Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits « 8,256 rUi figure for Greater kmgt Mounloiii U derived from She 1955 Kings Mountain city direetorr census. The city limits tigjte is from t^ United States census of 1965. Kings Mountain's Beliable Newspaper VOL 77 No. 48 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Thursday, December I, 1966 Seventy-Seventh Year PRICI.TIH CfeNTS Legislatures Od Tax Cuts Investment Course To Ue Ottered Mrs. Devere R. Smith, sales representative of the Charlotte office of Reynolds & Company, stock brokers, will conduct an investment course open to inter ested citizens sometime in Jan- uaryr The Kin"s Mountain woman will teach three classes a 1 will lecture orr the foliowlnK subjects: why securities: types of securi ties; stock exchanges: mutual funds; types of funds; taxes, margins: short selling; types of orders; splits, dividends, rights and warrants. Persons Interested In register ing for the classes should con tact Mrs. Smith who resides here on Marion drive.. Tiansco Exhibit Here On Friday The City of Kings Mountain natural gas system and Trans continental Gas Pipeline Corpor ation are inviting Kings Moun tain area citizens to visit Trans- Vs traveling exhibit which will .