slw Veddlni^ ' olor Tordingi made ISLE DIO afayetti N. C- 187*4621 Uen e Ruppa Kings ; 74 BS 6:13-7:4 Population Greafer Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 TUP Orcattr aingi Mouatota flfurt la 4«rtT*d Iraai tfe* pppcml Umtad BtolM Buiaau •! IIip Canaua r«pofl • January i98S, oad laeludM lha 14.Mi pfulattaa • Numbor 4 Towaahlp, od4 ta« tJS4 lioa Number 5 Townthtp, la Ciaraland Coualy «Bd Crawdat* Mountola Township la Ooalaa Canaty* IIS in E Klngi Mountoln's Ealioble Newspaper VOL 80 No. 28 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, July II, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CEN1! Ti ■ Boaid To Hear Bniialo Water Project Report The city commission has sched uled a special meeting for Tues day night at 7 o’clock, with par ticular business a progress report 'n the Buffalo Creek water pro ject K. Dickson will accomplished to BOWLING TEAM WINS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP — Xinga Mountain's Mixed bowling team has won the notioned championship for the third time in five yeors. Members of the team, pic tured above, took the S150 first prise money with a tecan score of 1829 in the toumoment held from the first week of April until last week in Boltimore, Md. Kings Mountain bowlers pocketed over S500 in winnings in the tourney. From left to right John DUltng, Betty Hullonder, RoUnie Culbertson, Lib Gault end Albert Brockett Friday D-Day For Hospital’s FundDrive;Reports Are Asked Duckpin Bowlers Again Champions t Mixed Teav Nation's Top: Otheis Placb^ Kings’ Mnuntaii^^. Mixed bowl ing tekih cajfUJrcd the na tional chajmpicwsmp for the third time in live years. SjKJUsored by Oates Shell Ser vice as the Oates Shell Number Two team, the club took the $150 first prize ropney with a teami score of 1829'Irt held from the first week of April j until last weekend at Baltimore, Md. Players making up the nation- al championship team arc John Diliing. Albert Brackett, Ronnie j Culbertson. Lib Gault and Betty' Hullondcr. The KM mixed team won the national title in 1964 and '65, | then took a back scat for V'to next i two years before regaining the' crown this year. ! Diliing rolled the best score, a 404 three-game set. Culbertson came in with a 392, Brackett ad- ] ded a 380, Hullender a 355 and, Gault a 298. The Kings Mountain bowlers participated the second week of April. Kings Mountain bowlers also placed well in other divisions. The champion'ihip team loteKMl o»City Mm ll Pmo»nt Nortfl Cdfolins Natio-nal Bank was low IHdiier of five Tuesday for $750,009 City , Of Kings Mountain water boiid sntlcipa- tion notes. North Carolina National of fered to lend the citj’’ the three- quarter million for 90 days at an interest fate of 3.8 percent Spread betwed*. the low and high bids was omy .25 percent. Engineer W, '•utline work date. Mr. Dickson said W’ednesdny final plans and specifientions for the estimated $3.3 million pro ject are virtually complete. Another principal item of bu.'^i* ne.s.s on the agenda is decision concerning the neighb<)rhf»oU fn- cIliMes building, where l)w bids exceeded architect J. L. Williams Associates estimates by $181.000.. j Mayor John Henry .Moss said I the commission has the alterna- 1 tive.s of ai'cepting or rejertin;* j bid.s, or of asking low bidders for la time extension for the city ! commission to make a decision, j The Department of Housing land Urban Development has ! awarded the city a grant of S302.- I 680 for the neighborhood facili- I ties building, this award repre senting two-thirds the estimated , cost of slightly more than $424,- OOr. Low bids* totaled SOOS.OtK). Regional cifficials of HUD have ' indicated to the Mayor that funds for a .supplemental.grant are not I available. IV 'I V July f8 and Will mature Octo ber 18. Other bids: First Citizens Bank & Trust Company 3.92. First Union National Bank 3.96, Branch Banking & Trust Com pany 3.98. and Wachovia Bank & Trust Company 4.05. The bids were received Tues day morning at tlie office of the Local Government Commis sion in Raleigh. Independence Day Holiday Beported Quiet Kings Mountain shut down Ught-fpr Independence Day Thurs day. With the majority of textile mX— wtxk ceased for the week, some’lflASB |S|0lVar| S families were already on trek.s; _ _ Ji i to the mountains or seashore and still othere were enjoying a one-1 Iliiw VUIIUUVICU j day surcease from regular duties. I ! Funeral rites for Mrs. Corrie] Most retail stores closed to' McDaniel Stewart, 83. wife of Ed ' give their employees a one-day ward J. Stewart. Dixon communi i holiday. Drug stores were open a.s ty farmer, were held Tuesdav were service stations and some afternoon al 4 p.m. from Bethle- grbeery.stores in the township. , hem Baptist church of which she: Rain, which fell on Thursday, ^as a member I dampened the h^iday crowd clarence McMahan and' flocking to the parte and recroa- p Qraham officiated i at the final rites, and interment WHS kfi the church cipn>eiery. • -in ,'tleclining' X. CHECK FOR WARRANTY DEED — Wray A. Wil ?nis. left receives a check for S5000 from Brooks R. Tate, vice-president of Kings Mountain Public Housing Authoiity, Inc., in return for the deed to o 2.8 acre tract on Lackey street. It was the first purchase of property by the housing cruthority Hoiisei Says Holiday Week Slowed Work By MARTIN HARMON “King*; Mountain area citizens' contributions during the next two days will determine the out come of the ha‘jpital fund drive,” Chairman Georgo H. Houser, of the hospital development lund drive , declared Wedn^sdaj. Friday i.^ the ofli.’ial closing (lay of the $ir>(UK>C campaign. Figures to date were not tabu lated but were not appreciably greater than tlie $124,135 reported last week. “Tlie week of July 4th. with many having holidays, is general ly a poor one for fund raising, and Kings Mountain proved no exception. There wa.s little acti- .*ity last week,” Chairman Houser added. Other principal development in the week concerning build ing of the estimated $8.50.000 ad dition to Kings Mountain hos pital was resolution by the coun ty commission to Issue the au- hnrizod $300,000 in bonds for the King.s Mountain addition not later than Febmary 1969. for an 150-unit low rent housing project. (Poul Lemmons photo) tion area.s. Kings Mountain police rci>yig?d Postmastei To Seminal RALEIGH — More than half of all North Carolina postmasters— Some 465—will meet here next week for a two-day discussion of improved mail .service. Occasion is the fourth annual Postmasters Training Seminar bowling in the Mixed Booster Di-; scheduled Monday and Tuesday vi.sion, and in the Championship North Carolina State Univer- Mixed. Diliing Heating took third place, good for $125. ! xpe seminar is being held at Members of that team Included specific request of postmas- Jenny Oates, Lib Gault. John Dil-1 who will attend on a volun- ling, Thomas Blanton and Rich-, basis at their own expense, ard Culbertson. They had a team; Among those attending will be total of 1837. : Postmaster Charles L. Alexander. In the Mixed Double.s. Ranny president of the North Carolina Blanton and Jenny Oat<^ finish- branch of the National League of ed seventh with a 833 total. Blanton rolled a 463 set, the iCoafmwcd ou Paffc Three) KM Wellaie I Business Slow said Mrs. Ruby S. haven’t been very “Frankly,’ Bridges, 'T busy.” It was Wednesday, one of two days weekly the county welfare department sends a staff member here to interview applicants for four categories qf welfare program assistance. Welfare staff members, begin ning July 1, are at Ci^ Hall (basement office) on Mondays and Wednesda3's from 8:30 to 4:3(!. Applications are acet^pted for: 1) Old ago assistance. 2) Aid to the permanent and totally disabled. 31 Aid to dependent children. 41 Food stamps. The applications arc processed at the county office, where all records are maintained, and, where required, a case worker Is assigned. Mrs. Bridges is one of three staff members who will rotate j theridge. assembly grounds of duty at the Kings Mountain of-; the Lutheran church, at Arden health for some time, died of a while intoxicatod and one each suddenly a» her' for no operator's license. sP‘fd• sundav at 2:.30 p.m. Shei Ing 60 in a 35 zone, fxccedms daURhtcr of the late Mr.- safe speed runnins a stop liRht ^^^ .j. „,Danicl and a and prohibition violation. native of Cleveland County. ! One accident occurred in the husband she i.s sur ' early morning hours of the holi-; ^j^uphters, Mrs. u T> 1 17 James I'hompson of Palatka. rni ^ ’ rt Florida. M.-s. Arthur Biltcliffo of of 313 Elhs strcc.. was charRcd. Mountain, Mrs. J. Haywood vvith running a red light an I O.X. „f ghelby and Mrs. J. W. cecding safe speed as a ro^s^t York, S. C.; and five: a three car accident at 4 ami at ^ MoSwain and the intersection of U. S. 74 and gessic McDaniel, both of; '•^op„r.s „f,hoWiiUams ^nia,^ Mrs.'lv" “ol: m N.%aLlcTstreet ind ‘’^a'ffnpv s'^^c'TlL^sur ' which ^curred according to^''"^ police, when the Williams carl pallbearers were Gene reportedly ran the light and Hughes. John Randall. Broadus Struck a car driven by Lawrence First Properties Acquired By KM Housing Authority William Tucker, 2.5. of Stanfield, traveling East on U.S. 74. Tucker’s car was knocked into the oar driven by N^ncy Leo Mc Daniel. 24, Af Silver Spring, Md.. which was traveling in the oppo site direction on U.S. 74, police reported. Both injured youth were treat ed for injuries at Kings Mountain hospital and released. City Police Officer B. P. Cook investigated. Damage was esti mated at $800 to the Tucker car. Herndon, William Herndon, Bruce McDaniel and Tom Humphries. David Baity Wins Promotion PHA Purchases Lackey Street Tract and Lot Kings Mountain Public Housing Authority, Inc., has acquired its first properties for the building of lli) low-rent housing units. Chairman John L. McGill an nounced tliis week. The housing authority executed, option from A. Williams Mon day on a 2.8 acre tract on Lackey street. Later in the day it exec- ■ uted option from Charles L. Bag-1 well for a lot adjoining the Wil- j Hams properly fronting 80 feetij on Lackey. Purchase price for the Williams tract was $5000. The value set by the authority’s retained register-• ivill be neia later xnis, McDaniel oar and $600; Mountain. He joined the Gazei Georgia, Florida and| williams ear. in 1964 as a member of the c; Postmasters. Seminars will be held later this .summer in South Carolina, which comprise | the Atlanta Postal Region along! gm with North Carolina. , i riifin Convcnps More than 1,500 postmasters in VimW the four stales are expected to, attend the seminars, an increase] of some 250 from last year. This i is more than half the approxi-| School problems and partieipa- David J. Baity, former Herald staffer and Kings Mountain na live, has been promoted from city editor of the Gastonia Gazette to, ed appraiser was $5050. assistant managing editor. Mr. Baity is son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Baity. Sr. of Kings Gazette PRESIDENT William Lnw- Heie Thnisday mately 2350 postmasters in the four-state region. There arc about 800 postmasters in North Caro lina. Regional Director Banks Glad* den will be the kenote speaker at the opening session here Mon day morning. Postmasters will spend the re maining two days attending classes on a variety of subjects dealing with postal problems. Two general topics will get ma- tion in regional development group.s will be among the princi pal items on the agenda Thurs day night, as the Cleveland .Asso ciation of Governmental Officials convene hero at a dinner meet ing at the Country Club. Lamar Young, CAGO chairman, made the announcement. Chairman Young said he hoped all members would make special efforts to attend. These are serious problems ity i staff and was promoted to coiin-i ty editor in 1966. Ho was named Gazette city editor in 1967. He joined the Kings Mountain Herald as a high school junior, remained on the staff for six years before I going to Mount Holly where he ' was editor of the Mount Holly Nows and Stanley News, subse quently joining the Gazette staff. Mrs. Baity is. the former Bar bara Ferguson of Gastonia. They are parents of a year-old son. Jon athan David, and live al 412 Woodlawn Avenue in Gastonia. jor emphasis in this years sem- they are generic to the whole inar»—the handling of second and Conflnt4ed On Page S Lntheiaii Gionp To Lntheiidge Resurrcirtlon Lutheran church congregation will worship at Lu fiee each week. The others are Miss Martha Brlelenhardt and Miss Barbara Mode. on Sunday. Rev. David L. Castor, pastor, said members of the congrega- country," he commented. HARMONS IMPROVED M. L. Harmon, a patient at Kings Mountain hospital, was reported improved Tuesday. Mrs. Harmon, who has been ill at home, was also reported im- I'.roved. Purchase price of the Bagwell lot, occupied by a residence, was $2000 versus the registered ap praiser’s figure of $1950. , Thomas W. Harper, iho auth ority’s executive director, said Wednesday that optioned proper-! ty together with Monday’s pur chases total 16.07 acres, very lit tle .short of the realty require ments for the 150 unit projcif. : Major lack is approximately; one acre for building units espc-, eially designed for the elderly. Under terms of the project ap- > proval by the Housing Assistance ’ administration. Department ot Housing and Urban Development, 30 of the 150 units bo de signed for the elderly. The a I architects. Tomberlin & Associat school, in use for three scliool ; es, of Atlanta, are already at years, already is classroom-short. 1 work completing engineering of Superinlcndenl Donald D. Jones I the several sites and drawing places the classroom needs for t preliminary plans for the hous- the $1.6 million school plant on , ing units. Phifer Road at an even dozen. When (*on.structi()n Is 90 per- During the coming term ar ('cnl ('omplete the housing author-; rangements are being made for rooms except to ,commtmt. “W’eVe ity will sell bonds, of 40 y(*ar tour additional chussroom.s of the got to do something pretty soon.” maturity, to defray cost of the temporary vaiiety. the Superin- Now under construction is a 14- Mountain Jayeocs will, man. Chairman of (he cximmittee projwt. tendent rejKirls. roam addition to North school laycee Beauty Pageant August 24; KlI Grissom General Chairman Mrs. Sue King Assumes Duties Mrs. Sue Shidal King assumed duties July 1st as director of ; nursing service at Kings Moun tain hospital. Mrs. King succeeds Miss Mary Blackwcldcr. Since Miss Black- I welder’s resignation Mrs. Edna i Childers has been acting direc tor. A native of Vale, N. C., Mrs. King is a graduate of St. Leo's Hospital School of Nursing of Greensboro and has done past, graduate .study al UNC at Chapel Hill for one year and took courses in mental health and premature nursing care at UNC-G and Duke University. She has held several positions in teaching and nursing supervision. She served as assis- . tant director of nursing service ; at Gaston Memorial hospital for I several years. ' Mrs. King resides with her husband and daughter at 3407 ; Linwood road in Gastonia. KMHSSd^alk Near To Beality Gamble Ah^morial stad- A sidewalk, to the three-year* ium and will he utilized loi old high school is near reality, equipment storage. J. I. Church, district engineer Supt. Jones did not elaborate of the State Highway dopart- ■n his statement concerning need ment, told Schools Superintend- for an additional dozen class- ent Donald Jones and Dan Fin ger Wednesday morning the high way department has engineered and will do the grading for a sidewalk on the west side of Phif- limits to The interviewing arrangement; tion will Join with Its mission was voted by the county welfare congregation from Greenville, N.' eant will be Bill Grissom. Kings stage the third annual Miss Kings I cn staging is Shuford Peeler and, Amerti/ution will be from ren-' Tjie two pre fabricated steel the Kings Mountain system’s er road from the city Mountain beauty pageant on! Gerald Thomasson Is heading the taLs. with the federal government»s which iiavc been in nt’wesl elementary. When put In-i the school entvaneo. August 24th at 8 p.m. in Central committee on special entertain- guaranteeing payment of bond.s at the Central plant have been to service at the beginning of tjif! The Kings Mountain KiwaiUs school auditorium. ment. Richard Burger is .‘ crving, and interest. | irt ved to the high 'school and arc 1969-70 term, the addition will club will provide the paving. Date for the pageant and chair a.-; publicity chairman. 1 Kings Mountain Public Housing currently being under-pinned, ro- take pressure off the crowded The City of Kings Mountain men of steering committees were: Miss Kings Mountain 1969 will Authority, Inc., was constituted furbished and renovated. Each of West and East plants. ‘stweral months ago approved named this week. succeed Teresa Jolley, rising jun-t by the City of Kings Mountain [the 24 x 52 pre-fahs will pro\ide New spac'e gained nl Central construction of sidewalk on Phi- General chairman for the pag- inr at the Univer.sity of N contact Jake Dixon, entry chair-1 I Wilson and Martin Harmon. vided from the high school cen- buildings will be used for faculty limits, tral system. parking "in an effort to alleviate Supt. Jones said it is antlei* Meantime, the other temporary the traffic congestion at the Cen- pated the sidewalk will be ready' building at Central — a onetime tral plant area’*, Supt. Jones ad- tor use by the opening of the service quonset hut—also has ded. 1968 69 teim in late August i t