1968 Thursday, March 21, 1968 [MEMO TO ADVERTISERS KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS. MOUNTAIN. N. C. J2fl[ Grover News Page 3 Church / :30lfn o H uestions tea and /-^^>Answers about NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Q* What ara tha S moit important rules for profitable newspaper advartiling? A* 1. Your advertising massage should ba nawsy» friendly, informative, easy to read. Give facts and news about your marchandiaa and service. 1 Advertise regularly. Make your advertising do what success^ salesmen do—call on customers and prospects consistently. 8. Insist on audited circulation reports that give you the pacts about the audience that your sales messages will have when you buy newspaper advertising. Q* Is there a measure for the value of news*. paper circulation to an advertiser such as ^ the standards a merchant aaes in buy* Ing merehandiae—for example^ liks STERLING OB silver? A* Yes—la the well known circulation standards of the Audit Bukbau op Circulations, Q. What is ths A.B.a? A* The A.B.C. it s cooperative, non-profit associ ation of 3,450 advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers in the United StateiSind Canada.' Organized in 1914. Brought or der out of adverting chaos by. establishing a definition for paid ] circulation, rule# and standards for measuring, auditing and re porting the circulations of news papers and periodicals. ll -af What does A.B.C. do for met At regular intervals ons of ths Bureau's large staff of szperienced circulation auditors makes a thorough audit of the circulation records of each publisher member. The results of . each audit are published in an essy-to-read A.B.C. report for your use and prot^tien when yon, buy newspaper advertising. What are the FACTS in A.B.C. reports? | A.B.C. reports tell you how much circulation, where it goes, how obtained and other pacts that help you buy advertising as you would make any aound business investment—on the basts of known values and audited information. Are all publications eligible for A.B.C, membership? No. Only those with paid circulation. This is important to advertisers because it is evidsnoe that the paper is wanted and read. Q. Is this newspaper a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations? A* Yea We are proud of our drculation. We want you to know the pacts about the audience your telling mes sages will have when they \ appear in these pages. Ask for a copy of our latest A.B.C report. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD A.ac tl^ONTS - PACTS AS A SASIC MIASURI OP ADVIRTISINO VAlUlj i Deadline MARCH 31st I 4-A:/ \ N, V y i-f . w ,1-. - .V % r. • ' ... MUSTANG 2-DR HARDTOP The men and women of the spring holidays. .Shiloh Presbyterian church are 1 working together on a clothing Charles Moore and chil drive for the church A'orld serv- dren have returned lionic Uiter ice. Good used clothing is need- 5>P^tiding 10 days with hex- pai- cd. The men will make pick-ups Mi. and Mrs. Ben Philpot if you call P. A. Francis. "J T<'nnessee. Mrs. Moore s sister, Mrs. R. T. Crook The Pioneers and senior high and daughtci-s, Donna and Tere.sa fcllow'ship mot Sunday night at Crook of Corvin. Ky., accompan- , the home of Mr. and .Mrs. M them home Thui.sday and Charlie Harry from ti o’clock spent the weekend. till K. They enjoyed a wiener ■ u. r Robert Hambnght of Clem.son Wodnosday ni^ht meeling will ’’‘’“i bo held at the homo of Mr. and days w.th its t»ronts, Mr. and .Mrs. Glonn Rountroo at 7:30. Hambnght. The topic for discussion will be l. (Buckyi "Our Belief Concerning Death.’ Hardin and children, Sheiry and Rev. H. .Stewart White, Jr., and phillip relumed to their homo in Dr. Charles R. Moore will lead Xupelo, Missi-ssippi Sunday aftej the di.scussion. spending the week with her falh- The following have made con- pj. James Byers and his mother, triburions to the building fund ;\i q Hai'din. ^at the First Baptist church in ‘ and Mrs. J. K. Craig and memory of Mr. R. C. Tate. Mrs. daughters, Reb<?cca and .Marlhi C. M. Laughridge, .Mrs. S. A. of Easley, S. C. wore Friday Crisp. Lester D. Roark, Mrs. night dinner guests of Mrs. M. Carl Byrd, Mrs. F. G. Johnston,}(^ Hardin, they came espc*ciall> i.Mi. and Mrs. James F. Blanton fo aei^ .Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Har- and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ellis. din and children from Tupelo, The Bostic Cii’cle and L-idies Mississippi. S. S. Class Adult .Vo. 2 have made ‘ ;vir.s. C. M. McCarter is a pa a contribution to the building in the Chenxket* .Memorial fund at the First Baptist church hospital in Gaffney, i memory of .Mr. Ai-thur Bookout. j^r. Noah Kiser remains a pa- A baptismal service was held fjont in the Cherokee Memorial at the First Baptist church Sun- hospital after hospitalizcni for day night for Patti Herndon, three weeks, and Steve Turnei'. Mrs. Julia Crawley and .Sidney Mi.ss Sharon Gold daughter of Crawley of Winston-Salem visit- Mr. and Mrs. John Gold has been ed her mother. .Mrs. S. A. Crisp placed on the all-conference has- Sunday. ketball team for 1967-6S. Rev. and Mrs. Perry Montgo- . , mery of Columbia were Friday Bill Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday guests of .Mr. and Frank Neal spent Friday and wilbur* Roark. Satur.iay at Duke University for finalist for the Ajigier B. Duke J. Q. Hope and Dean Hopi* vls- Scholarship. He hasn’t received ited their brother. Harry Hope his report yet. at Oteen Sunday afternoon. I Bill Neal spent the pri'vious Mi's. Retha Westmoreland of weekend at Wofford college in Spartanburg sixent several days Spartanburg representing Blacks- with Mrs. H. L. Beam, byrr high school as King Teen. Paul Rollins of the Universiu j Mr. and Mrs. David Harry are of N. C. at Chapel Hill sp<*nt last sDcnding n few days at their col- weekend with h:s parents, Mr. tage at Myrtle Beach. and Mrs. James Rollins. Carl Fortenberry has returned Mr. and Mrs. Claud Rudisell home from Vietnam after his of Lincolnton vvere Sunday guests furlough. He and his wife, Betty of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pruetto. will go to Fort Bragg. Mrs. Hattie Allen returned Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walker day from Fort Pierce, Florida spent last weekend with Mr. and after spending three and a half Mrs. Richard Butler in Atiin’a. monthers with her sister and John Francis of Berkley Rights, brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. spent the weekend with Lawrence Turner from Lawn- Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Francis he dale. ’nd been on a business trip to Sunday guests of Mrs, Hattie \tlanta enroute home, stopped Allen were Mrs. Vacie Wallace for the weekend. , and Mrs. Hal Rose and children Mr. and Mrs. Steve Francis of from Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Man- Greenwood, S. C. were Sunday, ley Fulton from Spartanburg, guests of Mr. and Mrs* P,. A.,Mrs, Bert V^’estmoreland and Fr.ancis. ' Mrs. John Kendrick. Mr. and Mrs. John HaxTy of; Mrs. B. A. Harry went to I Clemson University spent the i Greenville, S. C., Thvr'^day to 1 week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank-: snend the weekend with Mr. and I lin Harry. John was out for; Mrs. Don Woods and family. | MIDVieW lAPTtST CHURCH Midpines Community Rev. 11. C. Franks, Pa.stor Laion Franks. Supi, Sunday Srhooi. 3:45 a m. Worship .SorN’lce, lliw a m. Worship Srrs’ipe 7:00 p m. Training Union; Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. Good Hope Presbyterian ChureS Ri-v. P L. Ro«is. -Mlnlsior 10 a m. Sunday .School 1 p m. Worship Scrvicea MACEDONIA lAPTtST CHURCH Wa>ne A-ilu*. Paslor .Sunday .Srhooi Woiship Soivleo -11:00 Choir Piai iicc TruinmK Union - Ksrnini; T;lin .Mid-vvrek Prayer Smipe- T:00 <1.A -i • 7:f)0 bimonthly Sunbeam Band 7:U(1 bimonthly ffBITLArS CKATCL loe. Uon«d ftultsTeuor, Mtoi Sunday School at to o’cloes «. m. Marnlna Wnrwhtp at 11 o'clock a m Methodist Voutli FeilowahXp at • p. Vestibule AM£ Zion Church 3(>v. M. I. Camp>M*U Minister Supt. \V. M ChildtTR it) A M. Sunday School 11 A M. Murnlne Worshlf ist and :{rd Sundavt North Piedmont at Blago Charles W. Easley, Pastor Std.l a.m. Sunday .Srhoid 10:fK) am.-MorniiJR Worship 6 pm. Luther Lcafue GaUlee Methodist Church Rev i. M. McLean Minister Supt. Luther Jam«‘rson 10 A M. Church Scho<d ..St and 'Jnd Sundavr 11 A.M. Mornlnr Worahlp CIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9;4.'> a m Mo. rting Woj'shlp 11 a m. WchU'Nan Youth 0:1.'* p m. Junior Youth 6:.'W pm. Prayer Room O.'W pm. K\enine Worship 7 p m. Tue^iday Praver Room 7pm Wednesday Piayer Ser\’lce 7 pm. DIXON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Mann. PastCM- SuDdar* 9:30 A. Momlnf Wonhlt 10:80 A. M. — SuBtfop Srhrwl TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH Kcv. Frank Shirle.v. l’a*itoi Paul Lcdf«>rd. Sunday School .Supt. CUde Biackwell. BTU Direcioj PATTERSON GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Richard P'yler. castor M. L. Williams. Supt. of Sunday Schoo Union Rohe- Hullenrter. Director. Tralnlr| Sunday ^hi'ol 9.45 A.M Mornine Wru'shtp a .M Vesper Services 5:110 P.H Mt. Zion Baptist Church Rev. R. L. Garvin Mmister Supt. John Ross lb A M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Mnrninc Worship ft P. M. Traininc Union 6 p.m. Evenine Worchip 7:30 Wednesday nikhi Praver Meetlnp Mrs. A. F. Collins and Mrs. B. F. Bird vUiled Mrs. Chiixles Ev erett at Ahe.- Thomas Nursing Homo at Morganton rerenfly. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell of, Mt. Holly were guests of '^ler' parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. Brian .Shu-1 ford last Sunday. MISSIONARY MTETKODIST CHURCH Kcv. Frank K. Seif. Pasiur Sunday School at 9:45 a m. Preai-hine at 11 a.m. Sunday Nisht Serviee at 7 p m. Bynum Chapel AME Zion Church Rev. '.V. J. rampbell Minister Supt. William (Jit in A.M. Sunday .‘^hont 11 A M. .MorninjT Worship 4 p.m. Young People Meeting 7::» W'ednesday evening prayer meet ing 7:30 Thursday Night Choir Rehearsal atSURRECTlON LUTHERAN CHURCH Crescent UUi Rev. David Castor. Pastor .Sunday .Srhooi at 9:45 a m. Morriing Worship at 11 am. Luther League Sundays at 6.30 pm. Choir Rehearsals on Wednesday eve ning at 6‘..'10 and 7:30 p m. Nursery provided for worship eeivJet mmm moomtaih tasehhacu U:0O—Mornlhf Wonfilp., 6:00—Baptist Trmnunt Untoa. 7:0O~Praachlog SKtrMa. . ^*6^S^fnccf« and Toachora BaaCBt 7 rOO>~Mid-WMh Prayar aartlaa. Wednesday: 7 p. m. Prajer Service SI. Paul Methodist Cnureh Rev. J. .M. McLean Minister I Supt. 0. V. Ellis I JO A M. Church School 11 A M. Mornmg Worship Jnd and 4th Sundays 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Meeting MOUNTAIN VIEW BJIPT18T CRUHCH itev. Ger:ge Leigh. Pastot James Bridges, Supt. Walter Causby. Oerk Crowder a Mouitlam Sunday: lO:tW Sunday School Morning si-nice 7:30 — Prayer Meeting 7:30 Evening Service Wednesday: cveiimg Service at 7 p. m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Pliifer Road — Near Armory Rev Koben Haden. Priest-ln-Charge Telephone 739-2‘Jl3 Church Schoo. 10:00 A.5f. .Sundav SeiTicc 11:00 A.M. Isi & -ird Sundays — Holy Communion 2nd A 4th Sundays — Morning Prayer Wednesdays—7:00 AM. — Holy Com munion THE TABESNUCU «P LOVX 302 Second Street Rev. Jerry Grigg Supt. Sunday Sclioot Ralph Qiltwood Sunday School 10 a. ». ^ Woramp Serviee U a. m. and 7:30 p. ■ Wednesday night and Saturday night M nee 7:30 p. m. Singing every 4th Sunday 3:30 p. ik Adams Chapel AME Zion Church -•♦•v. M L. Campbell Minister Supt. Lonnie Whisnanl 10 AM. Sunday School n A.M. Morning Worship 2nd ana 4th Sunday METHODIST CHURCH *:ast gold steet wesletan Sunday Scool 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Wesleyan Youth 6:00 P.M. Evening Wor.ship 7:(X) P.M. TEMPLE BAmST CHURCH Rev. Lewla McGaha. pastor Jlnuny Chlldera. Sunday Sdioal Supt. Billy ChUdera. BTU director. Sunday Schyol at f:45 a. aa MrkTtlng Worship at 11 a. R. BTU at 6:30 p. oa. Midweek Prayer 8«vloe Wedneadaye a 1.30 p. m. Gtmnlng Worship oa Sunday* at T*.S OVER INVOICE AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS. ALL MUSTAN(» IN STOCK AT THIS PRICE UNTIL MARCH list. FULL PRICE N. C. Sales Tax Only Extra SEE; DOUG EURANKS. RENNY CALDWELL AND MIKE ARROWOOD "THE sounrs largest little ford DEALER"

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