966 ,0! .vf b ■’ti'IT X 7' fA '•"/HM .Cjj/'v/rJi' r , ^Tr'iJOtV'i t.filAiA ly, November 10, 1966 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MdUNTAlN, N. C. It le Faimei And Big Famitf Imp Profits From "Nickels" The big farmer and little far- ler, the plant nurseryman, the j rape and blueberry producer are lU realizing benefits from the' If-help Nickels for Know-Howi Ipfogram This observation was made by R. Clapp, Cleveland County-' ■extension chairman, in reviewing [some of the many lesser known contributions the , t nas made to Tar Heel agnoul ture since it began in 1951. ‘ Nickels for Know-How, whidt will be up for farmer .arorovttl again in a Nov. 22 referendum, calls lo7 ifivc'eenit nssefiSBKSXte on each ton eC OlMl, feed faimer is used to support agnouliu. It's Leaf’Falling Time, t ■ ' And the danger of home fires is always greater at this timet. If you burn leaves, be sure to see that fires 0X6 saxofallj^ watched. And . . . always be sure you are insuiedS ' SEE US TODAY! VHf' IS SCCUBITY f • THE ARTHUR HAY AGENCY lURANCE** 'ALL KXMDS OF FXiOIIE 7S research, education and exten- sion work at North Carolina State University, | “Nickels funds have been used I to support work on problems in jractically every area of our a- gricultdre,” M i . Clapp said. These studies have given us lew information and new tools o work with, whether we grow j I big money crop like tobacco i ar smaller income producers ?uch as grapes, blueberries, to- natoes or nurs<>ry plants.” j The extension chairman added , hat, while most farmers are a- ware of the progress that has been made in controlling tobacco insects and diseases, “fewer are -elv to be aware of advances Imade in the areas of blueberry diseases, production of rhodo dendron plants, azalea flowering and alfalfa weevil control „ Mr. Clapp commented that it , vould be difficult to find a feed ar fertilizer user in North Car- . ilina.^,who hasnlt realized some benefit from the controbutions he has made to Niickels for Know-How. “For this reason.” he said, ‘‘the assessment of five cents per ton of feed and fertilizer Liberty Loam Net Profits Up Net profits of Liberty Loan Corporation in the first nine months' of 1966 were $3,937,999 net after taxes, equivalent to $1.54 a common share compared with net profits of $3,948,496 Death Ti^ in TiaHic Reaches RALEIGH dents took two lives during the week. Five of the victims were pedestrians. Twenty-eight of the 35 killed were males 21 white and twq Negro. Six of the 29 fatal crash es took two lives. Colonel Charles Speed, the ,. j Highway Patrol Commander, * -- t . I blamed this year’s death toll on after taxes, equal to $1.53 a share victims were added to N^Car-1 ^e called “widespread pub- in the corresponding months inj®'**^^® traffic death toll during i .. 1965 1 Ih®. ^ding Sunday^rnid-1 refuse to become alarm- There were 2,405,906 shares Departmem ol Moioi , what is happening on our outstanding on September 30, 19- Xf Li ® reported. Eighteen of g^rgg^g highways,” said Col- 66, compared with 2,421,477 i -' ears old or young- j Speed. “They look upon this shares a year earlier. r [weekly report of destroyed hu- As of Monday, the 1966 fatality] man life as merely another set of count had reached 1,339—41 more numbers than the total for the same period “Public complacency has been of last year. r In analyzing the weekly mor tality count. Department statis ticians noted that run-off-the- road mishaps resulted in 18 of the fatalities. There was a sharp increase in deaths from collisions can be regarded as an invest ment - a sound investment - ra ther than a contribution.” Commenting on the upcoming, referendum, Mr. Clapp remarked that, "Cleveland County has al- j ways given overwhelming sup-! port to the program and I am confident it will again on Nov. | at 22.” * , the real villian behind traffij slaughter all through the ygArs," the Patrol commander added. “'Laws and enforcement person nel alone will never stem the bloodshed. What we need is a public which is angry about the intersections — six persons ; daily sacrifice of humanJlives; a losing their lives from this type | public which will transform'"its ******* of wreck in which drivers fmlbdj anger Into'mass acfibhL Tokyo gave the cherry trees in to obey stop or yield the night-j “Then, and only then, will we Washington to the American of wav signs. . ! start to make our streets and people. Three more were killed in i highways the safe avenues of International Falls, Minn., was head-on collisions, with no pass- i travel that they ought to be,” cnee known as Koochiching. ing involved, and passing acci-' Colonel Speed declared. "LOOK WHAT lOf! WILL HUY AT WINN-DIXIE DURING OUR GIGANTIC.. DiiUE MANDALAY SLICED OR CRUSHED PINUPtLE CEDAR R^CK CUT GREER IEM8 #303 CAN V » THRIFTY-MAIQ PORK ’H BEANO #300 CAN W-D BRAND...U.S.D.A. CHOICE CUBE OR f^Bone Steak 99^ W-D BRAND...U.S.D:A CHOICE Sliiein-J^MBk 99^- W.D IRAND ... U.S.D.A CHbiCE ^ • 4^^ lb. W-D BRAHd .. . U.S.DA. CHOICE BO^ESS TOR ROUND STEAK OR BNLS. TOR < RouBid Roast W:P-BRAljlD...U.S.DA. CHOICE SIRLOIN OR ROUND Rocut... 99<' Fnsh Boston Butt Bnis. PoHc Roost ot FnOx Boston Butt PORK S1UK-59/ FRESH BOSTON BUTT PORK ROAST-49^ MUD CHEESE - 59/ 12-01. Cons REFRESHING CANNED , CHEK DRINKS 15/1. FROZEN FOODS PAMfUS W-D HANOI PAC W D . .. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BOTTOM ROUND GROUND BEEF 2-Lb. Pkt. • 3-U. Pfcf. • S-Lb. PIcf. 991’I”’!” ROAST . . . -89/ W-D. . U.S.D A. choice BONELESS N. Y. STRIP STEAKS.... »T SELECT SKINUSS SLICED BEEF LIVER -49/ DIXIE THRIFTY "THE REAL THING' (3 I2^i. . — 6-oz. $E ORANGE JUICE... 6 Cans SWANSON DEBF DISH MEAT PIES .... 2 pt^ 99« _ _ Pkg^ PaOch, Coconut, Pumpkin, Mine. ft»at rariiEs^:::3^8f* CRISP PRODUCE U. S. No. 1 White (20-lb. bag We) POTATOES .. lO^-X^SSv JUICY RORIDA . . ORANGES ....S;;^$9< mwkw ■ . I.O.. FRESH POTATOES ..... 4 UH Lb. We ORIBNCMIUE .2 EXTRA FANCY WE^RN DELICIOUS REO APPLES. . 2Lb.35<' UMIT 1 WITH A $5.00 ORDM SHORTENING ASTOR iSi 58^ LIMIT I OP ¥DUK CHOICE WITH A $S,00 ORDER I COFFEf ^ Amt MAXWIIU HOUSE Si, 58^ ^ Sl^8. DIXIE CRYSTAL OR DOMINO.. Limit I With A $5.00 O^r 43c JERGENS (REG. 59< SIZE) SUGAR 5 JERGENS (REG. 59< SIZE) LOTION .-39/ VmNYS tt1.000^'~ CA^H ITS FUM bMr « M THE WIMHiK HIR GMfN DACl IMtHmvtaaMov.S RAO WIN ■HTRY Ran • Smdyi* tadfpoo 3 SMMnr'aToor mom t JoanrRiAiRa dill Roc* 7 OfMt RavsRsf JL ShHpoRMHM Fm TMi Stw*/* R— ...F'S EMCrriNG ...SEE exciting RACES... wi YGV CAM WIN CASH ON EACH BtBNBSS BACIN6 t AY OM ANY CNAWNL SM»WN HBU... WMf dSBASi THE oSSlB ttliMMilA aSSmu CkMMi 4 CNARUnOH lat 7 PiL 7PJL 7PJL ■BMBBMUIIim^miFI 301 WBBfM FMB IttK CUP THIS COUPON roc WB EXTRA FREE'STAMPS .. ■ iXGREEN STAMPS WHN THIS COUPON AND FURCHASE OF SKLOO tr Mgro OiilMr |||| Free At Tomr Ktafli lloimlala WXIIM-DXZIB STORES vow «rftM _ BUSH • XlpmST BSJUfS e NATIMEAllk » GtfAV MOnil. EMIT BBJtNS e PINTO BEANS e BLACKETE PSAS lufant fruit! What is if? Hqw . teney with) a big, WDOtten78p<)wj .made? What are the. processing in a wOodeh .bo^-gt^ys addlitxx possibilities for this new' and ra generous portioit-or Butterei^si tasty product in North • Caro-i| butter. V’ • I liha? j . Say what” you ’pl«|se, ^eref Instant fruit is prepared, by I wag a Jot of'living done-ii^ a process called -freeze drying.; days and a neignbor was tfeverf "The fruits used may be peaches in, want If another kjelgt^r had f strawberries or blueberries. TJre I a'^upply on hand, products are first reduced to a j puree. Sugar and certain chem-'l icals are added and the puree is frozen in pellet form by . inject ing droplets into a continuous stream of a flowing refrigerant The frozen ppllets are then de hydrated by- the freezq dlY^ug pTbeess; Tfils“'pr6cess fake's plSci^ in a vacum and removes the' moisture from the pellets with out chan.ging their physical cha racteristics. Bel! Maiiager Lists Unis \ Fiot foltj^aHkQi Southern Bell telephone d i-l rectories contain space In the} front for listing police and flref departqient phon»,numbers, This research is being conduct- as other numtiers you miffhtV ed by Dr. Bill Hoover, professor ! need in an-emergeaey. ; of food science. As I write this, ] Some mein points which shouldf several of the major food pro- jijg. remembered when a DfTson cessors are testing the products uses the telephone to call log po-^ in prepared mixes for cakes, pan-j ijee assistance ape: slowly^ cakes, muffins and other pro-■ and cle^Jy;, give your name'and'/ ducts. The pellets may also be used for cereals, ice cream and candy. I have sampled all them and they are good when eaten out of hand. address and thp, reason (or aali- ing; remain cal^ RRd answer’ all questions promptly wittiout, going, into detail; give as aom-j plete a discriptlon as possible;.' Dr. Hoover is very much er^-J pause Jor instruction Arom’thei couraged by reports from the i police officer. ■ | testing companies. Another high-j Here'is an exttixicde: Sap#ose t ly desirable feature of'this re-] you call the PQlloe about S^e- f research is the fact that all .of the j one who has triqd to unlaneftiUy i fruits used can be produced ini.enter your home. You givn your ’ North Carolina in great abun-{name and address first, ttien tell j dance Another advantage is thaf ithe. police that a person is try-1 fruits that are too mature for] ing to-breakjnto your house, At* shipping may-be used in the pro-i this pmnt, thie oificep might ask ;! cess. ] you to hold the phone a moment j And so, research marches on l''^^'^^ he dispatches a car. When? to bring another instant con venience product to the housewife. he comes back on the line, he;' will ask for information regard- along with instant milk, coffee ! the ’ intfuder’s approximate and creamed potatoes. Which re- > height, weight, color of hair'] minds me. ! and for any other descriptive, d2rta you are able to furnish, z said R. B. Moore, local telephone In my younger days I coaxed the milk down from Buttercup, the family Jersey. It tested 8 per cent butter fat. I pumped the churn, molded the butter and drank the buttermilk. mariager. A medicinal remedy for colic and indigestion is made from' “““ I sweet flagroots. Frequently I would grind the ^ T:,t4,5,,„7r Arbucle’s coffee for Mother to ] brew, always saving the coupon, i It wa.s potent stuff and would warm your insides of a frosty ] morn | The potatoes were cooked and Ethiopia hRS exjsL^d for cen turies And is mentioned in the I Old Testament, India produces jute. Italy is, a democratic republic. Delaware has bees. caUad ths i ‘whipp^” to a creamy consis-' “blue’hen**'Mtatq, steiii V *• ? r.' -J iiWi J j j Knfltoptrf*ction...our ■ flawlass two-part knit dr#t» ^ with long sleeves, jewel neck/ |||^ slim skirt. Essential wardrobe-builders in •vpry color of the rainijORG and then somt. 100% 1 Sizes 5-15. nt wool mifk is awardef to ouality-testod products liMdo of tha world’s best.., Nil* VIrfIn Wool BcGINNlB DEPABTMENT PHONE 739-3116 223 S. BA

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