ill ra ■*s ^*t n- 5n al fi- ai m *r* ic* >ol er )1- P‘, n; a- ■e; n- ic- ;u- is; ial i^t. I ^ Merchants Opening Auction Dollar Days Wednesday Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Th« Groator Ungi Mountain llguro U dcKvod Irom tbo tpociol United Statoi Bureau ol the Cenaut report o Fonuory 1966. omd Includes the 14.990 population o Nuroter 4 Township, ood the remaining 6.124 Iron Number 5 Township. In Cleeelond County and Crowder* Mountain Township In Gaston County. r— Pages Today VOL 80 No. 15 — — - —— —^ " «efc VMW Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April I I, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENi; Fir st W Oman City Commissioner Elected Foote To Up Wages Effective May 6th VIETNAM SCENE—SF C Abraham Ruff« Special Forces man in Vietnam* is pictured above with o. group of the needy in Viet> nom who benefitted from packages of clothing sent recently by Kings Mountoin citizens. The Kings Mountain serviceman had written a letter to the editor of the Herald asking for help and he said he had received numerous packages and letters from Kings Mountain and Gastonia area citizens. Persons who had written return addresses on the packages were thonked vio a letter from Ruff. '"Everything is being well used and is much op- preciated"* said Ruff. In the photograph Ruff is distributing gift packages from women of Carson Memorial church. Nursing Center Hires Architect Center Buys Land For Site Of Nuning Home H. M. Whitehead, Jr., Atlanta, a. architect, has been employed by the Kings Mountain Convales cent and Nursing Center, Inc. The officers and directors of the corporation also on Monday pur chased for tlu' facility the eight- acre tract of land owned by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kerns on Sipes street near Kings Mountain hos pital. The purchase price was G16,- OOfl. The corporation will petition the city to rezone the property to R-20 for building of the 100- hed nursing and convalescent cen ter and will deed to the city the .‘Street around the eastern side of the proixTty, said Joe R. Smith, corporation president. In another action of the corpor ation the board of directors elect ed Dr. John C. McGill to succeed the late Ward 5 City Commis sioner O. O. Walker on the board. Coble To Preach Sunrise Sermon Early-Morning Hites Sunday Begin At 6 Kov. Darrell Coble, pastor of iiast Side Baptist chuich, will de- .iver the sermon Sunday morn- ng at the annual community- vide Uastcr Sunrise service at Memorial Park of Mountain Rc^i cmetery. 'Die tr?.<lliion'il rite will begin It 6 a.m. In event of rain the TRAFFIC NOTICE Citizens attending the Sunday morning Ka.'^ter Sunrise Service are asked to use the Suber Gate on Go]d street. All gates will be open to walking traffic but only I the Geld street entrance will be ! open for vehicle^• to enter. Cem etery Supt. Ken Jenkins said . . • * ^ ^ Boy Scouts will distal^ chairman grams and city police will direct recreatior commis- Focte Mineral Company has 1 announced a wage increase for ' hourly' employees, ranging from nine to 13 cents per houi, effec tive May 6th. K. R. Goier, manager of the King.s Mountain Operation, an - , nounced the wage increase at ; Friday's general safety meeting, a barbecue dinner in recognition of completing three years without a lost-time accident. ; Also effective May 6th is an I improvement in the hospitaliza tion insurance and an increase in the shift differential prem iums, two of Foote’s company- , paid fringe benefits. In making these announce- mtuil-. Mr. Goter expressed hi.® ’ appreciation to all employees “for I yt ui loyalty, good workmanship : and safety record.” Safety award buttons and gift certificates W'ere presented to six employees for working 15 years without a lost-time accident. Oth er employees received 10-year safety awards. Rites Conducted For Mrs. Hay, 91 Hay Agency Oificei Dies Here Monday APPOINTEE ^ Carl F. Wilson traffic. service will bo cancelled. It is sponsored by the Greater (Continifpd On Pnqe Six) Sion succeeding Richard (Dick) Maxey who resigned to move to Asheville. The city board of commissioners announced the appointment Tuesday. NAMED — Dx. John C. McGill* Kings Mountain medical doctor* has been named to the board of directors of Kings Mountain Convolescent and Nursing Cen ter* Inc. succeeding the late City Commissioner O. O. Walker. City Asks For Bids On Street Improvements; Spangler Again Low St. Luke s Easter Report Now u]Km the first (hty of the week, ver)f early in the 7nornin(/, tluy rinne unto the seyiikhre, hrinf/ing the spires nhUh th(ij prrparru, and certain others \ fh(m. I ^ And they fonnd the stone roll \ cd away from, the scpuhhre. And they entered in, and found. not the body of the Lord Jesns. And it eatne to pros, as they MT/r much perplexed thereabout,', behold, two men stood by them \ in shining gatmienfs: And. as they uvie afraid, and txnrcd dotni their fates to the dirfh, they said tnxfo them. Why seek yc the lioing among the dead * lie iv not here, but is risen: r( member how he spake unto you i when he was yet in Galilee, Saying, The Son of Man must be delivered info the hands of sin- fn! men, and be erurified, and the third day rise again. And they I'exnembex'ed his w<n'ds, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest. (St. Luke 24:1-9) Safety Awards Dinner Set Annual Cleveland County Safe- tv Awards dinner will be hold Friday, April 19th, at 7 p.m. at (’harlo!^ Dining Room, Shelby. Frank Crane, North Carolina Commisslcner of Labor, will pre sent safety awards to qualifying f leveland County industries and in recognition of out standing work in preventing dis- iibling injuries on the job during 1967. ON HONOR ROLL The name of Jimmy Sotelo was inadvertently omitted from the list of honor roll students recently released by Kings Mountain high school and pub lished in the Herald. Sotelo was listed on the ’*8” honor roll. He is son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sotelo. By MARTIN HARMON The city accepted bids — but tabled action — Tuc'-day on a street improvement project on Street. j Spangler & Sons of Shelby was low bidder, of three. ! Skidmore Construction Com pany of Belmont was .second. Neil Hawkins Construction Com pany cf Gastonia was third. Non bidding proved better, the figures reveal. Spangler & Sons have been do ing eity work at $1.80 per lineal foot on curb-and-gutler, but bid, this job at $2.35. j Spangler & Sons on non bid! averaged. Mayor John Henry, Moss said. $22.50 per driveway. | rather than the $32.50 bid price. The Mayor obviously defended the policy of the city, during hlv and several prior administrations of non bidding. He read the bids three times. . (Continued On Page Six) District Pupils To Get Holiday District school pupils will be gin a long weekend Easter hol iday Thursday (to<iay) at 1:30 p.m. School bolls will ring on Tuesday morning for resump tion of classes. Easter Monday will be a holi day for majority of retailers as most firms will he closed, the Merchants Association reports. North Harmon's Rites Conducted Funeral services for William North Harmon, 87. were held Monday at 4 p.m. from Bethle hem Baptist church, interment followii^g in the church ewne- tery. Mr. Harmon died at 2 p.m Saturday from injuries ho receiv ed in a wreck Saturday three miles south of Kings Mountain on Highway 161. He was dead ' on arrival at Kings Mountain hospital, according to State High w ay Patrolman T. F. Holman. Trooper Holman said Mrs. I Nell Camp Harmon, 44, was iriver of the late-model car in which Mr. Harmon was a pas , '?enger. Holman said the auto, , traveling south, veered off the ihighvvay to the right and back j onto the road and across the cen ter line. He said the Harmon car i struck a Carolina Freight Car ''ier tj’uck driven by John E. Holloway. 45. of Mount Holly, which w-as traveling north at the time of the collision. After strik ing the truck, the auto apparent ly bounced to the left side of the road w here it came to rest, police said. Mrs. Harmon was treated at Kings Mountain hospital and re leased. She w-as charged with driving on the wronj; side of the road. Her auto was "damaged an estimated $1,500 and the truck $300, investigating officers said. A retired farmer, Mr. Harmon w’as son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Harmon. His wife was the late Milley Medlin Harmon, He was a mem be of El 3ethel Methodist church. Survivors include one son, Willie Harmon of Kings Moun tain; one daughtoi. Mrs. lluntei Jackson of Shelby; one brother, J. C. Harmon of;. four grandchildren and four great g andchildren. Rev. E. R. Lynn, assisted hy Rev. James Graham and Rev, Clarence McMahan, officiated at the final rites. Funeral rites for Mis. Mary Gardner Hay, 91, w’idovv ol Ar thur Hay. were held Tuesday at 4 p.m. from First Presbj* tcrian church, of which she a mem ber. Mrs. Hay died M*)nday morn ing at 10:30 a.m. in the Kings Mountain hospital where slic had undergone an operation two weeks ago for removal of her gall bladder. She was reported recuperating satisfactorily hut her condition worsened on Thurs day. She was a native of York, S. Carolina, daughter of the late John Ross and Louisa Avery ; Lowery Gardner. Her husband, the late Arthur Hay, who found ed the Arthur Hay Insurance Agency, died December 6, 1944. Mrs. Hay was vice-president of the company, active in the Col onel Fi-ederick Hambi ight DAR and Thursday Aftern(K)n Book club and in the Presbyterian church. She is survived by one daugh ter, Miss Helen Hay. and one sister. Miss Maude Gardner, both of Kings Mountain. Dr. Paul K. Ausley. her pastor, officiated at the final rites. Active pallhearei’s were Ed Henry Smith. Harry Page, Luth er Cansler. John Warlick, Bo'o Maner and George .Moss. Elders of First Presbyleiian church were honorary pallbear ers. Clean-Up Campaign Set The city board of emmmission- ors Tuesday night set the date for the fourth annual community clean up campaign to begin April 27th. The campaign for cominunii\ betterment will continue for six months and will follmv torniat of previous campaign.s. Mayor John II. said Wed nesday an organizational me«'t- ing of campaign volunteers will be called next week. Co-chairmen of the city’s 1967 drive were Clayvon Kelly and Mrs. E. W. Griffin. The city won a certificate of honorable men tion in the 1967 nationwide beau tification program. Mrs. Walker To Be Sworn Thursday 5:30 Ey MARTIN HARMON Mrs. Maude Rhea Walker will be .sworn a.s a city commissions from Ward 5. succeeding her late husband, at 5:30 Thursday after noon. The board of city commissioners unanimously appointed Mrs. Wal ker Tuesday, on motion of Mayor Pro Tempore W. S. Biddix, sec onded by Commissioner Norman King. Mrs. Walker said. “I am hon ored. I did not expect this honor.” Mrs. Walker will bo the first woman to serve as a city com missioner. Would Mrs. Walker seek elec tion in May 1969? "I don't know what to say about that. That would depend on how I get along. . . ' Mrs. Walker is a Kings Moun tain native, daughter of the late James and Lenora Dover Rhea. She to talk about hei ago but admits to being a mem ber of the Senior Citizens club, and the American Legion Auxi liary from World War I. .Mrs. Walker Is a Democrat. She has a daughter. Mrs. F. A. McDaniel. Jr., and a grand-dau ghter. Miss Cheryl McDaniel. WINS SCHOLARSHIP ^ Danny Dyke of Kings Mountain has won a William A. Whitaker scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Danny Dyke Wins Grant A Kings Mountain native has been named one of 2.5 winners of the distinguished William A. Whitaker Scholarship for study at the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill, Director ol Student Aid William M. Geer an nounced t(Klay. First in his class at Kin^s Mountain high school. Joseph Daniel Dyke is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert J. Dyke Jr. of Kings Mountain. He plans to ma jor in chemistry at UNC to pur sue a career as a chemist or physician. lie is active in high school in the National Honor Society, the Scieiwt*. Latin and Radio clubs, and on the yearbook staff. In 1965 he won the Highest Schol astic Av(»rage in high school and also tli(' highest science average Fi addition ho has attended the Goveinor’s School, the National .•science Foundation Institute, and has won the N.E.D.T. Achieve ment Award. The awards, renewable each .vear subject to high academic st.iirling. wore established by a hc'tursi of tile late William A. , Wliitaker of Winston-Salem and Xew York. A IMH l'.\C graduate. Whita ker left his alma m.itcr Sl.7.50.000 in 1960 with the stipulation that part of the money's income be us<*d for scholarships bearing his name. Parts of th(* bequest are also used for acquisition of art (Ciaifiaiad on Page Sixf Dollai Days Promotion Set Auction Dollar Days, a tra^, promotion of the Kings Mountaii. Merchants Association, wall offi cially open W’ednesday. Plans for the city-wide promo tion were announced this week by Jim Yarbro, vice-president of the retailer group and chairman of the promotion. Other members of the steering committee are Wilson Griffin, John McGinnis, Bill Fulton and Larry Morrow. Customers will accumulate their ■‘auction dollars” through pur chases made with the participat ing firms, explained Mr. Yarbro, and this “money” w’ill be used to bid on many valuable articles of merchandise at public auction Saturday. April 27th. at 6 p.m. al the parking lot at the corner of Cherokee and Mountain streets. Auction gifts will be on isplay in the office of the Industrial Association of Kings Mountain Area. Auction dollars will be given, dollar - for - dollar, up to $100 purchased, by the local mer chants and those “dollars" will be used in buying the prizes to be auctioned off, Y'arbro con tinued. “The Amazing Mr. Bradbury”, bilknl as one of the world’s “greatest illusionists and compar ed with magicians of note — Hou- dini, Thurston and Blackstone”, will be auctioneer and his troupe of entertainers will be present for the auction show, finale of the lO-day sales promotion. “Shoppers are asKed to look for the identifying red stickers on the doors of merchants and take advantage of the big sales event,” said V’arbro. Mrs. Harper, Bob Scolt Here On Thursday SCOUTS TAKE CAREER WEEKEND — Senior Gill Scouts from Troop 200 of Kings Mountain and Troop 140 of Belmont investigated, health careeis for women at the University of North CaroLnr* Chapel Hill. Saturday. The 18 Senlox Scouts left Kings Mountain Friday afternoon and returned to their homes Sunday night The Girl Scouts toured the School of Pharmacy, the School of Mcd*c>ne and North Caroline Memorial hospital. Deans* professors ond students from UNC talked with t/? girls. The trip also Included o tour of the UNC cempus including a visit to the Delta Delto Delta sorority house. From left to right in the photogroph* Brenda Goforth* Susan Goforth. Lynn Harmon* and Linda Pearson. Others from Troop 200 who irade the trip were Jane Yates* Linda Falls* Suzanne Amos* Frances McGill* Ann Baird and Libby Trott. Leader of the Senior Troop from Kirjs Moun tain is Mrs. Charles Blanton. (Photo by Isaac Alexander) Mrs. James B. Harper of South- port, candidate for the Democra tic nomination for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, will bring her campaign to Kings Mountain Thursday. Mrs. Harper will speak to two Kings Mountain civic dubs on Thursday (today) and to a Shel by club on Friday. She will b<* guest of the Kings Mountain Ro tary club for their noon meeting today at the Country Club and will be guest of the Kiwanis club at their 6:45 p.m. meeting at the Woman's club tonight. Friday at noon Mrs. Harper will sp:*ak to the Noon Rotary club at their meeting in Shelby. While visiting in the county. Mrs. Harper will be house-guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney. Both Mrs. Mauney and Mrs. Ha per are past presidents of Ihej fCoiUinitcti On Page Six) MRS. MARGARET HARPER ROBERT W. (BOB) SCOTT Lieutenant Governor Bob Scott and Mrs. Scott will make an of ficial visit to Cleveland County on Thursday, April 11. w’hen they will spend the day in Shelby and in the wunty prior to the Bob Scott rally at Shelby City Park. The rally will climax the gub ernatorial candidate's day-long SCOTT HERE THURSDAY Robert W. (Bob) Scott will he in Kings Mountain at City Hall Thursday (today) trom 2:40 un til 3 p.m. in his campaign for the Democratic gubernatorial ncmination, visits in the city .md to most of the county’s precincts. Scheduled to arrive at city park at 6 p.m.. he will gn*et the public there prior to making a major address following a free barbecue sup- p**r. (Conlinutd On Pagt Six)

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