1 Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Mountoln llgur* it d«ftv«d from th» **«*•• Bur*ou of tlw Ctoiufl report o 1966, and Includes tb« 14.990 popiAatlon o 2“®^* ^^Tewnehip. and tbe remolnlng $.124 lion numbor S Township. In CloTolaod County and Crewdor* Mountoln Township in Gaston County. 5 •«rt| VOL 80 No. 9 Kings Mountain's Boliable Newspaper Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, February 29, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Southwestern Loop Cage Tourney Starts Friday Thomas T cDeviU, AshevilleJ^f® 2 m City To Develope Recreation Spa Lake Resevoir Area Projected For Recreation PARKER ON CENTRAL COMMITTEE — Pictured obove ore members of the Central Committee of the Fine Arts Study currently in progress in Cleveland. Polk and Rutherford counties. Staff members present ore Max Padgett assistant superintendent of the Rutherford County Schools. Mrs. Hugh Henson, secretary-bookkeeper for the project and Mrs. Bobbie Pritchard Matthews, study director. Seated left to right ore Mr. Padgett and the committee members appointed by the school superintendents in the six administro' ive units including Miss Amelia Wilkie. Ruther ford County schools; Mrs. Eleanor K. Settle* Tryon city schools; Eugene F. Allen. Shelby city schools; Donold L. Parker* Kings Mountain dis i;rict schools; Kemble F. Johnson. Cleveland Coun ty schools; Mrs. Gertrude Esdoie* Polk County schools; and Mrs. Henson and Mrs. Matthews. Three-County rea Wins lanning ^rant Fijial appirnnl has boon re- coivocl for a j)lanning t in the Fine Art.s to be fumU’d by the federal goveinm»'nt through Tith^ 111 of the Flcmentary and Secondary Aei, announees Donald Parker, Title 1 Diior*tor in the Kings Mountain sclmols. Kulhorffjrd County has n'eeu e:l a $2.5.00') grant for a uin:’ survey in u thii'e-rounty au<i, in- I eluding Ruthet Old, Cleveland; i and Polk Counties, the first in ; North Cii'olina and amon^ tnc first areas ii the nation l<» le- ceivo the grant, said Paiker. Emi’oye i as study director is Mrs. J(din Lindsay Mattho'.vs, Jr. of Rock*; Mount, formerly Bobbie Lorraine' Pri‘ehnrd. music con* PuUrnt with Ih" North Carolina Dcpartm'’nt of T’ublir InstTUetion. Mrs. ?.’a<*‘h^’.vs h's sung and done p'orro'’nml v\’ork with the Nation*'! C.rass Roots On(‘-3 Company, t^»!");t anrl rUre'^tod a chorus at K^'st C.'^rolina Cniver* siiy and conductc.l a variety of rad’o shows. Offices of the project are lo cated in the Bi-iifi of Lducation Building in Rocky Mount, said Mr. Parker. Pir poses of I he project arc £;V('-fold, aiTorriiug to Ilie Kings, lountain school official who is, ■member of the Cential com- ^^ittee for the project: to assess, current school and c‘om:nuhily efforts in the arts; to investigate exemplary fin(' arts programs currently in o» era'ion; tf» deter mine local nerds in tin* ‘‘ine arts; to plan progi tms to meet the Continanl On Put/c S Become K. Chief Friday Faur More Candidates Seek diedion f 0 County Positions On, Hubbaid Up Commission List To Seven 7Tic city will s€*ok a govern mental grant to aid devtdopmcnl i)f the recreational potential of the Buffalo deck water reservoir area. Action followed presentation at Tuesday night’s special meeting ol a recreational facilities map prepared by Gardner GicIIoy, of; I Winston-Salem, recreational plan MeDevitt Is 36, 12-Year Veteran Of Police Work Thomas Edward McDevitt, 36. vas tlectt'd unanimously Kings Mountain police chief by the city jommission Tuesday night. All members were present and noting. He will assume office Friday, le will he paid $150 per week. Currently sales manager for n Asheville automobile dealer, L*. MuDevitt Is a veteran of more han 12 years in law enforce- icnt, most recently for eight •ears with the Asheville police 'orce and previously for four ears with the ITSAF military olice as policeman and investi- tator. He attended grade school in Cashiers, graduating from Glen tale high scliool, and was a spe cial student at Asheville-Bilt- nore college. He is luarricd and has four •hildren. Only untoward notes concern- ng the commission action were I .aised by Clavon Kelly and Luke i Hoyle. Both critici/x'd the mo- I ion to employ MeDevitt^ on grotfnds a member of-the Kings Mountain force should be elc-i .ated. ' Commissioner Norman King, i.itincr he spoke only for him- elf, said, “H is my thinkinT to, )btain a man who can train our n‘*sonnel.” ?Tr. K“Uy asked, “Do local men not qualify or not want it?’ He ‘Iso suggested that for “what vou can pay. this man already ITS grease on his fool where he is." Mr. Hoyle commented, “You re ■unning gof»d businessmen nvit-of- *o,vn because you don t coop erate.’ Mayor John Henry Moss sa'd, ho commission had interviewed four other applicants including, one member of the present force. He added that Chief J. C. Hall, of the Asheville force, and other. Asheville citizens had rccommrn-' ted McDcvitt highly WILLIAM ORR For bounty Board King Kampeis Clearing Land SPEAKER — Leonel Brunnemer of Gastonia will make the ad dress at Monday night's first annual Kings Mountain United Fund Recognition Banquet to be held at the Woman's club. KM United Fund Ranquet Monday Kings Mountain’s first annual United Fund Recognition Banquet will be hold Mon^y night. The 7 p.m. dinner at the Wom an’s club will honor participat ing agencies and drive leaders in the city’s successful 1968 cam-' 4- „ • u- i. ^ for the three year pcnoc ending paign which toppod a goal of r- u . .i .- . . I Fehniarv L'l at the sui/iiestinn. ners. Previously the commission had Mr. Gidley's preliminary plans! established general terms of a will retiuire about -450 acres on 'police department policy, which tile east side of the rt'sorvoir. arc: He declare:! the Kings Moun-, POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY tain reservoir has “unique recrea-. T) A system of Promotion and tion potential" and reported “out-1 Rank based on Merit of perform door recreation growth has ex- ance of duty and length of serv- ploded’’. i ice. "tn rnnlr-x!* to the many lakes. Increases in salary to cor in the Carolinas designed to pro-'respond with rank and service, vide hydroelectric power, the 3i A systematic on-job (rain will Pa ye . FRED M. SIMMONS For School Board Service Center Open House Set Neighborhood Service which has opened in William Orr, 41, who liic.l V’v’ed- ncsday *oi couiUy coiiini.a.aoiier, IS inc firsi Ntgio in inuat n poli tical hi.'toiy to .M'ck a c‘«iujnis- sion seat. .vii. urr, a citizen of Kings Mountain the pasi 3.5 yeais. is seventh candidaie to tile tor thice ! commission seals up tor grabs in the May Democratic primary Terms ol Commissioners liu^h Dover, Coleman Goforth and I Spurgeon Hewitt are expiring. jBoth Goforth and ilewiit have ' filed for re-election and Chair man Dover has tormaily announ ced. Other challengers are Fritz; Morehead ar^d Pock who | lil^ prev-^ousty, and Robert rfub-* bard, who filed Friday. ! ^ j In other county pfditical devel- ;opments during the past week' . . Ralph Tucker, Democrat, filed v I for reelection to a sec<»nd term r as register of deeds and two Shcl- ; bians, B. Devon Bingham and : Fred M. Simmons, made* a joint ^ statement announcing their can- j i dldacies for seats on the county [ board of education. Mr. Simmons, Shelby architect, filed W'ednes- ^ iday. Mr. Bingham posted a $5 filing fee but his filing declara tion was not c.xec'jted. In his announcement slalerpcnt. Mr. Orr siitl: “If elected. I will seek to represent all tlic people of Cleveland County." A mem ber of the Kings Mountain Hous ing Attorney and the e.xecutive; committee of Cleveland Commu-| nity Action. Orr is a former! I member of the Clevelaml County. I and Kings Mountain Human Re lations committees. A former em ployee of Korns Brothers, he is employed by Duplex-Slianncn. He lls married to the former Mao Sue Boyce and they are parents of a ®on L?io v Lewis Ot. senio'' at Center, A T ITniver.sitv. A World Wir Kings II Navy veteran, Orr ivS a member A By JOE CORNWELL Herald Sports Editor 1 I The Kings Mountain High I pf-hool Gym will come alive when I the East Rutherfordton girls meet I R. S. Central in the first game jnf the Southwestern Conerence ; Basketball Tournament, this com ing Friday at 3:1)0 p.m. Final conference standings ; wore placed into the record books 1 this past Wednesday, with Kings j Me untain winning the Boys’ di- ' vision and Chase clinching the , Girls’. i In the past, the top four teams I in the conference standings rep resented the Southwestern in the ! 3i-Conierence Tourney. This sea- I son. for the first time, any of the I top eight teams in the conference I have a chance of going to the Bi- 1 conlerence Tournament. I The second game Friday, pits ; the Belmont Red Raiders against j the Lincolnton Wolve.s, at 4:30. ! Later in the evening, at 7:00, the i Chase High girls will play Lin- i colnton. Then at 9:00 the first- WILLIAM (BILL) MASON For Dutrict Judge place Kings Mountain Mountain eers will meet the eighth-place-. R. S. Central Hilltoppers. Saturday, the time schedule will be the same as Friday’s. In the first game the Kings Moun tain Mountainettes will take on the Burn’s Bulldogs. At 4:30 Cherryville will meet Crest in the I first boys’ game cf the day. At ! 7:00 the Shelby girls will tangle I with Crest; and at 9:00 the Shel by boys will meet Burns. Monday at 7:00 the winner of the Girls game between East and Jl, S. will. meet ,the winner of the Chase and Lincolnton game. Then at 8:30 the winner of the game between Kings Mountain and R. S. Central will play the winner of the Belmont and Lin colnton clash. Tue.«day at 7:00 the winner of the game between the Shelby Lady Lions and the girls from Crest will meet. The winner of (Continued On Page Three) RALPH J. TUCKER For Register of Deeds Saunders Wishes "To Cooperate" “Equal Time" Poses Problem For Dover Hugh Dover, chairman of the county commission, has annoum ced he will seek re-election, but has not yet paid his filing fee. At (he moment, his plans are to file on March 22, last day for filing. It involves Mr. Dover’s early morning radio progra mover WO HS Shelby and Federal Commun ications Commission regulations requiring “equal time” to all can didates where provided onel Mr. Dover’s is a special case, since he leases time from WOHS Prcspccls for quicker imple- arid sells it to sponsors much as mentation of downtown mall Grady Cole did for vears with plans developed this week when charlotte’s WBT. When Mr. Do- D. L. S,sunders, owner of Saun- ver officially becomes a candi- Kings Mountain lake will have a ing, along with a special courses 3 until 5 p.m (Citfttinned on Page 8) (CtmOv.ued Page N) ! Center ha*? ( Phillips And Observerman Peruse City Street Improvements Invoices By MARTIN HARMON gardlcss of residence. The rec- A Charlotte Observer rcpoiler, ords Phillips had copied wciC Jack Horan, peru.sod city in- made available to Horan about voices for street improvements 11:80 a.m. and he completed hi perusal about 2 p.m. ‘$2r00o7oripve7causeLn7dav-'suKgcstinn. Mayor John Henry Moss re- ■ Ion campaign ^ ' ^*°*^^*^ said, of a ‘group’ of Kings ported after a conference with i Mountain citizens. Iloran: ' He declined to identify individ-1 “Mr. Horan said the last bids uals of the “group". Suggestion had been made Mountain under sponsorship of of Bynum Chanel AME on Jeis C'eaners, issued a statement date, does the “equal time” pro- the Cleveland Community Action church. He was M*"! of the Year l iving lie wished to coopet .ite in vision apply? Family Improvement iVogram, of Phi Omega fraterniiy in 19G4. furtliering Hie mall project. | The FCC is bein:; queried for will hold open house Sunday Ralph Tucker is a native of the Mr. Saunders said, "I have dis-ja ruling, frieneds of Mr. Dover Elizabc'th community, where he cusscil the mall project with report. The Center has occupied the is adult .Sund.av Schot)! Sur-rin- members of the mall executive former Southern Bell quarters on tendent of Eliz«»b('th Pnptist committee and I want 10 coop- Cherokee Street, over Storchi’s. church. He is a TJon and rnember er itc' in Hu mall development. Visitors are invited to inspect the of Gideons of Ctevelan ! Co'-ntv. From pn.s.sihle arrangements in- i new facility Sunday and to view Mrs. Tucker i-? the fru’mt'r Elizi- dicated. I feel I can cooperate." a film, “North Carolina”, fcatur-' (''ovtinurd Ov Pmu' ji | ^Continued on Page 8) : ing Evangelist Billy Graham and Peace Corps Director Sargent personnel and public relations for T’exHles, Inc. and Threads, Inc. j of Gastonia, will be principal ad- • dress, UF President , ford announced. Long active in church, civic and Gastonia area Sh river. Supervisor George Newman said James P. Poole is director of the Center which has employed a full time staff of 14, six of whom will be employed in the Kings Mountain office. The Center will be open daily, Sewage Syster Gets Federal OK; Rids Invited On Bonds March 19 taken fnr .strrot improvements ‘trough Friday from S to were taken in 1957. I replied my untiljj).m., said Mr. Poole. Don Craw-^^***"'^^ might bo in administration had followed violation of the state law requir- many of the same procedures as| ILlOnS TO HOIG ing bids for purcha.ses of budget- prior administration.s. I suggest ford and Mrs. Hovvacf! Jackson, owners of the land. Lot, Purser and Associates are arciiitects. A central facitiliis buiilding on Ihc campground will provide gro- cerU's, gifts and laundry facilities and a swimming pool. Kamfgroun.ls of Ameriei, Inc. \\'es forme:! in 1963, according to Mr. Neill, and was h.ased on the Kinj Kamper.s, ,lnc. is clearing land for a ItiiJ-sile family (.imp- ground on 22 acres east of Phil lips 6G Scrsice Station, King sir(?et. Robert H. Ntill, pre.sident, said communiTy*affairsitems of 1) more than $3,500 up ed if he were advising me of a a lease-purcha.so option had been v'inner of the Gastonia loJt*ne22, 1967, and 2) more than technical erroi, I apprt'ciatcd itJ obtained from Mrs. Wilson ^'w ' ’ Citizenship awaW and $'^500 since. "I told him I felt our price on ' " the Gastonia Junior Woman’s told City Clerk Joe Me- paving at $6.95 and $7 per ton club community service award. | Daniel, Jr., Tue.sday night, ho and at $1.80 per lineal foot for President Crawford will pre-|'wanted to see the invoices wlilch curbing - and - guttering arc very .sent Mr. Brunneme^’. had been copied by a secretary comnetitivc" Robert (Boh) Southwell was Harold J. Phillips, yarn sales Pat Fpangler, of Spangh'r & chairman of the 1968 fund drive ^lan and 1753-55 city commis- .Sons which docs much of (ho and other chairmen were Larry sionor, on February 21. Phillips city’s street improvements work ”nmrirk, r>nmmere'al; George ^ad requested the information on said he had contracted f'n low bid Houser, industry: Donald Jones, February 15 and was told it would the work of the City cf Shelby for s(-hooLs: Mrs. Sarn Robinson, pro- bo available as quh'kly as it the current fiscal year at $2.35 Vhairman. Appreciation Night Kin^s Mountain Lions club will honor farmers of the area and leaders of the community at an Appreciation Night banquet Tues-! day, March 12th. Dinner will be served at 71 o’clock at the Woman’s club. I Edwin Moore is chairman of ♦he Lions club Farmers and Area \Dproclation Night committee. W. L: (Rill) Plonk is program By MARTIN HARMON Ex(*v‘Ution of contract with the success. ul bidder on the city’s st'wage system improvements pro- ](H t has l)('en authorized by the Mid-Atlantic regional office of th(* water pollution ccmtrol ad ministration, Department of the , Inferior, Engineer W. K. Dick son, of Charlotte, said W(‘dnes- day. Hope Suffers Slash Wounds Jerry Hope, of Mid-Pines, was slashed in the face and on the chest by three youths about 9:45 Saturday night as he was leaving the home of his brother, Steve Hope. 102 Morris street. City Officers Bob Hayes and Raymond Galloway, who investi gated, said the victim did not know the attackers, whom he de scribed as young boys, and who left the scene in a white 1964 Chevrolet. He was slashed whh a b^eresn opener on the cheeks, and th« letter "S” was carved on his chest. . camping parks under a nationally j oondence; and Mayor John Moss, franchis'd name, which would be i public employees, ficated in high-traffic areas per-j Choral to cities. Designed and' hgineered for the camper of to-; "day, and for Hie future. KOAsi fessional; Charles Mauney, ad- could bo gathered. City Clerk Me- per lineal foot for curhing-and-' Speaker for the banquet will ‘ guttering. He said he did not re- be* announced next week, said ..icmbei the exa ? figu’'e for Mr. Plonk, pavine but rc^memberrd it as a. East Prindoal Club Speaker concent of providing high qualityj vance gifts; D'rk Maxev. corres-, Daniel said. a»*e geared to comfort for the and cp»-vk’e to the com munity, said Neill SERMON TOPIC Pc''. .Tflmes M. •WIH^'r will use the sermon topic. “Sons of God”, at Sunday morning wor ship services at Kings Mountain Baptist church. On the Horan request, the (Tcrk questioned the right of a ntui- citizem of Kings Mountain to see le.ist per ton. city records. After a call to the Mr. Sntinglei noted tha^ Kings North Carolina attorney-general Mountain renuire.« State Highway Wednesday morning, City Attor-! Commission spc.’lflclation.** wliicii ney Jack ’ White reported thatjspecify “30-inch enrbing-and-gut- the records are open to all, re-itering, double "S” r. dil. gardless of residence. The repords 1 SESSION MEETING Members of the Session of First Presbyterian church will meet Sunday morning at 10:40 a.m. to receive new members, Dr. Paul Ausley, pastor, an nounces. CHAPLAIN — Rev. Fronk Shir ley* pastor of Temple Baptist church* hos been elected chap lain of the Cleveland County Rescue Squad. Mr. Shirley was elected at Mondoy night's meeting of the volunteer organ isation. Hope was given first aid treat- Col. Dickson .said v('ib:il ap- ment and an inti-tet*nus iniec- ' nroval was gAen via tclep%one| tion at Kings Mountain hospital t by regional officials and that'and released. Lonstiucii»m work will begin Police interrogated and releas- soon. I ed two youth Monday, j The federal ogency will pay I $3SS.5')0 of the cost of the pro- ijoct. estimated to cost $1,300,000. M('antimo, the Local Gove n- ’ ment Commission is adver'isini? ! for bids for Sl.OOO.fK)',) in City I Kings Mountain sewage bon is,' n. B. B’-'toek. prineipal of East , the bids to be received at the school, will give the program, tfommissioM office in Raleigh un- ‘qiiicb-hikin" Th*'ough Eurone til 11 o’clock the morning of On A Fhoe-St»'ing", at Thursday Ma^ch 19. ni'’')H's '"w'^ni*! eUih meeting. The bo'ids a’'e to be dateft The club mee*s at 6:43 p.m. at A' ril 1, IP.'N. an.l wi*) mature an- the Woman’s elub. nually. April 1 ($40,000) to 1993,' Mr. Blalock, who toured Fu- inclrsive, without option of priorjrone during the past summ'»r, I t'CoHfhjMcd On Page Eight) will give highlights of his trijk

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