DaUjg^i 8 to ^MOUNTAIN w+al Log vr? HOURS •w To lt:S0 a,tn. and t tat p.m. Mrs. M Mrs. N ie Absher. Barn^ Mi. Forrist Burton. Clyde Eloiglas Bush. Mrs. Jamim. ^i^rs. Mrs. AgniMS Cole. Mrs. Jessie Dover. Mrs. Gaylord Dye. Miss Patricia Eldwards. Mr. Ernest Gamble. Mrs. Mary Holland. Miss Marjorie Hord. Mrs. Unda Horn. Mr. WiUiani Houser. Mrs. O. O. Jackson. Mr. Albert Jones. Mr. Charles Kinibroll. . Miss Alda Loonliarcii. Mrs. Elva Lewis. Mr. Levi Lingorfelt. Mrs. Annie McAbee. Mrs. Andrew Mcriain. Mr. J. Dixon .MoDaSiiel. Mrs. Willie McGinnis. Mr. Fred Plummer. Mr. Henry Ragland. Mrs. Sue Service. Mr. Ben Sessoms. Mr. Edward Tripplctt. Mr. James Yarbro. Sr. ADMITTED THURSDAY Mrs. John Coyle, Jr St., City. „ ^ Mrs. Rudolph Lemmons. Route 1, Grover. 1501 513 Broad ADMITTED FRIDAY Mrs, Lloyd Champion, Shelby Road, City. Charles Dixon. 600 Hillside Dr., City. Mrs. James House, Jr., 821 FTfSt St.. City. KINGS MOUNTAUc^ERAtp. KINSS MOUNTAIN. N. & Grover Men Name Harry ThursdayTNQvember 3, 1966 ADMITTED SATUBDAY John Adams. Route 1, Grover. Harold Dwain Poster, 908 First St.. City. Mrs. Charles Harry, Jr.. Grover, Mrs. Jack Hope, HMN. Pilling St.i' City. Mrs. Sallic Hord, 309 WalyA St., City. Mrs. Robert Lpwis, Route 1, City. Mr. Waller Parker, 304 W, Woodlawn St.. Gastonia. Mr. John Taylor, Bessemer Cityi^ v;. GRirnN DRUG STORE reminds you^we areihe egency for the lonioii^t CANDIES John T. Beam, Grover. “ Mrs. William Campbell, Route Dallas. i Datha McDaniel, 705 Stone St., Gityi Roy Payne, 1440 Second St., Delicious Russell Stover Candies are famous everywhere for their superb quality and freshness...they're^delivered to us fresh every week. ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 1 lb. H.70 2 lbs. »3.35 we feature the complete line of GRIFFIN’S DRUG YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE FREE PICKUP-*' PEUUERY PHONE 739-4721 • 129 MOUNTAINOT Mrs. Bobby Dean Ruppe, 506 Wj King St., City. Mrs. Guy Schofield, 116 E. Washington Avc., Bessemer City, e Miss Alma Spake, Route 1, GroVer. Herbert Stephens, 7400 Mar- grace Rd., City. Miss Christine Ussery Route 1, Bessemer City. i . Mr, Jessie G. Ledford, 104 Bat tleground Road, City. ADMITTED MONDAY Bobby Bridges, 314 Margrace City. Mrs. Lloyd Early, 720 Alexan- deit Dr., City. Ned Hord, 603 W. Gold St, City. Billy Lall, Route 2. City. Mrs. Partbcnla McMullen, R 2, City. Mrs. Alfred Pettis, Jr., 528 Bel vedere Circle, City, f Mrs. Guy Ramsey, Grover, i Mrs. Joseph Ries. City. ■ Roland Frank, Route 6, Shel- iiy. Mrs. J. K. Willis. 700 W. Moun tain St. City. ' .. - • Mrs. Rosa Wilson, Route 3, City ADMITTED TUESDAY 1 Mrs. Robert HoIUfield, 403 Cherry St., City. • Mrs. Albert Andersoh,' Route I, Grover. Mrs. Henry Putnam, Route 2, City. " ■ was Bt MRS. M. C. RARDIN A covered dish supper held at the Presl^erian church Wednesday, November 2, at 6:30. The speaker was Rev. Robert Dobbins, minister of the Purity Presbyterian church in Chester, S-,G Jane Holhfield. . ‘ Mr. and Mrs. M^ RoJlina and Malia of Charlotte--were-gueats of Mrs. Mill® Mae Rollins-Sun- day. \ T ' Miss Batey Lee Hambright of Clover, S. C., was Siitiday ^est of Mr. imd Mrs. G. F,‘Hambright Mrs. A. J. Spake, W^tly SpaW and Mrs. Elizabeth Teal pf Shel by Visited Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hambright and Mr. find Mrs.' Pre&ton Goforth Sunday ‘after- noon.'>-^ • r. ; • hospitaused Charles Dixon, manager of Victory Chevrolet Company and ipreaident of Kings Mountain Merchants Association, (s a pa tient in Kings Mountain Hos- j pital for treatnnent aiul X'-ra^. He Is expected to be diseharged Friday or Saturday- BOS OFFICE OPENSt lui .SHOW 8TA1ITB ATTW 101^ BESSEME1 SoFr ettv DRVE-iN THEATRE AtWAYS SlDp A CARLOADf THURS. - FRL - SAT. , 3 HORRORS - — No. 1 V-- •pEATH CURSE tARTU' ' • — No. 2 •STING OF OEATH* •MAD Ejj®C(mO!ftRS' ON SAT. MOVnJS litJN IN vjsfrmsR ossasR: SUN, fbzu 2 IN Cdl ,1 '-ii. ■ Na I - Ui TAYLOR ••WS" — No. 2 — GLENN^RD ••ROUNDERS' ON WED. MOVIES RUN IN Rriva-RSE ORDER At an eight-thirty breakfast meeting at the Renh's Cafeteria Sunday morning, Jim Harry was elected president and M^IIlam Hammett was elected^ vice-presl- dent of the Men of the Shiloh Prebbytertan church. - Mm. Gene Turner has return- ed home after spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haga In Annandale, Virginia, Mrs. Haga is Mrs. iSirner’s sUter. While away her mother, Mrs. Hicks, stayed with the Turner family., Mrs. John Bennett has return ed to Houston, Texas, after a visit here wdth her sister, Mrs. H. L. Beam, and other relatives, Mr. and l^s. Bert Westmoreland, and Mrs. Nina Westmoreland- Mr. ahd Mrs. Phillip Harry ’ and dalighter EUaibCth Annette ' arrived In Charleston, S. C., last Mopday. from Germany. His hiedher; TOmniy, .and sister, Mrs, W. -W. McCarter diigt -them there, This is Mrs- H^rfy'A first trip to the' United .States. After a fur- k»hgh. spent here With his-roothr Cr, Mrs. B,; A.. Hariy; they will go to Tampa, Florida to live, while Phil Is’stationed at M«rDill AFB. He has tWen- stationed in Ger man;^ fo,r several-years. ^ Mr. an'd-Mis. Roy Houser spent last weekend wlft Mr., and Mrs. John Housper in - Burlington. Mrs, W.-R Hickd, Jr., and TOdd. of Ch.arlottO spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R: I. Keeier. . Mr. and Russell Pinkleton of Charlotte spent the Weekend WltH Mf.' and Mrs^ J, W. Plnkei- idni' . ■ ■ Boh White Is a patient Jn the Cherokee Memorial. Hospital ‘ in Gaffney.' ■ ■' . ’• Mnf. Neva Barnes underwent surgery dt ihe Rings >to4ntaln Hpspitdl Tuesday- Mr. ^d Ito. B. F. Bird spent several days in Columbia^ S. C., with his sister, who recently had broken her'hip. ’ Mr. and Mrs. T, T. Keetef were In ftlgh Point Wedrresday. . ' " Mrs. Dan ToWell Or Greer, 8^ IC.,,waa guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ja^ Plnkelton B^hday- ^ ■- Mr. and MrsL Ray C^forth and chlldten, Donald and Suxanne, were recOht guests of Mr, and lMfs. -Pioston Goforth. , Ml:, and Mrs. Harold. Ellis and i son sp^t the weekend with, Mr. I and, M'rs. 'JeromO j Mrs. -M. C. Hardin. returned ! home- Friday after, spi^rfding the j Week With ’the ReV. and wa. J- E. Craig and daughters, Rebecca I and: Martha. Rev.'and Mrs. .Craig iSpmt Monday and' Tuesday in Atlanta', Gal,, While there they j attended ian’ alumni mOetii:(g-and luncheon at 4b0 Seminary Ih De- ' catur.'pa. ; * ‘ , Mr. and Mrs. Jerry' Lee And children of Charlotte were Sat urday guests of her parents, Mf. and Mrs. A. B. Davis. I Miss Betsy Shaw of Charlotte spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Deward Shaw. Mr, and Mrs. Sammy Steven son have moved to Gastonia'. ,Mrs. Stevenson I.-? the former Sharon Ctold, Janet. Spangler Bod Libby Tedder j attended an iti FFA meeting in Cl>ncQrd Satur- dayt Mr.‘and Mrs. -Charles Houser and children of GastOhU and MMb F.?y® Houser ,pf Charlotte were Sunday guests M Mr. and Mfs- koy Houser. Mr. and Mrs. Don ..Woods and children of Greenville, S. C., spent tho weekend with Mfs. B. A. Harry. , - i- .. ,. Mr.- .and Mrs. Jolly Duncan I bfk It alfvPfsfciftkKi. File win iervi u«hev«disMi«t|4liRiC{fi. «bM callini Nlrtje»|iy 'every kind ted „ilfuit knebj te taedlcaljcieneBWeitniid- ."tiliikly 'prouf jrt^'Ma^, .ei-jeilWul eefyi^- te ,w» 'eeimnunity it n proof ^ krvf yw ably #4: tdl yeii (ijsil iKMNMion lervice. . , : ' I'v FUK GRIFFINS DRUG YOoR i-fjr‘.-LRirriON vioKt FRIEEilRUF-* pfl. V^HY PHONE ,'39 4771 r, 9 siOONTAiN 41 VOTE U. S. SENATE B. EVERETT JORDAN N. C. STATE SENATE MARSHALL RAUCH JACK H. WHITE N. G. STATE HOUSE ROBERT Z. FALLS WILLIAM D. HARRILL W. K. MAUNEY, JR- COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION J. D. ELLIS BOBBY G. AUSTELL BUFORD D. CLINE ROBERT F. “BOB" CABANISS CHARLES D. FORNEY, JR. CONSTTAPUC No. 1 TOWNSHIP — RAYMOND R. ALLISON No. 2 TOWNSHIP J; llEX LEDBETTER u. s. HOUSE or reniesentatives BASIL L. WH^tfiNER CLEVELAND COUNTY SHERIFF J. HAYWOOD ALLEN CLEV. COUNTY COMMISSIONER B. E. SIMMONS C. A. “CHARUE" GREENE CLEV. COUNTT TREASURER HARRIETT ROBERTS EVANS CONSTABLE No. 3 TOWNSHIP — BOBBY ;G. PUTNaM No. No. 4 TOWNSHIP W. FORD No. ,3 TOWNSHIP —iGl^N SCISM No. 6 TOWNSHIP JOfi L. MOORE No. 7 TOWNSHIP la W. HARRIS, JR. ’ No. 8 TOWNSHIP —. WC SNELLING ^’o. 0 TOWNSHIP—; V. GLENN No. 10 TOWNSHIP POOLE No. 11 TOWNSHIP -J'liJI^VRENCE BROWN J- CLINT NEWTON, ChiU^Vn Cleveland County Dem ocratlc Committee. lUDGE SUPERIOR COURTe 27tli Dist. B. T. FALLS CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT PAUL WILSON CLEV. COUNTY CORONER J. OLUE HARRIS lUDGE OF RECORDER'S COURT JOE F. mull . 80UCROR RECORDETS COURT CHARLES W. WRAY, JR. lUSTlCE OF PEACE 3 TOWNSHIP — W. G. GRXHAM 4 TOWNSHIP — J. LEE Rb^TS 5 TOWNSHIP — JOE BABREriT ■ a O^ON BINGHAM 6 TOWNSHIP — E. W; IM^CON ' ’ ' DAVtO BASS No. 9 TO^SHIP — K. WILBtIR COSTNER No. 10 TOWNSHIP — JOHN A;"CGOR No. 11 TOWNSHIP — MARLINE M. WALKER JOE F. DOSTBB daughter of Mocksville S ere recent guests of Mr. and ;r«.-R. C.-Tate.- f Mr; and Mrs. Ben Pruette of Lester, Pa.,= were reqpnt guests Jpf Mrs. 'Murray Pruette. Mt. and Mrs. Bill Parker and children of Charlotte vi^re week end-guests of-Mr, and Mrs. V. J. Hardin. Mrs,^ Charlie Harry s'pent Mon day;^ in Charlotte. Miss Pamela Childers, a senior .at A^TC. apemt .the weekend with jMr. and Mrs. Carl Childers;- . Mr.-and Mrs. FYank Kish and ehildren of .Charlotte Were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Xeete;-. ' ! Miss.Eyelyn'MuUihax and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mullina?c visit- ' ed Miss Aline“Mullinax at Black Mountain recently. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Camp and children of Charlotte spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Camp. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Ham bright have purchased a house on Cleveland Ave., and mover there recently. Thurj Aiustralia is noted for liberal welfare. The date fish is shaped like a date. The Dutch settled Flatbush, Brooklyn. WED.-THURS.-rRI. KACLY... M':. THE GAME IS... BLINDFOLD! IT 'SI" ® (F F^FJ/\ y/W/'CiW SAT. WATCH FOR 1. “The Fighting Prince of Donegal" 2. “How To Steal A Million" 3. “Made In Paris" 4. “Dr. Goldfoot & The Girl Bombs" 5, “Battle of the Bulge" 6. 'The Appaloosa" SUN.-MON.-TUES. VJhat a way ^ to lose your^ marbles.' ;; SeanOonnety'^ JoaiuteWciodwaKl JeahSdbetg ^Bne Msecs' AJEUOMEHtlLkluif^iM f ■ ;*'■ mi SPECIILUfSKII UinillSILE! 4 0Z. LIMITED TIME ONLY ^ REU2 00 NOW 1.25 8 0Z REG $3 50 ^QW ^2.00 12 OZ REG.$500 NOW ^3.00 CREATED ESPECIALLY - FOR DRY SKIN bagin end your day tje SIBON Way ... luxury bath preparations irSMtd especially for dry skin. Let ^80N treated bath waters caress :dnd etlfold you in a cascade of skin- .t softening loveliness ..... available in cijiher .liguid, pr capsule form. For •ffer thoyrbr use. spray away dry dkin ki-a fragrant mist with SIBON Dry. Skin' Bath OH Spray. To retain thM Iust bathed* feeling, crOwn your SIBON l»th or shower with brisk, ex- tiHarating SIBQN eau de cologne or spray cologne... deliciously scented With tsdgy, citrus topriotes. Then, for ths finishing touch, powder down With losasmer-ioft SIBON Bath Powder. ; Make Bath Time SiBon Time! regulerlyS3» NOW nUNGrilOUNTAIM DRUG COMPANY TM^ CiTi S MODERli_STORE 7- ■ d ... . '-A PERF Eve sha $3.0 Hoi P E -Nr