Popnlatibn Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,256 fMi flg«n for Otoalor knfo <• 4ortro« from Iko IMS Kla«o Moimufa dir difoetoty mbsuo. Tho city M-i,. flgun is from Ibo Valtod StoMo couiu of INS. Kings Mountain's Bnliobie Newspaper 16 Pages Today VOL. 77 No. 44 Established i 889 Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Thursday, November 3, 1966 Seventy-Seventh Year PRICE TEN CENTS n Tuesday Trailer Ordinance DIBECrOII •— Dr. Harrar Bunt- goydnar of Kings Moontcda bos boon cqn>ointod field di rector, of North Carolina Stale Univenity'a Agriculturol Mis* Sion to Peru. Dt Bamgaidiiei Ob Pern tGssion .Dr- Harvey Sunoganlner, atm of Mrs. Hazel 6. Bumgardner ol Kbiga- Mountain and the late Mr. BUnisai^ner, hhs beeh'eppointed NeM director oi North Ceroltita State University’s- ^.Agilcultunal Miaaion to ' 'The Ktega Mountain man will ’iMVe .for Peru; 0|i November 14 to supervise the work of 22 North Carolina State faculty memhers working- in Peru to increase a gridultural production in that food deficit country. Dr. Butngardner has been vyorking as' a poultry special ist with the N.C. Agricultural Extension Service since AprU of this yeaCt'Coming back to Ra leigh from Peru where he spent three years, with N.C. State Un iversity’s program there. ’ North Carolina Stale Univer sity. is working in Peru under a contract with the U.S. Agency lor International Development, also supported by grants from the Ford and Rockefeller Foun dations. The government of Peru, with the help of the team of a- gricultural scientists from North Carolina, is concentrating on ef forts to increases prodiuction of livestock, beans, . rice, potatMs and fruit. Currently, population increase is surpassing increases in food production. Di. Washburn Kiwanis Speaker Dr. Wyan Washburn of Boiling Springs will report on his recent trip to Vietnam at Thursday’s Kiwanis club meeting at 6:45 p. m. at the Woman’s club. -A graduate of Wake Forest college and Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa., Dr. Washburn is administrator of Royster Memorial hospital in Boiling Springs and college phy sician for Gardner-Webb college A prominent Baptist layman, he has traveled ext cnsivcly. Bloodmobile Betums Monday The Red Cross bloodmobile will return to Kings Mountain Mon day,and donors will be processed from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the National Guard Armory. Goal ol the collection is 125 ptnte ol Mood. ■.Mrs. Charles F. Maiuncy, an officer of the Red Cross cliap- ter, said it is imperative that quotas are, met at each visit of ♦he regional blood collecting unit this year. “Blood is needed badly in war- tom areas of the world as well as here at home’’, she said. 'Thomas Burke It Mood pro- Knm chairNua of the afca. Oidei Sought To Force (Sty To Give Services Warren E Reynolds, Kings Mountain realtor and trailer park owner, has filed suit in Cleve land County Superior Court in which seeks a writ of mandamus which he seeks'’a writ of man damus to force the city to provide electrical and other city services to trailers in his parks. The complaint names Mayor John Henry Moss, the five city commissioners and Electrical Su perintendent Hunter Allen as de fendants. s At issue is an ordinance, adopt ed by the dtjt, to regulate the establishment and operation ol trailer paries. The ordinance re quires minimal lot slz«j for es tablishment of trailer parks and also sets minimal distances at which trailers rtay be located. Plaintiff ccmtehds; .. ..said mobile home parks have met all the electrical standards and qual ifications as prescribed by the defendant of Kings Moun tain, aa 'SMifraa -or^Unances, and laws, .and of the laws of the State of> North Carolina, and that the plaintiff has performed all aa^ and things required by the law to ^tftle the plaintiff to the services demanded, twt the de fendants, and each at them, ar bitrarily, wongfully, high-hand edly, and withraiuC legal excuse therefore, and to great injury and damage to the plaintiff, de clined and refused to supply elec trical power and services to the plaintiffs mobile home parks . Mr. Reynolds further charges; “. . . the acts and conduuct of the defendants and each of them, ‘^d the refusal to supply the electrical power and servdees to the plaintiff as heretofore alleged were arbitrary, wrongful and in derogation to the legal rights of the plaintiff, and the plantiff is entitled in law to have a writ of mandamus issued bw the Court to compel the defend»ts to siup- ply the .above said electrical pow er and services, and the plantiff is without any other adequate remedy/for the enforcement and protection of the rights of which he is wrongfully deprived by the wrongful illegal acts of the defendants...” Mr. Reynolds is represented by Horn, West & Horn, Shelby legal firm in the litigation filed Octo- ber 18. The city has until November 18 to answer the complaint Mayor John Henry Moss Wed nesday declined comment on the litigation until he confers with the city commission and city at torney. For Election TOM KENNEDY WINS WEBLOS BADGE — Eleven-yeor-old Tom Kennedy, son of East School Principal R. M. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy, has received the Webelos award, highest honor in Cub Scouting,' from Boyro Memorial ARP iChurch Pock 98. Cubmaster Poul Fulton, left, and Mr. Kennedy. righC present the award to young Ken nedy. A sixth grader at West school. Kennedy is the first boy from the ASf Cub Pock to receive the coveted award. He is a member ol Boyce Memoriol ADP church o|sd is now a member of the newly • formed Boy Scout Troop of First Bap tist church. (Photo by Paul Lemmons). Antioch Church In Dixon Will ’The late Rush S. Dickson, mil lionaire investnient banker and textile magnate of Charlotte, in dicated Antioch Baptist diurch of Grover among beneficiaries in his will. The will names sons R. Stuart Dickson and Alan T. Dickson and North Carolina National Bank as trustees and executors of an estate whidi exceeds $3 miUipn. Mr. Dickson was a native m the Antioch community near Grover. Baj^t Group Is Sponsoring Study Oi India Miss Ethelda Hanna, mission ary to Pakista*'^ and India, Mrs. John C. Mc(|(ll, daughter of former mission iries to Pakistan, and Mr. and Mrs. Zake Khwaja, natives of Pakistan, will appear on a Tuesday night program at Kings Mountain Baptist church. Members of 15 Baptist churches from the Kings Mountain area are participating in a two-hour mission study of the book, “Be neath the Himalayas” by Jasper L. McPhail. Mrs, Eugene Roberts, spokes man for women of the hostess church, said that all interested citizens are invited to attend. 'The program begins at 7 p.m. Miss Hanna, a native of Gas tonia, is now on furlough from the mission fields where she is sponsored by the Associate Re formed Presbyterian Church. She will illustrate the program with colored slides of India and Pak istan as well a.s a display of ar ticles from India. Mr. and Mrs. Khwaja now re side here at 905 Rhodes Avenue and Mr. Khwaja is a stylist at Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company’s Margrace plant. They grew up In Pakistan and will talk on conditions of the coun try. Both vverc educated in the United States. Mrs. McGill is the former Ma bel Hamilton, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Hamilton of Statesville, longtime ARP mis sionaries to Pakistan. She is married to Dr. John C. McGill, Kings Mountain medical doctor. Falls Property Be-Zoning Request Still On TaUe; Protests lodged On motion of Commissioner Norman King, the dty commis sion last Thursday night sug gested that the zoning board con fer with petitioners requesting and opposing re-zoning of the Jonah P^lls property for general business. Hie action followed an appeal by Dlric iLackey, Shelby attorney, for approval of the zoning pe tition, which hsia the j approval of the zoning board, and an op posing appeal by Gwrge Thom- asson, Kings MoufltaiR attorney, appeared In behalf of four neigh bors opposing the re-zoning. The four are Don Bumgardner, Mrs. H. B. Bumgardner, Richard Owens and Kyle F. Smith Attorney Lackey said the client has an option to purchase the Falls property and plans to erect a service station on It. He added, “Mr. and Mrs. Falls sign ed this petition (for re-zoning) and if it isn’t re-zoned, they ean’t sell It.” . CommisMoner T. J. EUisoii In* (Continmed On Page Miss Mullinax KllfflS Queen Sandi Mullinax, da'ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mullinax of Kings Mountciin, was crowned Kings Mountai high school’s 1966 Homecoming Queen in Homecom ing festivities Friday night at half-time of the Kings Mountain RS Central football game. Principal Glenn Brookshire crowned the queen, selected by vote of the student body. Thirteen high school senior girls nominated by student or ganizations competed for the coveted title. They were featured, along with football sponsors in a homecoming parade that after noon. Miss Mullinax was second run ner-up in the Miss Kings Moun tain Beauty Pageant sponsored recently by Kings Mountain Jay- cees Other candidates for Queen of Homecoming were Jo Bridges, Carol Dilling, Becky Dixon, San dra Hullender, Diane Johnson, Hilda Lowery, Jane Morris, Judy Morrison, Barbara Plonk, Mary Beth Ramsey, Ann Sanders and Gloria Wheeler. Leaf Vacumnlng To Start Monday ’The city will start using its leaf vacuum cleaner next week. ’The sanitation crew will pl6k up leaves from curb lines on all city streets on Mondays, Wedacadays, Thursdays and Fridays, Mayor John Henry •Moss annmiTioBii. Industrial Group Sets %im Goal Foi Drive United Fund workers will kick-off Kings Mountain's 1967 campaign at a breakfast for 100- volunteers Monday at 7 a.m. at West school. Oscar Anderson, representative of Carolina United Fund, will meet with the group and eight divisions will be divided into sub-groups of workers totaling more than 130, according to United Fund Chairman W. J. Kefiter. - Canipaign Chairman W. Don ald Crawford said goals for tho eight groups are: Industry, Carl F. Mauncy, chairman, $11,500. Schools, Glenn Brooksliirc and Myers Hambright, co-chairmcn, $900. Public employees, Mayor lolm H. Moss, chairman, $300. Ccrrespondence, Elmore Alex ander, chairman, $1,500. Professional, Mrs. P. (J. Pad gett and Mrs. Ray Holmes, co- chairmen, $1,000. Commercial, Bill H. Brown, chairman, $2,000. Advance gifts, John Cliesliirc, Jr., chairman, $2,0(X). Individual Subscriptions, lake Dixon, chairman, $300. Kings Mountain’s United Fund campaign, which is a financial drive of .six agencies for a (luota of $16,500, will be eulmiiialed with a final report meeting two weeks hence on November 21 at City Hall Courtroom at 7:.'10. A First Report meeting will be lield at City Hall November Ittli at 7:30 p m. at which time division leaders will report tlieir week's results. All fund • raising will be con centrated during the two week period beginning Monday, Craw ford said. Budgeted requests from six agencies include: American ^^d Cross, $4,000. Boy Scouts of America, .$4,400. Kings Mountain High Scliool Band. $2,700. Girl Scouts of America, $1,700. Kings Mountain Higli Scliool Chorus, $300. By MAR’HN HARMON Cleveland County citizens will | go to the polls Tuesday for the j I biennial general election with po I I litical observers predicting a 1 i light vote total in spite of thr | i fact that more Democrats have I I more Republican opposition than is often. •Many, of both faiths, doubt that the county will cast as many I as tho 9130 votes recorded in I the U. S. .House of Representa- j fives race in the 1962 “off-year” general election and none pre- j diet totals approaching the U. IS. House total of presidential I year 1964 when 18.049 Cleve landers cast ballots. I The polls will open Tuesday at 6:,30 a.m. and will close at 6:30 p.m. Principal local interest at tends: II The race between U. S Rep resentative 'Basil L. Whitener, in cumbent Democrat, who is chal lenged for the second consecu tive time by W. Hall Young, Avery Countv Republican. 2) The contest for three seats in the state House o' Represent atives from the 43rd district (Cleveland, Rutherford and Polk ^counties) in which Rep. Rolaert Z. Falls, and W. K. Mauncy. Jr., both of Cleveland, and William Harrill of Rutherford are tho Democratic nominees and A Ho bart Greene and James E. Doo ley, both of Cleveland, and Col. g arry P. Bedell, ,of Polk, are epuplioan standard-bearers. ' 31 The contest for two seats in wie state Senate from the 28th district (GasRn '‘■nd Cleveland couRtlesV in. whicli Senator Jack H. \^ite, of Ch eland and Mar shall Ra'uch, of Gastpn, are the Democratic nominees, and for mer Kings Mountain Mayor Kel ly Dixon 's the GOP nominee - In countj^ contests. Sheriff Haywood Allen, Democrat, is op posed for a fifth four-year term by Bvprette M. Goins, and Coun ty commissioner B. E. Simmons and C. E. Greene, Democrats, are opposed by Pierce A. Cassedy and Sam Proctor, Republican, In a “no result” race, John L. Setzer and Marvin McCurry are GOP candidates for the county board of education. The five in cumbents are Dem >''ratic candi dates, including J. Ellis, C. D. Forney, Jr., Bobby Austell, Bu- for Cline and Bob Cabiness. How ever, board of education mem bers are appointed by the Gen eral Assembly. Top state race finds John Shallcross, Smlthfield Republi can, challenging U. S. Senator B. Everett Jordan, Democrat, with Jordan a hands-down favorite. Other state race finds Supreme Court Judge Joe Branch. Demo crat, serving by appointment, challenged by Republican Hugh Montieth for the remaining por tion of the term. AUXlUARY Members of the American Legion Auxiliary will gather for a regular meeting Thurs day night at 7:30 at the home of Mfs. J. E' Mauncy. CHESHIRE WINS GOLD BARS — Citadel Cadet John A. Che- sbiie. Ill, left, son of Mr. ond Mrs. John A. Cheshire, Jr., of Kings Mountain, is congratulated by Brig. Gen. James W. Duckett, dean of the co^ege, upon his academic achievement. Cadet Cheshire was one of 49 cadek^ert The CUddei who won the covet ed Gold Stors for the smester ending May 28. At The Citadel a Gold Star, symbol of-the highest scholastic rating, is worn on either side of the collar of the dress ond full dress blouses of the cadet uniform during the semester following the one for which the award is made. Gold Stars are aworded to those cadets who made grade-point ratios of 3.6 or higher the previous semester. This is the approximate equivalent of four A's and two B's. Cadet Cheshire is in his sophomore year at the military college where he is majoring in pre-medicine and is enrolled in the Air Force ROTC Program. Electrical System Report Received No ElecQpn Day Stiain in These Several candidates for county offices, all Democrats, will lose no sleep over the Tuesday gen eral election, as they arc unop posed for the office they sock. Among them: J. Ollie Harris, seeking a sixth four-year term as county coroner. Paul Wilson, who will succeed retiring J. W. Osborne as clerk of Superior Court. Joe F. Mull, Judge of record er’s court. ■ Charles W. Wray, Jr., solicitor of recorder’ court. Mrs. Harriett ‘ Robert Evans, whp will succeed Mrs. Lillian Newton, retiring after 32 years as county treasurer. In Number 4 Township, Charles W. (Rocky) Ford is unopposed for re-election as constable, and J. Lee Roberts is assured rc-elcr tlon as justice of the peace. Melei Rece^is Totaled $24M0 Parking meter reoeipta for tlic weeTt ending Wednesday totaled $240.90. A total of $144B0 Was derived from on-street maters. $23.85 from the Cherokee Street * off- street meters, and $72.25 from over-parking fines. ,Receipts for October from the Mountain street lot lused from Kings Mountain Savings 4 Loan association totaled B?i^, Charlotte Symphony In Shelby Dec. 1 The Charlotte Sympliony SO- piece Orchestra will present a concert at Shelby high school on December 1, and tickets go on sale this week. Mrs. Tom Cothran is cliairman of ticket sales in Kings .Moun tain. A drive for ticket sales will bo launched at a lum licon meet ing in Shelby Thursday. Gary Graffman will be leatur- ed as solo pianist. Mr. Giaffman is recording this week on the RCA lebal with the Philharmonic Symphony, Eugene Ormandy con ducting. All scats will be reserved by sections and tickets will he .$2, $1.50 and $1, according to .Mrs Cothran. . Attack Fatal To W. V. Baibei Winfred V. Barbel’. 53, of Char lotte, brother of Mrs. Hall Go forth and Mrs. Clyde Lincisax' of Kings Mountain, died Tue.s 21 Transfer of all loads served by the southwest circuit on Cana^ ler street south of Mounti^ street to the’south circuit 3> Transfer of ail loadiT by the west ciseutt oh Drive and Efflg sOikU southwest cireSilt.^- - ^ Approximate line could be’^ The engineer (Continued