I' • has 4 fail- way the Population Greafor Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 It dtrivta im lat { •ptcMi inUlti ItatM Bur««tt p| tb* Ctntut rtpbtl • omawy ItM. aid ImIu4m tbt 14,tM BtaulcttM • OUl tiM rOMiBlBf tJM ROB $ TowntUp, la Ctovtlomd Goaty «M CrtwStr* MaatiU Towntblp la Goatda Cwaty, VOL 80 No. 21 Established 1889 — - —^ • waaoia Kings Mountain^ Bnlioble Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 23, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENlf WhitenerSupports Model Cities Bid Congiessman Urges Weaver To Aj^ve Forty Youths Apply For Employment PRESIDENT — Rwt. Cborles Eoiley has been elscted presi- dsnt of the Kings Mountain Ministerial Association for the coming year. Pastors Elect church of Gastonia and the Kings Mountain church since June 1960. coming to Kings Mountain Pres bytery from Willlamston, S. C U. S. Representative Basil L. Whitener has written the Secre-i tary of Housing and Urban De velopment urging that Kings Mountain’s application for a model cities grant be approved. ,Mr. Whitener’s letter to Secre tary Robert C. Weaver follows: ^ ^ . •■This letter Is in behalf of an DactArC TlAAt , ^ application for a Model Otles ■ ClalWI» XlICVl ‘>oard of education has made all grant In the amount of $80000i P“P‘* ass.gnmcnts for the submitted to the Department of' B*-, B excepting those who Housing and Urban Development HCV. LoSlcV by the City of Kings Mountain,: * summer. North Carolina. { Rev. Charles Easley, pastor of " F”"’ ''“‘"I "Kings Mountain i o. 'S»- Matthew’s Lutheran ehuich, «r.bngements of the present Kings Mountain is one of the hepn nrA<iH*»n» r^f Mounlaln Mm],lerl,l A, J’ Elimination ol Davidain “ ““ ss Vim which was the turning point in| The Lutheran minister will e luf-able retardorl will be moved the War for Independence. The|«ucc<?ed Rev. Wayne Ashe, pastor from the Central plant to Dav- tt EFOup of town of Macedonia Baptist church. ; idson. officials and ha$ made great pro-l The new officers were elected 2* Transfer of sixth grades at gress during the past several {st a meeting of the association North, Park Grace and West years. recently. schools to the Central plant. , **The area in which Kings! i i . j '3) Transfer of six sixth grade, Mountain is located is the larg- O^er ne^^y-elected officers are students, who indicated assign- jest textile manufacturing section I ment choices after the deadline .CSilnf'K.’SSf'c.T J"" “ “r'irpZ'cl.uS"” >=,,““rTiii"” ^ ; choices after the deadline. Rev. Mr. Easley is also serving! Changes were dictated. Super- as chairman of the board of ja-; Donald Jones explain- cop S. Mauney Memorial Library. because of insufficient class- rooms to honor all requests for North. Park Grace and West, and a sixth grade overload at Com- ; pact. Plant Assignments 5*« Castor To Preach ror All But 16 Commencement Starts Sunday For '68 Class Three Sixth Grades To Go To Central TO CANIXHI —- R«t. Jam«B S. Monn hos rMignwd as pastoS of Dixoa Presbytorion church to accept a coU to Mocodonia Presbytorion church of Candor in eastern North Cardlno. Dixon Pastor Resigns Post' Rev. James S. Mann also^hg."“/,*“• Compact irequcstedi his resignation Sunday to the 2®* . in congregation of Dixon Presby-' • highly devel- terian church to accept a call to, ®*^f* agriculture economy. Macedonia Presbyterian church Vi */ feel that a Model in Candor, N. C. in Mecklwbupg i project in Kings Mountain Presbytery. ^ wou d be ably adm(nl«tered and Mr. Mann has been pastor of ^ serve as a, demonstration both the Northside Presbyterian, size I I GRADUATE — Coral Ramseur* daughter of Mrs. W. L. Ram- seur ond the lote Dr. Ramseur, wos graduated mogna cum laude Monday morning from Queens college in Charlotte. Coral Ramseur Wins Degree Ml Zion Baptist ' 'Phe .Mayor s Youth .'^ciaicc Em- iplovnient co:nini.ii*o intci\it A<Ti I ) youthful joh appliA.ints at Ih*- Armory .Saturday, Chairman .Franklin L. W'aiv* K’portrd. OJ the total, !4-n ate a\ailablc for fulJ-timf' wot k, uliiU* 30 .seek summer cmpIo\ int nt. It was the liist of thrci* Satur days in wliich the* Mayor’s com- mitt(*c will interview youthful job applicants. Another interviewing ses-^ion is scheduk'd from 9 to noon at the Aimory .Saturday and the I third session wid bo at the hi^h 'school June 1- ' Chairman \Var> s.tid he was highly pleased at the res;.r>nse. He further annojnterl, "Our problem now will be to find em ployers willing to grant thes<‘ .applicants summer .vork. How- j ?voi. we already iiave several , openings for summer work for j college students pur.suing legrees jin engini‘ering and chemistry.” I Meantime. Mayor John Henry Moss has a<ldiTssed letters to .w area employers, detailing the program and urging participation. TTie committee u as formed last week in cooperation with (Jo\er- nor Dan Moort’s a] peal to pro vide summer employment for 100,009 North Carolina available. It is now permissible, Chair man Ware reminded, for youths 16-ls, to work until miJni.ght. Their employment hours were founerly limited for first shift, work. CotTimeiici»ment exercises for 194 Kings Mountain high school seniors will begin on Sunday with (he baccalaureate sermon and julminatc cn May 31st with grad uation exercises. &)th programs will be held at eight o’clock in John Gamble Memorial Stadium. > • Ro\. David L. Castor, pastor of Resurrection Lutheran church, will deliver the sermon on Sun- throughout the southeastern Unit-' od States. I am hopeful, there-1 fore, th« It will »>e possible fori . _ the grant in question to be made, i Iff Umhi D|QM aw with their Model Cltle* project." Title jPowen inns Promolion Miss Coral Susan Ramseur of Kings Mountain received her ba North plant has 13 rooms, need- chelor of arts degree from, ed 15; Park Grace has seven Queens College Monday at the’ [ moms^ needed eight; West has commencement convocation at J ^ Tlfronm*. needed H. ’ am- in Ch^es A. Da.-ia - Xhidd^ "J®*! The unassi;ned 16 sfudenfsi Auditorium of E. H. Little Fine Funeral rites for .Miss Minnie fhS Old S2, were held Tuesday Iy.%Here^^t sal af pl^^^^^ -M- Ramseur. daughter of 11 o'clock from the tion ^ the Kings Mountain R-amsour and the Jaie Chapel of Hams Funeial Home. Miss Phifer's Rites Conducted SPEAKER ~ Rev. David L Cos ter, pastor of Resurrection Lu theran church, will deliver t-je baccalaureate sermon for (he 194 graduating seniors at Kings Mountain high school Sundoy night Forrest Dover Wins Degree trict board of education. and Union Theologie&r Seminary, he is a Navy veieran. Mrs. Mann, the former June Holder. wlD complete duties as a proofreader with the Gastonia Gazette in mid- June and the Manns will assume r their new pastorate duties on July 1. She is daughter of Mr.^ _ n^-i and Mrs. R. G. Holder. Sr. ofj Fred Ertle Powers of Chsrlottn ' subjec"t "to thel^he lone high school in the doTmlteiTart^'ediT^^^^^ the col- month’s illncs‘s. C^rlotte. I formerly of Kings Mountain being raised within; lege yearbook; vice-president of ^ native of ( Rev. and Mrs. Mann are F^r-] recently named tn^urer permitted. ■ — ents of three sons, Donnie, Ke- manaMF *k« k **^^i**l®/ ■ vin and Kent Mann. A member IS approxi- 0^61 TlRllUng (Continued On Page Six) Day Memorial Rites May 30 Ralph Ross, senior vice-com mander of the North Carolina Department, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will make the prindpal ad dress at Memorial Day services here. The services will be held at 7 p.m. May 30 in Memorial Garden of Mountain Rest cemetery. The services are sponsored by Kings Mountain posts of the American Legion and Veterans; ! Assignment problems are lim- jj- major. interment following in El Bt'thcl plans to attend graduate school ,ited to Grades 1^. 5^^ ^ Scholar; chief -'^lethodist church cemetery. at the University of North Caro- Kings Mountain Public Hous- All pupils m Grades 7 and 8 mai.shal of the college; president Phifer died Monday morn- lina at Chaix*! Hill and plav ling Authority, Inc., bid $8250. ,«iiend classes at Central and of Sigma Mu. honorary scholastic ^ o’clock in the Kings baseball with the New York The board of education has Rings Mountain high school is organization* president of her Mountain hospital after several Mots. ’ ■ ’ -onth's illness. a 1964 giaduate of Be.s.semer A native of Cleveland County. City high school, at High Point the alumnae class of 196S: and daughter of the Dover has been active as presi- a member of the Resident Stu- Butler and Amanda Dixon deni of the Student Government dent Council. She is a member of Pbif<'t'- She was a member of El Association, secretary and vice- tho Art Club, has served as art R<^‘Jhel Methodist church. president of Kappa Alpha Frater- editor of the college literary pub- Survivors include her sister, nity. a member of the Physical lication, and received the Alpha Miss Maggie Phifer; four broth- Education Majors Club, on the day evening on the subject theme, "Anchor.^ tor Life.” Other area ministers who will participate on the program will include Rev. V. A. McManus, pas tor of Grover First Baptist church who will give the invocation; Rev. Charles Easley, pa.stor of St. Matthew’s Lutheran church and piesident of the Kings Moun tain Ministerial Association who w’ill read the scripture; Dr, Paul Auslcy, pa.stor of First Presby terian church who will introduce the .speaker; and Rev. R. L, Gar vin. pastor of Mount Zion Baptist church who will pronounce the benediction. The Kings Mountain High Forrest R. Dover, son of .Mr. < School Choir, under the direction and Mrs. L. Reid Dover, Rt. 2. of Mrs. Ben T. Goforth and Mrs, Bessemer City, w’as graduated J. N. McClure, will sing the an* from High Point cyJJege during them. ‘T’lL Walk With God”. The t'o/nmeneement Do^'-ceremonies congr^atton wfll join In singing -Mdy 19. ' the hymn, “Faith Of Our Path- 1 'f'be Kings Mountain higfe Dover received a Bachelor of sehcol band, under direction .W- Aris Degiee in leaching, major- , jop Hedden. will play procession, mg in physical education. He - • . r ^ r of Southern Radio Corporation, i mately 2.02 acres, frontirig 306 «e Is married to the former'feet on North Watterson street'. Norma Crook of Kings Mountain, and 285 feet on West Parker ' rijlCCAC Sot ^-1 2*on, now located on West' WoSSCS mCI o Mountain. I King, anticipates construction of! was ef-|a new church plant at the Old' fective May 14th. al and recessional music. } Seven Teachers In, Seven Out ^ Kings Mountain district board of education Monday elected seven teachers for the 1968-6$ term but accepted the same num ber of resignations. Supt. Donald Jones said eight Gamma Delta art award ' on Lloyd Phifer, Rufus Phifer Dean’s List and a member of the needed to fill as- Summer classes in driver’s edu- Awards Day her junior and sen- Phifer, all of Kings varsity baseball team, where he Army Wafer Pipe Home Or En Route The five-plus miles of eight- inch water pipei or most of it, is home or en route to the corps r: army engineers at Anniston. Ala. 97ie city began dismantling the pipe early last week and, as fast as a truck load is stack- of Foreign Wars, the Legion | ed, dispatches it home via Lock- Auxiliary, the Kings Mountain Ministerial association and the' ^City of Kings Mountain. | I Gold Star Mothers will be spe-! "cial guests. | It is planned to place flags on | the graves of all servicemen. j It is requested that any serv iceman’s grave not marked to[ note his service be so designed ^ by his relatives via telephone to the office of Mayor John Henry Moss or Cemetery Superintendent Ken Jenkins. ridge Transfer. The city borrowed the pipe for 13 months to tap auxiliary water suppliesand avert a sup ply crisis. Annual Poppy Day To Bo Saturday Miss Sdsm Wins Degree Linda Faye Seism received the Associate of Arts degree at Gardner-Webb College in com mencement exercises May 12. A student must pass 68 or more hours with a quality point ratio of 2 0 or better to be ell- Mayor John Henry Moss hasigible for the degree, designated May 25th as annual! Miss Seism Is the daughter of Poppy Day in Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Seism ofi ‘This community if fully cogni- Route 1. zant of the great contributions! and great sacrifices made by thei members of the armed forces and' on this day each year we have an opportunity of paying our humble i-espects to those gallant Americans who laid down their lives in order that we may con- Our poppy is a flower tinue to enjoy the blessing of , Though paper it may be j Davidson site. ; City Boatd Agenda Short As of Wednesday, Tuesday’s city commission agenda was short and routine. Mayor John Henry Moss listed ' these items: I 1) Consideration of adoption ! of privilege license ordinance for j 1968-69. 2) Amendment of current year budget. 3) Public hearing on petition Of James Childers for annexation to the city limits. j cation will be conducted in thej ior years 'schools beginning Wednesday.! Mountain, and Dempsey Phifer won All-Conference and All-Dis-i of Tahoma City, California. trict honors and was honorable ; June 5th at 8 a m at the high T-"- Miss Ramseur Rev. E. R. Lynn officiated at mention All-American on the I ' "'^" participated in the Queens Col- the final rites. N.AIA team ^ Daphne Stoll, ''"inst'ructor will be Bill Cashion who said that boys and girls who ctuHiP v a will have become age 16 by Sep-.P^^" Studies, Vienna. Austria. tember are eligible to enroll. Miss Ramseur was one of Iwo Prospective students need not stufjpnls who were graduated now be enrolled in school. Gash- magna cum laude. Degrees were ion said, explaining that instruc-'presented to 147 graduating sen- tion is also available to those iois. students who may have dropped out of h:|h school at age 16. The sessions-will include class room instruction for two hours, daily plus driving experience. There is no fee for the course. Prospective students may reg ister by telephoning 739-5101 or applying at Kings Mountain high school on Phifer road. Most Teachers To Receive Higher Local Supplement Pay Next Year Democrats Meet Saturday Cleveland County Democrats Kings Mountain School Schedule For 1968-69 Term The Kings Mountain district board of education adopted Monday night next year’s school schedule, which follows: Tn Silent Memory" Poppy ,Doy Poem By JAMES DOWNEY freedom' “It is also an opportunity for all of us to pay tribute to those brave men and women who still live as victims of the wars” We wear it just above our hearts In silent memory. Our poppy’s petals are not soft But the feeling that we get Mayor Moss pointed out. “The!When we think of.alj our brave funds collected by the American men Legion Auxiliary and all other volunteers are used to aid the many veterans still in hospitals J ftnd to assist the fatherless chll- |iren and the widows of the war dead”. We <get the softest feeling yet. So come this Poppy pay Place a poppy on your chest To show the whole wide world We appreciate our Vets. August 26 Teachers Day 27 Pupil Orientation Day 28 First Full Day for Students (First day of 180 day school term) September 2 Labor Day — Holiday One Day District Teachers’ Meeting NCEA — September 27 November 28-29 Thanksgiving Holidays Dec. 23 • Jan. 1 Christmas Holidays — (Begin end of school day Dec. 20 — classes resume Jan. 2) January 17 Evaluation Day (holiday for students! •April 4-7 Spring Vacation — (Begin end of schofd day April 3 — cla.sses resume April 8) May 30 Last Day for Students June 2-3 Teachers Day Majority of Kings Mountain school district teachers will re ceive larger lo('al supplements during the 196S-69 term. A new scale, ranging up to SIO) per year for teachers w’ill graduate certificates, to $3S5 for teachers with "A” certificates attvl $300 for teachers with "B” cer tificates, wa.s adopted by ilie will convene in bfennial conven- board of educatir)n. tion at the county exaurthouse at Currently all teaclu*rs iecei\e 12 p.m. Saturday afternoon. supplement ot S2.50 per year, principals $265. Particular interest attends the New sclK^lule for principals meeting of the newly-elected will be $.5.50 at elementary executive committee, which will schools. $600 for junioi- high follow the convention. school principals, and $"00 for J. Clint Newton is not a can- didale for re-election as chairman Supplemented slightly le.^s will and Cameron Ware, Bethware be "B” certificate teachers of precinct secretary, is a leading less than five years experience, candidate as Newton’s .successor, this scale starts at $223, is $263 The convention will choose for six years of experience, in delegates to the state convention creases only to $3(V) whore the and Raleigh and all candidates teacher has served 15 \ears in for Cleveland County Democratic the Kings Mountain scliool dis- nominations will be invited to trict. speak. ' ..... . .. . , ... Ine ‘A c*ertjficalc scale will start at $2.53 for a beginning tea cher, will be $3.50 for a teacher with 12 years of exp<*rience. “G” certificate scale starts at $270 a beginning teacher, reach- ers $385 fpr a teacher with 13 years of exp<*ru*nce. Annual Wesleyans Set Homecoming Day m ELECTED — R. W. Huxibut has been elected Lieutenant-Gover nor of Zone Six of the North Carolina District of Optimist In ternational. Huilbut Named Optimist Oificet R. \V. Ilurlbut, past president of the Kings Mountain Optimist club, has l)een elected Lieutenant, all elementary teachers* and Warren Goforth, for Central school, and Larrj' Allen for Kings Mountain high school. Resignations include^: Mrst Alice M. Lennon, elemeiltary li brarian; Mrs. Alohma C nllfi. Park Grace fifth grade; Luther ^ MeSwain. Central science teach er; Miss Betty Jean Bard, Beth- , ware fourth grade; Mrs. Barbara C. Hite, North third gt^e; and Elden M. Cooke, North principal. Mrs. Nell \V. Biser, who had been elected as a teacher, declined to accept contract. In other business the board: 1) Indicated “all due consider ation’’ to e request from West Gaston street parents for relief from the $60 per pupil tuition fee imposed this year. 21 Approved the state-funded driver education budget of $13,- -443. 31 Approved specification change on cafeteria equipment for North school which will re duce cost of the 14-room addi tion by $2400. 41 Discussed installation of a vocational education class in textiles. Supt. Jones reported several finns had evidenced in terest in aiding in financing the project. 5i Established a fixed payday for teachers. (Former policj* was payday every twentieth teaching day.) Gloria Falls Wins Degree •This calendar contains three extra days which will be used as inclement weather make-up days. Should these days not be needed for mak up purposes they will be added to the Spring Vacation. Homecoming Day at Bonuses of $15 go to teachers East Gold Street Wesleyan Meth- with 15 .vi'ars of exix'rienee in Governor for Zone 6 of the North] odist church will be held Sunday, the Kings Mountain school dis- Carolina District of Optimist In-I Gloria Jean Falls I'cceivcd the irict includes teachers in the tei’national. • Associate of Arts decree in will ^county system plants Tbe election took place May Nursing at Gardner-Webb col- 1 , . J^be 11 pijoi* to area consolidation*. at the District convention elge in comment'oment exercises o clock morning worship hour. in Greenville, N. C. Zone 6 in- Mav 12 Picnic lunch will be served at Another bonus voted: Kings cUMes two clubs in Gastonia and A* student m;j«t na«K nr the American Legion building at Mountain district schools will clubs in Bessemer City, Chapel more hours with a o^litv Doint ^be noon hour. pay for one . in-service course (;rove. CheiTyville. Grover. Shel- ratio of 2.0 or bettor to ^ ^iel- Membt‘rs, former members and each year and will be allowed to by. Tryon. and Kings Mountain, hie for the degree fbrmer pastors of the church are take one free course each five Hiirlbut. an officer of Foote Miss Falls is the daughter of mvited to attend the all-day years- an aid for required corti- Mineral company, received the Mr. and Mrs James J Falls of Homecoming services. ificale upgrading and renewal. { (Continued on Pnge Six) 600 Phenix street.

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