* py tra- dltioTi and by heritage, wc have only foUght when we ha\’b felt ;hat our hbefty and our national institutions,were threatened. “As Daniel Webster said, ’“We are Jdsth’ proud of being dtescendted firdm'mten who have set tiW world an example of oundiilg civil institutions on the Great and- united prindpltes of human freedom and human knowledge. To us, their children, he story of their labors and suf- terlngs-can-never be without in terest.” , “Let us in our prayers this I lay offer our heart-felt thanks 'o aU of those who have march* Gd bn ooiintlleis ^jittie fields and Who -'have answered the last, ! iLeu u» aupport'-im 'V' j>f ,our young men now in uiil* 'form as they tike theh* placn m jthe lopgi line of Americans who ihAve kttiOT on the ramparts of '^25^vn4*-Jt:‘ls Jpy.hopte that on ihe ^pic of !*KU ,lAhd..j iViljl rededicate ■N,' te the* customs, ti-a- Nice'n nautical... this ship Hipptd tow - topped for to splash in a storm in stripes solids of 100% Cotton siass McGinnis Department Store Phone 739-3116 223 S. Bottleground me W. K. MAUNEY, IR. Democratic Nominee North Corolina House ol Representatives - • \4 Deor Voter: I wish to take this opportunity to thank each aniJ every voter in the 43rd House District for the overwhelming support given my candi dacy on Saturday, May 28. f As a Democratic nominee for the House of Representatives, I pledge a vigorous and vital campaign to win the November general election. I will offer the best of my years of experience as a business man and as a civic-minded citizen to serving the people of the 43rd District in Raleigh. Any action I take on proposed legislation will be governed by the beliefs I have put before the voting public during my campaign throughout the three counties. Democratic Nominee House of Representatives 'r- (Paid Political Advertising)

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