1966 Thursday, November 3, 1966 KINGS MOPNTAW^WERALD. KINGS F^UNTAIN.tN. C. Al^P Cares... About You! MOi>. ...ALL New Prizes • Mor!e Winners j ■ ' 4 . : • New Game Cards NORGE Family Sia UPRIGHT FREEZER Think of all the savlncs yDuH enjoy oh your weekly food budg* et when they announce you the winner of this handsome Norge family size Upright Freezerl WIN EMERSON COLOR TV ri AND STAND * This Is your chance to win this handsome Emerson Color TV and stand for your family’s eiw Joymentl EMERSON CONSOLE STEREO HI-FI i Not one but four lucky winners each week! Just imegine the excitement when they announce you winner of this beautiful Console Stereo Hi-FII HOW TO PLAY 3 OF-A-KIND USE BLUE AND GREEN PLAYING CARDS ONLY Get a 3-Ot-A-Kind concealed playing card ticket, available upon reoucst at end of ony check lone ot ony of our stores or ot store office. No purchase necessary to participate. Only one ticket per adult per store visit. Punch out the center to separate ond reveal TWO (Blue-Green) ploying cords. Match playing cords and insert into die-cut space Wherfyou^ovo (notched any set ot three cords, for example, 8 of Clubs 8 of Diamonds, 8 of Spades, you hove won a cosh prize. Immediately take your winning cord to our store. After winning cord is verified vou will receive your CASH prize from the store nnllfSne cosh prize per cord but winners will be given o new master cord so you con keep playing 3.0f-A-Klnd. All cards and tickets 8. e. void if altered or defaced. Offer expires IS days after end of gome is announced in our store ads. . z ' v . If your card shows You Win- a product—^you may hninediately trade it in for the octuol product FREE ot our store, x < | Employees of our Company, Its advertising agency ortd methbeie of their families ineligible. (Some it void where prohibited I We reserve the right to correct any error or -errors in any prirttM i material in conjunction with this gorhe, Ahe the rjght to reJeef-aMy j gome material not obtoined through tegitinxite enennelt. j HOW TO WIN FA8UL0US SWIKMTAKIS FRIZIS :;- j After you punch out your ploying cord ticket, fill out and detach 'your > official sweepstakes entry blank. Deposit entry at eur store to be eligible 1 for fabulous sweepstakes priaes. • I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T N-0-T4«C-E 3-OF-A-KIND game (I) using red & black CARDS CLOSED SATURDAY, OCTOBiR ZDiih PLEASE TURN IN ALL WINNING GAME CARDS BEFORE MONDAY, NOVEMBER^lAfli. r :~A&P LOCATED TO SERVE YOU AT:' 401 South Battleground: ‘ 'T Kings Mountain, N. C.. Nent; FREE Come Shop— hold a reeftrd position, the et’on- omist says mHls are exp«\ted to encounter considerable diffi culty in obtaining long staple qualities of uplahdcojton. "Mod ern manufacturinf^^ technology, high labor cost and new finish- es and treatments create de mands * for longer staple cot ton.” Brooks says long staple grades could even be in short supply before the 1967 crop is pro duced and marketed. “Only 26 per cent of the total supply in the United States on October 1, 1966 had a staple length of onel and one-sixteenth inches and longer, cornpared to a 42 per cent level on October 1, 1965. Market prices are expected to be good throughout the winter months for cotton one and one- sixteenth inches and longer with * lion. The value of'apparel'and: jug 1966-67 to ^lightly more a micronaire reading from 3.5 household" goods -^mUriufactured j than the 9.5 million bales used j to 4.9 and a fiber strength by North Caro'ifna- iflills this! last year.” [above 80,000, the economist re- Although ' carryover stocks I lates. State^li^e' FavoUflBekekf The Nickels' .'KnowzHow program, to be voted on by farm families bn ■NdV."22,j has .re ceived the-ehthusi^stic q^dbrse- ment of two'majot fbthier or ganizations 'ta the I stat^ / In offidal stdlementsi ■ B. C. Mangum, ofJlHe G. Fann iBu^eau, "and Mrs: ,Harry Caldwell, master/of ihb N. C. State Grange, hbye ended upon pledge oui;^wh.dfertg^n^^ 1 payment of th* court costs thusiastic siippjqrt, in, helping, tb ^ v . carry fdI:^»iat•dfthis' progranj which ' has St^facted _ the - atten tion of fAVfh*‘ i^ople^ in other areas',Vf.',tTie'cpuntry . ... Grange nn^ipberjs, ,Uke tl>is, §elf- help progranj ' Mrs. Caldwell 'sajd that dele gates to the. pnnqsl! Grange ses sion on pet... 15 “pledged ,their continued-'of, I^.Cjtels for Know • ’ The Farm- Birbtiu ‘ has' given an equallx.'.pnthPSitt^Q. iWdiirse- ment. “Fanjipr{i.:are.. g