V Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Th« Grcatar Kisg* Meuntols fifur* U derived lum ife* ftpdcioi Uiuttd Siaias ftiiiMU ^ th« Cantus report e January 196S, and include* the 14.9M populoiien o Nxunber 4 Township, and the remaining •. 24 lion Number S Township, In Cleveland County ond Crowder' Meuntain rewashlp in Cost m County. Pages Today Kings Mountain's Beliable Newspaper 1 1. VOL 80 No. 19 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 9, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENT? Commission, ucati rKnirmnn v^nairman voutn jobs Oi Fund Campaign $150,OOC Sought Augment Bonds Foi KM Hospital CHAIRMAN — George H. Hous- Cl wJl serve os general choir- man of r campaign to raise $1504)00 for o new addition to Kui^r Mountain hospitol. Fairis Rites Thursday At 4 Committee Mayor John Hc*nry Moss will “ctommenci to the board of city commissioners Tuesday appoint ment of a seven-member youth eervice employment committee. Task cl the MYSKK committee : will be I) coji'uinatc sunimor jobr i for hi.‘;jh school youths in com- ! mnr.v ami indus\.'>. Mavor Moss f-ait! lf^^2 TJeve- lanr' Counts ycutlis need summer Ci(*or;'e II. Houser, som IMxon contributed by anticipat- Legion Re-elects Cad Wiesenei Bailey, Cabiness Aie Nominated By MARTIN HARMON j Though run-oiis arc iaduT.ted i :>> Cline, W. S. mddi.x airi l»i the three v.le\ eland lavnly i Mr.', O. O. Walker. commissi'n seat - and I ir two cT ^ thi fiM beard e.incatum seat.'-. | 2) The billiard ordinam-o com- u- ciialleivre.-^ hurl in 11 aied - mittec wliich iru-kides Cominis- Vvodne. day afternoon iheii iiilen- near Biddix, Ncrman King and tion;-. Ralpii Gilbert. •Iiairman ril the county election board, said tho.-e (andid*^!!’: with the rigid t' a run off have iir.lil noon Monday to call run ofis. In the c'Hintv comnd'^sion con test Incumbents Hugh Dover. Coh*- All ther item on the afienda is f.oiorth .and Spurteon Hew- 1 re.iueil by KIiiks Mounlain m jpjj (|,p ballotinij in thal order. J.invaicsccnt and Nursinj; Tenter j.-npwi-d by Kril? Morehr’acl. at for re-7nninK of the 5.4.‘> acre Pact 4,;^,^ behind Hewitt, J. oil Edeeni jnt .street from Kesiden- j„r„er 3590 and Itobert Hub- tial ■ 10 designation to Resideii- KUminated were Roy lial 2:.. The latter designation D,.^rnoii 3.3()€ and William Orr would permit construction of tlic .,,,,3 4(572, Goforth nursinp center. 423.1 ;,„d nowilt 4!j31. Tile board is also expected to p ,.numv board of eduea- aiipoint a ilerk of recorder’s court, j,,,,. pij,(,,’w, Borders polled folk wi'ig resignation as clerk by ,^3,., ,, ^ fi,,),) „( 12 Earl Stroupe, Ji. Mi. Stroupe re- candidates. Elected alons with her mains a member of the city polue gaiipj. 5609 and Rob- p (B.)b) Cabiness 2873. Plac- 31 T!u Cansicr street imi)!ovo- ments commitLoo, which includes ■{* v'Unr jii'-!: WliiiO, < ity attor ney, Commi.sijioneri King. Blddi.x .,..1 i\ t. A-lii". n. ROEERi W. SCCTT ?nrl V. \Vies«n«r w»«t-w-elect* , cd commander of Otis D. Green Mr. Farris d'ed Tuesday after- “The remaining $150,000 must po^t 155 American Legion in the noon at 1:30 p.m. at his home come from the citizens of the annual post clectio.n Monday nf.rr an extended illnc.ss. Death a:*oa, ’ said Mauney. “if our hos- w»s attributed to an apparent pital is going to offer the type of ^ Wiesenrr defeated Bruce heart attack. lasilitie.-* and services wc need. ,\i nmicl and Bob Smi h. IN- added. “George Houser is an! o-jeo-s v.iil he in A native of Cleveland County, outstanding citizen of our com- by Ralph AJeeck of Hie he was a son c: Mrs. .Mary Jane munity and the trustees feel cx-;j^^j,y^ division commander in in- Paltor.'on Farris of Kings Moun- tremely fortunate to have him asj j-tan^tion ceremonies Monday tain and the late John W. F'arris. rroneral chairman." ’ 7 p tlic American For many years he oi>cratci a Houser, in accepting the chair- ^^.-Tion building, g'-ociry store and was a farn.?r manship. said, “For the past l'7,‘"o'her nrw oTfi.'crs will include before his retirement due to ill- years, the Kings Mountain Hos-^.^j.| Wi’son, first vii'T'-^'ornman- ness. pital has faithfully served the j„y powcll. second vice Bisides his mother he is sur- community without asking for a .ommamW ..vho defeated John viverl by /his wife, Mrs. Essie personal investment to insure its Gladden and Hubert Ader- K'’y::eld Firris; three daughters, future. The hospital needs our McDiniel. adjutant M' S. Uiy Cirroll of Sumter, S. help now and the proposed addi- officer: Rhea Bar- t'.. Mi.'^s Armittie Farris and tion will bo an asset to the entire chaplain; David Delevie, Miss Gale Farris, both of the cemmunity." historian* Foley Cobb, sergeant- Irnne: foim so*is. Ted b^arris. At pre.sent, Kings Mountain ^^ho defeated Bob Da- V.' -y Do'iglas Farris, Calvin Hospital has a capacity of 78 stroupe, Jr., assistant Farr;> and Paul Farris, all of beds. There were 3,500 admis- .gr^ant-at-arms who defeated Ki igs Mountain; t\vo sistei's, sions last year which caused 98.6 Wri'^ht* Gr*io Stoffy ser- Mr-^. E. O. Gore and Mrs. J. E. percent occupancy—the highest ^ officer*" and Rav Clinc' ciin- Cltilde-.s. both of Kings Mountain; percentage of any general 1 ton Jollv Ben T Goforth, Gene and one brother. Rev. Charlie pital in North Carolina. ' libson and Jake Bridges were F*»"rs. a\!so surviving arc 10 Orady K. Howard, hospital ad- ^ dates. LOUIS A. COLETTA ing tourth was Mrs. Mary Lou Barrier at 4663 and Inrumbonl Bulord Cline was fifth at 4.575— just one vote ahead ot lellow Incumbent J. D. Ellis at 4.574. R<'b- ert W. Stone wa.s seventh at 3822. B th Ellis and Stf ne have tin* ameron Ware, Kings Mountain right to run-off calls. Other larmei, is being mentioned were Fred W. Sirnmons 373<. as possible successor to J. Clint Charles E. Jackson^ 31S9. Roiiert Newton who is retiring as Demo- Michat'l 28.56. trank bherrill - • 2f)T8 and Dev’on Bingham 1098. Waie May Be Party Chairman Made Decision On Wednesday Kobert W. SioU Is ine uei" - cralic nominiM ler governor and will faee Republican James Gard ner in Novembpi. J. Mflville Broughton, Ji.. an nounced Wednesday morning he would not call for a run-oL. ^ott had 48 i)e*cenl o! th(' votes and was about ICO.000 aliead of Broughton. Dr Reginald A. Haw kins polled about 125.n0(; votes. Ii was anticipated the Brough ton announcement would elicit a similar one from Raymond ‘A. 8tf ne, wh< placed second to Craig Phillip.*-' for stale superintendent ol public instruction. Thret* other candidate'- trailed Stone. H. Pat layloi, Jr., won the lieu tenant-gov (Tiior nomination han dily ovei Mrs. Margaret Harper and Frank Matljck. and U. S. Senator Sam Ervin wa.c an easy vi’to. ove threi'opponents. Gtliei Dcrnio: rat ic nominees are: Edwin Gill, incumbent, loi .state treasurei. Kd Lanici. incumbent, lor com- mi sirner o: in.surance. Senator Robert Morgan over Wadf Bruton, incumbent, foi at torney general. Frank Crane, ineumb<*nt, for commissioner oi laboi. Judge Raymond Mallard and Judge Naomi Merris. incumbents, loi judge cf the court of appeals. crati. party chairman. ROBCR* L FALLS Anolhei name being mentioned State Rc'presentatiye Robert Z. that ol David Beam, former Fulls was nominated for a third cliairman cf the county board of ti*rm in tlie 43r:i district of Polk, -J BRENDA JEAN MARTIN c.mml^sioiior.s. rii-volaiid ancl Ruthorfoni couii- A np« chairman will bo named “es. J'';, / by the Demoerati. executive com- hni rc ( t m’.tec which will convene foi- Roark IC.-o./ tc 1 < )4. 25 county con- county rciordi'i s (•ourl judge, led a field oi ten Ware say his candidates lor 2Tvh district judge (Lincoln. Cleveland and Gastoti May aMso surviving are 10 grandchildren., minirtrator, said, “Like all hos- Rev. .T '.mes S. Mann, his pas- pitaks, we have overcrowded con- to *. will officiate at the final ditians. Some patients must be rill’s, assisted by Rev. E. O. quartered in the halls until there Giwe ,nnd Rev. Charlie Dover, is a vacancy, while others must be Tn'erment will be in the family put on a waiting list to gain ad- plot of E ion cemetery in Caanan, mission. S. C. "Our emergency room is totally ^ inadequate for today’s population Cuiiy To Speak At Ladies Night Icwing tlie veniicn iuppoiter' backing ol Robert W. Scott in the May 4 primary should aid his counties). . 4 p,,., , jham-c.-. and tliny tout Waro as polled l- .33( yu s Also a nemcLTatic who could ui.ily the » J" ’" ^ dav ot Lincoln at 13.239. Judge * O.-car F. Masen at 12.432. Attor ney Lewis Bulwinkle at 11.976 ' and Judge VV. J. A’lran at 10,962. Defeated were Judge William A. Mason 9657, Horace Kenni’dy* 9595. Judge William Holland 9251, J. Ralph Phillips 7263. and City Policeman Earl Stroup*'. Jr. ^'^titen. J.., 6512. has rc.signod as clerk of city re- ^ ~ C4^;der's court, a post he lias held SGptlSt TopjC5 since April 1960. MotheiT. Hcmo A Stionpe Besigns Clerk's Post JOE MULl METHODIST SPEAKER i Gordon L. Goodson. lay lead er in the Gastonia District of Hie Method st eh.:rch, will fill the rulpit at Sunday morning wo’sliip services at Central Me!hodisl church. He will use the topic, “You Just Can’t Measure the Gift of Giving." and the lobby area is extremely Bill Curry, WSOC-TV sports di- small. In this day of technologi- vocto. and sports announcer, will cal progress and complex opera- make the principal addre.ss at lions, the people need better sur- Thur.'^day night’s annual ladies’ gical facilities. According to hos- -light banquet of the Kings Moun- pital figures, one out of every I'ain Kiwanlr club, eight per.'^ons In Kings Mountain' xhe civic idub meet-s at 6:45 p. will be ho.spitalizcd next year, j v,. jn the WomatCs club dining Horse Show Plans Underway Jfilu’lby Junior Woman’s Magnolia Trees Planted By Club Kijigs Mounlain Guden club- !v'is hive plinTcd m:. nolia trees at Muintain Rc-^t cemetery to memorialize a foimrr member and husband of a rnemher. The trees havt been planted in memory of Mrs. Clark H. Bro ward. mother of Mrs. George H. Mauney, a member of the club, Aicx.mder Wjre, husband of Mrs. Moffatt A. Ware, Sr., a menher of the club. Co-c!iai) men of the beaufifiev t lon p:*cic' ; were -Mrs. J. F2. Mern- lon and Mis. Carl V. Mauney. 11 Young People Tr ite Conli-med Eleven you:ig |)eople will be confirmed on Confirmation Sun day at Matthew's Lutheran r'luirch Sunday at the 11 o'clock morning worship .service. Joining tl e church are Thomas P IvcH ' Raker. Jr.. Richard Kon rad r o r o V. kynne Elizabeth Biidge . 0:ius Clc ' Falls. Ill, Ann l!(Ivc Fingei, Arthm Jeffry Hed- d('n. Laura Ann Hudson. Rebecca Li’igh Ki-e:, Jane Lauren Love- la.r. Betsy* L('a Queen, and Reid lub Lrc.^tcn StricI land. •GatloK*' Clubs Confhfitnf On Poof S Congressman Bioyhill Will Speak At Annual laycee Ladies Ni^t of Kiwanians will be Congressman James T. Broyhill I (if Lenoir will make the principal I .address at the annual ladies’ I night banquet Saturday of the ! Kings Mountain Jaycixis. j pinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. at the Womvan's club. Installation of new oHicers by | Paul Morrow, outgoing vice-pres- ' ident, Western Region Jaycees, will highlight the program. I Joe Smith, executive v’.ce-pres- i k ill of Kings Mounlain Savings & Loan Association, will be in- st.illod as president of the civic chib Succeeding Gerald Thomas- son. Other officers to be install ed include Frank Hinson, first vice-president; Ken Roberts, sec ond vice-president; Fred F'oster, secretary; Bob Myers, treasurer: Gr:ie Pittorson, Jaybird; and G'M-ald Thomasson, state director. New directors to be installed in- k elude Jim Robbs, Richard Burger. f Bob Powell and Bill Grissom. President Gerald Thomasson will preside and Past President b;U Allen will give the invoea- (Continued On Page Eight) ' rof m. Wive' peciai ‘guests. The Charlotte snorts director 'las been labeled ‘Air. Mouth of *he Soulh” by Sports Illustrated Magazine. 'Wi SPEAKER—-Congrtssmem Jornos T. BroYhiU of Lenoir wUl mako the princlpol address at Satur- dar night's ladies' night ban quet ol the Kings Mountoin Jay- ctes» Wreck Fatal To Salesman Harry L. Luke, Si., .52. of Vol GLEK RAV WHITE Ciaitspnn Yaim Adds Persjsinel Craflspun 5*ains has announced the promotion of one pmpl<»yoe, the addition it of the wKli to enUT horses in the sliaw regional blood collecting unit. Vlu;uld L'.jntaci Mrs. Pb.in Horton. Joining the four gallon club Ill. i’*o\ 9! i. S)n Iby. was Mearl Valentine and joining Judges and .dficials will in- Hu'three gallon club was Robert elude: Rliin Horl in. Ji. of Wins- 5'hitesides. police department desk offi.ei. Woman". Democrats T o Double Committees To Ten! Meetings To Be Saturday By MARTIN HARMON imporlanv('r fpd s m (jf 'p. E. v^on-.. hall male and halt female. committee>: are: when he losf control of his auto R'diin-nti of G:ov‘*r and the I de spi'cified that ton Dcmb- East Kings Mountain. Leonard ty e\enl arc Howard Hamrick, about 300 yards south of York Ro’'i):o’», has jidncd the crats constitute a quorum. F;nith. chairman, Mrs. Fred With- r('pre entiiig the Cleveland Conn xnd on 1-85. Luke, enroute to Charlotte, ^ravading north, left the road and In an attempt to get back on the Kings Mountnn Inph scliool. he vice chairman ex offido West Kings Mounlain—Ollie right side of the road hit the rrded (Visfon college and rnrmher« of the amnty executive Harris, chairman, Mrs. Charles T. 'mard railing at the 5'ork road "■ad''''*. '< in 1**66 t)i^ N. r. committof'. along with the pr('si-■ rarp(‘nte., Jr., vice-chairman, Mrs. bridge. Coroner J. Ollie Harris Vocational T: xlile 'kool. Hoi- rlo,u ol the county Democratic F. A. McDaniel. Jr.. Wil.son Craw- *aid*'44 feet of the railing went M s Robin :-. - Mo for- ;v{)iTien's organization and presi lord and Martin Harmon, through the auto, killing Luke 'n G.'»s'(Miia. dent r'f the Young Di'mocratic or- Rethvvare — Willard Boyles, instantly. ntiend ^ chairman. Mrs. H. A. G.iforth. vice- Mr. Luke was enroute to Char- *>st church and resi ’' -d 2106 The rukvs also specify that each < hairman. Cama^ren Ware. Mrs. lotte to attend a showing of Simmons avamne i G ■ ■ 'i:i. orecincl is entitled tc one vote Lamar Herndon and John D. shoes. ^ '^ist^' a n'.tive, ’ o-ais A. hn- each 50 votes or major frac-jJenes. He was a World War II veteran. Coletta, h:i'i kdm'd the local tion thereof east in the May 4, Grover—Bob Hambright, chair- The body wa.s shipped Wednes- ntanl as in.lust* 'al en ■iiuH?r over primary for gov'ernoi. man, Mrs. Paul Byers, vic(*-chair day to Voldosta, Ga. for funeral the spinning depy tmeiit. A 1957( Chairman J. Clint Newton .said man, Mrs. Arthur B. Davis. Ar- rites. Page 8) the rule ii not one of particular thur B. Davis and Clyde Randle. Craftspun Leads Blood Donors TC CONVENTION R(\. David L. Castor, pastor, and David Plonk, dek'grde. h(d!i of Re.sur.cclion L u t h c r a n (huirh. jvhI Rev. CbarU'.s Kns- lev, p.istOi', and Jair('s MeGin- Craftspun Yarns, with 41 donors, Rod h 117 blood. Thirteen otho: citizens were re- j('cted because of health reasons. Fc'cand i>Uu’e loader in the in dustrial gr^'up was King’s Mills, with 22 donors, and a new mem ber of the industrial group. Other indiKstrics furnishing don- nis. del;, ate, both of St Mat- ors for the visit at the Armory them's Lutheran church, at- tend(Hi the annual convc'ntion of the Ncu'th Carolina Synod of the Lutheran Church in America May (i-S at Hole Trin- i**. Lu*h'u*an church in Ra’c'yh. vvc're: Mauney Hosiery , 17; Lam beth Rope Corporation, 9; Foote Mineral. 3: Sadie Mills. 2: Caro-,, Una Throwing. 1; Knit Fabric.s, Margrace Mill, 1; and Kir M( untain Mica, 1.