al ih, f.'W: \, , .r .. -.1." Thursday, November 3, 1966 M M* *’■JAi f -*=Ni ii s • - i ,J 5»'.' vr • •; ■->'.■'• /Va >r. *-J . 'I • * > KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN,'N. C. '■* ?- 7 Hk t '■■ J : r fi; ' ;1.\, -f' O' rHoxi ■ 'v-o • , For Sole A] A For Sttl^ A|D Lost&Foimd DE Services , EH Reohy For Sole KK l^gdaut FOR SALE — Cheap. ’62 Ramb ler 4-door, 6-‘cyHnder, straight drive, clean, new tires, new, battery. See at 411 Bennett st.,^ i or call 739-27'50. 10:27tfa' JLNXINS ANTIQUES — We buy and sell antiques. Two mlle^ west on Route 74, formerly Gorrell’s Antiques. Telephone 739-5806. i ll:8tfn NICE GIFT FOR A ffffiSiNT — Colored pencil sets. Complete, color range at a reasorvable? ^Ice. Herald Publishing House Telephone 739-544L 11:30 tfn PERFECT GIFT FOR TRE ROME Everv house needs a pencil sharpener. Get yours for only $3.00 at Herald Publishing House. Phone 739-5441. 11:30 tfn USED' APPUANCES — Stoves, refrigerators, washers. Real values. Western Auto Associate Store. 7:16-tfn SEE THE WORLD'S la^gOsf mo- | $250 SEWATO bile home on display' at AAA: Lost Boxer female dog, light Mobile Homes. This home has brown, pointed ears, short tail, four bedroom.s, two full baths, name Fawn. Call Gastonia 867- plus a half bath, and the'(95.56 or Charlotte collect 366- price is unusually low.- See It today. AAA Mobile Home;s,' 4501 North Tryon in Charlotte. 10:27-11:17 3200. 10:27-11:3 Services USED refrigerators, several makes & models to choose from. Starting at $25.00, cash or terms. TIMMS FURN. CO., INC. 8:25tfn DECORATOR COLOR tape dis pensers. Only $1.69. Herald Publishing House. Phone 739- 5441. ll:30tfn EVERYONE NEEDS A STAPLER We have them, complete with staples, for as low as $3.10. Phone 739-5441. HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE U:30 tfn SPANGLER Ready Mix Concrete PHONE 739-4723 FOR YOUR CONCRETE NEEDS. CALL USI W« Deliver Any Amount COMPLETE JOBS Floors, basements, walks, curbs, eta Mo Too Large Or Too SmoL FREE ESTIMATES CABPET Beautify and quieten your home with exquisite Mohowk Carpel FREE ESTIMATES McdNNIS Fumiliite Comi PHONE 73^- Kings Mountain. N. C. • PARKING LOTS • streets • complete paving service • FREE estimates ASPHALT PAVING Of Shelby. Inc. Telephone Day 739-4568 Night Shelby 482-4592 4:22-tfn FER*nLIZER — For lawns, gar dens or fields. Ask for Bonan za. 10-10-10. Grows.everything better than anj^hihg! KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold St. S:17tfn rOtTED SIGNS — No Trespass ing, no hunting, no fishing. Waterproof or plain. Herald Publishing Company. TELE PHONE 739-5441, ll:2tfn DESK BLOTTERS — 20c—Green or brown. Brighten your desk at home and office. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. TELE PHONE 739-5441. ll:2tfn SALE: Snow-white sand. Large tonnage available. Sam ples on request. Kings Moun tain Silica, Inc. Phone 739-3616. ll:25tfn SPOILING GOODS — AU kinds of sports, equii^ ment, baseball, softball, basketball, footbaU, ten nis, and for the hunter, fisherman, and golfer, too. Western Auto AmocI^ Store. 7:16-tni B.EGoodrich FOR TIRES SEE SOUTHWELL FORD 9:16ttD WE SPREAD bulk lime and fer tilizer on your farm. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold St 3:17tfn FOM SALE — Peas, Cane, Soy beans, Milo, Hay Grazer. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER. Phone 739-5111- 6:9tfn REPOSSESSED zig - zag sewing machine.. Just like new in cab- net. Buttbnholes, sews on but tons, dama, fancy stitches, -an be purchased by finishing 5 payments of $9.24 or pay com plete balance of $46.20. Can be seen and fried out locally. Write Service Credit Dept., P O. tfox 5633, Charlolie. N. C. V 10:13-11:4 “BIGELOW" ond “MAGEE" CARPET • QUALITY _ The Best • BEAUTY _ The Most Beautiful • PRICES _ The Very Lowest Timms Furniture Grover Rd. 739-5656i City Floor Service ‘No Job too large . . No4ob too small” industrial commercial re sidential all materials k work manship guaranteed. complete cabinet shop sanding k finishing SlrA>T Rood W. D. BTERS Owner Phene 730-2331 4:33tfii. TOR ALL YOUR WEUMNG NEEDS — See Ray, Whetstine Route r. Kings ’Mountain, telephone 739-3550. 8:4tfn Willie's lewefay Diamonds Watches Jewelry Repairs Our Specialty ENGRAVING AND DIAMONDS RE-MOUNTED Watch & Clock Repairs 225 S. Battleground Ave. Dial 739-3791 ESTABUSHED 8 V bin ess for sale by owners. Piedmont Soda Shop on Piedmont Ave, See EDNA BARRY «t 217 Pulton street. 4:27-tfn GUTTERING, blow ■ pipe work, all types of sheet metal work, Childers. Roofing & Hearting Co., Inc. Phone 'ra9-5166. 12:13tfn realty FOR SALE Six room brick — bath carport, in excellent condition located in Grover. SihsU down payment. For Rent, 10 ft. wide two- bedroom trailer._ Ptivflite lot. To couple only. ” McMunvU Realty & Usied C<in 214 York Rood-PhoiM 739-S49lk CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERV ICE — Tanks pumped, cleaned,, and lines rodded. Reasonable rates. Telephone 739-5150 after 6 p.m. CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERVICE, 306 W. Moun tain SL 12:16tfn Notices uENNOX HEATING and air con ditioning. DILLING HEATING COMPANY. Phone 739-3446. 12:22tfn WE SELL and install the fam ous Channel Master Crossfire an tennas and automatic rotors for better color reception. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Call 739-4416 BRIDGES RADIO AND TV SERV ICE, Battleground Ave.' 9:29 tfn FOR SALE — 1965 Cutless Olds- mobile Hardtop. Call Kenneth Davis, 739-2750 daytime and 739-5021 after 7 p.m. ll:3tfn C Employment C MEN & WOMEN — AGE 18-S2. Prepare now for U. S. Govern ment Examinations. Thousands of openings yearly. Salary up to $4690 yearly. Civil Sbryice offers security, good salaries, paid vacations, raises, paid sick leave, liberal pensions Grammar school sufficient for many jobs. Stay' on present job while training. Write to DEL- CO SERVICE, P. O. Box 267, Collinsville, Va., giving name, address, age, phone, time at home, and preseht employ ment, for further information. 10:6-11:11 AVON PRODUCTS to buy or to sell. Call Avon Manager, 482- 2711 or write Ruth C. Swolford, Box 177, Lattimore, N. C. 28089 10:27-11:3 YOUNG LADY for some typing and filing in local-firm. 9 a.m to 5 p.m. five days a Week. Ability to sell also helpful. Give complete resume in letter to Box 588, Kings Mountain. n:3tfn SPARE TIME mCOM^ Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 tb $1900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview write P. O. BOX 4185, PITTSBURGH, PA. 15202. Include phone number. ll:3pd. Sat I ancisioi) «kMl •liinmtnt coomUm Miy. IT WILL..V ^av6 yourlifa Give yttu better ( Provide i softer; safar ride W&USE ONLY rconAi^ ^ Sondiwell Fori '4:21 tfn GVTTERZNG. sneet metal work and gas piping. DILLING HEATING COMPANY. Phone 739-3446 13:22 tfn BACK TO SCHOOL. SALE at Singer Sewing Machine Co. Save $80 on this fabulo us Zig- Zag Touch & Sewing Machine in a handsome cabinet. Save $60 on a portable carrying case. Call or visit the Singer Co. at 116 W. Warren St., Shel by, N. C., 487-8683. 9:2tfn TOP PRICES PAID for copper, brass, radiators, aluminum. Any and all kinds of metal Phone 739-5628, J, C. Clary ! 6:30 tfn G Realty For Rent G FURNISHED garage apartment for rent on West Mountain Street. TELEPHONE 739-2493. 10:20tfn TRAILER SPACE for rent. First Street. Call H. R. PARTON, Telephone 739-2413. 9:ltfn PATTERSON (KiCompaiu METROPOLITAN UFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY — Now ac- ceilting applications for posi tions as salesmen in Bessemer City - Kings Mountain area. $483 per month to start, ex tensive training programs. High school requited. Call 805- 8^4 for appointment. 8:18tfn TV CLOSE OUT SPECIALS — Eight reconditioned and guar anteed sets. Ideal for that .sec ond set. As low as $39..50, Easy terms. $5 delivers. GAULT S APPLIANCES, 739-2rn6. ll:3tfn FOR Ooa «et of bunk beds and washing machine. TELEPHONE 739-3894. 4. 11:3-10 INSURAlfCE SALES TRAINEE opportunity. Local territory opening. Salary and commis sions. Complete security with top Iringe benefits. High school graduate. Age 22—Sales experience not necessary. Call 887-7911 or 739-4332 fdr kp- pointment KUSOtfii WIU. TAXR CAW qf chUd^ in our hofte. eaTj MFS. W. F. LAUGHTER, Telephone 739- 4129. - 10:20tfn yob TKS BEST fit BOOFOla^ Aluminum siding, Insulhtioii knd' hpme Improvements' ot UBsy terms, ball NORMAK HARRIS k SO^, HU 3-1407 Shelby, N. C. 2:lStfn l,t>GAN, Notary Fuhlic« 507 Woodside Dr Telephone 739-5100 12:*tfn CARPET • Quality You Can Trust • Beauty You Can See • Prices You Can Afford PERRY FURII. & CARPET .COMPANY Shelby, N. C. Dial HU 7-7416 Gpan 4Ml 0ay Wedneadays MOW OPEN — New knitted fab rics cloth shop. Fine assort- nftnt of double knit, cotton, oifon and laminated fabrics for ladies’ outerwear. Located at Yarbro’s Grocery on N. Pied, mont Avenue beside Kings Mountain Manufacturing Mil) office. Good selection of spring AiMAAMR ORteRR* OAHR days a week from 8 aun. to 5 p-m. Monday throui^ Satqr- day. 2:25-tfn FOR RENT — Four rooms with private bath, large hall. Built in kitchen cabinets, wired for electric stove, plumbed for automatic washer, electric hot water heater, two floor furn aces for natural gas heat. No small children. Miss Ancie Hambright, 519 S. Battleground Rd., Kings Mountain, N. C. 11:3-10 FOR RENT --- One nice five- room house. Close in, near school. Central heating throughout. Phone 739-5661 or 739-2315. ll:3tfn conveniences.. Telephohe, 739- 4355 after 5 p.m. ll:3tfn FOR RENT — Two bedroom trailer on East Gold Street. Preferred couple only. Call Bruce Sparrow, 739^5571, after 5:30. , 11:3tfn FOR SALE TWO SMALL dwellings at 205 W. Ridge St. Reasonab ly priced. Good investnnmit property. FOUR-ROOM frame house at 211 N. City St. Attractively priced. NEW HOMES. Very attractive financing. -Reasonable down payment. Small monthly payment. FOUR ROOM House wttn well in yard for sale about 1*4 miles ^st of Kin^' Mountain in Gaston toirtityJ Reasonably, pribed. Kasy terms. THREE - BEDROOM frame dwelling at 410 Hawthorne Lane. IV2 baths. One - car garage. . ATTRACTIVE frame dwelling in mint condition. Six acres wooded land- Located 3H' miles south of Kings Moun tain on York Road. 6-ROOM DWELLING in Gali lee community. $100 down. Montnily payments of $47.82 for J2 years. THREE . BEDkOOM brick house in Dover. Heights. Recently renovated. Priced to sell! B. F. MAKER AGCMCY Real Estate & Insurance PHONE 739-5591 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING I Notice Is hereby giVen "that a public hearing will be held in the'Council Chamber of the City Hall, Kings Mountain, North Carolina, at 6:30 p.m. on the 8th clay of November, 1966 upon the petition of Dixon Investment Co., Inc. to rezone from L-I Light In dustrial to G. B. General Business /.oning classification ^nd to change the official zoning map to specify and show said change for the following described area: i Beginning at an 4ron stake in York Road (Auiirey Mauney cor ner) and running north 956.9 fwt to an iron and, cement mon ument (George Houser corner) : Ihen east 857.3 feet to a cement j monument thence south 434.51 feet to an iron stake, thence | southwest 594 feet to a cement: monument thence west 496.51 feet lo the beginning, contain ing 16.01 acres more, or less. Said liearing will be held at said time and place above men- I j tioned before the Mayor and I Board of Commissioners of the i City of Kings Mountain. All persons interested in this j matter should appear before the j Board of Commissioners at said time and place above stated for the purpose of expressing their views in regard to same. Done by order of the Board of Commissioners, this the 11th day of October, 1966. John Henry Moss Mayor 10:27-11:3 Housa TrailekN Niea 1 S 2 Badroom Rousa Troilan Tot Rant Located SaAd# Basounar CItT-KInga Mta. Driva-ln WEEKLY RATES SIO • $12.50 • S16JP •120.00 E»IiONE , 739-2150 Kings Htn. THREE ACRE tract of land for sale. Call after 6 p.m. 739- 4316. ' 9:22tfn TRAILER TOR RENT to couple. Close ln..H. R. PARTON, Tele phone 739-2413. 9:22tfn FOR RENT — Trailer space out side of town on nice shaded lot. Have sewer hook-up and electricity. Water furnished.. See HORD HERNDON, at Herndon’s Trading Post. Phone 739-5162. 9;8-tfn FOUR RdOM furnished or un furnished apartment. Close in. Man and Wife Only. H. R. PARTON, Telephone 739-2413. 10f27ttn omC2 ilERT--^Two 'nSbihi. Ljcaied at, Mp trover Road, Kings Mountain. E. L. rutnam, elephone days, 864-6746 or- nights, 739-2203. 10:27|tfn fteMs&Cb. ^ Sitaiben New Totk sod AinnQM StodcBxcfaangetuiil . •Cher leSding Exduoces AirnSNE G. SMITH Ragutsted Keptesenathre 530 S. tKYON STREET GHASIOITE, N. a IN KtNftS MOUNTAIN iSM 739-2631 Sor ioJbcBiadoa oa any scodc thtt Interesa yoo. ^(Nbtion chaise) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing >vill be hold in the Council Chambers of the City ^11, Kings Mountain, North (I»Wflina,‘at 6r30 •)).1ir).'oh''tHe 8th day of November, 1966 upon the petition of Dixon Investment Co. Inc. for annexation into the corporate limit of the City of KIt^s Mountain of the follow ing described property:^ Beginning at an. iron, stake in YdxR Road (Aubrey MaUney cor ner and running norti;! 956:9 feet to an iron --and cement monu ment . (Cedege Housit corner) I then east 857.3 feet to a cement I monument thence south 434.5 i feet tO' a'n iron stake, thence soutjitvest 594 feet to a cement monument thence west 196.5 feet to the beginning contain ng 16.01 acres -moPe -or less. Said hearing will be held at said time and place above men tioned before the Major and Board of Comml^ssioners of the Cfty df Kings Mountain. All persons Interested in this matter should appear before the ^ard of Cbmmissioners at said time and place above stated Tor the purpose of expre.ssing their views in regard to same. Done by order of the Board of Cornmissioners^ at said time and place above seated for the pur pose of expressing their views in regard to same. • Done‘by "order of the Board of Commissioners, this the 11th day of October, 19^. 11:3 WOODED sloping LOT lOOx 245 on Meadowbrook Road. Priced at $1625. Also wooded split level lot in Linwood Sec tion on Monroe Avenue. lOOx 200 feet. $1400. TELEPHONE 739-4830. 11:3lfn EXTRA NICE two bedroom two bath home and farm on paved road. House can be bought with or without extra acreage. Good farm rental Income rea lized yearly. Entire acreage a good business investment.. Write GOOD INCOME in care of Box A, Kings Mountain Herald, for appointment. n:3tfn l«f ols . .K EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Havlae qualified as executor for the •edtate of Charles P. Weir deceasefi, all persons having claims against said estate will please file same with the under signed on or before April 13 1967 or this notice will be plead ed In 'bar of any recovery. All $>ersen8 Indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This the l3th day of October 1966. J«nM6 W. Ware, S. Howard Ware, Exe^Wrs Estate of Charles P. Weir Tl«rge U^omesson, Attorney 10:20-11:10 MOnCE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Stroupe’s Garage of Kings •Mtfuhrafrf, ’N. • C., will offer for sale at public auction on Novem ber 26, 1966 at 10 a.m. for stor- -age -and meebanlg’s lien the fol lowing described. vehicle: One four-door 1956 Chevrolet with Motor No, 0493579F.56FB and Serial No. VC 86F155(X)6 regi.ster- 'Gd In the name of Fred Howell. Approximate value, $200. Me chanic’s lien of $25 for labor and $98.71 for nKattfrials and parts August 23, 1964 and storage fee of 422.50 from September 1 to De- oamfber 1, 1966. This the third day of Nov»>m- ber, 1966. Stroupq’s Garage Ro^ 2, King! Mountain, N. C. 11:3-10 Buy Your PATSY at IDW When it'* e»U mud bitter, you will ba glct: you or dered yoUr Potey Paf*y give* more 'hekT ‘Srifh lets a*hl City Ice & €oal 11$ S. CITY street C. I. WMUCK INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance Protection # Business # Auto # Homo Dial 739-36:1 HOW. Mountain St 4:23.ttr C^666 11:3-3:30:67 RaSBRCCID ^ POi« CHOPS' (Serte*,-^ -'V. 4 vkik % cop dkit dUR lIMli % dim clidl Bmce % cRd aater 2 tSMespSiOi JMellir % tetfOiMcn Vb' leidipooti eeMiyy % teiOpfioii 1 baj' leal ; Brown iporic-chopi on|)oth sides in sUffletaveroMdiitn heat. PhNSt in WHliuRt casserole. 'CWdWSe' ’corn svr.up, chili ’’ORcte, '^tetdr, vinegar, nutmeg and bay ftiif.' Paur over pork chooe. 'Oki/iK 'aSd bake in 325-legrifc oven until chops’toR dede, about 1 hour, v The Silmr deserves Jim care \ ^Tradej^ yourbU dishwater for R nsw KitriiRaAid Trade inVourOld'dlalHiiasher—yoUr dish rag, yoat whatever. You'll bo sufbriooel^wmuch it'll be worths’-* mever boon a better Hfno fo tiade “sink duty” for the modaln, automatic way of doing dishes. And there's ndt a finer dishwasher than a KitchenAid convertible—a front-opening por- : table you can btild in any time. g That’s why we recommend Hagerty ... the world's most respected name in silver care. DELLINGER'S JEWEL SHOP f ii TFN DISHWASHERS I Ben t. Gribitki Hovrk 8-5; Sat, 8>12 | Ph. 739-4^6 '• York Roefl THAT ’d;;; ’--i V.'jf ‘ DUE TO A COLD WITH Cheracol B Lpfoh »» Cheracol 0 contains figae expectorants to help dip so Ive congestion and nop. narcotic dextrofiiPtftON phan to suppress SMteR coughs due to the common cold. Cheracol .0 ip yite even for two year elds.*'!! is an ideal family -coidih syrup with a wild cherry flavor that children and adults like. . .•Used •$ dirocteg I

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