, 1968 its Population Greater Kings Mountain 2I,9M ' 3ity Limits 8,256 OrMrtof King* Meuntota flgura li dartrtd Ifom tiM bpaeittl Unitad Stotaa Buiaou of tba Canaun rap«rt o Jjanuoiy 1866, oad iacludaf tha l4,tM populatloa e fNumbar 4 TowDtMp. OBd tha ramcdnlBg C*1S4 tnm lnumbar 5 Towaihip, In Claralond County ad CmaOdt* ' Mountain Towiublp In Qaiton Connty* •vih-A. • Pages Today Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL. 80. No. 29 Lstabtished 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, July 18, 1968 bevenry-hignth Year PRICE TEN CENT? Mobile Home Supplii ■■■ 11 i -J m Water Project Plans Due Here {Kings Mountain Kinder Firm's Ninth Plant Construction Likely To Start In October Col. W. K. Dickson, engineer for the city, said Tuesday night final plans and specifications for the Buffalo Creek water project will be ready for city (‘ommi.ssion ac tion cn August t with beginning ol construction anticipated in October. He said preliminary plans have been filed with the State Board of Health and other agencies in volved, including the Department ol Housing and Urban Develop ment which has made a grant or $456,000 for the estimated $3.38, CHAIRMAN - Jamor E Hern- million proicet. , portaet in J. E. Hern Colonel Dixon .s.aid the Company and a school level will be quite stable at <361 re-elected chair- HospitalDonatioBs$l Goal Increased 8,318; J \ to 744 feet above sea level, mak-! man of the beard of trustees Opped Building I Costs Feaied By Trustees By martin HARMON The official clo.sing of the fund \ campaign for the Kings Mountain hospital building program show ed cash-in-hand and pledges at ^$188,318 and clutated decision by hospital trustees and campaign officials to increase the goal to $22'.00(;. The total of gifts and pledges is by far the largest anumiit c\ci raised in the Kings Mountain area by public subscription, topping by some $76,000 the $112,000 r*i- CELEBRATES 89th BIRTHDAY —• A. H, aComwelL weU’known Kingr Mountoin citizen^ celebrated his 89tb birthday Sunday. Members of his family at home to help him and Mrs. Cornwell E celebrate the occasioSfr«t.j^i»mUy dii^Mwere BM. «nd Mzs. £;- W. Sanford of HartwelL Ga.. Mr. and Vernon leTaolcU of BishopvUle. S. C; Mrs. Leon Purse of Summerton. S. Mrs. 0« £. Hawkins of Macon. Ga.. Mrs. Giles Cornwell and Mr. and Mrs. Giles Cornwell/ Jr. of Cleveland/ OhiO/ ond MUs Margaret Corn- well, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoyes and Mrs. Dewitte Cornwell, all of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Willie Vincent of Rocky Mount, daughter of Mr. Cornwell, and Giles ComwelL Sr. of Cleveland, Ohio, son cf Mr. Gornwell. were unable to ottend the get-to-gether. ing the lake ideal for recroation.il | Cleveland County Technical development. Maycir John Himry! Tuesday night. A ma- Moss subsequently announrod trustees was that city plans are to d.-velop the ' , ^ definitely lake area as an all-purpose rec- ,he County Home reational facility. ; pj^perty lor the site of a new Sub.cequen11y. the commissmn ^he board has been ... - , ^ formally retained Coates Field , ^Q^gidering the property since ’ cash and pledges for John Gam Service, Inc., of Oklahoma City, jech goined independent status ble Memorial Stadium at Kings Okla., as site negcliator for; announcement : Mt untuin high school, right-of-way and the 7.3 tracts of ^ dome's closing by i Decision to raise the goal Wii*- property required for the Buffalo' counts. 'dictated, hospital officials said ;« 1,..^ _ construction ccsts will increase the initially estimated $150,000 of local funds needed for the 32-bed, two-story addition. If the bids, hopefully, are with in the estimated total of $850,000. a,U Creek lake W'hich will inundate 1500 acres and provide a 55-milc shoreline. The Coates Company is a specialist in the site acquisition field and also maintains offices in Atlanta, headed by Vice ^^New Davyidson” Hambright, Jolly i On Welfare Body ^nd"Lans^;ffj«^rof?d:^^ I said, the "overage" will be de-, , President A, A. Sargent. Mr. ■'gent noted tharthlTThlN^^ was founded 18 years ago \<‘lth ■"IT'' 1 said the “overage' one client, currently has 92 )„x,."bb college faculty incmbei ' ject.s underway in the United, from Boiling Springs are new States and Canada, 1 o’" Cleveland Coun- Her.schel O. Brown, assigned the : ly Welfare Board, Kings Mountain proiect, said in >>'■ Hambright succeeds Mrs. the Wo weeks he had been .study Aubrey Maunoy of Kings Mo.in ing maps and seeing property ' ff.'’ owners he had received "a good T-, Warhek of Lattiniore, both of reception”. whom were not eligible for re For the recreation facility plan-!, appointment since both had serv- voted to cnc or more needs forj improving the present 75-bcd plant. ! He enumerated these needs as: 1) Installation of central air conditioning; 2> Expansion of the obsletrica], department; 3) Expansion of the cafeteria: HONORED FOR CAMPAIGN WORK — George H. Houser, left, chairman of the fundraising campaign for Kings Mountain hospital- is presented a silver bowl "in appreciation for the suc cessful Kings Mountain Hospital fund campaign", by George W. Mauney. hospital president, on behalf of the board of directors. (Paul Lemmons photo). ning, the commission voted to re ed two terms. Mr. Jolley was ap 4» Building of more storage New Name o Local News Bulletins building PERMIT Mrs. M. C. Falls has purchas- 0(1 a city building permit for addition of a room, estimated to cost $500, to her residence on liPaikor street. Schools To Buy Lockers, Locks For Two Plants j The Kings Mountain board of education Monday night designat- 'ed the former Davidson school ; building as‘ the Kings Mountain Especial Eklucatlon Center, since taTn GaTdneVGidTey & county board of of Winston-Salem, which Mayoi commissioners at the June meet Moss termed “one ot the most dog f , paign Chairman George H. Hou-’ outstanding specialists in recrea■' Wednesday by the state — .'-...w,,irivr tion facility planning in Eastern ^ United States.” j three nominees Other nornmees Col. Did<son estimated con- Blanton and Wilson jj. anticipated from an struction time on the Buffalo jirug water project at from 14 to 18 ' '^^rluk succeeded ..Ii. gjjj King, of Kctchum & Com i months. Gnffm on the weltaro *5<^3rd executive director of the area. Mere funds arc indicated. Cam ser said, noting numerous drive workers hav'o yet to file complete 11 New Teachers Elected By Board By MARTIN HARMON Kinder Manufacturing Com pany. of Eikliarl, Indiana, largest supplier to the mobile home in* du.stry in America, will open its ninth manufacturing facility in Kings Mountain within the near iuture. Joint announcement was made Wednesday by Clifton E. Kinder, president, and L- E. Hinnant and J. Ollie Harria, co-chairmen ol the mayor’s industrial committee. liH company pros.dent said inili.d employment at the Kings Mountain plcnt will be 100 per sons, locally employed, with an ticipated maximum employment of 200 within two years. The Kinder Company manu factures furniture, bedding and dinette sets, and also supplies travel tiviilcr and t i^k-up camper cu.«hiors and bedding to recrea tional vehicle manufacturers. President Kinder said: "Inlormation iurnished by L E. Hinnant and the company's market analysis indicated the Kings Mountain location would , hi' iieally suited to serve the rapidly expanding home and travel trailer industry in the ; Carolinas and adjoining states." Kinder Manufacturing Com pany began operation in 19.56 in Elkiiart, Indiana. The Company has seen tremendous grcsvth since that time and is presently operating eight manufacturing facilities m the following hfca tions: Elkhart, Indiana; Dear born, Michigan; Cassopolis. Mi chigan; Americus. Georgia; New ton, Kansas; Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania: Rialto, California and Mt. Vernon, Texas. ! The Kings Mountain plant will contain 54.000 square feet of pro duction space and a 3,000 sejuare [foot office. It will h<- the most ^nodern of any Kinder facility^ The plant will be located in the Kings Mountain Industrial Park on a 10-acre site adjacent to the J. E. Herndon Company. Con struction is scheduk’d to begin immediately and is expected to take 90 to 120 days to complete. President Kinder also announ eed that Clinton K. Linn, vice- i:resident of the firm, will serve as general manager of the Kings Mountain plant. Mr. i^inn has served as general manager of the Newton, Kansas, plant and most ccently has served as general Sewage Project Well Underway several years ago. /campaign, said Wednesday ThSnlrinn Mr. Hambright was notified of room remains for gift ($1500) QlllCK^XtlinKlIlQ his appointinent Wednesday by ,^,^ ^ memorial. ! AvOrtS ACCldeilt letter from Raleigh. He said he other memorials available are would write his formal letter of five-figure range, includ-1 acceptance today. New appoin- surgical equipment ($15,000) i tees were to take office effec- x-Ray equipment ($25,000). “The contractors are shooting tivc July 1st. j Hospital trustees Monday alter- for a November completion date.": A native of Grover, Mr. H‘)o^,noon presented Chairman Houser Col. W. K. Dickson, city engin-, bright is a partner with his ^ silver bowl in app*’ecia- eor, thus described progress on ily in R- Hambright & Son ^york in serving as the $1.3 renovation of the city’s, Groceiy and Hambright s P uol «lthairman of* the successful cam- sewage disposal system. OH Company. Ho is a member of -- - - - - fhrv iv'in«y« Mountain hospital METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for ihe week ending Wednesday totaled $201.65, including $132.- 1,5 from on-street meters, $49.,5() from fines and $20 from off- slieet meters. He said Blythe Brothers & ihe Kings Chairman Houser commented ! l-ial rathw^than reg“ulaG^°«^S Company aim at this date in spite! Wc.1n<-.sday. "The successful cam tion purposes. Quick thinking by a city po lice officer averted an aecklcnt Friday in dcvvntown Kings Mountain. A Southern Railway cxp>vss truck, wliich had l>oen paiked out-of-ge-ar in a parking sp a-t' on S. Batilegroind Av-'inie, started to roll across the street about 2:3 p.m. City Police Officer MalUicw Petlv, traveling north on S. manager of the Rialto, CaliforniA plant. He served four y«»rs in the U. S. Air Force during World War n and has been active in the mobile home industry for the past 13 years. He is a past presi dent of the Kansas Mobile Home Association, a member of the V. F. W.. Kiwanis, Elks, Amerl- ( an Legion and the Moose Lodge. He and his wife. Dorothy will The city board of education moving to Kings Mountain in Monday night employed 11 new future, ic n hois, including a principal foi 3 statement, Co-Chair- Park Grace schtiol and a higli ^^3^ Hinnant and Harris said, school band directoi. “We are highly pleased that the Richard K. Greene <.f Al.i.'.i iyspe<ted ‘'j"'*';" will beceme laimipal of Park Company will soon be a Kings Richard Greene To Be Principal At Park Grace HARMONS IMPROVED M. L. Harmon remains a patient at Kings Mountain hos pital and continues to show improvement. Mrs. Harmon, ill at home cl'ue to an attack of ar thritis, also continues to show improvement. firemen benefit Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department will sponsor an auction sale to buy emergency breathing cxiuipmont for the fire department Sat urday be ginning at 3 p.m. at the fire department located beside Champion’s Cotton Gin in the Oak Grove community. Chief of the Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department is W. E. Kuy kendall. TC^ CHARLOTTE Grover Mayor C. F. Harry. Jr. was transferred Tuesday from Kings Mountain hospital to Charlotte Memorial hospital where ho is being treated for a heart ailment. Mayor Harry k suffered a heart attack on May 29th. wa.*? showing improve ment, and was rehospitalized during the weekend for B klooduloli In other action, the boaixl: 1) appropriated $2,500 for ploynnent of an adult for secre-|v*,ii k • ^ u-.j » tarial duties at Kings Mountainj Col.' Dickson estimated con- parents of two chddren and the high school. I struction of the new two-million lamily resides in Grovei. 2) approved purchase of 810 gallon daily capacity plant at the 1 hhoxtqt lockers for Central Junior high junction of Muddy Fork and Buf-j lomes M Wild(‘r will school from Southern Schools falo creeks as half-complete. | • '‘How Sorvico of Canton, N. C. at cost He saki laying of the LM-mcli, oso the 'sun av Of S63S per locker and installa- main from the Mauney tank near; Do 5ou l*cel at the tL ehar^o of gS cen“h ! Bennett Brick & Tile Company; 3) voted to purchase built-in; to the main plant has begun and, at ■< "8* ‘Mountam ^ combination locks for all lockers said the contractor would have at Kings Mountain high school| "tw'o or more crews on the Imc-j and the new lockers at Central j laying Job next-week. ' Summ r scliool at cost of $2.10 each. Stu* her of the j*ears. police force two City Budget Adoption Scheduled f(‘e, to be applied t^oward cost of ICablevision Gommittee To Report; the locks. 4) contracted with Torminiz Service to control roaches, ants buildinl?r 1^the'district systeml Consideration and formal a(top_' agendi is report of the „ Rhea Md saw hailstones hi" a-^ lemons f, i"hb.ning for a $450 yearly fee. _ J fion of the 1968-69 budget and a. P- “PP^^^^^ durin^a U'undcrs.orm in which .Miean and Great Falls area, he valorem tax ra e will bo one of a Kings ^ ^ Rus fCtinriW o" «n Moun- Bnibdingnagia.i ice balls .smash■ said. On<- tore through the loof several ma]<.r Items tm the agon . D-anch sc ^ K UsoT^00^ ^ windows and windshi.-hls of a . onvcrtihlc and 26 stit. hcs da for Tuesday night's city com- 'J- J' : 'hood tiding area dc^gnatlon. dented cars, and frightened people were roquirod lo close the < uts G. ic ciemcnlaiy school and Motmtain indust^rial citizen. from Bessemer City high school ^ i7«nrv «aid wlierc I’.c was hanii director. Ma>oi John Hen > * lie, too, IS highlv pleased at the (')ihcr new additions to the Ihgh tiecision of the Kinder Company, sdiooi faculty include Dean commented. “Kinder projects Wv'stmoreiand of Grover who will largest beginning operation teach stK'ial studies; Miss lino ^f any new' industry locating in ^ene Johnson of Mount Holly xings Mountain in many years. K'ominued On Page Eight) feels its emphasis on at tracting responsible industrial (Continued On Page Eight) A mama m r sa m mm ^ Mkw ■ mm bsb zb www ■ n A re-zoning request by Mrs. Avaionia H. Weaver and Mrs. Elizabeth Rhea for their adjoin ing lots at the rorner of West Mountain and Walterson street ^,.,11 lias drawn opposition from near- A Kings Mountain couple va om alliMiioon and blew in cool- cationing reeentiy in Uoc'kvil!*'. ing biee/es. Hailstones grew to size largely in tlie of need and the standpoint of at tainin^ the goal." The county commission has authorized the sale of $.500,090 iiospital bonds not later tlian Feb ruary 1969, and tho remaining funds have been indicated from charitable foundations. I Petition Is Filed ' Opposes Re-zoning LUTHERAN TOPIC Rev. Charles W. Easl* y will use tlK' sermon topic, "'I'lic Pist Is Always Ka^y ', at Sun day morning w'orsliin servi'c.s at 11 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Lu theran church. Baibeis, Cn Vacation In Maiyland, Witness Big-as-Lemons Hailstones poL, f« pha 5) approved assignment of 17 v'alorcm tax rate will bo one of a students, d<'niod seven requests for a.ssignment. mission meeting. 6) voted to mark off student parking spaces at Kings Moun tain high school. TO UNC Three Kings Mountain stu dents took pre-regi.stration sessions at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this week. They wore Grady P. (’heshire, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cheshire; Rick Finger, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. F'red Finger: and Charles Jeff Mau ney, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Mauney. The board also Nvill condi|rt Public hearing by lhe”cify com- who were caught and bombarded in thi' hvn:\ of the driv(*r. In the is scheduled for the outdoors. downpour that followed, roads ho the on tentatively 85 . - Principal change expectwl in aliovo estimates the budget will be allocatini the Tuesday night. $17,006 additional surplus differ The Mavor w'll also p-'sent Ratterree, Mrs once between the actual surplus the new K’n^s Mount.iin Neigh-' Mr. and Mrs. Claude H and estimated surplus. The initial balanced budget to total $2, g05^ _ _ . .. Another major item on the opment. ' ' Continued On Page 8 rejectpd filed. ■ • • .Signers are Mr. and Mrs. B. D.lJ^treak of nearly suffocating heal exercise at Quantico. Margaret W’ard was broken by the arrival of A loial paper earried a pii turc Ham-i thunder squalls that on some of a volunteer fireman holding liailslones in iiis lianas luok exactly like large initial, borhood Analysis report compiled bright. B. M. Hayes, Sr., Mr. and areas dropped hailstones a> bi ^ w D* 2,508.. Ibv tho North CDvolina Depart-, Mrs. J. E. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs.' as emon.s. The thui derrt. i ^ i ment of Conservation and Devel- Robert G, Cox. A. B. Summitt, C, front began to daikcMi over the area ul about 4;30 p.m. Tlie North Carolina Utilities Commission has granted Kings Mountain Public Housing Au thority, Inc., condemnation au thority [or acciuiring real prop erty. Technically, the power is granted in "a certificate of pub- lie convenience and necessity”. Public hearing on petition by the authority was held in Juno. 'I'liero was no opposition. 'Hie eerlificato became operative Wednesday. John L. McGill, chairman of tho authority, commented, “It is the intent of Kings Moun tain Public Housing Authority to lisp this power only in friendly actions where it is m*('essary to e!<*ar titles to par ticular properlicsi**

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