Population Sreater Kings Mountain 21.914 Cily Limits 8,256 Th« Gi«at«r Ringi Meuatoia flgur* U dartrtd from tho •ptciol Unltod Statoi Buitau of tho C«o«us ri*nori e ianuary 1966. and lacludoo th* 14,990 population O Muroter 4 Towntbip. and lb* romoinlnB 6.124 from Number 5 Township, la Clovolond Couaty and Crowdar* Mountola Township la Oostoa Couaty. Ssfj VOL 80. No. 33 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 15, 1968 Seventy-cignth Year PRICE TEN CENU $2,296,370 Loan Approved For KM Housing Pro ject HEW Withdraws Its Demand To Pair P-G-Compact Schools Postmasters Tap Charles Alexander Desegregate Jodi Faculties is Latest Order It’s officiid. EVANGEUST—Dr. Clyde Chap man of Spencer will be evange list for revival services begin ning Sundoy at Westover Bap tist church. Chapman Leads Westover Series Dr. Clyde Chapman, pastor of the First Baptist church, Spencer, N. Cm will be evangelist for a re vival to be held at Westover Bap tist church August 18 • 23. Dr. Chapman, a native of Clcve- l?mri County, attended Lattimore high school. Wake Forest college, and received hU Th.D. degree from Southern Seminary, Louis ville, Ky. He has pastored churohos in Lexington, Ky., and in North Carolina, and has been at liis presi'nt church in Spencer for 12 years. **Tho pastor and people at We.st- over cordially invite you to at tend these special revival «:crvi^-es each night at 7:30 p.m.,” taid a church spokesman. Local Postmaster Wins Top Honor At Convention Charles L. Alexander, K-ings Mountain postmaster since Au gust 1956, was named “Post- ma.ster of the Year,” at the an nual state convention of the nual state convention of the North Cai'olina Branch of the National League of Postmasters in Win ston Salem last weekend. Mr. Alexander completed this year a two-year term as president of the state organization. He is also immediate past president of the President’s club of the Nation al League of Postmasters. The Kings Mountain native, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. L.' Alexander, was accorded the co-i voted ‘‘Order of the Vest,” at fhej national convention of the League! of PostmasUTs In Atlantk* City,. New Jersey last year. The certiricate to Mr. Alexander' read, "in recognition and appreci-1 ation of outstanding .services in his postoffice, his community and this organization thereby reflect-' ing credit upon himself and to the; entire postal service.” The certi-i ficatc vvas signed by Henry M. Heyl. presideni of lh(‘ National League of Postmasters. A veteran of Naval service dur GERR^ HUMPHRIES Four Kings Mountain area, underway by the Jaycces, chair- beauties will Vic for the title of. man Bill Grissom announced this Miss Kings Mountain 1968 in thejwcek. Jayc<‘e-sponso.ed beauty pageant! The cont(*stants. one of whom August 2Uh in Central school | will succeed Teresa Jolley as Miss Kings Mountain, are: Cathy Elizabeth Lane, IS-year- auditorium. j i Plans for the pageant are well! POSTOAS’TER OF YEAR—Kings Mountain Postmaster Charles Alexander was tapped as Post- moster of the Year at the state convention ol the National League of Postmasten Winston-Salem lost weekend. Bynum Chapel Homecoming Set Rev. S. I. Clement, pre.siding el der of Lincolnton Distiict of tho AME Zion chunh, will fill tho pulpit at Homecoming Day sorv- Sunday at Bynum Chapol Compact aiifl Park Grace schools will not he pain'd this school year, a Idler from Dr. Eloise Sevorinson, regional civil ights director, said this w<'ek. | The Deparlment of Health,, .iducalion and Welfare has with- j Irawn its demand that Kings; viountain’s all - Negro Compact \ ichool be desegregated this fall,! )ut has ordered the school board; o submit 1 desegregalion plan | for tills school by Dec. 1 to be-1 ,ome etfeelive in 1969-70 and to! -Icsegregale tho faculties of botli schools by tho assignment of at least three full-time t( .iclici s of the opposite race in each school. Referring to HEW’s new' recom-; mendalions, Supt. Donald Jones ommentod, “This wasn’t exactly; what we had hoped for, but 1 let 11 that our trip last week to Char ; lottesville, Va.. was success ul in' that w(‘ can honor the parental; choices in school assignments for next year. This decision will give, our hoard a chance to review our organization and come up with a plan that wil do the total iob t iort foj' t hv : I school year. We will look over^ I ho entire system and plans for' I de.segcegating (;'()mi>aet to meet Fair Barbecue which kicks off the i IIEW’s dema^nds w'ill involve not oiKniing in September of the com- I }ust' the two schools but the en- muniiy [air will be held Wednes- I tire school system. , Ha> on the grounds of Bethware j Supt. Jones said tho new 12-; 1 classroom addition under con-| Serving of barbecue to fair JUDY DELLINGER CATHY CARROLL Jaycee Beauty Contest Set August 24; Four Contestants *68 Fair Barbecue Set For Wednesday Twenty-first annual Bethware hibils, was off the presses this ing World War II, Mr. Alexander| . . s active in First Baptist churcivchurch, where he ’s a deacon. He is a' struction at North school "will give the system some flexibility in assigning studeils next year.” of ria^dner Webb college anti a Kiwanian. Mrs. Alexander is the former Ruby Moss. They an* par ents of a son, Reg, a rising sopho more at Gardner Webb college, and a daughter, Cindy. Announcement of the ‘‘Post- Radio Club Open House Saturday, Sunday Open house at Kings Mountain Radio club will be held Saturday ma^uor of the Year” winner was from 12 noon until 6 p.m. and.j^^pi secret until the night of the Sunday from 1 until 6 p.m. ' pn'sentation. The club’s headquarters, a/ monitoring station, is located ini FIRST BAPTIST the basement of City Hall. qj- James Satterwhile, South- Organiz.ed in August 1967 with Baptist Medical Mis.sionary in 16 members, the club’s function ^>,,.0 Japan, will be guest is to assist with radio communica-* speaker at the First Baptist tions to the local police depart- church, Sunday evening :\t 7:30. ment. tho county law enforcement d * Satterwhilo will .show slides, agencies, civil defense and rescue public is invited to attend. . optnations. Each member owns — radio ef|uipment in his car and a shortwave set in his home. Recently efforts of the club helped locate two small hoys who ha(l wandered away from their homes and answere.l calls to twoi wreck .scenes. i Officers of the organization are Larry Adams, president; Rob Shaffell, vice-president; Jim Bol ton, secretary-treasurer; and Red Morrison and James Lewis, di rectors. ! “We invito interestofl citizens to eomo to see us on Saturday and Sunday and observe our group at work,’’ said Mr. Adams. Bloodbank Returns Monday. August 26 The Red Cross bloodmobile will return lo Kings Mountain fnr the first visit of fiscal year 1968 Monday, August 26th. Donors will be processed from • 11 a.m, until 4:.30 pm. at Cen tral Methodist church. ! Goal of the collection is 200 pints of blood. Goal for the year is 1,000 pints of blood. ' Rev. M. L. Campbel pastor.! member of the hoard of advisors, y^id a picnic lunch will be sp end ' at l;30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Campbell will deliviT lh<» sermon at 3 p.m. and Rev. Grady Odoms will de liver the-message at. the 7 p.m. evening service. Rev. C. L. Mann will be ovacige- list tor revival services August 19- 24. Mrs. Putnam's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Putnam, 62, widow Mrs. Bessie of Eula W. Historical Group Meeting I 1 New ofEcers of the Cj»*vrland County Historical .Society will he 1 elected Tuesday night at 7:30 al ' Cleveland County Office Building, Ed Ii(?nry Smith, member of the , program planning committee an- ; nounces. I’rogram for the meeting will : feature the WBT <locument:iry written by Mr. .Smith on “The lUaelloof Kings Mountain.” 1'he ;invo( ation will be read by Paul Ilambrighl of Grover from a ; Bible wliich belonged to the Reigning as Queen of the an- nu.d fair will be Judy Mayes, high scliool senior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frealo Mayes of the Bethware community, patrons and adv(‘rtisers will beijin The fair will op<*n at 4 p.m. al ."> p.m. • WcdiK'sday, Si'ptember 11th, and The official fair catalog, which will clost» al midnight on .Satur includes a tiriunuim list and rules day, ScpternhcM Mtb. Children s and regulations lor entering ex-^ (ConttniK'd on PuffO iHu) m I Pzeliminairy Diawings Due Here Next Week Preliminary drawings for 150 low-rent housing units will be completed next week, Thomas W. Harper, executive director of the Kings Mountain Public Housing Authority, told the city board of commissioners Tuesday. Mr. Harper made tho statement after announcing that the U. S. Department of Housing and U**- ban Development has approved a ; loan of $2,296,370 for the Author* j ity lo construct 150 units of low- I rent housin-^. j Nolificaiion of the aprova! was ! contained in a telegram Tuesday from Congressman Basil L. Whitoner. “We are delighted with this news,” said Mr. Harper. “Target date for construction is sometime in November and the houses should be ready for occupants to move in six months from the dale of beginning.” To the ques tion by Employment Security Commission Manager Franklin L. Ware as to the criteria for the type person eligible fop rental Mr. Harper explained that a sur vey on income will be conducted in the near future. “This income father scale will be publicized and hodist will receive applications,” he said. uate'of'p'isgah'higirschooL She! The board latop approved the will enter the freshman class of courtroom for taking : the Fniversity of Florida in Sep.; applications for prospective I tcmbei. She has had nine years, training in piano, stands five feet I Mayor John Henry Moss com- oix inches tall with vital statistics rented, "'The mayor and city ' of 36-24-36. She is a brown-eved board arc extremely happy and brunette. Last summer Miss Lane pleased with approval of the loan sang and accompanied a group application bocau.se housing is one id S.*) young people who -were greatest needs in Kings known as the “Summer Singers,” Mountain. We are very apprccia- a part of the “Sing Out America” tive of the work by the Authority ! program. She performed with an ^tiH its director. Also, we are ; msemhle of folk singers--trt the, grateful to Congressman White- intoiiiational Platform Associa-, ler his assistance and interest tion l onvention in Washin ;fnn.! in those projeets.” The $2.2 million aproved is in the form of “advance funds.” ex plained Harpt'r. “The government ; Judith Itvno Dclinu.u-, 21, Ls tluv advances the money to us as we ■ daughter of .M,-. and Mrs. William 't- don t give it all to V. Dellinger. A imr, graduate of e** in one lump sum. U here is Kings Mountain high school, she'^ contractor to he paid, hen we IS employed as perso-tel ..jerk 1 "'ake a requisition to the gov at Crafiri un Yarns and this firm; (Co„Ur„<e<i on Page SucJ Will sponsor her in the pageant. Miss Dellinger, who stands five;|l||<|M|l P|amm feel five inclics Inll, h:-is vital ®^VC1AV A ACI1I9 slalistii's of 35-25.37. She has i bl.ick hiii. g'’een eyes. She has j studied d'>ncing and music. .She ’'s a membt'r of Patt(M*snn Grox'o Bapti.st cluireh. Her hohhv is .golf, j Ca'hv Lc’clla Carroll, 17. is ! the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. : (ieorge N. Carroll, Sr.. A rising ’ senior al King.s .Mountain high school . tologv old daughter of th(> Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Lane, is a neweom<*r to Kings -Mountain whore her is pastoi of Grace Methodist (Iiuieh. .Miss Lane is a 1968 grad- week and distributed to patrons., p. o. she was one of five finalists in the Miss Haywood pageant last .^Limniei. To Wrap-Up j Center bans - Mayor John Henry Moss said Wednesday he will call a special meeting qf board of commission- she plans to stiidv ei.sme- ‘‘I's early next week to wrap up at .Southeastern' Oilloge'plans for the proposed neighbor- Putnam, were held Monday after-; i Rovolutionarv War hero Colonel Hambriglit in 1780. iKxm at 3 p.m. from Chestnut j ,,, - Ridge Baptist church, interment ^"san Twitl.v So- foliowing in .Mountain Rest cei.ie-! ■ Chiklnm ol Ihe Revolution, icry. Rev. Mitchell Pruitt and Rev. Dale Thornburg officiated at tho final rite.s. Mrs*. Putnam died Friday night at 7 p.m. at her home of a heart attack. A native of Cleveland will dress in revolutionary periiKl costumes to serve refresh men t.‘' after the program. Other members of the progrt’m planning efimmittee are Mrs. B. A. Harry of Grover and Mrs. J. War ren Gamble of Shelby. Members of tho nominating t:. (C<infinii( d nn Pnqe Six) County, she was daughter of the; committee are Lansford Jolley of late Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jackson. She, Bollin r Springs, Mrs. C. Rush operated Putnam’s Grocery. Hamrick, Jr., and H. C. Wilson, She was a member of Chestnut both of Shelby, Ridge Baptist church. David Beam of Shelhy and Mrs. Surviving are her son, E. W. tR. A. Harry, of Grover, vice- Putnam. Jr., of Washington, D. C.; dents of tho society, will and seven daughtor.s, Mr.s. Olive: preside. | Bridges, Mrs. Je.s.se Bridges, Mrs. Burlie Strickland and Miss Jeun- inc Putnam, all of Kings Moun tain: Mrs. Helen Huff of Shelby, Mrs. Bill Keeter of Atlanta. Ga.. and Mrs. Bob Gamble of Be.s.s( mor City; two brothers, Fred and Woodrow Jackson, botli of New Orleans, La.; one sister, Mrs. Mil dred Bagwell of Gastonia;. 13 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. A. Summer lob Pool Gj?veIobsTo333 KM Area Pupils I The Mayor’s committee on youth employment had a 1.53 i)er- ■I’n work pool who filed aplica- lions foi' summ<‘r employment. Chairman Franklin L- Ware, P.-, in a r report to the board of city rommi.ssioneis Tues day. said that of this group a ‘ot.q o: li>8 weie employed in summer positions in fields inelud- ing textiles, consti’uction. retail i sales, service stationsfi food serv- ! icc and office work. Shelby Lions Hear Moss lones Recuperating From Muscle Strain .Schools Sur;. Donald Jones is recuperalinr/ii'om a muscle strain, he suffeiv'd Sunday. Mr. Jones underwent tests at Kings Mountain hospital and wasi dismissed yesterday. He will cfin- tiniie to recuperate at his home until Monday when he will return to his office. IN WEDDING CAST -> Olan Horn* as the bride's father* George Wheelbarrow (with cop) and Dub Dellinger, os Henry Peck* the bridegroom^ headed a cast of 38 Oak Grove communi ty volunteer flrcnnen In a fire department benefit Soturdoy- (Photo by Walter Vess* Jr.) Kings Mountain Mayor John II. Moss’ a(khos«ed the Shelby (’om- mieiHy Lifui.s at their regular nif'cting Monday on tiic Kings >Tcuni<un Lake Project and .vhat it’-’ Dtirpase and goaF shall he. This nraie ’t is one of tho many romnTnnity improvement projects lieing initiat<‘d in Kings Mountain under the leadership of Mayor Mcj.s, Others inedude Housing Ur ivm Pevelopment; Urban Renew als; Sewage Trcatm * Project; Graveside -funeral rites for Water Treatment Projo.*: Public three-day-old Mark Brian Ju.stus H.msing & .Neighhorhmd r .vill- wore conducted Thursday in Hen- He® Project. A Mod: ’ rity Pr o 't dersonvllle. jp tiip planning sf v;'\ The child died August 4th in the The Kings Mountain Lai n Pio- Kings Mountain hospital. will oxbrnd its benefits bo- Surviving are the parents, Mr. yond llie ci?v limits of Kings and Mrs. Robert Justus of Mountain and offer rof’reation fa- Meadowbrook road, and a sister j cilitles among other benefits to county residents. hood facilities building Negotiations have been under way betwen the city, architects for the project, and the low bid ders to get a better price for the community huildin?. Low bids re ceived in July totaled $608,000 or nearly $200,000 more than the anticipated cost of $424,000 origin ally estimated. The city board voted on July 16 to reject all bids because they were much higher than anticipated and at the same work with architects and federal officials in redesigning the pro ject on a less costly basis for re submission of bids. No formal ac tion has been taken ’oy the board since then. The mayor said the city would renew its request to HUD for ad ditional federal funds. At the city commission meeting Tuesday the ! board voted to ask the Kings I Summo’time employnient hy^jountain Housing Authority to ! voiuli in the Kings Mountain areal join hands with the city in help- tntrlcd 103 in small, s<*rvice sta-'ing bring tho project to fruition, tions and stores and 230 in manu- According to Housing Authority facturing concern.^, said W^ire. Director Thomas Harper who was i:muU) ers from 50 of 56 plants present at the meeting, funds are , contacted hired students and included in the housing project there were nHuicst.s from ,51 firms| for a community center. He said j to placo youth in summer jobsjthis amounts to about $40.(XX) 1 after letters went out from thei which could possibly be contribut- 1 committer and following throe-ed to the city’s neighborhood fa- ; re ’ist» ation sessions by the com- cility project. Justus Iniant's Rites Conducted Lori. ■t / MISS BETHWARE FAIR Judy Mayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frealo Mayes of the Bethware community, will reign as Queen of the 2l8t annuol Bethware Community Foir September Il-M. A rising high school senior. Miss Mayes was chosen by members of the Bethware Progressive club which sponsors the community fair. A barbecue for fair patrons will be held Wednesday at 5 p.m. on the grounds of Bethware school. mittco. I Olh(*r members of tho commit- ! n'o wo'-p SehnoU Supt: Donald 1 Jones, Udl Fulton. M. L. Camp- I bell. Mrs. John Blalock, J. E. |phnr», H. T.. Vivne. Charles F. I Mauncy and Connie Allison. i Twe Teacher Vacancies Remain I Two loachor vacancips romain. ! Needed to j’omrlete .school fa- ' cultios for 1968-69 are a third ! grade teacher and a high school I m'>fhematics; teacher. School will open for the fall I lerm on Au-rust 2Sth. Teachers; ; will report for work on August 26th. Grant by HUD for the proposed facility totaled $301,635. Cox Rites Held Friday Funeral rites for Cash Cox. of Franklinville, brother-in-law of Dr. Paul Ausley of Kings Moun tain, wore held Friday morning at 11 from Franklinville’s Viv^t Methodist church of which he was a member. Mr. Cox die<l in Wesley L<>ng hosjMtal at Greensboro after an illness of 13 months. ' Dr. and Mrs. Ausley went to i Franklinville for the services.

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