O Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Th« Greater Kings Mountain figure Is derived Irem the spectal United States Bureau of the Census report o lanuory 1966. end includes the U,990 population e Number 4 Township, and the remoinlng 6.124 Iron Number S Township, in Cleveland County and Crowder' Mountain Township In Gaston County. Pages Today VOL. 80, No. 32 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Belioble Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 8, 1968 Seventy-Eignfh Year PRICE TEN CENIJ Hospital Gifts How $135,916; Rcpoiis Urged Cash flonaiions and t' Kin^s Mountain Hospital DovcIi-.j mtuit tund rniK'hcd Turs day. ; T:k- t >la] U'l a'H Ut tc b(' i;ust'd t araii: tiu' .'antui.loti land K (m'. II. ll.nisc.. cluilr ■.:ar. said hi U't ls tho lu'v. goal uii'. b ! mea Hi. ^•^^:d .'•oiiMt IiavC oi;l i;ii*d rcji ,;l ■. oil IS ‘.ho o n ■ and urge.I that n'fjori', in: filed a:- ciui'k'; a.*- p:.Joi)le. Meantime, th* hospi-.d board oi director.-’ has au;:n;' /e.'l the aivhiteets, l':('( inan & V/hlt ’ of Charlotte, t. n.Kee.t with w. rk- ing dia\»ings iri' tin* ,')2-be.t addi tion. als-, to ini lad ‘ a new oae.-- u- i ing room. r(‘n«)\ati’n ot -.f.nie preren* fa;jliiii s a,'.d addilional an-, illar; laeiliue.;. The new twi.'. tov..- ea-.l vvi.vg is ; e.-iimatod to ("'sl i f und will eame'fi oni a $ ):);‘-.00d : aouni>' b tiid i.^sae. p‘“io' memorial ; d mations on hand, indiaalcd gids irorn (liariiai.K i .uhi'U.er.is, ...iiu* Grant District O tral Business Year i i 1 .1 -.(k: .nr 'It. i : 0'd ii.di- f.'r < ainnioi.* MAP .DETAILS NINE SITES OF HOUSING PRO aC* The Kings Mountain Housing Aut^oT;tv ha* aeguired nine sites consisting of 20.5 acres fo the construction of 150 dwelling units to begin in Novembei. Pictured, courtesy of The Cleveland Times at Shelby, is a map of city streets showing the location of the nine sites. The sites are indicated by a dot pattern. i Late November Constructioo Date Fcr 150 Housing Units FHA Acquiring 20.23 Acres On Nine Sites King.'s M 'lintain Public Housing Aulhority has acciuirofl or op'.ion- (‘d Iho real estate it requires to; l)uild loO low-rent housing u-dls and constniotion .should be under way b> lat<- Novembei. Tlvima-^ VV. Harper, executive di rector, made the statement last Thur-:day at a lunebeon in which i-(.nlra.-*s for three federal grant <*ilv projeids were signed and a general review of other projects of the city was made. Prooerlv acquired or oi)ti()nod totals 20.29 acres on nine .'■ites through various areas of the city. Total cost is $47,100 or an aver- agr of $314 per unit. Mr. Haiper said the arehitoct.s, Toniberlin & Associates of Atlan ta. had told him preliminary jilans for the hnu.'<ing units would lie compute in three weeks. Final temnorary funding ai> 3 oval by the Department of ousing and Urban Development has been indieatod for the near future. Mr. Har))er explained that the f(*d(*ral government funds the pro ject until construction is 90 per- •cent compli’ti*. At that time, the authority sells bonds in the open ‘Jnarket to defray the total cost of the project, amortizing Hie bonds o\('r a 40 yc'ar p(*riod from renla’ income. Till’ liousing units — some in dividual units, some duplexes — will he available to low • income families on a formula consider ing the amount of family income and size of family. Of the 150 units, 30 will be es pecially design'd for the elderly, the.se to bo constructed on two sites on Dilling street and another tt the southeast corner of Ka.si idge and Dilling streets. Following are the propeuties Kings Mountain Public Housing Autliorily will utilize. Chairman John L. McGill said: 1) J. Wilson Crawford properly, Dilling sln'ot. t.7.5 acre.s. 2) Proix'rty of Plonk, et al, Dill- Ing stre(*t. 1.53 acres. ^ 3) Williams and Bagwcdl prop- I erlies. Lackey .street. 3.1 acres. L 4) W. W. Parrish - Thornburg ;'\^st;)tc preperties, McGinnis street, ] ■ Vk acres. Property of OHie Harris. PVmk & Plonk, Grace street, .52 '*^(!res. ^ (H Lattimorc properly, north ' side of Baker street, 1.74 acres. 7) Aubrey Mauney property, (CuiitinucU On Page Eight) GRADUATE — Pamela Childers will receive her master's degree in commencement exercises this weekend at Appalachian State University. Two Students To Win Degrees Two Kings Mountain area stu dents are candidates for degrees from Appalachian State Univer sity in summer commencement | ('xercises August 17lh on tl)c i Boone campus. ^ Pamela Kay Childers, daughti'r; of Mr. and Mr.s. Carl Childers <4 ^ Kings Mountain, is a candidate for a master's degree. A Grover’ student. Barbara Ann Jack.son, i.s | a candidate for a bachelor of arts, degree. j The graduation program will | be staged al 10 a.m. in Broome- | Kirk Gymnasium. The speaker is | to be Hoyt Patrick Taylor of i Wadesboro. a candidate for lieu tenant-governor of the state. No News Yet On KM School Plea To GEC I It was still “no nows" late* W('d ■ nesday afternoon concerning cicci 1 sion of the Office of Eklucations regional office on a Kings .Moun tain reciuest for a year s mor:\ torium on pairing Park Grace and Compact elementary .school.s. Donald Jone.s, superintendent of Kings Mountain district schools, said !u* f('lt optimistic concerning the Kings Mountain board's re quest — ])resenfed in person al the Charlottesville, Va., regional of fice last Thursday. "An answer was promist*d with in five days,” Mr. Jones said. “Thursday will he the fiflii work ing day.” Conlerring with the Gffic*' oi E^ducation officials in C'harlo^ios- ville besides the superinlendenl were Chairman George H. Mau ney. J. K. Herndon, Jr.. Mis. J'jlin L. McGill and Alex Owens, ol tiie Kings Mountain board of educa tion. The initial request hac! he»m denied and the Kings Mountain board ordered to implement the pairing demand within ten days. Kings Mountain ofl'icdals i on- tended. with school opening lierc (Cantinurci on P(i(je Eight) lo Meet iiindsY John Leniv Mos.s, mayor of Aings .MoUiUain, wid bo the prin- , ii-ai speaker at me an..vai lo- .mion oi McGills of Gaston Sun- lav aiternoon at .5 o’clock. Tiio reuniem Aill be held at ;ieihei ARP church arbor five .niles north of Kings Mountain off the Cherryviiio Road. OttTCT'-pnigiam features, r-'ior to picnic diniK’r. will include re- )oit of Mi.ss Wiliie McGill on vital stati.^tics. n port of the norn- mating committee, of which Mrs. J. L. Hallman is chairman, and a devotional. N^artin Harmon is clan presi dent. Incoming firesglent is Ilugli 'Slo- .-\rvci, of Gastorha. 'I'hc grounds ate bei:ig cleared this wc'ckend by a commi«:o(‘ in cluding Stokes Wright, Willi.m' f.-’weener Plonk aii.l Marriott Phifer. TiactCT Wred; Faial To Long Robert Dale Long, 13. (T Council, N. C., was killed instantly on Aug ust 2n(l near his liome a.toiu 11 a.m. when a tractoi ite was driv ing accidently overturned. Euneral services Sunday were ct nducti'd al 4 p.ni. at Carver-s C're(‘k Metliodisi church, wiio’ c lie was a member. Burial wa.-’ at Ml. lloreb Presbyterian church neiuby. Son ttl Mari'us T. ami Biaiulie Stevens Long, he was a m'phevv of Miss E'iinny Carpenttn-. C. Troy Carpenter and airs. A. II. Patter son. of Kings Mountain, vvh.» at tended sercictN. IH.s laiiu'r WU' biirn and laised in Kings Moun tnhn. son o[ Mr.s. Daisv C'arpeiiter Long, of Jacksi>nviHc, Fia.. and tlu- kite Osciir Long. Also atleiiding from Kings Mountain \v(*re Mrs. C . i. ('arptM'. ter. Mrs. John B. Dilling. Mr>. Joiui B. Plonk. C. T. Carpent<'i. Jr. and Chuck Carf’entor. CONTRACTS SIGNED THURSDAY — Kings Mountain Mayor Jolx He:orv Moss, right, affixes his sigaamse to one of three contract agreements ff,r oi.l null on in ie.v iai grants to the city Thurs day. Contracts were executed for throe major projrcirs: th.c EuLalo Creek Water Project, the neigh- bc.hocd facility project and the sewer system pr.oieCi, A. l.I. 1- /ohn D. Edmonds, Region III director of urban renewal in the Atlanta office of the Depertraen' oi Housi-.g and Urban Development. City cfficiaLs and representatives of state, federal and piivole agen^ie.s were present for a contract-sign ing luncheon at the Country Club. Bank And Theatre Buildings Are Sold Band Rehearsals Open On Monday Pro-scltool band rehearsals will get underway Monday, an- nounec.s High School Band Direc tor Donald Deal. Mr. Deal said the rehearsals will begin two weeks prior to the opening of the fall term of .school and will he held Mon day threugh ETiday from 6 until 8 p.m. at the high school band room. The now band director urged all band students to attend the rehearsals and notify their fol low bandsmen of the dale and time of band sessions. LuManeski Bufs Bank Building; Dixsiu Theatre O’vnerslup of two central busi jie. R cUstiiG buildings hc.s ciumg Oil 11 (ieorge Lublaneski. owner of B&P Restaurant, has purchased tiu' former E'irst Union .National Bank Iruilding at th(‘ corner ol EaillegiiHind al Mountain. 2* L. 1. «Cliick> Dixon. o])era- tor ot F’i i('ndly Billiard Parlor, has purcha.«ed tju' P»rmer Impenal riu'atn* building on West Moun tain. Purchase pricis were not an-1 nouiU'Od. , Neither new owner was [)repar- ed this week to'-^.jy delinitely how th('y i)lanned lo use theii ih'a pru)je;ties. The former First Union build ing also indudo.s the building, housing the ulfices ol Hu* Wesi- (‘Ml I'arolinas L<‘ague and of liie la.* Lr. J. 1‘2 .Nnlhony. Hr. O. P. Lewis is the lone ten ant of tile former h:-ink “nuni. building. Tiu: toinu*r Imperial TIu'at.e building occupies a lot -Idxllh u el deep. laterior (lmu*nsions ol tiU* K'onlimu'd On Page* Enght • 1 Fks! Unicn M ;ves To Mend Irallic fams EVd'^i I niop. .\a1i«jnal Biink mo- raped Hu* huil lings f irmerly oe- u; .eti hv Maitei Insurance .\g(*n- ey and niiii.Lr(‘> Radio and T-V in an i.ipa ii»n eonsiruetiMi ol a -e;..-d d»iv<*-in window and e.x- I'iinded parking .space 1 •; cu-«to- me*!’.’. L. F. Uosi'.i Hinnant. vice- ore ident. caul architerts liave no' complet'‘d jdans. but that a d:i\('- •n virv;«'.. vvitli amph pa.-^sir.g ii'-i :H‘:.\(en. will lie con.struc’i<*(l til i.i Hu' pn'seul drive-in win dow ■ \V.‘ lee! o’U' additi.inai w iiuiow will he avtcqu.'d lie said, “nut il no . ano’hc'-V. ill be acided." U - --ai l ( nni)leted plans will hi' rc'quired before the • additional number of eu-tomer paiking spac<*.'• will hr knovv'i. rraflic Jams a:\)UTifi the hank’s cm cilar drive, particularly on wec*ken<l'. have h(*en the order ol thc^ d:iv. virtuall> .soice llu* bank ContinnoJ On Page 8 PRESIDEHT — Charles F. Mau ncy, gcnarcl mcnager cf Man- rtey Hosiery Mills and Ccrolina Thicwmg Conipcny, EiOS fcc:n installed as cresidout of the Kings Mountoin Kotory club !cr the coming yec:. 01 ity FageaRt T'tp.rj IJiidesway 'I he Mis- Kings Moun- ■Safeiv rr will be crow ru'd e:. sii *ns<]i Hu' annual Milt m .saturdav night. a! : p.m. in C'entiai i.^'i’im and ))!ans Mayer Jelin Henv.' 'h )n.> app )i“.led a f laiHii ^ I'l ’ • li‘(- as auliiori'/e.l .it a re t-.n meeting ol llu ci:\ e.-nmii-si r.-. llu coirmiHec in dn !-• t ■ mt-sicner \\. .V.mmissioiie;'-- i:a> : n.u cc-- Norman King, and ' Pod'.' Torn MeDev o> "I i i >. Duty oi th(' roe’ '"i i> 1 » make a study oi t-al!' ha ; = ’ .points nr area-J within Hu • i'.v and (o make rev-enunendai »r..- i t nnprc.venu'ntc eeauly i-agu \i'‘:u..r 21;! • u .aud; V. cH undmwT’v ior the event '’iv Kings M’Uniain heaniies had I'Pterc'd lit<‘ euntesl this week, cihiier iH' iLUv ? 'ntc'stmi- an in vit'd t" coinaer J.iy.-c'c* Bill Gris- '»’'i at Ben I. Gelnitit Plumbing. F:(.i Foster ai First Univin Na U .! !':iok, e: Jayei'e Jake Di.xnn Ui nu' Srwh!-.’-- l.o.'in .\sso da- U"! in B*N-:enu‘r Uity for applica tion inioimaliun. .\dvei‘kinu and pr‘»:ram infor mation i- i)i h indlcMi by R<»b !■ w. invites 1,'cal Jayeees to le-' »r! n him liiis w(*(*k program (1? i I b;- n-'.i-ied in the of- li 'i:H p.i.u'Mii book. Application Iji $881660 Bjon To Mall Kings Mountain’s proposed down- own mall g.it a sliot in the arm ”h’.ir-da\ lr>m twe officials of the Di'partment of Housing & I r an l>eac*lopment here for signing of contracts wdth the city o. ovei $1 million in federal Aind.' t heijj finance three major ,jr.>t-'. ic “It possible”, said John D. Kd- mind , Region 111 directoi on ur- nn’' renewal, and Jaine.-' R. Patter- .son. area Ciiordinator for urban lenewal in tIu' Garolinas. “the t ity’.-- ai)pli( ation foi an $8!^,202 grant for improving the central oi.>:nes‘ distri t m.iy he apprc.\cd during the current fiscal year.” ....jowl I »). tne application lild re.iuvonale the propo.sed n:Hl pr qec;, “dead for the lime e ng . accMi'ding tc Mall Presi- cieiB Paul H. McGinnis. Aru tiu i enjouraging report r :n Ih HUL .spoke.smen is that ,aiu'ho. $1.7 million may be : avrlable within Iho next few i m''r.ths lor the (*ily s Cansler street U''.nn renewal project. In additi«m to the Cansler strec't urban re newal and central busine.ss dis trict projects, tlu* city has an open space appiu-ation pending tor .S123.575 in federal funds and this month plans to submit an appli cation for a SlC.hOO grant on a SJi'.hOr* urban beautification pro- ject. _ The city has underway or in the planning stage projects totaling • .$1(;.8(H,616. Federal grants re- ivived or pending total $4,973,- 123, said Mayor John H. Moss at Uu' contract - signing luncheon session of city officials. HUD of ficials, community and city plan ners. C&D officials, and the city engineer at the Country Club ■' Thursday. Said the Mayor. “This .sounds ambitious, I know, hut we iiave had very capable assistance in planning and it’s our belief that the total development of our com munity calls for action in all as pects of the communitv’.” Tlu* mayor pointed out that al though the city must make up the difiereiu-o between the pro- jc'cl cost and lederal grants, the citv's share does not necessarily have to be in a cash contiibu- lion According to the mayor the city can count toward its share any jmprovc*nu‘nts .'*uc h as street work, scliouls. construction, uiili* lies extensions and other im provements. “.\nv expenditure of local, county or stale funds — any thing that is not a federal dollar can bc' applic'd toward the city’s share-. Three contrael agrc'cments sign- I'd Tiuirsdav included: 11 (hant for the' propo.-c'd neighborhood facility building totaled $301,635. The total project will co.st $4.52.153 with the city contributing the balance. Mayor ?vhKs n lied the problem of highc*r emstructien bids will be elinii- naied by going to alteinate plans which will bring the c'osts of the project hack into line with origi nal figure's counted on for the pro- He said this can be done witlumt hurting the long-range plans tor the community c'enter. 2) The Kings Mountain Buffalo Continued On Page 8 Oakview Bariti?! W>!! i 3i?l5daY Swuday: Gase School Faculty Near Complete Two high .seluK)l faculty mom- — a mat hematic's teacher and guidanc'c counselor — will complete the city sc'hools faculty, Superintendent Donald Jones said Medne.'iday. Mowc'vor, he added, the board of education also wants the serv ices ('f two primary teachers who are .'ipecialisis in reading. He c'xpressed confidence the po- 'iitions will be fillc'd. ** \ * s- A' < ' S AS ' OAK VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH WILL KOTE 30th BIRTHDAY SUNDAY Gak View Raplisf churcli veil, note Its .3hlh hirtlulay at Henu'- ' onung Dav on Sunday. Re». E]. O. Gore. l!u* cluii'Hi’s iirsi mini'^ler ol Ihn'f* fiasl'.:.-: in llu* 3l)-year history o! tiie V ):'k road (hui-'h. will deliver the iu .’ning mes.<age at 11 a.m. Bie- nic lunc'h will bo spread ul the i noen hour. j Rev. Curtis Bumly. the ehu;'l‘h'^ I prc'sent *pasior. ^aid iremix'is. f nier niunibci's and fiicnds oi Ihv Preach m Still Suffers Injuries In Fall cm: -reifalijm arc* inviic'd to par 'i:*ipau in (!,(* spcn-ial evl•^l^ oi t!u* dav’. S(*c'on'i. j»asior of the i-hn;\h aas the* late Hc‘V. t\ Eiari Uxi’nnl. Rev. M:. thmdy said c’v angc’lislic '•ei'vicey will hc'gin on Mo:n{ay .md c'ontimu* through Saiurciay. August 17lh. Services will bc hc*id niclitly at 7:30 p.m. with R(*\. Rolx'it Mann as guc*st min- \st(';. Hcv. Ml. Mann is pastor of i'Ti'bt Baptist church. Mrs. G. K. Still, retired Fiast school teacher, is a patient m Room 171 ol Gaston Memorial hos pital where she is bt'ing treated for a broken ankle and shoulder. Mrs. .ktill suffered the injuries in a tall on the stops of her home lw> wo(*k‘ ago. Mr. Still remains a patient in the Kings Mountain ha-spital wh<*re he is rc'ceiving observation and tieatincut.

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