KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Ilurafty. AH Gardner Grant To Provide Home For Postons f BOILING SPRINGS —TriMta^ of Gardner-Webb College bevi unanimously accepted a $75,000 Kiant from the O. Max Gardner I'oundalion, Inc. for the purchase of a new home for lh<‘ president. The lovi'l.v new liome is loiated M ■■ vnnded knoll in the Hivi'r liend Acres de\ elopmeni and is .'idieent to the countr.v club Iniilding of that devrdopment. Ui. ..nd h.. Kii^ciie i’os- on are exoected to oecui'V the home on or hcTore August 5 of this year. Recently eonslructod by llu‘ Paul Porters, tlie iiome is on a thiee acre site. It is com pletely earpeti-d, air coiiditionwl and lias four liedrooms, tliree and one-lialf baths and is esjiei'- iaily adapte.l for entert-iinment. The o.OOO .s(pian> feet new home is expected to b(> a great asset to llie ecdlege wliile tlie present president’s home is exiiected to be used as a guest house. The I college has long needed a guest! house due to a lack of motel fla/- eilities in Boiling Springs. | Sight for Sore Eyes O' More than 8,000 handicapped childieu will attend Eaatai Seal camps this year, and several thousand more will attend regu lar camps on Easter Seal camper- OIP'. Bethwaie News .Mrs. Henry IVll and Herbert Clark \isitcd ri'lati\es in Char lotte Fiiday. Better Ideas make Ford your best buy in ’63 Better tdeas nobody can match. Mustang's original sports car styling. Nobody else makes it. Fastbacks in three sizes. Ford's smooth, quiet ride. Two-way doorgates on all wagons. Economical Falcon. All-new Torino and Fairlane with 4 inches more wheelbase than 31 competitors. XL's and LTD's with hidden headlights standard. Save now! See the iighf. Belter Ideas Carolina Ford G Fora Ga^anie SCO Hardtep T>. .i »ei ic;o 1 SOUTHWELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. 910 SHELBY ROAD KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Mi.-s .Mary Wright visited Mr. unri Mrs. C.rady Di.vm and fam- , ily Friday. , Mr. ami Mrs. Horace Bell vis-1 Uc.l .Mr. and .Mrs. John Senter and Elizabeth of Gastonia Satur day. .Simd.iy visitors of Mrs. J. M. '.Viigiit and .Marguerite weio .Mis. Bill Suggs. Jerry. Dale and Wind,!, Ruth and Lena .Sc-ism. Mr. in'l .Mrs. Evereftc Gladden of Asiicville visited Mrs. Clarence lilar'on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds,' .'Its. L.' man Champion, Mrs. Kec-, ret II imrick. Wanda and Phyllis, .Mr. ,i!kI Mrs. Horaee MeSwain of Shrlin-. .Mr. and .Mrs. C. B. Clary. .Mr. and .M.-s. James Cham- pion. Ri- k and Chuek were Sun ilay visi'o’s of .Mis. T. A. Cham- pio-i and .Mr. and .Mrs. Tommy ' Champion. Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Bell, .S'eve and Herbert Clark visiRd .Mr. ' and .Mr,. F. Clark, .Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Chill.e Clark of Charlotte , Sunday. .Mi. ami Mrs. Joe Jenkins and famiiv. 'Ir. and .Mrs. Gary ;Sli !Up an.! Mrs. Dennis Goforth ; 'veie .-imday visitors of .Mrs. J. W. Beii. Ml. and Mrs. D. .\. Evans, Bet- tv Jo, D i f. Tarry and Buster ; Kelly of .''helby went to Parris Island, S. C. Thursday and Fri day to attend the graduation of PEG Nelson Evans of the Ma-| fine Corp^ | The Oak Grove Fire Depart-i ment will have a chicken pie sup per Saturday night at Bethware school at 5 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Dellinger of Lincolnton visited Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dellin.ger Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright! \ isited Mr. and Mrs. John Car penter of .Mar.ys Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Seism and David, Mr. and .Mrs. Nolen Seism and Tracy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moffett ■Seism. Rescue Squad Is Inspected Young Voters For Roark Set Meeting The Youiiij Voters for Lester D. Roark in Cleveland County will hold an open meeting Thurs day night at 7:30, according to the group's chairman, John Brock. Grea City The meeting will be the first held in Roark campaign head quarters at 108 South Washing ton St. in Shelby the old Span gler Realty Co. location next to the Masonic 'Building. Roark, who is running for Seat No. 2 in the three-county District 43, will be present at the meeting. Brock extended an open invita tion to all young voters in the county, through the mid-40's, to attend, and said, "We believe that all young voters ought to be in volved in politics because they will be more directly affected than any other age :group by the affairs of today. "For this reason we are ex tending an opportunity to young voters to become involved, and to learn how the system works from the precinct level on up through actual participation.” Brock particularly urged rep resentatives from each precinct in the county to attend. He said^ the organization hopes to even- ^ tually reach as many as 2,000 young voters in Cleveland Coun ty, and said similar organiza tions may be formed by Roark supporters in Polk and Ruther ford Counties. Young Voters for Roark is made up entirely of volunteers, according to Brock. The group opened the South Washington Street Roark headquarters on a purely voluntary basis. Cleveland County Rescue Squad was inspected Friday by the State Board of Health. The building and ambulances were inspected by Ralph Dedmon, a state inspector. The Rescue Squad received an ambulance permit showing that they passed this inspection. The building and am bulances will be checked by the Health Department several times a year for cleanliness and equip ment. Having A Wedding? Call Paul Lemmons Phone 487-4502 Photographer 3:30tfn •Mr. and .Mrs. Franklin Davis visited .Mr. and Mrs. Lee Costner; of Cherryville Sunday. ; SIM William Davis returned' home from Germany Tuesday.] He will leave for Ft. Riley, Kan-; sas April 14th. His wife is thej former Diana White of Slielby. They, have one son William Per-i ry. I Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Thrift, and family of Pleasant Hil] vis-j iled Mr, and .Mrs. .Melvin Love-! lace .Sunda.v. ' ■Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lovelace', and Danny Lovelace visited in' Gastonia Thursday. Mrs. D. J. I^ovelaee is recover-' iiiT from a serious case of shin-| ales. She is sfayin.g with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green. i Mr. and Mrs. Horace Philbeckl and Gene of Greenwood. S. C.! visited .Mi. and Mrs. J. L. Ross Saturday. Several of the members are attending a ambulance attendants shcool in Shelby. This school started on Monday. The members will attend this school from 7 until 10 each night until they receive 22 hours credit. Attending this class are: Jerry White, Job Wright, Mack Smith, Bud Ware, Crayton Dellinger and Thomas Hicks. All remaining members will begin a beginning ^ril 22. attending these classes will be Bennett .Masters, John White, and N. -M. Farr from Harris Funeral Home. Since 19.56 more than $2.5 mil lion has been spent by the Eas ter Sea! Research Foundation for projects to tight crippling. The Easter Seal Society spends $2,5 million each year to help handicapped children and adults live happy, full lives. Is WASHINGTON, D. C How fast can we locate a car on our 10,400-mile railroad? Would you believe 2 seconds? Let's say you're a Southern Railway ciistonicr who wants to know the whereabouts of your freight. So you can gear production schedules to rail delivery of raw materials, or reduce warehousing and handling cosls through close coordination of cn route shipments. Through our Direct Inquiry Ser vice—which employs the largest cen tralized computer complex in the railroad industry— you simply con tact our computer and give it the iden- lific;'tion niimbiT of tlic car carrying your freiglit. in less tlrni two seconds, tlic computer will start printing your r. I'ly, giving you all liic information needed to pinpoint the location of the car on our System. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is answering customer queries on some 12,000 cars a day It is one of a host of Southern Riiilway innovations benefiting ship pers and consumers by squeezing the waste out of distribution. Innovations and improvements that enable us to squeeze the waste out of distribution benefit all who live in the Southern-served South. By reducing the lolal cost of trans portation they help combat today’s trend of steadily rising consumer prices. They attract new industries into the South and help industries already located along-our lines to grow and expand, providing more and better hometow n job opportun ities. Ail of us benefit! WoUy By WILSON GRIFnN In an emergency — for seriou.s external bjeeding, apply pres sure directly over the wound, pressing the wound together. Use a first aid dressing, clean cloth, or even the bare, hand if necessary. When bleeding has been controlled, do not re move the dressing. Use a tour niquet only as a last resort. Health is preeicut , . . let us help protect yours . It Is Now Time For A More Progressive County Govern ment To Take Action On The Present Problems That Face The County, I Do Not Favor A Property Reassessment As Of Now. Tlw Ci tpcctol Januan Numbti Nurob«i Mounta VOL. 8i VOTE I Will Appreciote Your Vote Moy 4. WILLIAM ORR APPOI Kings been < dustry vUlc C Ash App Pliilil lain '!£ fill the Induslr ment c of Corr The today i Exicul! Chamb t'ari'oll b<'f ind Klarr busines lina fc gradua Univer "I a Mr. El Clnmt Dcgcnl more I best q "jn. 5 ■fori vmair indust I ment fC Adi Pai Con: addili deiAva .Slip nesda from of $4: of ihf in lin aniici began obtai tem'f slate tlic