I. liH O M IS rmarket hout th .0,927,290J the fourl ompared) tried lastj 37,126,968: T ago, ani It. ; l^fi ended* ireent In-f )9.942.50Xj K).605, -: 1 save nr Da JAMES WENDELL PLONK MISS PRISCILLA PADGETT MARGARET JULETTA PLONK DENNIS GOLD BEATTY LARRY ORR DONN FREEMAN MRS. LINDA SHERRER UONARD MISS FELMA RUTH LYNN Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 The Gieoter Uags Mounted! ttguro It derleea Irnoi tho •peciol United States Buieou of the Census roport o lanuary IMS. ond includes tho 14,9$0 population o Number 4 Township, and the romotnlng 6,124 iron Number S Township, in Cleveland County and Csowdor* Mountedn Township in Gaston Couaty. Pages Today VOL 80 No. 23 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 6, 1968 Seventy-Eignfh Year PRICE TEN CENTT Progress Reported On 161 Project Local News Bulletins TO GREAT LAKES Eddie Moss, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moss, reported Sun day for basic training in the U-S. Navy at Great Lakes, Il linois. The Kings Mountain man is married to the former San dra Huffstetler of Kings Moun tain. Mrs. Moss is making her home with her parents-in-law on route two. ffWIUAtf * - Patti Ausley Wtll wSe %h» sermon topic, “Letter To Christ- ianp” at the Sunday morning worship service at 11 a.m. at First Presbyterian church. BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Church School is continuing this week through Friday at First Presbyterian church with classes from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Hecry Neisler is principal of Iho school. Appraisals Soon On Cansler Street Right-of-Way By MARTIN HARMON “We can make the scheduled November letting," W. W. Wyke. division highway engineer said Wednesday in reporting progress of the widening and improve ment of NC 161 from the city limits to the South Carolina state line. UNION SERVICE Sunday night's union service, second in a series of summer services, will be held at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church at 8 p.m. with Rev. Charles Easley to deliver the message. LUTHERAN TOPIC Rev. Charles Easley will use the sermon topic, “High and Up lifting” at Sunday mornnt.c: worship services at 11 o’clock at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church. Eight Receive Their Diplomas During Weeh A large number of Kings Moun tain area students are among those graduating from colleges and universities this summer. They include: Dr. James Wendell (Jimmy) Plonk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. plonk, received his M.D. de gree from Duke University MtScl- ical School in Duke’s 116th Com mencement exercises Monday afternoon. Felma Ruth (Petie) Lynn, dau ghter of Mrs. Ruth H. Lynn and the late Pete Lynn, received the degree of bachelor of science in ■ pharmacy during commencement exercises at the University of North Carolina Monday. Miss Lynn was among seven pharma-! cy students initiat('d into Rho Chi, national pharmacy honor; I society. ! Dennis Gold Beatty, son of iMr. and Mrs. Thurmon G. Beatty,, Preliminary plans for the pro-j^vas graduated with bachelor ofi jecl have been received from the, science degree in pharmacy from 1 iiplaoiiiiiR division in Raleigh andi^jj^ University of North Carolina' has in.-chapel Hill Monday. He made. In a short time, he added. | joined the pharmaceutical staff right-of-way plans will be com- of Webb Drug Company in Shel- plete and the acquisition of j by. Beatty is married to the for- right-of-way begun. j mer Janice Bridges of Kings Mountain, daughter of Mr. and The estimated $550,000 project Mrs. Clyde M. Bridges. i anticipates changing of the road- Priscilla Padgett, daughter of, bed through the gap in the ridge Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Padgett, was and widening the roadbed to 24; graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Meantime, Mr. Wyke said the; with B.A. in chemistry. Miss Pad- department will begin soon mak-1 gett will teach in Prince Georgia] ing right-of-way appraisals on i County, Virginia in September, the Cansler street improvement I Margaret Juletta (Peggy) project. Plonk, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. ; George Webb Plonk, was grad- However, he reported receipt ot ^ uated Saturday from the Medical a petition, presented by Bud Med-! college of Virginia School of lin, opposing the improvement of ^juj-sing with a B.S. in nursing. Cansler from King to Gold and , >iiss Plonk is a member of the from Waco to Walker streets. Mr. j nursing staff this summer at the' Medlin told Mr. Wyke’the petition j College of Virginia, bore the signatures of all owners | Linda Sherrer Leonard, daugh- of property within the three ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sher : blocks with the exception of the| j-er and wife of Beattie Leonard, ownership of the Mauftey Apart-i received her A.B. in absentia in, f ^iT 1 td r PROPOSED WING OF KINGS MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL — This 23,000 sq. ft. two-story structure will adjoin the east side of the present building. It will increose bed capacity by 40 percent at the hospital and will include a new surgical suite. Other facilities will include a new lobby, another x-ray room, a laboratory, ond e3q;>anded emergency room area. The building will cost S850.000. A capital campaign to raise a minimum of $150,000 is now in progress. Kennedy’s Condition Critical r* n 1 HI* AiabImmigiant r. j . ray rressley Wins shoots Kennedy, otudent Scholarship Medal METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the week ending Wednesday total ed $200.75, including $138.40 from on-street meters, $39.25 in fines, and $23.10 from off-street meters. ments at the southeast corner of Cansler at Mountain. At a recent meeting, the city board of commissioners, in spite of protests from property owners in the three blocks, voted unani mously to affirm a prior action fer inclusion of the three blocks District Tox Bill j May Be Same In '69 If requests of the three school districts are honored, Kings Mountain school district’s coun- ^ ty school tax bill will remain i the same foi the coming fiscal year. The boards have r<‘quested a two-cent per $100 valuation net increase, including another cent for operations and maintename, anothei two cc*nt.*i for capital outlay, but a cent cut for debt service (county wide). In the Kings Mountain dis trict’s instance. County Auditor Max Hamrick said that the Kings Mountain district’s debt st'rvice tax could be pared by- two cents without endangering reserves for district debt service requirements. The Kings Mountain board of education again requested levy ing the maximum distriet sup plement tax of 20 amts per $100 valuaticn. which Superin- dent Donald Jones said indicat ed a yield of $104,000. June Fredezick And Jeff Mauney Three Others Senator Robert F. Kennedy, felled by a would-be assassin’s .22-caliber pistol fire at 12:25 PCT Wednesday morning (3:25 ESDT), remained In critical con dition late Wednesdav afternoon. His press secretary', however, said his pulse and heart remain- # I wv good. Avth IJIlinnAVC! senator was in .surgery for A/ailAVIlil Yf UlllCla four hours at Los Angeles Good Samaritan hospital where a team Princess Fay Pressley-, sopho- of six neurosurgeons removed a more student and daughter of bullet from his brain. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Pressley. Two other bullets rt'portedly is winner of the coveted Plonk struck him. one whicii grazed the Scholarship medal for scholastic scalp and the other entering tho honors at Kings Mountain high shoulder. school. Three others were wounded as Announcement of winner of the assailant, identified as Sir- this award follows compilation ol han Sirhan an Arab immigrant all grades for the year at the from Jerusalem a! the time Joi- end or school. dan controlled the Holy City. The Danforth. “I Dare You" emptied the eight-cartridge rt'- awards to seniors went to June volver. Frederick, daughter of Mrs. An Found on Sirhan's ptuson was nie Ruth Frederick and Martin a newspaper clipping of a colum- Frederick, and to Jeff Mauney. nist’s criticism of Kenmniy for son of Dr. and Mrs. \V. L. Mau- endorsing military aid to Israel. The shooting occurred in a Now At Total grammar grade education May 27th in Lenoir Rhyne college’s 77th commencement exercises at P. E. Monroe Auditorium on the Lenoir Rhyne campus in Hick ory. Larry L. Orr. son of Mr. and Mrs. William On. was graduated in the cansler improvement Pro-! ^rolinrt&T^ V PlOB GulltV I with B.S. in accounting. He was The Cansler street project is also commissioned a second lieu- Charge Other awards were presented kitchen of the Ambassador hole*!, and announced at recent Awards which Kennedy was using ti; Day at the high school. avoid the crowds which had just Tho 194 member Senior Class listened tc his addre-^s pro< iainv of 196S presented a cash gift to ing victory in the California presi- the school, earmarked as a beau dential Democratic primary. ,tification project of the couit-, Hfiiator Kennedy won 46 per- school. Tho pres- cent of the votes. Senator Eugene llAfllirOll was made by Dennis McCarthy 42 p(‘rcent and an im AlvUIIVwlAf Smith, class president, and was pledged salte of delegates 12 act't'pted by George H. Mauney, cent. ; pcj • the estimated"aTwSBioOO to $300,000 tenant in the Army As a cadet. - - will use the bulk Kings Major Orr received the American (Continued On Ptttfe Six) chairman of the board of educa- n vvas hoped the wounded tion, in finals exercises Friday presidential candidatt* would es cape any brain damage, but a city board of commissioners will be held Tuesday at 6:30 at City Hall courtroom. Mountain's $314,000 share of state bond money. To Get Diplomas neuro-surg{’on said it would bi' four to five days before the answ er is known. The 24-year-old Sirhan had no identification on his peison. wruldn’t tell poli(*e his n mie. ih* was traced through matched Joe V^ale. executive s(»cretary night, of the Industrial Association of . _ tlie Kings Mountain area, plead fP Q !■ guilty to a court reduced charge IJl 1; OIICGIHGH of assault on a female in the w Kings Mountain Recorder's <^ourt Monday. j He di(‘w a four-month son- I tenco, suspiMided on payment of Fifteen members of the Kings finaerprints in Sacremento and $.50 ani court a^<ts and condi- Mountain police department will former owners of the pistol, i tion he be of goiwl behavior for nceive diplomas Friday night at heavily-guarded hos- ja period of six months. City Hall signifying their com- treatment "'of a broken He had been chargi'd with as- pletion of an 120-hour course in index finger and sprained, tin : sault with intent to commit rape law enforcement. injurie^; suffered wlion K(*micd\ by Mrs. Margaret Smith Hayes. Joe Zimmerman, stato training (Couiinmd on ptt(/e Sixi I Judge George Tliomasson ap- officer hu* the Federal Bureau! prised Vale of his legal rights, of Investigation, will present the .after which Mrs. Hayes present- diplomas. I ed her testimony. The 24-year old The course was s|)onsored by resident of 505 Margrace Road tin* Cleveland County Technical Killed In Vietnam Cpl. Moses, 19, WIN GRANTS John Ballew, top. and Richard Etheridge have won National Science Founda tion grants for summer study at the University of North Car oline in Chapel Hill. Several Firms Now Employing 'Many Students - The Mayor's committee on youth employment has a 151- person work pool who have filed I applications for summer employ ment. Chairman Franklin L. Ware, Ir., said the applicants are inter ested in various fields of employ ment, but have indicated they . w’lli accept employment in fields other than indicated. “These students want to work, “Chairman Ware commented. Fields listed included textiles, eonsti'uction, retail sales, servicO station, food service and office work. Of the 151. an even dozen, in cluding nine girls and three boys, are available for fulltime em ployment. The committee met Tuesday at City Hall and scheduled anothef meeting for June 11 at 4 p.m. Several firms have reporteij employing students in advance of the committee’s three registra* non sessions. “ Phemx Plant of Burlington Im dustnes has 32 students at work* Sadie Cotton Mills has employed 10. Eagle Stores 2, Margrace olant of Niesco, Inc., 13. Kin^s Mountain Herald 2, Craftspun Yarns 9, and the City Recreation I committee 5. I Foote Mineral Company has I employed 13 college students for I the summer. Six of seven pro- I duction employees are from I Kings Mountain and are operat- Mng Euclid machines or working I a mill operators. Six, including I one from Kings Mountain, have been sent to Exton, Pa., company headquarters, for the summer for pilot-plant work. ' Chairman VV'are addi'essed a ' simple statement to business and I industry: “Send us your job or- dei*s.” (Continued On Ptif/e Six) institute. Funeral Rites Friday At 3 P.M. For Gregory Wayne Thomas, 20 Challengers Sweep Second Primary As Voters Are Sparse In Run-oifs By MARTIN HARMON votes. Defeated were Incumbents C'halhMigers carri(*d the day at J. D. Ellis. 2091, and Buford D. Saturday’s Democratic run-off pri-! Cline, 2022. JEAN DAVIS WINS SCHOLARSHIP — Jeon Davis seated at left, high school senior ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Davta, U recipient ol American Legion Poet 155'» first college scholarship, awarded Friday. The $2,000 scholarship wUl be aworded over a period of four years. Commander Carl V. Wiesener, seoted, pnsants the check to Miss Donris as Schools Supt. Donold Jones, standing at left, Mr. and Mrs. Daels and L. E. (Josh) Hinnanb right look on. Mr. Hinnant was chairman of the scholarship oommlttst. (»»•<>«» by »•«*« Alexander) Marine Lance Corporal William J. Moses. Jr., 19. was killed in action May 29th in Vietnam. Funeral arrangements for tlie Kings Mountain native will be announced by Harris Funeral ' Military funeral rit('s for Ma- a f('w days before he was to rc- Home. , rin(‘ ("pi. Gregory Wayne Thom- turn to tlie United .Ktat(‘s. Son ef William J.and Marjori- I as, 29. will be held Friday after- .Son of Mrs. Margaret VV’are Starnes Moses, now of 3518 Card mary. winning five nominations Three eandidate.s, Bobby Cab- noon at 3 p.m. from First Baptist Thomas of Kings Mountain, he street. Charlotte, L Cpl. Muse.- over five incumbents. iness. Hoyt Bailey and Mrs. Uline ehurch, of which he was a mem' joiiUKl tlie U. S. Marine First^i- was a graduate of Charloile.s For the county commission. J. Borders, won nominations Maj 4. hei. vision shortly after graduation Hawthorne Junior high school and D( (’Turner led the six candidates Cabiness is the only holdover Inle^ menl, with full military from Kings Mountain high school Garringer high school. Betore cn- at 29.37, trailed closely by Fritz from the current board of educa- ”itrs, will l>e held i.i Mountain m 1966. He had served in Viet- tcring the service he was employ- .Mor(*h(»ad. Jr.. 2899. and Robert tion. Flest cemehny. nam 13 months and vvas sehed- ed by Highland Park Mill. He was I'. Hubbard. 2896. These nomh eos Tho five Democrats face two Il(*v. Robert M mn w ill offi- uled to arrive back in the states a member of King.s Mountain’s defeated Incumbents Spurijeon Republicans in the Novemb(*r cipte at the final on June 1. Chestnut Ridge Baptist church. Hewitt at 2258, Coleman Goforth, general election. They arc Joe The body will lie in j ’ate at Other survivors include his Besides his parents he Is sur- 2102. and Hugh Dover. 2019. Hartsell and John L. Sotzer. the home, Maunev Ai>aitinents father, Wade H. Thomas of Nor- vived by three brothers, Adiai. Mrs. Mary Lou Barrier led all The three county commission on West Mountain'strec!, from 6 folk, Va.; two brothers, Tony Johnny and Danny Moses, all of of Saturday’s candidates, polling nominees are opposed by Paul pm. Thursday intil the hour of Lee Stone and Barry Thomas, Charlotte; and fwo sisters, Mrs. 3379 vrtiw foi the fourth nomina- Vogel. Republican, service. both of Kings Mountain; and Rosalee Luckad(»o of RutherPird- tion to ilio five-m(‘mber c'ounty Holdover members of the coun^,, Cpl. Gregory vvas killed May his grandmother. Mrs. Boyce ton and Miss Linda Diane Mose.^ hoard of education, w'hile dial- ty commission, with two years 21st in an explosion in Violnam,] Ware of Kings Mountain. of Charlotte. i longer Robert W. Slone won 2612; (CoaftHUtu 0«

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