1968 sirable ” prices farm- age in ops for marily insect in the ity cot- North exten- 5t, ex- )68 arc million mption ^alized, Kt Aug- million 3m the 1 said, ayment ion are larger 1968.’' ‘ long- outlook quality > be in Popnlation -Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Th« Gruitar Xlagi Mountain flguro It dorivod from tbo ■pocial Unittd Stotos Buroau of the Centue report e Jonuory 1966. ond Includes the 14,990 population o Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6,124 Iron Number 5 Township, In Cleveland County and Crowder' Mountain Township In Goston County. y wt 1 VOL. 80 No. 2 Established 1889 JsiilniE Kings Mountain's Beiioble Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, January 11, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Mm M iiw tion in y fruits nproved ‘ called ^ of the look in ear, ac- t North market- lut that helping ;ing dc- e vcget- )st fruits cd form, planting gotablos needed tion de- id sum- ops, the nation- ■e likely low last ice may S. plant- r or ex- Water Pipe Loan Extension Endorsed WILLIAM WEBSTER HARDIN and 12:28 Local News Bulletins BUILDING PERMITS The city has issued building permits for two resideiues to J. Wilson Crawford, one for an eight-room brick veneer homo, estimated tt) owt $13,000, at 3(K) Fulton street, and another for a six-room brick veneer home, estimated to cost $12,000, at 302 Fulton street. TAG SALES 462 A total of 462 <*ity auto tags had been .sold late Wednesday afternoon. The tags sell for $1 and the Kings Mountain Lions club is .sales agent. The tags are on sale at City Hall court room. LUTHERAN SERVICE Rev. Charles Easley will begin a series of sermons on the ■jUieme "Love-Roman Style", at ■Ninday worship services at St. Bflatthew’s Lutheran church. Mlis Sunday topic w'ill b<*, "It j Begins With Hate." METHODIST TOPICS Rev. D. B. Alderman will use the sermon topic. “CloHied In Garments Of Indifference” at the 11 o’clock morning worship .service .Sunday at Central Methodist church. At the 7 m. service he will us<‘ the topic, "Rocking On The Natural Waves." PRESBYTERIAN Dr. Paul Ausley will use the sermon topic, "linkept Pro mises" from Psalms 116 at Sun day morning worship services at 11 a.m. at\ First Presbyter ian church. CHURCHWOMEN Women of P'irst Presbyt<*rian church will hold their regular meeting on Monday night at 7:30 p.m. at the church. Plant Site Tract Annexation Asked First Union Is Acquiring Adjacent Lot I Civil Defense McIntyre Succeeds to Recommend W. W. Haidin Dies At 9S; Rites Thuisday Funeral rites for William Web ster Hardin, 95, will be held Thursday at 3:30 p.m. from An tioch Baptist church of Grover, interment following In the An tioch cemetery. Mr. Hardin died Tuesday morn ing at 11:50 in the Kings Moun tain hospital ifollowing illness of several weeks. A native of Cherokee County, S. C., he was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hardin. A re tired farmer, ho was a member Re-zoning Also Asked by Owners: Hearings Set Owners of the approximately seven-acre tract optioned to S<.*n- ator .Marshall Rauch and others for a plant site have petitioned the zoning board tor change of designation from residential to light industrial and the city com mission for annexation of the tract to the city limits. The zoning board endorsed the re-zoning petition and the board of commissioners voted Tuo.sday night to hold a public hearing on the request at the special meet ing of January 23. The commission also set a pub lic hearing on the anne.\alion petition for the regular meeting of February 13. Owners of the properly are W. W. Parrish and the M. L. Thorn J. Thornburg, ad L. E. (J<jsh) Hinnant. executive (jffktT of Firs! Union National Bank here, announced Wednes day the bank has contracted to acquire adjacent property ap proximating 12,000 square feet. The properly, owmed by Mrs. Virginia M. Herndon, fronts 50 feel on S. Battleground avenue and is approximately 240 feel deep ilronting on the back the Hoke PJIectric parking lot. On Battleground are business i buildings, occupied by Manor In surance and Realty Agency and > Blackmer & Company. Bridges Radio & TV Service has vacated the other building and moved to ^ || 141.3 N. Piedmont avenue to the ^1! building adjacent to Modern j Cleaners. ' Boh Maner said Iiis firm and; Blackmer & Comi)any iiave ac quired the lot at 307 York Road and will construct a new building for their office's. Dorus Bennett is contractor. Mr. Hinnant said demolition of the buildings is scheduled for April. "Principal reason for acquisi tion ol the adjacent property is to alleviate the considerable traf fic congestion wdiich .seems to bo 'Steadily worsening.'* Mr. Hinnant said. “Plans for utilization of the proportj’ are still incomplete," he continued, "but construction of an additional drive-in ffUiHt> is under consideration. It is also The Cleveland County Health pos.siblc that there may be an Maxey At Citizens Maxey To loin Asheville Office On lanuary 15 L<*e A. M( Iniyrt*. Jr., assistant cashier of First • Citiz»*ns Hank & Tiust Company, has assumwl du ties as ma;iag(‘r of the Kings REAPPOINTED — Carl F. Wil son has been reappointed to o five-year term as a director of Kings Mountain Public Housing Authority, Inc. Measles Vaccine Clinics Set of the Antioch Baptist church. His w’ife, the former Alsie Me-, burg Estate, J Swain, died in 1962. ‘ ministrator. i He is survived, by his daughter, I _ . ' Miss Vera Hardin, of the home at i commission unanimously , Grover; three sons, Byrd Hardin voted reappointment of Carl P., of Grover. Elmer Hardin and i Wilson to a five-year term as a ] Webster Hardin, both of Kings • ^*^^*'*^®** Kings Mountain Pub- Mountain; three sisters, Mrs. Housing Authority. Inc. Mr. George Becknel! of Pacolet, S. C..!was appointed for acnin^if mpTsles Mrs. Ada Shirley of Gaffney. S.iy‘^ar when the authority was ; f^Tough C. and Mrs. Jesse Cantrell „f 1 ganized hist January. | through vaccination Chesnec. S.'C. Also surviving are In recommending reappoint-1 P.xpencmce i-ii‘^ws tnat the most 11 grandchildren, among them ment of Mr. Wilson. Mayor John j vulnerable link in the Miss Lynda Hardin of the Herald 1 Henry Moss commented. "Mr. Wil- i measles is the young school child, obtaining .staff, and nine great-grandchil- | son has given loyal .service, as I All children one through eight dren. j have the other mc'mbers, during j F^'^rs oi age will be given the ■ Department is heading a drive to ' gel all the children in Clev eland j The Rev. Wayne Tuttle, pastorlthe year since the housing au- I of Antioch Baptist church, will' thority was organized. These folk officiate at the final rites. addition to the present bank building. Definitely, mucli of the urea will be devoted to parking." Mr. Hinnant said the bank has discus.sed witii Dan M. Finger, of the Hoke company, possibility of an ingress • egress agreement for use of the Hoke firm's parking lot to provide cir cular traffic from both Cherokee street and Battleground. 15 More Months Reporting to the city commis- ' sion Tui'sday night. .Mayor John • Henry Mo.ss said slate civil de- i fense officials will recommend j the city loan of water pipe by ! the army corps of engineers be extended for 15 months from the ] present expiration date of .March *22. The defen.se ageney had writ ten in early December that the pipe loan would not he renewed. Mayor Moss. Col. W. K. Dick son, the city engineer, and Sena tor Jack White made the exten- •sion plea last Thursday to Direc tor William M. HcxJges and other .Mountain Oflicc of the statewide officials, hanking firm, suciivding Vice Mayor Moss said the CD offi- Piesideni Richard E. Ma.\«*y who were “most cooperative and has h(-<*n tiansferred to an execu- partkul^rly impressed b> the live position in the Asheville of hand.some 20 to 1 support citizens th e ol im* hankii, . system Save the Buffalo Creek water pro ject". Previously tiu* manager of the He said he was instructed to Wilkinson Houlev aril Office ol file a formal request, with sup- First-Citizens Hank in C'hailotte, porting data, within 10 days. McIntyre lias both installment ‘ The report will be filed on time,’* l«)an and l omnieiciai banking ex- Mayor Moss told the commission, peneme. IIo joincsl the hank in The CD agency will endorse the lOtu tollovving several years as reque.st and forw’ard it to the re- an examiner with th<‘State Bank- gional chief of army engineers at ing C<»mmission. Thorrasville. Ga. In his new rapa<‘ity McIntyre "The CD people were confident will i.e in clvarge of all commer- thi'ir n'commendation would bo cnl b.-inking op-Tations as well honored," the Mayor added, as branch administration and — • loans. A graduate of St. Andrews ; Preshvt(M‘ian college in Laurin- • burg, he i'^ a native of Laurel Hill in Scotland County. A ba- 1 eheloi. 26. McIntyre has been ac- I live in num<'rou> civic endeavors iinduding the Western Toastmas Wilson Appoints Appraisal Team Davis Suffers Fall On Ice Tuesday Hullender Rites Thursday At 2 Funeral rites for Charles R- Hullender, 74, will be held Thurs day at 2 p.m. from VVestover Bap tist church, interment following in Mountain Rest cemetery. Mr. Hullender died Tuesday morning at 6:10 in Cleveland Memorial hospital at Shelby after illness of several months. A native of South Carolina, he was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hullender. 28086 son. Bill Hullender of Mountain; his step-son, J. B. Howell of Lawndale; two daiigh iters, Mrs. Ruby Biddix of Mount | Holly and Mrs. Ruth Willis of I Fallston; a brother, James Hul-I J R. Davis, Kings Mountaini lender of Kings Mountain! and' lawyer, is a patient in Gastontwo sisters, Mrs. Sylvia Perry of Memorial hospital where he is; Kings Mountain and Mrs. Mary t 'ing treatf'd for shoulder in-1 Bolt of Bessemer City. Also sur- iries he sustained in a fall oniviving are 12 grandchildren and ,e ice Tuesda' night. 1 three great-grandchildren. ' 1 Rev. Archie Chapman and Rev. Mrs. Davis said her husband! w. H. Redmond will Officiate at .slipped and fell at the front doorjthe final rites, of their residence. He suffered ai broken arm and dislocaterl shoul-1 der, she said. Mrs. Davis said Mr. Davis was lesting comfortably Wednesday. His attendinig physicians are Dr. George Plonk and Dr. John C. McGill. are non-salaried and have put in many hours because they arc in terested in their community." In an informal discu.ssion fol lowing the meeting. Mayor John Henry Moss informed the com mission he had learned that Richard E. Maxey, chairman of the city recreation committee, is being transferred to the Asheville branch of First Citizens Bank & Trast Company effective January 15 and he suggested, in view of the pending neighborhood facili ties project that a successoi should bo named and appointed quickly. The commissioners con curred. Mayor Moss said Wednesday the board will name and appoint He is survived by his wife.! a .successor to Chairman Maxey! Mrs. Eva Bolt Hullender; his within a few days. Kings vaccine. The clinics will be held in the following schools. * East school January 16, 9' FifGfltGlI S6t West school- January 16, 1:30’Gaill© a.m. * Bethlehem Volunteer Fire De- North school - January 9 partment will sponsor a basket- a.m. ^all game on Saturday night at Davidson school January IS. T:30 at Bethware school gym- 10:30 a.m. nasium with proweds to bo used Compact school January 22, to purchase fire-fighting equip 9 a.m. ment. Park Grace school - January' Players will be from members' 22. 10:30 a.m. f’f 1^’^ Bethlehem Fire Depart- Grover school January 22, ment and the Waco Fire Depart- 10:30 a.m. : ment. Bethware school January 22,; Admission is 75 cents for adults 1:30 p.m. atui .50 cents for children. BLOODMOBILE Next visit of the Red Cross bloodmobile will be in Grover January 25th with donors to be processed from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Grover Rescue Squad building. ^ i IN NEW POST—Lee McIntyre, top, has assumed management duties at First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company's Kings Moun- toin branch succeeding Vice President Richard (Dick) Max ey, below, who has been trans ferred to an executive p>osition in the Asheville branch bank of the state banking system. Harold Pearson To Rejoin Gazette jinton Harold Pearson, former Kings Mountain Herald sports editor, subsequently on the Gastonia Gazette sport > .staff, and now a sports reporter of the Richmond tran. Timos-Dispatch is returning to' the Gazelle. A three-man appraisal team has been appointed by Clerk of tors cluh. which he served in an Superior Court Paul Wilson to official capacity. serve in seven condemnation ac- He has oecupii'd an apartment tions whereby the city seeks at M.auney Memorial Library. right-of-way fur laying sewei FH'octive Monday. Maxey will mains, become a \*ice President of the' The three are Lee 5 arbro, Wray Asheville operation of First- A. W'illiams, and Bob Maner. Citizens w ith emphasis on admin- They are to report their fin istrative and multiple-loan func- ings of values to the Clerk will tions plus <lulUs in bank opera- ten days. Findings are subject to tions, Piesident U'wis R. Hold appeal to the Court, ing announi-efi. I The actions were lodged against Maxev ioined First-Citizens in Terrie M. MeSwain. .Minnie E. 19.57 in tho hank’s Fayetteville Lovelace. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Offici*. In 1962 he was transfer E. Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Frealo red to the Hickory Office as a Mayes, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. VoH-' loan officer and supervisor in bracht. Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Lo- operations an i personnel admin- "Jin. and Arthur Phifer, istration. In November, 196.5, he Mayor John Henry Mos.s and was ntimed to head the Kings City Attorney Jack White, in an- Mountain Office which optmed other effort to acquire treatment two months later and elected a plant site tracts without condom- Vice President in January, 1966. nation action, expect to confer A native of Freeport. Illinois. HiLs weekend with the owners, he attendi'd the University of II- Hie C. C. Whisnant Hen's and linois and later attended and George Peeler. The Peeler ap- graduated from Iwt'noir-Hhync col- pointmont is for Saturday morn- lege in Illckorv. He is a 1966 ^ng. but date of the conferen^ graduate of the Banking SchooT vvith the W^hisnanl Heirs was still of the South. Louisiana State tentative Wedno.^day morning. Uni\ersity. He is an Army vet BETHWARE GOP Bethware precinct Republi cans will meet on Friday night at 7 p.m. at Bethware school. Precinct Chairman Bill Babb has announced. \ Flu Cost Rauch Duke-Carolina Trip State Senator Marshall Rauch, soon to become an industrial citizen of Kings Mountain, es caped the wilds of New York via a basketball scholarship to Duke, where he enrolled in the fall of 1940. With state business in Ral eigh and Chai)el Hill over the weekend, the ^nator was look ing forward to combining busi ness and ideasure by .seeing the Duke-Carolina game at Chapel Hill Saturday afternoon. And he had the tickets. He was to meet Mayor John Henry Moss in Raleigh, too. Thursday night the Mayor received a call from the Sena tor, the Senator calling from his ^sick bed. Felled by flu, ex-Duke eager Rauch stiil saw the game, but only via the television talk box. He was back at work Monday. Carolina won the 85-82 thrill er. Shn Carlton, Former DSA Winner, To Speak At laycee Award Dinner I Editor Bill Williams said Mr. Pearson expects to report ahou' , February 1. His specific assignment, whi'- ther sports or general news re porting, has not been definitely ; decided. Mi. Williams said. I Mr. Pearson is the son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Oland Pear.son, of Kings Mauntain. SPEAKER — Everette (Shu) Carlton, the 1956 DSA winner in Kings Mountain and foot ball coach for Gastonio Ashley high school, will be the princi pal speaker at Tuesday night's DSA and Bosses Night banquet of the Junior Chomber ol Com- mercOo I Everette (Shu) Carlton, foot-1 baM coach for Gastonia’s Ashley j high school, will be the principal i I speaker at the Jaycees* 14th an-; j nual Distinguished Service Award j andi Bosses Night Banquet Tues day night. I Coach Carlton, the 1956 rcci- I piont of the D.S.A. in Kings I Mountain, attended Duke Univer- j sity and Lenoir Rhyne college. I graduating from Lenoir Rhyne j j with an AH degree. As a member i j of the Marine Corps, he served i in both World War II and the; I Korean War, earning the Bronze! Star as a tank platoon leader. i Carlton has led Ashley High to! four State Football Champion-; ships since 1957 and served as, Shrine Bowl Coach in 1964. He is' also a former president of the; North Carolina 4A Coaches As-; sociation. He is a former KMHS football coach. Presentation of the Jayci'cs' Award to the Ooutstanding Young Man of 1967 will follow the din ner and address by Carlton. The award winner will be entered in the North Carolina .State Contest. All state winners iwil! be entered (Continued On Page Six) Choral Society Noted for his civic endeavors, Maxey has c(.mpiled an enviable KeSUmeS 116110018015 record of achievement in various Cleveland County t horal Socie- (.. mmunilies hi which he has liv- ty lias resumed rehearsals on <‘d. Duiing his Kings Mountain Tuesday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 residence lie ha.s been a member p.m. at First Baptist church, ■ the Rotary cluh. president of Shelby, the Kings Mountain Country cluh. Rev. Bob Carter of Glen Alpine chaiiman of the Kings Mountain is directing the choral group. Mrs. Hecroaiion Commission, a hoard Carter is amimpanist. member of both the Cbamher of, Numerous Kings Mountain citi- Commerce and the Merchants As- zens are rrembers of the Choral on Pngc 6( Society. GOP Conveiged Here Wednesday; Stickley "Linthead", Bioyhill Coniident He'll Return For Fourth Term -'.'I. DIXONS HONORED — The Cleveland County Rescue Squad re cently presented Captain Delbert Dixon and Mrs. Dixon (obove) an engraved plaque for "distinguished service." Dixon has been active in the squad since its beginning and has been captain the past two .years, re-elected Monday to a second term. Mrs. Dixon has also been active in the women's auxiliary. Other officers for 1968-69 are Bud Ware and Tommy King, first lieutenants; Bob Hope and Dean Champion, second lieutenants; Jerry White and Pete Peterson, sei-geants; ond Richard Kee, secretary-treasurer. (Photo by Tommy Ki:ig) By MARTIN HARMON "I'm a linthead." Thus textile executive Juhn L. Stickley, of Charlotte. R<*publi- can candidate for governor, de scribes himself. One of the largest of the inde pendent textile producers, his firm lias two divisions, tine foi law wool and synthetic libeis, file other tlu' yarn division. Main office is Charlotte,*>ut oflices are also maintained in Now YoiK and Philadelphia. Why does he si'ek the governor ship? "I want to mak<* North Caro lina tolls in the community ol .«tates. ’ he replies, "rm not at 1 tacking people. I seek to con>tant ly improve our system of govern ment.’’ "I thought the principal issue.- in the campaign would be edu cation and roads." he relates. "Bu' I find the chief worry of North Carolinians is the .subject of law- lessni'ss and crime. ’ If governor, Mr. Stickley says^ he would retain fiscal expt'rts to, determine whether North Caro llna is getting maximum mileage’ oul of ('xpenditures. would seek (Continiuid On Puyo Hix) i ^4 IT'S OFFICIAL — Lieutenant- Governor Robert W. Scott made it official at a Wednesday press conference: he is o candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor. Other announced Democratic candidates are J. Melville Broughton, Jr., also the son of a former governor ond United States Senator, and Dr. R. A. Hawkins, Negro dentist. By MARTIN HARMON Representative James T. Broy- hill, Lenoir Republican, feels con fident he will be elected to a fourth consecutive term in the now tenth district. Asked about his committee as signments and minority party lanking on them. Rep. Broyhill said, "I'm third on small business i but will advance to second next session." One of the men ahead of him IS retiring. While he declines to classify Inmsolf in the hawk-dove poles on the War in Vietnam. Rep, Broyhill declared. “I have sup ported the President and 1 will continue to as long as I feel pro gress is being made." He feels the President will get this year the iiuxime tax sur charge he failed to gel last year. He thinks the issues in the ses- , sion beginning January 1969 will be much the same as today, in- : eluding taxes. Viet Nam (if the fighting is still continuing). Con- j grossional ethics, and crime, law- j lessness and rioting. Though he will not be a dele gate (his father will be ex of ficio) to the Republican National ' tCoiHixMcd Ou Page Six) '

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