A b6 ^ • '»*.*.* Thureday, November 10, 1965 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. • 1i|iii ft I • t y PH 23»- For Sale AJ A For ISkde 1981 PONTIAC Catalina Sedan for sale. V-8 engine. Black fin ish. Right rear fender slightly damaged. Very good tires. Cali 739-4737 anytime after 4:30. 11:10-11:24 FOR SALE — Cheap. ’62 Ramb ler 4-door, 6-cylinder, straight drive,- elean, new. tif??,jiew battery. See at 411 Bennett st., or call 739-2750. 10:27tfn JlNXiNS ANTIQUES — We buy and sell antiques. Two miles west on' Route 74, formerly* Gorrell's Antiques. Telephone 739-5806. ll:8tfn i4ice cirr for a studeJ^ — Colored pencil sets. Complete color range at a reasonable IHice. Her^ Publishing House Tel^hone 739 544L 11:30 tfn PERFECT Oirr for the Aome Every hbuse* needs a pencil sharpener. Get yours for only $3.00 at Herald Publishing House. Phone 739-5441. 11:30 tfn FOR SALE — 1960 Falcon, $200; kitchen bar, $20; 23" console tv, $45; 21" tv, $10; 2 — 21" tv’s, $25; 1955 Ford radio, $10; and book case, $10. If interest ed, see Gene Hoyle, 320 Waco Road, Kings Mountain. ll:10pd Services FOB SAI^j: — One set of bunk beds and washing macRFhe. TELEPHONE 739-3894. 11:3-10 FOR SALE — Good, used wring er-type washer for sale. Mk8. H. H. WHITE, Kings Mountain, N. C. ll.'lOtfn FOR SALE — Reconditioned pi ano in perfect condition. Call 739-4750 after 3:30. 11:10 FOR SALE — Large used refrig erator for sale. Would be ex cellent for use in basement or activity room. Call 739-4750 after 3:30. 11:10 osed Ai»)f>LlANCES - Stoves, refrigertitors, washers. Real values. Western Auto Associate Store. 7:16-tfn DECORATOR COLOR tape dis pensers. Only $1.69. Herald Publishing House. Phone 739- 5441. ll:30tfn BVERTONE NEEDS A STAPLER We have them, complete with, staples, for as low as $3.10. Phone 739-5441. HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE , 11:30 tfn SPANGLER Reody Mix Concrete PHONE 739-4723 FOR TOUR CONCRETE NEEDS. CALL USI W# ^UveryAnY Amount G 6 M P"L E*T E JOBS Floors, basements, walks, curbs, etc. No Job Too Large Or Too SmoL FREE ESTIMATES DIAL-A-MATIC ZIG-ZAG sewing ' machine. Almost new. Beauti ful cabinet. Brand new war ranty. Makes BU'TTONHpLES, DARNS, FANCY STITCHES, MONOGRAMS, etc. Owner transferring to Germany, Local party with good credit can finish payments of $12.52 monthly or cash balance of $49.72. Can be seen and tried out locally. Write: National’s Time Payment Dept., Box 283, Asheboro, N. C. 11:10-12:1 MEN & WOMEN — AGE 18-52. Prepare now for U. S. Govern ment E.xaminations. Thousands of openings yearly. Salary up to $4690 yearly. Civil Service offers security, good salaries, paid vacations, raises, paid „_sitdi-_leay£,. Jlberal^nsions j Grammar school sufficient TOrj many jobs. Stay on present job while training. Write to DEL- CO SERVICE, P. O. Box 267, Collin.sville, Va,., giving name, address, age, phone, time at! home, and present employ ment, for further information. 10:6-11:11 AVON products to buy or to sell. Call Avon Manager, 482- 2711 or wrfie Ruth C. Swofford, Box 177, Lattimore, N. C. 28089 10:27-11:3 USED REFRIGERATORS, several makes & models to choose from. Starting at $25.00, cash or terms. TIMMS FURN. CO., INC. , 8:25tfn CARPET Beautify and quieten your home with exquisite Mohawk Carpel - FREE ESTBIATSS ' JlcGIflNlS Furhitnre Company PHONE 739-4706 Kings Mountain, N. (X YOUNG LADY for some typing and filing in local firm. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. five days a week. Ability to sell also helpful. Give complete resume in letter to Box 588, Kings Mountain. ll:3tfn SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references, $600 to $1900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly income. More full time. For personal interview write P. O. BOX 4185, PITTSBURGH, PA. 15202. Include phone number. ll:3pd. Willie s lewelty Oiohiai&ds — WatebM — Jewelry Repoirs Our Specialty ^ ENGRAVUfG-^-ANn DIAMONDS RE-MOUNTED Watch & Clock Repairi 225 S. Battleigrdund Ave. Dial 739-3791 {BACK TO SCHOOL. SALE at j Singer Sewing Machine C6. Save $80 on this fabulo us Zig- Zag Touch & Sewing Machine in a handsome cabinet. Sdve ! $60 on a portable .carrying case. Call or visit the Singer Co. at 116 W. Warren St., Shel by, N. C., 487-8683. 9:2tfn H Realty For Sale H K Legals TOP PRICES PAID mt cowJer, brass, radiators, aluminum. Any and all kinds of metal Phone 739-5628. J. C. Clary 6:30 tfn Avon products to bUy or sell. Open territory in Oak Grove, Patterson Grove community. Call 482-2711 or Write Ruth C. Swofford, Box 177, Lattimorb, N. C. ll:10tfn I r- SPACE for rent. First ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'TICE PARTON, Having qualified as Adtninls- Telepnorte 739-2413. 9:ltfn'trator for the Estate of , Alex ! Adams, deceased, all persons I liaving claims against , his estate will please .file same with t^e undersigned on or before the 10th day of Maj', [1967 or. this .notice will he pleaded in bar of any recovery. . . ~^T01 "Pofson.s ind&trrgd' TO 'salu I estate will please make immedi ate payment. i Thfs the 28th day of October, 1966. ' ^ Edgar Lee Adams, Administrator GUTTERING, blow - pipe work, all types of sheet metal work, ^ Childers. Roofing & Heating poR COLOR or B&W photograph's REALTY FOR SALE Six room brick — VA bath' f.arpQrt,,in excellent condition located in Grover. Small down payment For Rent, 10 ft. wide two- bedroom trailer. Private lot. To couple only. McConnell Realty & Used Cars 214 York Road-Phone 739-5491 Co., Inc. Phone 739-5166. 12:13tfn! FOR ALL YOUR WELDING NEEDS — See Ray Whetstine Route 1, Kings Mountain, telephone 739-3550. 8:4tfn INSURANCE SALES TRAINEE opportunity. Local territory opening. Salary and commis sions. Complete security with top fringe benefits. High school graduate. Age 22—Sales experience not necessary. Call 867-7911 or 739-4332 for ap pointment. 10:20tfn WILL TAKE CARE of children in our home. Call MRS. W. F. LAUGHAeSR, ' Telephone 739- 10:20tfn »onCD SIGNS — No Trespass ing, no hunting, no fishing. Waterproof or plain. Herald Publishing Company. TEL& PHONE 739-5441. DESK BLOTTERS — 20o—Green or brown. Brighten your desk at home and office. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. 'TELE- PHONE 739-5441. ll:2tfn fOR SALEi Snow-white sand Large tonnage available. Sam ples on request. Kings Moun tain Silica, Iiic. Phone 739-^^A SPOinriNG GOODS — AU tinds equlp- ofthfOl, kinds of sports, _ , ment, baseball, softball, basketball, football, ten nis, and for the hunter, fisherman, and golfer, too. Western Auto Associ^ Store. T :16-tfn FERTILIZER — For lawns, gar dens or fields. Ask for Bonan za. 10-10-10. Grbws everything better than anything! KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold St. 3:17tfn •‘BIGELOW" ond "MAGEE" CARPET • QUALITY _ The Best • BKAUTY _ The Most Beautiful • PRICES _ The VetY Lowest Tiimiis Furnitare Grover Rd. 739-5656 WARP-Ro — Male & Female Immediate openings for experi< enced men and women. Excellent working conditions in sunny Calif, with better than average wages, free life and medical care insurance, profit sharing and much more. Contact: Im perial Mills, Inc. P. O. Box 308, Hermosa Beach, California. 11:10 CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERV- ICE — Tanks pumped, cleaned, and lines rodded. Reasonable rates. Telephone 739-5150 after 6 p.m. CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERVICE, 306 W. Moun tain SL 12:16tfn .TftV i'-' \ CM I pricislon wIiMl ■llinmtnt coriictiol today. IT WILL... S3V6 your tires CiV6 you better control PfhVld6 i softOr, safer ride WE USE ONLY I— A^fumtSMet and enlargements of children and weddings done at reason able rates, contact Walter Vess, Jr., at 739-5t64 after 3 o’clock. Il:10-i2-lpd C Realty Pair RaWl 6 Furnished garage apartment for rent on West Mouritaln Street. TELEPHONE 739-2493. 10:26t£n Established business for sale by owners. Piedrtnont Soda Shop on Piedmont Ave. See EDNA BARRY at 217 Ful^ street. 4:27-tfn foR RENT — One nice five- room house. Close in, near school. Central, heating throughout. Phone 739-5661 or 739-2315. ll:3tfn CAR® DP ^ We wish jtQ «xt^8. our sin • cere appreciation ^to the many friends' ai\d neighbors jfpr^ their many kindnesses a,t the d^ath of our loved one. gsped^ally thank Dr. John C. McGill- those .who expressed, th;^ ^^n- pathy with beautiful -ilorai, of ferings. . • ' The FASnlly Of David Paui-Pptnam - 11:10 Davis and White, Attorneys 11:10-12:1 % oi. Land for sale — if interest ed, Gall MRS. CLARICE BUR RIS, Phone 739-.t8.53. 10:10-17pd FOR RENT — Two bedroom trailer on East Gold StreJ^t. Preferred couple only. Call Bruce Sparrow, 739-5571, after 5:36. ll:3tfn IN MEMORY OF BEN H. bridges WHEREAS. Ben H. Bridges has served as Secretary and Treas urer of the Kings Mountain Sav ings and Loan Association for many years; and whereas, he has rendered faithful and loyal service to said association; and whereas, Ben H. Bridges has re cently passed away; NOW, THEREFORE, upon mo tion of C. G. White and seconded by Dr. L. P. Baker at the Regu lar Meeliivg of the Board of Di rectors of said association, it is two bedroom two ^ ordered that this Resolution be bath home and farm on paved | made a part of the minutes of road. House can be bought j said association, one copy pub- with or without extra acreage. i jished in the Kings Mountain Good farm rental income rea- Herald and one copy delivered lized yearly. Entire acreage a to the farhily of Ben H. Bridges, good business investment. ! This the 8th day of November, Write GOOD INCOME in care ; 1900 of Box A, Kings Mountain •Ilr3i3:30;67 WOODED SLOPING LOT lOOx 245 on Meadowbrook Road. ' Prided at $162.5. Also w'ooded i^plit level lot in Linwood Sec tion on Monroe Avenue. lOOx 200 feet. $1400. TELEPHONE 739-4830. ll:3tfn kXTRA NICE Herald, for appointment. Southwell Ford nrun , B.F.Goo(lvich FOR TIRES SEE SOlTTHWELL FORD WE SELL and Install the fam ous Channel Master Crossfire an tennas and automatic rotors for better color reception. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Call 739-4416 BRIDGES RADIO AND TV SERV ICE, Battleground Ave. 9:29 tfn WANTED: Men and women to train few civil service jobs. We prepare men and women age 18-55, no experience necessary. Grammar school education us ually sufficient. Permanent jobs, no layoffs. Short hours, h|gh pay and advancement. Stay on present job while training. For a list of jobs and salaries send name, address, |ihohe number and time at honie. If -rural give directions to. 11:10-17 YOtJkG LADY over 20 to work in local firm. TELEPHONE 739- 5041. ll.lOtfn WOULD LIKE to keep a child in my home , for working parents. See Mrs. Willie Bowles at 208 Walker Street. ll:10tfn 4:21 tfn guttering, sheet metal work and gas piping. DILLING HEA’HNG COMPANY. PhOna 739-3446 12:22 ttf Houoe Foi Rent Nica 1 ft 2 Badreora Rouse TMUleM FOr Bent Located Beside Bessemer CitY-Kinge Mtn. Dilve-Ia WEEKLY RATES $10-$12.50 • $15.00 .- $20.00 PBONS 739-2150 Kings Iftn. THREE sale. .. 4316. flUULEk ACRE tract of land for Call after, 6 p.m. 739- 9:22tfn FOR RENT to couple. Close in. H. R. PARTON, Tele phone 739-2413.' 9:22tfn FOR SALE — 1965 Cutless Olds- mobile Hardtop. Call Kenneth Davis, 739-2750 daytime and 739-5021 after 7 p.m. ll:3tfn Middle aged lady to live in and baby sit for third shift worker. No housework. Apply at 117 Stowe Acres. ll:10tfn I . . HELP WANTED — Mechanic. Kkperlenced. Spibbe and Mayer Knitting Machine. CALL COL LECT, Spartanburg, S. C. 585- 8120. 10:17-24 FOR RENT — ’Trailer space out- -•Bide of town on nice shaded lot. Hive sewer hook up and electricity. Water furnished. See H O R D HERNDON, at Herndon’s Trading Pbst. Phone 739^5162. 9:8-tfn FOUR' ROOM furnished or un furnished apartment. Close in. Man and Wife Only. H. R. PARTON, Telephone 739-2413. I0:27tfn C EmployreiMit C £ SeivicM E PATTERSON Oil CompanY FOR TXE BEST IN RMP^G - Aldtninam siding, Insulation and home Improvements or easy terms. cSll NORMAN HAkRIS « SON, HU 2-1407 ShMby, N. C. 2:19M OFFICE FOR RENT---TWO rooms. Located at 900 Grover Road, Klnijs Mountftin. E. L. Putnam, elepbone .days, 864-6746 or nights, 739-2203. 10:27tfn finkk ll:3tfn REALTY FOR SALE TWO SMALL dwellings at 205 W. Ridge St. Reasonab- j ly priced. Good investment proparty. FOURtBOOM frame house at 211 N. City St. Attractively NE^%a^S. Very attractive financing. Reasonable down payment. Small monthly payment. FOUR ROOM HOUSE with well th yard for sale about VA miles east of Kings Mountain in Gaston County. Reatonably priced. Easy terms. THREE . BEDROOM frame dwelling at 410 Hawthorne Lane. *1^4 baths. One - car girage. A-nRAcnvE frame dwelling in haint condition. Six acres wooded, land. Located 3 miles south of Kings Moun tain, on York Road. B.ROO$| ORnEtLING in Gali lee ddmtmittltj^. $100 down. Monthly payments of $47.82 for 12 years. THREE - BEDROOM brick house in Dover Heights. ReCenffy renovated. Priced to sell! B. F. MAHER AQBNCY 7^5591 mu K K 9:16tfn We SPREAD bulk lime and fer tilizer on your farm. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER, 126 E. Gold St 3:17tfn loB SALE — Peas, Can«, Soy beans, Milo,' Hay Grazer. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER. Phohe 739-5111- 6:9tfn income SPARE TIME No selling. Refill ahd collect money from NETW ’TYPE coin operated dispensers in this area. To qualify must have car, references, $600 to $1,900 cash. Ten hours weekly can net excellent income. More time can result in more mon ey. For personal interview write ADVANCE, BOX 176, Elmwood Park, Illinois. In clude phone number. ll:l(^d. loR SALE — Stack new or used lumber consisting of 2x4’s, 2x 6’s, or 2xl0’s. Short and long lengths. Also, a disappearing ^ stairway. Contact Dick Tate, 700 Crescent Circle or phorte 739-5883. 1^=^ iv CLOSE OUT SPECIALS — Eight reconditioned and guar- . anteed sets. Ideal for that sec- -ond set. As low aS $39.50. Easy terms. $5 delivers. GAULTS AMtJANCfig, 739-2716. ll:3tfn W-3 Loom MALE Immediate openings for ex perienced men. Excellent working conditions in sunny Calif, with better than average wages, free life and medldal insurance, j^fit sharing and much more. Contact: taperMl Mlll|, Inc^, P. O. {k)x BOS, HerhiosE Belch, Cali fornia. 11:10 MEtRbFOLlTAk Lirl fjksUR- ANCE COMPANY — Now ac cepting applications for posi tions as salesn^ iateasemer City • Kings MbuntjUn aim. $433 per month to start, ex- teiisivft tfllnlRg High school required. Call 865. 8264 for appointment 8:l8tfn a DARXING LOTS > OmKete paving SERVICE • free estimates ASPHALT RAVING Of Shelby. Ihc. ^klephme Day 739456S Night ShalbY 482-4592 Gty Floor Seivk® "No Job too large . . No Job to4 awall’* industrial commercial re sidential all materials k work- ”*P»hlp guaranteed. complete cabinet shop •ending A finishing Bhellrr Rood W. D. BTERS 'hOOi ‘ 4t2ltte PuBRe. 507 Woodside Dr Telephone 739-5100 12:2tfn CARPET Uuaiity You Can Trtist Beauty You Can See e Prides-YOU Can Afford PERRY PURR. « CARPET COMPANY Shelby, N, C; Dial HU t-7428 Open aR Day WOdnesdasn how open — New knitted fab rics cloth shop. Fine assort ment of I double knit, cotton, orloh arid lOminkted fabrics for ladies’ outerwear. Located at Yarbro’s Grocery on N. Pl.Od'. mont AVenuo beside^ Kings Mountain Mahufactotlng Mill office. (Jood sMebtton of spring and summer 'Colors. Open six dajrs a week from 8 a.m< to 5 p.m. Monday through Satur day. t:2S-tfn NoHcflk. F RDdM , ajpartment for Nn-rinr 0 rent. Furnished or unfurnish- i OF ed. 760 West Mountain Street. | fcirJJiSt ** • 'TELEPllONE 739-2264. AUCTION • .Mountain, N. c., will offer for CtNE BdiROOM trailer. Gas puMic iurtibn on Novem- ■ stove All conveniences. $46 : .10 a.m. for stor- montnfy. Call aiiytime, 739- j mOTianic’s Hen the fol- 5067. 11:10-17 I lowing described vehicle: I one four-door 1956 Chevrolet ROU8E FOR SALE — Nice three | with MOtOt Mi. (N9M?JRF56FB and bedroom brick home, 702 j Serial No. VC S^SSflbS registcr- Brldges DrlVe. Built In 1965. See j ed in the nlme of Fred Howell, or phdne Rev. U. C. Parker, 739-1 Approximate vdluf, 3590. , . $200. Me- ll:10:66pd jchanic’S Hen 6£ $23 for labor and H BbOMP FM sSTh S. a, - r— . (’f $22.50 fromJfeptfeihber 1 to De- or for rent, c-ember 1, 1966. RowierHLE SLtPIfON •TELlEI-HOhE 7SS.27M. I This n,, day Novem- ll:10-17pd. i ber, 1966. Stroupe’s. Gawi|le Route 2, Kings Mou^tn, N. C. 11:3-10 tENNOE HBATIMO and air con- ditranfiit. mcttNC HftAlBW COMPANY. Phone 739-3446., 12:22ffn 330 S. YfRlBT CfqkRjLOTrE,N.C Df KINGS MOUNTAIN MUMstfiiiaaifly stDcfc dMC insacMa you. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE I Having qualified as executory : for the estate of Charles P. Weir I deceased, all persons having 1 claims against said estate will : please file same with the under-, " ‘***ofe April 13, 1961 or this notice will bb piead- ! cd in bar of any recovery All persons indebted to said estate wlH please ihafee Immedi- ^ ate payment. 1966 13th day of October ' James W- Wire S. Howard Ware, Executors . | vveir' Georgs B. ’Thmnassoii, v- I Attorney 10:20-11:10 j • - .i. J. R. Davis, President Kings Mountain Savings and Loan Association That’s why we recommend Hagerty ... the world's most respected name in silver care. DELLINGER'S lEVfEL SHOP Trade youroM dish for a insv Kitohemud Trade inyourblddiStMlteshhr^i-ySiir ' dish rag, your SpOiW>> wdoMsuft | You’ll be surprised hbwtno^Jtil be worth. There's never bMn a i better time td **^nk i for the modern, ivtdng^ teey cjf j doing dishes. Aiid there's net! I finer dishwaSherthaniKffehinAM j convertible—! rronMipepfOB^pIr-1 table you can build in ariy WnV I TFN KitchenAki Ben T. Gidit^ Hours 8-5; Soi R^i'2 ^ Ph. 739-4736 - ^«jlc WOA ■*rt“ IV/ I THAT •-.v DUE TO A COLD WITH Cheracol D I'l'ij o!: Cheracol D contains thiab expectorants tb help UR- solve congutidn and non narcotic dektremethor- phan to suppress sMeYy coughs due td the cdmmdrf cold. Cheracol D is sate even for two year olds.” It is an ideal temily cough syrup with i clteiry flavor that children and adults liko. •Used as KINES'hOII - •—I drug C PMONE 41 6, 8' TMt CiTV