) PopnlatioD Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8,256 Th« Grtoter Kings Mountoda tlgur* It dtrivtd Iimb tiM ■ptciol Unittd Stotts Burton of tht Ctnsut vtport o JoBuory 19B6. and Includtt tht 14.B90 populotlon e Numbtr 4 Township, and tht rtmalning B,124 lion Nunibtr S Township, In Ottrtlond County and Ciowdtr' MountolB Township In Gaston County. Pages Today Kings Mountoin's Beliable Newspaper VOL 80 No. 16 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 18, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENlf fn V W- r.rt 1619 Elementary Pupils Are Assigned ll >1 Auction Dollars Are Now Flowing Play Money Will Purchase Valuable Goods rtt'^ LANDSCAPING PROJECT AT NEW HIGH SCHOOL—A group of vocational agriculture students are planting junipers in front of the high school gymnasium in the photograph above, part of a beau tification program approved recently by the Kings Mountain board of education. Overseeing the work are agriculture teachers. Wayne Silver. C harles Knight ond M. L. Campbell. Magnolia Gar den club donated S200 toward the project ond ov er S360 In shrubs hove been purchased for plant ing. Other areas scheduled for beautificotion include the student court area in the school, all of the grounds, and a park area located behind the school building at the edge of a wooded area. A greenhouse. Cleveland County's first campus greenhouse, serves for propagating shrubs, flowers ond other plants, including tomato ond pepper plants. (Photo for the Herald by Isoac Alexander). Saturday Is Final Registration 137 New Voters Axe Registered In This Township APPOINTED — Philip R. Elam. Kings Mountoin native, has been appointed director of in dustry and business of the Ashe ville Chamber of Commerce. Asheville C Oi C Appoints Elam Rc*gi5U’aiion ior the May 4 po litical primaries ends Saturday at Ck'velahd County’s 2S voting precincts. In the four precincts of Num ber 4 Township, regisitration ac tivity showed a considerable spurt last Saturday, second of three registra-tion Saturdays. ' Auction Dollar Days, a city- ! wide sales promotion, is under- ! way. Jim Yarbro, chairman of the I trade piomotion of the Kings , Mountain Merchants association. I said shoppers arc asked lo look for the identifying rc.l stickers ; On the doors of downtown, firms and take advantage of this big -ale? event.” Auction dollars will be given, dfillar for-doliar, up to SlOO pur- chascKl, by the loval merchants and theso ‘‘dollars” will bo used in huyiig free, valuable prizes , 0 be auctioned off Saturday. April 27, at 6 p.m. at the parking lot at the corner of Cherokee and Mountain streets. The auction gifts were being put on di.^play this week in the olfice of In.i’striil Asso'-iation ! or the Kings Mountain street. ' Teaturrcl entertainment for the final day of tht sales promotion ■ vill be apr^^araneo of The \mazing Mi. Bradbury”, billed I as one of the world’s greatest I magician and his troupe ol on ' tertainers. I A full-pT e advertisement i n , toda.v’s edition of the Herald lists the ?0 pa»‘ticimting firms and gives details of the promo- ; tion. - GilNE BALLARD Action Deferred On 66 Asking Davidson Plant The (‘ity board of education Monday night approved 1.019 pupil assignments f<n* school yi'ar 196H-69, deferring “for further study” request o, 00 Xegio pupils lo attend Da\idson school. All other requests for a.^sign- ment to tlie various schools which were receiv<*d by the Marcli 17ih I retiuest deailline were approved. I Supt. Donald Jones asked the I board to delay action on the Da- \idson requests and make the I assignments later. Ho remarked . “OG students are a very small number to operate a school.” I Supt. Jone.s said students and 1 their parents chose whicli school , to attend under the system's free 1 dom-of-choice plan. He said the choice forms returned to his of fice have not resulted in a crowd I ed situation at any of the plants. The elementary scdiool assign ments approved include: Beth ware, 22S. Compact, 153. East. 241. Grover, 235. North, 318. Park Grace, West. 2G1. PRESENTATION — Four awards were posthumously presented to Major Phillip Ward Broom in ceremonies at his father's home in Monroe recently. Major John D. Little, at left in the photo graph presents the medals to Major Broom's widow, Mrs. Phyllis Dean Broom, formerly of Kings Mountain, as Major Broom's fath er. Ward Broom, looks on. The jet pilot was killed in on airplane crash in Vietnam November 3. 1967. Broom Awarded ^ DFC, Other Honors ^ Posthumously Major Plilllip Ward Broom, husii.iiul ol the former Phyllis’ Dcin of Kings .Mountain, was pi sihumou-'ily awarded i<‘ur med als by the United States Air Force in ceremonies ri'cendy at Broom's father's home in Mon roe. The jet pilot, i(‘turning to Bien Hoa Air F<Mce Base in Vietnam atu'r a bombing mission to the Thieves Of Safe Took Only Cash ' Thieves who broke into tlic I King.*? Mountain Hospital buiini'.ss I office early last Thursday morn mg and w’heeled out the 750- : pound Meilenk safe are still being ' sought by city and area police. . ' The safe and the hospital hand trucks the thieves borrowed north of Viot:iam. was killed on to .steal the safe — were found November 3, 19G7 when his jet To date 137 new voters have put their names on the Number 1 Township voting books. Mrs. J. H. Arthur, registrar at [the large West Kings Mountain Philip R. Eiam, Kings Moun precinct, has logged 95 new vot- lain native, has been named to'ers. fill the post of Director of the Mrs. Nell Cranford, registrar' Industry and Business Depart: at East Kings Mountain, reports: ment of the Asheville Chamber 23 new voters to date, of Commerce. Mrs. J. B. Ellis, registrar at The announcement was made Grovei, has added 11 names, today by Richard K. Dc'cnhardt, Mrs. A. E. (Jim» Connor, reg- Exicutive Vice President of the islrar at Bethware, has added Chamber. Elam succeeds the late eight names. ■ ■ IW Carroll E. Ford in the key Cham ■ Ralph Gilbert, chairman of the; a HaVA b<*r Industrial promotion position, county elections board, has re- * WiBlWAiAlw aawav Elam, who has been active in minded all citizens they must bo Rev. Robert L. Hadcn, Jr., . u n business in Western North Caro- registered to vote and advised tor of Trinity Episcopal church | pi’unary contests in North Caro TO COLUMBIA Rev. Robert L, Haden, Jr., will become as sistant rector of Trinity Episco pal church, Columbia. S. C.. on May 1. Haden Resigns Is Political Interest Perldng? By MARTIN HARMON I Interest in local and state political campaigns appeared I quickening this week, though ; several candidates reported in I their vote-seeking travels prev iously outward interest seemed ; minor. ' One candidate put it, “People to whom I've talked seemed in terested and concerned in naiion- ’ al and international evenets, not . local politics.” ! The May 4 primaries are dif ■ ferent in 196S from those of I many years in two respects: ; li Voting day is four weeks in advance of former years, via act I of the 1967 General Assembly. 2» There are more Republican NORMAN YA'TES Clashed Just short of the airstri'p at the Bien Hoa Air Base. Major Broom w.=is awardoti the Dislingui-shod Flying Cross, the Bronze Star, the Pur])l(‘ Hi'ert and the Air Medal. Major John D. inlile. rep're.sent- in.: the USAF. made the pres(*n- talion to Mrs. Broom and Major wi near Cherryville Thursday morn- ing. Business Manager Gene Sh<»p- I herd said the loss totaled appro.xi- mately S8fH) in cash and a “beat up” safe. The thieves did not dis turb valuable papers including j stock certificates, insurance poll cies and some Sll,8(X) in chocks. 5^1 The thieves entered the locked Broom s .atlK'r. Ward Broom. He ' business office through an adpa- said, “The professi(.'nal ability Si cent bathroom window on the and outstanding aerial acrom- "'w east side of the building, com- plishments of Major Broom re- : mandeered the hand trucks and fled great credit upim himself svi w’h(*cl(*d the safe out through ilio and the United Stales Air Ffuce.” hallway leading to the hospital The Dislinguishi'd Flying Cross, day afternoon at 4 p.m. from chapel. the most prestigious of the four Oak Grove Baptist church of The theft was discovered by awards, cited Broom for “his which he was a member. Mrs pean McDaniel when she highly professional efforts which Young Horn, a high .school opened the busini»ss office Thurs- contributed materially lo the mis- sophomore, was killed Saturday RITES HELD — Funeral rites for Eddie Horn, 16. were held Mondoy afternoon from Oak Grove Baptist church. Accident Fatal To Eddie Horn Funeral rites for Edsvin Lee (Eddies Horn. 16. were held Mon- day morning. . ^ Sion of tile U.S. Air Force in at 11:20 p.m. when he apparent- .Southeast Asia.” ly lost control of the light truck Major Broom’s wife and two he was driving and crashed into sons live in Gastonia. He was several trees off rural paved son-in-law of Mrs. Amos Dean of poad 2256 near the Martin Phifer Kings Mountain. lina for the past 17 years is a, citizens who have moved University. ty “I am delighted to announce fers. Mr. Elam will join the Asheville Chamber of Coipmerco staff.” DegenhardI said. “We have spent more than six wi'eks seeking the Henry To Preach PAUL A. HOWARD. SR. into here since June 1964. will become ^*na than there have been in de graduate of North Carolina State new' precincts since the last coun- assistant rector of Trinity including the active cam University. ty-'wide election to obtain trans- copal church in Columbia, S. c., | Paipms for the gubernatorial nom On Mav 1. I ination being waged by John L Stickley, of Charlotte, and U. S The Columbia church nas 2206, Ropresemtativo James Gardner, of adult members. : Rocky Mount. In Kings Mountain. Mr. Haden' Democrats have their usual best qualified man for this posh - , . i vv active in community, primary donnybrooks. wdth a The previous standards of:I|f HAtllUill HATP affairs as a member of the Lions three-man race for governor. TkvAA ^ - - - - ni nCVAVCII IAwAC iclub and other organizations and eluding H. - Governor Robert W.'P|^|H05 1 IlAcC interest in the Scott. J. Melville Broughton and ^ _ program. Dr. Reginald A. Hawkins. Craftspun Yarns, Inc. announc- I ed this w’eek employment of three Ciaitspun J rn'ta Iformance have been high. I’m I main that the promotion of the; t:. i u ♦ shown especial industrial and business develo,> R^V- Earl Henry pastor of city recreation ment of Buncomlx' County will:I-'"roln Avenue Baptist church I Mrs. Haden. Allen Memorial Sets Revival from Columbia, (Ct>nti»ued on Pag(' Six) of Lincolnton, will be evangelist, is the former Mary Anne Easter for revival services beginning Ging. The Hadens have a son. I Sunday at Macedonia Baptist church. Services will be conducted each evening at 7:30 through April 26th. Rev. Wayne Ashe, pastor, said the community is invited to join in the series of services. Addition Cost Pared $19,000 Construction of a 12-classro()m addition to North school got un derway l^iesday. Supt. Donald Jones said Wed nesday that trimming of $19,000 from original construction costs of $423,092 would put the cost' of the addition at $413,092, morej in line with what the board had anticipated when the planning began several months ago. Negotiation for the better price means elimination of some items j at the regional office of the De partment of Housing and Urban Development in Atlanta Monday afternoon. Mayor John Henry Moss filed the application (25 copies 13 for Robert L. Haden III, ago one. METHODIST TOPIC “Let’s Enjoy Our Religion” will be the topic of Rev. D. B. Alderman at the vesper hour Sunday evening at 7 at Central Methodist church. For lieutenant-governor H ^ , Taylor. Jr., is opposed by a lady. key executive petitions. ^ Viv« Mavtrarpt ITorncr How'ard. Sr., of Kings to 11.15 a.m. " ‘ vie^ fo/.superintendent of Mountain has joined the firm as' East School, ILlo to 11:30 a.m. in “ . _ _ crti-»r^ria .shift in tnn cnin.i Kings Mountain Model Cities Bid Filed By Moss Monday In Atlanta Five public education and Slate Sen ator Robert H. Morgan, of Har nett, is challenging Attorney-Gen eral Wade Bruton. Eight Democrats seek three nominations to the county com mission while ton seek five nom- Gene C. Ballard of Indian Trail; Mel Broughton, candidate for inations to the county board of joined the firm as production the Democratic nomination foi (MiucaUon. planning supervisor. governor, and Mrs. Broughton Ten Democrats st'ok the five Ballard has been affiliated will make an official visit to nominations for the new three- pj-oduotion planning the past Cleveland County on .Monday county district judge posts. p) years. A graduate of Holbrook when they will spend the day in second shift overseer in the spin-; ning and winding departments. Norman (L Yates of Kings' Mountain has joined the firm as production planning supervisor of ” manufacturing. i Area Rabies Clinics Set For Saturday Rabies Clinics will be held by Dr. J. P. Maunry on Saturday at these area locations: Eaker’s Store, 9 to 9:30 a.m. Shady Rest, Midway, 9:30 to 9:45 a.m. Cherryville Road Grocery Store, 9:45 to 10 a.m. Pauline Mills Store, U) to 10:1.5 a.m. Community Store, Waco Road. 10:15 lo 10:30 a.m. - * ♦ h h Davidson School. 10:30 lo 10:4.5 vor. ust enuren. ^ * Services will be hold nightly Other survviors include two ‘west End School. in:4,o to 11 at 7:30 p.m. brothers, William Di.xon Horn of Rev. G. H. Thornburg, pastor the L.S. Army in Carlisle. Penn., Falls Superette. York Road. 11 of the chun'h, said the interest-■ and Olland Dennis Horn of the ed communitv is invited to join homo. the scries of si)ecial services. His pastor. Rev. James Holder. officiated at the final ~ home one mile south of Kings Mountain on Phifer road. Douglas Ware, a passenger in the truck, escaped without serious injury. Horn, a native of Kings Moun tain, son of Olland and Bertie Hcv. W. y. Monnx' of Gaff Lee Dixon Horn of mute three, ney, S. C.. a former pastor of was a member of the Kings ('.rover’s First Baptist church. Mountain high school band. A will be evangelist for revival ser- school bus driver, he had obtain- vices beginning April 22 at Allen cd his driver's license in January. Memorial Baptist churcli in Gro He was active in Oak Grove Bap- Broughton To Tour County Monday: „ Mrs. Broughton Here At 130 p.m. The city filed its application to become a “model city” under the federal government program from the work plans, but in no way will hurt the main structure. Supt. Jones told the board of edu cation Monday night in presnling a progress report. Beam Construction Company holds the general contract at a over a five-year period. The application represents the combined efforts of numerous or ganizations, the 40-member mod el cities committee, Ledford Aus tin, Asheville planning consul tant, the Mayor, City Clerk and department heads, the superin tendent of schools, and other Funeral Home. loe Fisher's Rites Conducted l-'unc.ral rites for Joscpli David Fisher, 66. were held Tuesday at high school. Lowell, ho attended King’s Busine.ss college, Charlotte. .Ml’S. Ballard is the former Juno Morris and they are parents of a four • year • old daughter, Joan. They are members of Sardis Bap tist clmrch and Mr. Ballard is a Shelby and in the county prior to the Broughton Rally at Sliol bv Cilv Park. ‘The rally at 6:30 p.m. will climax the gubernatorial cancli date's day-long visit in the coun tv. Mr. Broughton, who spoke the i*egional office and 12 for the governmental and civic agencies. Washington departmental head- Mayor Moss said decision on veteran of four years service in. here March 12th at the Lions 4 p.m. from the Chai«4 of Harris the Navy. A sports fan. Mr. Bal- club Farmer's Night, is expected interment follow'- lard enjoys hunting and fishing, to spend most of the time m ing in Mountain Rest cemetery. The family expecds to move to Shelby and other areas of the Rev. Dixon Adams, pastor of Kings Mountain in the next few county, his Kings Mountain chair- hid nrice of $290,549. Work Is ex-1 ejuarterst in person and was in- applications for mode] city desig Grace Methodist church, officiat- weeks. man. tH ni.ricd to be completed by the terviewed by Merle Patterson,i nations within the seven-state ed at the final rites. Mr. Howard, a veteran of 37 Mr. Southwell said Mrs. Kiougn ml of the year or the first of!regional administrator for the Southeast region was indicated Mr. Fisher died Sundnv after- years in the textile indu.‘?try. has ton will be hereto greet Brough I'ro SuDt. Jones estimated. Model Cities program. for about July 1. noon at 5:30 after suffermg a supplemented his practical ex- ton supporters at 1:30 P-m- at Sunt Jones also reported at the Spepifically, the' «ifpiication,, Mayor Moss said WiKinesday, heart attack. A native of c'abTr- porionct* by attending N. C. Vo- Southwell Motor Company. It hmrd’s regular Monday night IwMth vast amounts of supporting “The city naturally has high rus County, he was .‘on of Mr. calicnal School in Bidmont as well possible that Mel Broughton win Looting that bids have been ap-!data. asks a grant for the year; hopes of approval for the m(xiel and Mrs. Caleb A. Fislier (M Con- as numerou.s extension (-ourses. be hero with his wife , said .Mi. .rnvod bv the State Board of Ed- 1968-69 of $80,000 for planning cities program and -feels the ap- cord. He was owner of Fisher He is a native of Gastonia, mar Southwell. Ation and that board has in-1 work in pursuit of the model city: plication filed contains the sup Taxi Cab Company. rk'd to the former Minnie Hayes Broughton will make a major WtTK'd him of the procedure for,goal. The city pledges to supply porting evidence and informa Besides his parents he is sur- of Mount Holly. Kings Mountain address following a friv banx* nhfiining the Kings Mountain sys- : the estimated $20,000 additional tion required. If approved it will vived by his wife. Mrs. P(*aG Mae residents the past 19 years, they cue supper at 6:30 said Mr. $374000 pro rata share in cost 'mean much to the whole c*ommu- Tiller Fisher: five sons, David are parents of one .son. Paul How- Southwell. Local bands will pro- ■' Granted, for one year, the mod-: nity, hosptial schools, and many Fisher. Alien Fisher. Donald ard, Jr., who holds a degree in; vide music for the rally. Mr., t(‘ms . _ state bond funds to apply toward Uic project cost. el city designation is renewable other agencies.' iCuntinuid on Pago Six) (Continued on Page Six) i (Co/iHnacd on Pago Six) HERE MONDAY Mel Brough ton, candidate lor the Demo cratic nomination for governor, and Mrs. Broughoon will make an official visit to Cleveland County Mondoy, culminating a day-long visit with o rally ot Shelby City Park at 6:30. A Statesville Negro, James C. Holmes, is boriked for trial in city recorder's court Monday on chaiges of illegal transportation for sale of alcoholic beverages. Officers Robert Hayes and B. P. Cooke arrested Holmes about 3 a.m. last Thursday morning on a routine check when they no ticed the 196(1 Ford truck Holmes was drivin r parked at the car wash estahlishmonl on West ] King street. Holmes was making i a call at the telephone pay sta tion. : It was a big haul 42 cases of \ high grade whiskey and gin and ' .5S cases of various brands of , beer. Tlie big cache \irlually fills a city jail cell. 'Phe panel-type truck boro the sign on the sides North Hickory Furniture C'ompany and was reg- istere{l in the name of Lester James Huffman, Connelly Springs. N. C. The beverages reportedly were destiiK'd for a club in the Shelby area and Holmes was making j his (\U1 to determine whether it 1 (Continued On Page Six)

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