Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Th* ¥**5?* Mountain figure is derived from the special United States Bureau of the Census report of January 19S6, and Includes the 14.990 population of Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6,134 from Number 5 Township, in Cleveland County and Crowder's Mountain Township in Gaston County. VOL 78 No. 17 Established 1889 _ Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 27, 1967 Pages Today Seventy-Eighth Year PRICE TEN CENTS 12 Candidates Seek 7 Posts Tiling Date Passes Monday Mayor Moss First Mayor Unopposed In City History What's going on in city poli tics? Candidates and laymen alike were generally agreeing that politics this 1967 political season is unusually quiet. • The filing date passed Monday. Four members of Moss Adminis tration 11 were virtually assured election on May 9. Unopposed for election to a second term as Kings Mountain mayor is mayor John Henry Moss. Also unopposed for re-election are City Commissioners Ray Cline, Biddix and Norman King, mutes in the office of the clerk at City Hall reveal i pot since 1921 Slid before SEE RELATED EDITORIAL has a mayor been returned to office without opposition. The board of commissioners was or ganized, according to the min utes, February 24, 1864 and from a group of eight appointed citi zens W. A. Mauney was named mayor. From the minutes the names of mayors from that period: 1902—E. L. Campbell. 19050—G. W. Kendridt , ' 1909—J. C. Patrick. 1915—A. E. Cline. 197_Wiley McGinnis. 1920— Wiley McGinnis. (Mr. McGinnis resigned June 7 of that year and W. A. Ware, mayor pro tern, became mayor.) 1921— Mayor McGinnis was re elected on June 6. 1923 — P. D. Herndon. 1925 — Wiley McGinnis. 1927 — Wiley McGinnis. 1929 — Wiley McGinnis. 1931 — W. K. Mauney. 1933 — W. K. Mauney. 1935 — j. E. Herndon who de feated W. A. Ridenhour 581 to 253. 1937 — j. E. Herndon who de feated H. Tom Fulton, George Al ign and Charles Williams. M1939 — J. B. Thomasson ap pointed mayor. Citizens voted in wards for town commissioners. Thomasson was high man, defeating J. A. Dunagan. 1941 — Joe Thomson. 1943 — Joe Thomson. 1945 — Joe Thomson. 1947 — H. Tom Fulton. 1949 —J. E. Herndon. 1951 — Garland E. Still. 1953 — Glee A. Bridges. 1955 — Glee A. Bridges. 1957 — Glee A. Bridges, 1959 — Glee A. Bridges. 1961 — Kelly Dixon. 1963 — Glee A. Bridges. 1965 — John H. Moss. Babies Clink Set Satniday Dr. J. P. Mauney, veterinarian, tps announced the following ichcdule of rahies clinics for Saturday, April 29. Whe schedule: 'IjGrover High School, 9 tb 9:30 White’s Service Station, 9:30 to 1 a.m. lid Herndon Service Station, S to 10 a.m. lidpines, 10 to 15:15 a.m. bmpact School, 10:15 to 10:30 Hass Grocery Store, 10:30 to 15 a.m. ark Grace School, 10:45 to 11 ity Hall, Kings Mountain, 11 U:3t> a.m. i! ' MAYOR JOHN HENRY MOSS COMMISSIONER W, S. BIDDIX COMMISSIONER RAY CLINE COMMISSIONER NORMAN XING Baines Plays In Pops Concert Kenneth Barnes, Kings Moun tain senior student at North Car olina State University, perform ed a trumpet solo in this year’s first outdoor “pops” concert at N. C. State Wednesday evening. Wednesday’s concert featured the NCSU Symphonic Band un der the direction of Donald B. Adcock, assistant director of music. Barnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. B, N. Barnes, played “Ode for Trumpet" by Alfred Reed, accom panied by the' Symphonic Band. Barnes is a senior majoring in electrical engineering. Bloodmobile Here May 8th The Red Cross Bloodmobile will return to Kings Mountain on May 8th at the National Guard Armory and donors will be processed from 11 a.m. un til 4:30 p.m. "Blood needs are urgent,” a spokesman for the Kings Mountain Red Cross chapter qald. In March Kings Moun 1 tain area citizens used a total of 246 pints of blood and only 169 pints were collected. CIRCLE MEETING Mrs. Fred Wright, Jr. will be hostess to members of her cir cle from Central Methodist church on Tuesday morning at 9:30 at her home. Lone Woman In School Board Race Now Three-Man Affair For Seat The board of education race for the outside-district seat being vacated by H. O. (Toby) Wil liams suddenly expanded to three Monday, as Mrs. Kelly Bunch used the last filing day to enter her candidacy. Mrs. Bunch was the lone ad dition the past week to the can didate list. Also vying for the education board seat on May 9 Alex D. Owens and Bill Babb. (Bernice F. Bunch is an active member of Boyce Memorial ARP church where she has served as a circle chairman the past two years. A member of the Kings Mountain Garden Council, she is a former president of the Azalea Garden club and vice-president of the Magnolia Garden club. She has assisted in Girl Scout, Boy Scout and Cub Scout pro grams sponsored by her local church and has been active in Parent-Teacher Association ac tivities the past 10 years. She has worked as a receptionist at Fiber Industries and as a secre tary for Paul Mauney, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Bunch are par ents of four children. The Bunches reside on Mar grace road. CANDIDATE—Mr>. K#Uy Bunch «od Monday » a ondldaU foe tbo outskU dlotetet board | S*"cT5^wiI£»?^ l .$1 & . V..,,, 1 1^ Late-Entry Mis. Bunch Files Monday Kings Mountain has 12 candi dates seeking seven elective cit> and school district positions. Deadline tor filing for public office was passed Monday after noon with one last-minute addi tion to the May 9 election ballots Last candidate to formally file was Mrs. Kelly Bunch, one ol three candidates for an outside district seat on the board of edu cation. The list of candidates: For Mayor (unopposed for a second term) Mayor John Henry Moss. For Ward 1 Commissioner (un opposed) Comm. Ray Cline. For Ward 2 Commissioner (un opposed) Comm. W. S. Biddix. For Ward 3 Commissioner: In cumbent Comm. T. J. Ellison, Jim Gulton and Alfred Tucker. — For Ward 4 Commissiopev: Comm. Norman King, unopposed *for re-election. For Ward 5 Commissioner: In cumbent O. O. Walker and Rich ard (Dick) Shaney. ■For an outside seat on the dis tract board of education: Alex Owens, Bill Babb and Mrs. Kelly Bunch. Editor Hurt In Car Crash Martin Harmon, Kings Moun tain Herald editor and publisher, was hospitalized Tuesday night following a two-ear wreck at the York road-East Gold street in tersection. Mr. Harmon is a patient in Kings Mountain hospital where he is being treated for five brok en ribs. Mrs. Bettie Foster Hardin, of 912 First street, and Hazel Fos ter of 209 Blanton street received emergency treatment and were released. According to police reports, Mrs. Hardin was operating a 1957 Imperial which was travel ing north on York road. Mr. Har mon, operating a 1950 Dodge, was traveling east on Gold street. The two cars collided in the intersec tion. Damages to the Hardin car, in which Mrs. Foster was a pas senger, were estimated to be $400 to the right front. Damages to the Harmon car wer eestimated to be $150 to the front end, ac cording to city police officer Bob Hayes who investigated. The accident occurred about 9:50 p.m. No charges have been prefer red, Jaycees Set Ladies' Night Bill West, North Carolina Speak-Up Jaycee chairman, will make the principal address at Tuesday night’s annual ladies night banquet of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. at the Woman’s